Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 103: Black Sir

     pharmacist Danny truthfully explained his origins, and Su Lun also confirmed that this incident should have nothing to do with the inner city.

   asked a few old acquaintances on Green Street, and they all heard that foreigners came to this block to arrest orphans and homeless people recently.

   He also agreed to help this little favor.

Su Lun wore a small brown dirty braided wig, changed into a rock and roll leather outfit, and used his unlocking skills to "borrow" an unremarkable steam motorcycle, and then drove Danny to the west along the smell. Urban area.

   I have to say that Danny's olfactory ability is really outrageous, as sensitive as a dog's nose. After half an hour, he can find the smell to guide Su Lun to the Westside Knights block more than ten kilometers away.

   Sullen had previously felt that he had some doubts that the people who arrested the orphans on Green Street were the people of the Steam Party. Now that he came to the Cavalier Street, he knew who did it.

   The "anchor" Parker he killed in the conflict was once the captain of the Steam Party in this neighborhood.

   And in that guy's memory, Su Lun also stripped out some intelligence, they seem to have been arresting people, in order to deal with some "delivery task."


   Su Lun drove Danny around the street, and then in an unremarkable black alley, he found the black truck that grabbed people.

   But there is no one on the truck.

   After searching, Danny finally determined that the smell of some of his friends was in the building called "Black Sir" a few hundred meters away from the truck.

  Su Lun has heard of this entertainment club, which is very famous and very lively in Xicheng District.

   He parked the motorcycle in an unremarkable ruined building and let Danny hide in the darkness.

   Then he swaggered down the Avenue of Knights.

   Xicheng District is the site of the steam party, and it is also the place with the strongest steampunk elements in the entire outer city. You can see guys modified with various robotic arms and prostheses everywhere on the streets here. The buildings on the street are mostly Saxon or Roman-style domes with gray and black buildings, and most of the exterior walls have steel skeletons and steam boiler exhaust pipes. There are complicated train tracks on the street, and there are pure steel multi-layer train bridges overhead. Steam trains pass by from time to time, and a puff of white smoke is filled.

   A red, willow and green light, this is the "Green Street" in Xicheng District.

Before Su Lun took a few steps, a white-faced man with a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks came over and said mysteriously: "Hey friend, do you want to remodel the prosthesis? I have the cheapest products in the outer city, and there is a one-year warranty. .."

   The steam party site can lack everything, but there is no lack of mechanical modification shops.

  Su Lun is dressed in rock and roll without mechanical prostheses. In the eyes of these local snakes, he is a potential customer.

   But these shops that need to come out to solicit customers usually do not have very good modification skills, and the possibility of infection, distortion, and failure is very high.

   Although he has never been here, he is no stranger to these doorways because of the large amount of memory fragments absorbed by the gang last time.

   Seeing that Su Lun ignored him, the guy came up again: "Friend, I still have high-end goods from the inner city, do I need to see it?"

   Su Lun didn't say a word, and lighted up the musket around his waist, and the guy picked it up and left.

  He is very familiar with the ways of gangsters, and the more polite and troublesome it is to deal with these troublesome guys.

   Suren walked straight to the "Black Jazz Club."

   Then I met a pimp, a girl who sells flowers, a vendor who sells cigarettes...

   "Brother, do you want a girl? The noble ladies from the inner city just sent you cost three thousand a night. Oh, you may not know that the skin of those noble ladies is tender..."

   "Sir, do you need a rose?"

   "The best Berkeley cigarettes, the cigars from the Bagham factory, do you want a box, sir?"


   Su Lun gave the little girl a ten-liso coin with his thumb, took a rose, and walked into the gate of the clubhouse.

   After entering the door, there is a security check area surrounded by iron nets, and a neat row of firearms is hung on the wall. Several strong men in suits with sturdy sunglasses and sturdy suits are stepping in, examining the guests coming and going. This is the gang of the Steam Party who is in charge of watching the scene, the same as Su Lun's previous work.

   These guys will emphatically identify some nasty guys.

   Naturally, he also noticed Su Lun who came for the first time.

   Going deep into the base camp of the hostile gang, Su Lun didn't have the slightest stage fright, and walked in like an old acquaintance, and handily gave the rose to a welcome girl in a **** bunny costume at the door.

   He didn't know where the memories were stripped off, he just happened to know this girl anyway, "Hey, Moira, would you like to have a few drinks with me tonight?"

   The bunny girl looked at Su Lun, and immediately clung to her, "Oh~ sir, you haven’t been here for a long time..."

  The professional cultivation of the night girl is so good, even if she doesn't remember you at all, she will always look like a benefactor.

   Suren laughed, and put his arms around the girl's slender waist very naturally, and stepped into the gate of the clubhouse.

   Seeing that he was a regular guest in the club, the attention of those eyes left him in an instant.


   The entrance to the clubhouse is the hall with a dance floor and a large stage.

   The lights are dim, and the air is filled with psychedelic potions and bursts of hormones.

   The casino on Green Street patrols every night, and Su Lun is already numb. There is nothing new here, it's the pole dancers, and the showgirls on the runway...

  A band with zombie makeup is playing wildly on the stage, and the restless men and women on the dance floor are twisting their bodies to the beat of heavy metal music...

  Su Lun was drinking with the bunny girl in the booth in the corner.

   A thousand liso tip, let him enjoy the gentle and warm service of this Moira.

   After all, this is the territory of a hostile gang.

  Su Lun's plan is very simple, that is, if you can spend money to solve the problem, try not to do it.

   People are really going to be here, and three and a half kids don’t cost much.

   Drinking wine at night can make a face familiar, and talk about business will not look abrupt.

After a short while, the girl drank for a while, and the girl's face was flushed. Su Lun felt that the time was right. He clinked his glasses and said casually to the girl, "Hey, Moira, "Golden Tooth." "Is Baal in the court?" "

   The illegal trade in gangs usually has specialized slave merchants. This Baal is a broker who is active in the "Black Sir" clubhouse and is responsible for introducing business.

  The girl took a sip of her wine and said lazily, "Baal? Mr. Nicholas, do you want to buy some slaves?"

  Su Lun said: "Yes. A new house for a nobleman in the inner city needs a group of young children to train as domestic servants. I want to pick a few sensible ones and send it over..."

  Listen, girl, the more her delicate body sticks up, she coquettishly said: "Oh, I almost forgot, sir. Your business is with the nobles in the inner city~ May I help you inform Baal?"

   Su Lun smiled and said, "That would be the best."


   Not long after, a thin man with gold teeth and a mechanical vest came over.

   "Sir, I heard how many slaves you need to buy?"

   "I heard that you have good products, I want to find some younger ones..."

   "Then you can find the right person."

   After a few straightforward conversations, Su Lun followed Ba Li out of the back door of the club. Then he went down the negative first floor along the steel stairs and came to a basement that looked like a cell.

   There are more than a dozen panicked women in the iron fence cell, all young and not bad in appearance. They were naked, with only a few private parts covered by cloth, and most of their white and tender skin left some whipping blood stains.

   This kind of illegal human trafficking business is very common in outer cities.

Baal said with a flattering expression: "Sir, this is a real good product. There are a few maids from aristocratic families sent out from the inner city not long ago. Look at that scorpion, that leg, and know real aristocrats. Rules. You have to buy it back, and be sure to look after you~"

Su Lun didn't come to buy slave girls. He didn't see those half-and-half boys. He showed dissatisfaction: "I said, Brother Baal, that's all you have in your hands? I need a young one who can be trained to be a servant! "

   After a pause, he did not forget to say: "I can hear people say that you have the best goods in Knight Street!"

When    heard Baal, he immediately slapped his chest and said, "Of course! I can guarantee that in the entire Cavaliers block, only the best and most complete goods in my hand are the best!"

  Su Lun glanced at him, meaning: So these few?

   Baal explained embarrassingly: "I'm not telling you, these are really good products. The next time... I didn't keep the next time."

   Hearing this, Su Lun said again: "I said, Baal, I need a few young ones, preferably eleven or twelve years old, both men and women. As long as I am satisfied with the goods, the price is easy to say!"

  Since Danny confirmed that the man was in this building, there must be other places where slaves were held.

   This Baal must also know.

  Sure enough, the phrase "the price is easy to say" made Baal change his mouth immediately: "Then wait a moment, I'll take a few of you to take a look."

   Su Lun waved his hand, "Don't be so troublesome, just take me to see it directly."

   Sure enough, there is another slave warehouse.

   But when he heard that Su Lun was about to go, Baal looked embarrassed: "This...sorry, it's not very convenient."

   Su Lun realized that it might be a secret base, but did not insist, shook his hand, with an impatient expression on his face, "Forget it, then you hurry up."

   "Good, wait a moment, soon."

   said that Baal left his two subordinates and walked out alone.

   Someone was watching by the side, and Su Lun didn't walk around, just sat on a chair and waited with Erlang's legs tilted.

   looked careless, but actually listened again.

   He listened to the movement of the iron stairs outside the door. After Baal went out, he seemed to walk upstairs, and then came down again a few minutes later.

Su Lun's ears moved slightly, and he muttered silently in his heart: "The guy went to the third room on the left on the third floor, and then went down to the southwest and walked at least one hundred and ten steps. It should be in that building... Why are you going up there? Ask the big boss?"

   Just hearing the movement outside the door, Su Lun had already judged the trajectory of Baal, thinking about the backup plan in his heart.


   After a short while, Baal returned, and behind him were eight and a half children locked in chains.

   was all in tatters and rags, and at first glance it was the thief and the stray orphan who had just been caught on the block. It seems that some people have resisted, been beaten and have a bruised nose and a swollen face.

   Su Lun saw a familiar face as expected. He remembered it was Brown.

   But... isn't it three?

   There is only one here, which means there are two still locked up.

   Su Lun looked at it, and felt that things were a little troublesome in his heart.

   Baal looked at Su Lun silently, and asked, "This...are you not satisfied?"

  Su Lun narrowed his mouth, looking like he didn't take it seriously.

   These few are actually of good quality, even better than the other two he was looking for. However, it is meaningless if you can't buy it at once.

   If you pick it again, the purpose for people will become less simple.

Su Lun shook his head, took out a bunch of tips and left them on the table, as if she had no desire to look at it. "It can barely be seen...but that boss needs real good stuff. Baal, these days. Just trouble you to pay more attention to it, and I'll see it again in a few days."

   Although no business was done, Baal looked at the tip on the table with a smile, "Sir, don't worry, I can find something satisfactory for you at most three to five days."


   Su Lun returned to the deck in the hall again, and the bunny girl was still waiting for him in the deck.

   "Mr. Nicholas, haven't you picked the right one?"

   "Hey... Baal is not satisfied with me for the time being. Only a few days later I will come back."

   "That's a shame. Sir, come for a drink?"

  Su Lun picked up the wine glass, but was thinking in his mind that the business is not successful, it seems that he can only use it for strength.

   Fortunately, I already know the location of the detention, which is not too troublesome.

   And at this time, he suddenly felt that the people passing by on the dance floor were a bit familiar, and said, "Hey...why do I think that person is a bit familiar?"

   didn't look too closely, he didn't remember who it was, it was probably someone in the stripped memory.

   The girl accompanied Su Lun for another round of drinks. Suri felt it was time to do it. He said, "Wait for me for a few minutes, and I will go to the toilet."

   The bunny girl listened, she seemed to have misunderstood something, and smiled ambiguously: "Okay~ Do you want someone to accompany you?"

   In the night market, the toilet is not only a place to solve the bladder problem, but also to walk the kidney...

  Su Lun drew a tip and stuffed it in her bra, wiped it, and smiled: "Just wait for me."

   said, he left the seat in a cool manner.


  Su Lun left the deck and went to the toilet.

   avoiding the drunk alcoholic, he turned out directly from the toilet window, and then appeared in the back alley. He took off his coat and covered his face with a skull turban.

  Because of his excellent hearing ability, he can always avoid others easily.

   "One hundred and ten steps southwest, it should be the small building. There are two guys drinking on the second floor, 80% of them are secret whistle..."

  Su Lun is too familiar with some of the gang's habits, but he clearly distinguishes who are alcoholics and those who are members of the Steam Party.

   Taking advantage of the secret whistle, Su Lun quickly approached the small building.

   Then he touched it in, and as expected, he saw a basement with a thick iron door.

   There are three guards playing cards at the Lun walked over, and in the eyes of the three of them, he pulled out the pistols with silencers and took two shots to solve the two problems.

   then pointed the gun at the head of the last person, and said coldly: "Open the door."

   The man was already shaking with fright, "The key...the key is with the boss of'Dum'."

   "Where is Dum?"

   "The third floor...303."

   Without a word of nonsense, Su Lun solved the guy with one shot.

   The lock on the heavy iron door is very complicated and cannot be opened by technology, so he turned his head and walked out of the basement.


  Su Lun also guessed that Baal went to the third floor before, probably to get the key.

   Instead of walking up the stairs guarded by the steam party, he went to the alley where wine bottles were piled outside the toilet, untied the planting in the dark, and the spider arm firmly grasped the wall, and easily climbed up the wall.

   He went up in no hurry, and went up and listened on the outer wall of the second floor.

   "There is only one person's breathing, it should be that Dum."

  Dum is the leader of slave merchants in the Knights District. He is not a professional and poses little threat to Suren.

   He originally planned to go in and kill the guy, get the key, and solve the problem within a minute.

   I don’t want to, my eyes froze as soon as I showed my head on the window.

  In the room... a naked fat man was tied to a chair, and a woman with short purple hair was holding it around his neck, seeming to be "interrogating".

  The man is naturally the slave merchant Dum, and looking at the woman, Su Lun finally knows why he felt that the people passing by on the dance floor were inexplicably familiar before.

   This is actually... the mysterious woman who was offered a reward of three million at the top of the black market!

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