Mecha Hurricane

Chapter 383 That incident

There was no moon in the night in Shengluoya. Xia Yi sat on the ground alone and Xiu had left. She looked at the stars in the sky and said to Moxiao: "Moxiao, do you think my life is boring?"

【Have it? To be honest, I think you haven't fought enough, and there are too few strong people here. It's not easy to find strong opponents. Maybe, this is not the place for you to stay, and you should change to a place where the soldiers are as powerful as you. 】Moxiao opened his mouth to do this, as if he was dissatisfied when she saw her free time.

Xia Yi really wanted to roll his eyes at it, "The peace talks will probably be finalized this time. When the world is at peace, there will be no more wars. What about the strong but not the strong? From now on, you can sleep and eat in the wild cat group. Waiting to die.”

Moxiao said nonchalantly: [What are you afraid of? You still have to go and recover the Independent Star. Even if the Independent Star comes back, we can be space bandits. 】

"You think I'm a murderer, but I'm not that bellicose." Xia Yi said angrily.

[Stop lying, you are a militant to begin with. Could it be that you were so deeply affected by Ting's incident that you want to retire and quit? ] Moxiao asked curiously, she has been staying here since Xiu left. Either he would fall asleep and look at the stars, or he would sit up and stare at the dark plains in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Xia Yi stood up, patted the ashes on his body, touched his head and said, "Forget it, let them go to work."

She had talked with Xiu before, and she found that compared with people like them who had ideals and ambitions, she simply didn't know what she did on a daily basis, and she seemed very idle.

Ting's matter was also explained clearly. Xiu didn't think that Xia Yi's consent was required for this matter at all. Justin probably had the same idea as him. When these people do things, they never consider other people's attitudes. As long as they want to do it and like it, that's it.

The person was just there, and Xia Yi didn't have any other ideas. Ting and Xiu look so much alike, and they have very arrogant personalities, and their high IQs make it difficult to get along with them. According to Xiu, everything Ting did was his own decision, and Xiu rarely interfered.

Xia Yi didn't think he could take such a self-care child away. Not to mention that Ting Ken refused to leave with her. Even she herself had never had such an idea and wanted to take Ting back after knowing about it. Who will take him back to raise him? That guy is more troublesome than Justin.

Although Justin messes around all day long, it's just for fun. That guy Ting is clearly a guy with strong ambitions. He can't provide him with so many conveniences, and I'm afraid Edie won't want Ting either. Xia Yi would not make trouble for himself. Since it was the child created by Justin and Xiu, let them play with it.

In the next few days, the peace talks continued with table-slapping quarrels. Xia Yi did not go to Xiu, and Ting did not come to Xia Yi again. It seemed as if nothing had happened to the three of them.


A few pieces of crystal sugar fell into the light blue drink. Justin leaned back in the soft white chair, stared at the cup, and added a few more pieces of sugar into it. After stirring it and taking a sip, I was satisfied with the sweetness.

"Those guys from Independent Star are a little tired of playing. Shouldn't we change the way we play?" He muttered to himself.

"Although Ting is ambitious, he is too young. It will take at least 10 more years to grow up. Since he has inherited my things, I should help him, otherwise I would have urged him several times. Fortunately, Ting’s character is very good, otherwise I would be in trouble again.”

After Justin finished muttering to himself, he smiled slightly, leaned back lazily on his chair and said, "Edie, your frequency is so busy, I have to block them all to connect to you."

"..." Edie was silent for a long time, and his cold voice came after a long time, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

"I have something good for you." Justin smiled.

Edie knew this uncle very well. He was probably bored and thought of something fun. Otherwise, given his character, he would never do serious things. Edie really wanted to ask what it was, but she was very conflicted about not wanting to know, because once she knew, she couldn't stop even if she wanted to.

Justin knew this nephew very well, so he said: "This time you don't have to coax me to ask for something, but I give it to you on my own initiative. Do you still have to consider this?"

"What?" Edie made up her mind. Justin's things would be wasted if he didn't take them for free. Anyway, most of his ideas are just for fun and should not have any impact on his plan.

Justin smiled, he wanted to give something to others, but no one was willing to refuse.

After staying on the Saint Loya planet for more than 20 days, seeing that the storm was about to come again, the peace negotiation resolution was signed within the last three days. In order to ensure its seriousness, in addition to the digital version of the armistice agreement, there are also two special paper versions of the agreement.

I wrote hundreds of pieces of the armistice agreement. The digital version was easy to sign, but the paper version made my hands weak. After finally confirming that the peace talks were successful, everyone hurriedly evacuated the Saint Loya Star, fearing that if they walked any slower, they would die in the coming storm.

Xia Yi was the last one to board the ship. She stood under the ship and looked at the Melastian warship. She was not ready to board the ship until the people above urged her to do so. At this moment, an aircraft suddenly flew over from the Melasti people, and Ting was standing on it.

"Xia Yi, although you are stupid, there is something I still want to say to you." Ting stood on top with his hands folded and looked at her seriously.

"What's the matter?" Xia Yi frowned and asked in confusion.

Ting hesitated for a moment, then said confidently: "Justin is lazy, and you are stupid. I will complete that task. Justin, who is unreliable, cannot be counted on, and you do not exist."

"..." Xia Yi looked at him inexplicably, what about that? I have no idea what it is.

Before she could ask clearly, Ting said: "You don't have to ask what it is, I know you don't know. You can wait and see, or go to Justin and ask for clarification, but I guess you are so stupid, I’m sure I won’t even go to this one.”

"What are you doing?" Xia Yi simply didn't know what to say. He was stupid when he spoke or silently. It's abnormal for people like him and Justin to have the nerve to call others stupid and too smart!

"Goodbye, you have to find a way to live until the day you witness it, otherwise your birth will be in vain." Ting smiled, but there was no cuteness at all except for the evil spirit. Then he left Xia Yi who was confused and turned around to fly back to the Melas Emperor battleship.

Xia Yi watched him leave blankly, and suddenly thought of one thing, Melas Emperor will be tortured by this guy in the future, and then it will be enough for Xiu to play with Melas Emperor's royal family.

She seemed to be able to see their unlucky appearance, and her mood became good. She didn't bother to care about what Ting was talking about, and went straight to the battleship. Let her go to Justin for some inexplicable words, Xia Yi felt that she was not free enough yet.

No matter what they want to do, it has nothing to do with you anyway.

Not long after they left, a five-month storm began on Saint Loya. The glass conference hall they had built before also flew into the air like paper in the storm. After more than ten seconds, it was torn into pieces by the storm and disappeared directly into the wind.

Melas Emperor and the Nada Federation reached an armistice agreement, and two-thirds of the planets occupied by the Melas Emperor Army must withdraw their troops. There is also a third of the places where the two sides agreed to live in peace and conduct business transactions, and stayed in the name of co-governance.

Although the Melas Imperial Army seemed to have lost a lot of the places it had occupied, it was able to recover the troops that were stranded in Nada and use them to fight against the rebels. Similarly, the Nada Federation also lost a lot of places, but regaining the independent administrative star is a more important thing.

It seems that for the sake of the longevity of the armistice agreement, Nada also mentioned, intentionally or unintentionally, that high-level marriages could be made. I just expressed this intention and haven't discussed the matter in depth.

Xia Yi followed the peace negotiators back to Nada Star. Idi did not let her go back to Weisi Star immediately, but asked her to wait for the Benjia Chapter to go back together. The Benjia battle group was to withdraw from the front, and she had to wait another month.

Taking advantage of this time, she went to the Death Star R\u0026D Center to see Li Yi. Other research centers also moved here. They will not build the research center again until the war stops.

"Li Yi, is the research and development going smoothly now?" Xia Yi asked curiously as he looked at the man outside the space station who was building a metal frame.

The Death Star has entered the construction process. Although there are still many areas that have not been developed yet, the foundation can be started. Otherwise, given the size of the Death Star, it would take any age to build it until all research and development begins.

Now just do the unimportant areas first, and then do the important and high-density areas last. The technologies for promoting the system and appearance are enough. It will take several years to complete them all. By then, other research and development will definitely have progressed.

Li Yi took Xia Yi to visit the Death Star being built, and said confidently: "I heard that the Melas Emperors are also building the Death Star, but I can guarantee that ours will be the first to be completed."

"The war has ceased now. The Death Star was built to intimidate the opponent. There is basically no chance of using it." Xia Yi said, this weapon is too lethal, but it moves a little slower. If a planet is to be destroyed, if it is announced in advance, not only the ordinary people will run away, but also those who want to kill it will also run away.

If the trip is not in vain, just say quietly that it is to let the Death Star go over for defense, etc., and then let them wait until the Death Star reaches the planet before attacking. Not a single person on the planet being attacked can escape, and casualties can easily number in the billions. Anyone who orders such an attack will be drowned in saliva.

"That has to be completed earlier than the Melas Emperors. We have been getting their Death Star information, so we get double information. So we must build it faster than them, they don't have our information , I hid it very well." The person he faced was Xia Yi, so Li Yi didn't hesitate and told him about stealing the information about Emperor Melas.

How could Xia Yi not know about this? She was personally involved in this intelligence transaction, but unfortunately it was not done by intelligence personnel, but by a group of careerists.

She really wanted to tell Li Yi that Melasti's Death Star information could reach Nada. Even if the information in his hand was in his stomach, he would still go to Melastida. Otherwise, how could this armistice agreement be signed so easily?

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