Mecha Hurricane

Chapter 310 Recruits

When the troop carrier took 1,200 recruits who had enlisted for less than a year, directly entered the atmosphere of NDJ-2, did not dock at the first division, but flew directly to the Wildcat Regiment in the desert. All the members of the Wildcat Regiment in the Egg Yolk Desert are ready to welcome the new recruits.

They were all dressed neatly in military uniforms, standing in the cool base, looking out through the bright floor-to-ceiling windows. Looking at the robots still laying the landing pad, Xia Yi sighed: "It would be great if people were like robots. You see, they are not afraid of heat."

"Yeah, without them, it would cost me my life to lay the landing pad." Major stood next to Xia Yi and nodded cautiously. It was really too hot here.

While the two were talking, one of the robots that was laying the landing pad suddenly started to smoke. Its limbs shook unconsciously and then stopped moving. A maintenance vehicle drove past. The maintenance soldier blowing the cool breeze inside controlled the robotic arm, grabbed the broken robot, threw it behind the vehicle, and drove back.

"..." Xia Yi and Major watched the robot smoking in silence, not wanting to admit that it burned out because the temperature was too high and the circuits overheated.

"Damn Baser, you actually sent us inferior robots." Xia Yi cursed angrily, placing the blame on Baser.

After a race against time to assemble and build, the Wildcat Group has begun to take shape. Fortunately, today's buildings are not like those in the past. They require bits and pieces of bricks and foundations. They are all made of metal. They just need to be put together according to the design.

Especially Xia Yi and the others are now a regular army. The base also has specifications, and all rooms are mass-produced. Save the program into the robots, and they will automatically assemble the house according to the instructions. It is extremely simple.

The basic facilities that a battle group should be equipped with are all there. Although the appearance is very ordinary, everything is finally in place. Only the landing pad cannot be directly assembled into iron plates, and the robot is still using black and gray anti-slip road paint to pave the way. The thick paint will solidify into a smooth road surface in just a few minutes on the Gobi Desert where gravel has been cleared.

Judging from the scale, it is finally not embarrassing, and new recruits will not feel like they are being exiled when they arrive.

The recruitment plan set by Major and Xia Yi was also approved by Captain Nairn. Although the two of them jointly researched it, Xia Yi actually came up with some useless ideas, none of which were used.

Moreover, the teaching plan has also been prepared, including theoretical self-study and 2 hours of question time every day. If no questions are asked, self-study will be finished after class. In the practical class, Mei Jie and Xia Yi each led a class, each leading 250 mecha soldiers. Everyone gets 250, so no one suffers.

"It's such a hot weather, why are you dressed like this? It'll be too hot when you go out." Heike lowered his head and looked at the military uniform on his body. It was cool sitting in the rest hall, but it would be too hot when he went out. . Wearing so much, you will definitely be covered in sweat after standing for a minute, which is cooler and more comfortable than taking off your clothes.

"I said Heike, today is the day for new recruits to come over, and there are female soldiers inside. Are you going to take off your clothes and stand there to greet them?" Xia Yi looked at him and said, Heike was really open-minded. Because it was too hot, he stripped naked outside and didn't even wear any underwear.

He runs around swinging the bird all day long, and even confidently says that if he wears underwear, the bird will turn white due to excessive sweating.

With his black skin, even if he were a floating corpse, it would be impossible for him to become white. Heike simply thought too much.

Major could understand Heike's mood very well at this time, he put his elbow on Xia Yi's shoulder, and then sighed dejectedly, "I understand, being soaked in sweat all day long is really uncomfortable. I don’t know if mushrooms will grow, it feels like it’s soaked and turned white.”

Xia Yiyi stared at him and said after a while: "It was already a mushroom, but you still want to grow another one."

"I hate it, how can you say such embarrassing things?" Major twisted his waist and said reluctantly.

Heike, who was usually dull-witted, suddenly became smart when faced with this kind of topic. He immediately said: "Hehehe, mine are black mushrooms."

"You two are a perfect match when you two stand together!" Xia Yi laughed loudly, while Major rolled his eyes at them, which was really annoying.

Nairn glared at them fiercely, and yelled from a few people away: "You bastards! The new recruits will come in a while, so you can pretend to be more mature. You hide in the room and talk nonsense like this. How dare you damage the image of the war group?" , I will put you in solitary confinement!”

"In the past, I didn't just use my fists. Why is it now in confinement?" It turned out to be confinement. Xia Yike didn't like this method of punishment at all.

"I'm very busy right now, so I don't have time to beat you up." Nairn said righteously. He was indeed very domineering, and he was already possessed by the group leader.

Everyone in the Wild Cat Group looked at him speechlessly. This was progress. From the initial fists to confinement, people could be punished without exerting any effort.

Finally, amidst all the chatter, the troop carrier appeared in sight. I don’t know what the recruits on the ship thought when they saw this base in the Gobi Desert with only 4 trees and a 3-meter-wide small lake. Anyway, the people in the Wildcat Regiment are very happy now.

These soldiers are their people. As long as they get off the ship, it means that the Wildcat Regiment can officially operate.

"Let's go!" Nairn put on his military cap and shouted. Everyone put on their military caps and walked outside.

Under the scorching sun, all the personnel led by Nairn lined up neatly and stood in front of the Wildcat Regiment's general military building, waiting to welcome the new recruits.

Dunnan has officially become Nairn's adjutant, and has been transferred from lieutenant to captain. If they want to move forward, they have to wait for time. In the past few years, they have already moved up quickly enough. He stood next to Nairn with a smile on his face. Looking over, he felt a very harmonious feeling compared with Captain Nairn.

Xia Yi had noticed this problem a long time ago. It seemed that the adjutants selected by senior officials were either gentle-looking or beautiful. This is used to give some sweets to the adjutants after the commander curses, and one is evil and the other is kind to play with the soldiers.

She was overthinking it. Nairn would choose Dunnan as his adjutant, and it was not based on his appearance. He did not have such a hobby. The main reason is that the adjutant has to do some shameful things and knows the secret of the commander best, so he needs to find someone he can trust. Not only must you be trustworthy, but you must also be smart, flexible, capable, and unobtrusive.

But looking at the past, the reliable people in the team are becoming more and more abnormal, and only Deng Nan is the best candidate. Therefore, this profession can only be chosen by him. I will wait for a better candidate in the future.

Everyone present had a cold face, their eyes looked murderous under the scorching sun, and they silently let out murderous intent. How could anyone laugh when he was half-heated and had to wear so many clothes while waiting? He wasn't a desert bug, so he would feel uncomfortable even if he wasn't hot.

In just a few minutes, sweat had already penetrated the military uniform outside.

Finally, the huge troop carrier docked on the Gobi Desert. The spacious ship door opened and the stairs were lowered. 10 soldiers walked out first carrying their own bags and pulling arms boxes. As soon as they reached the door, they were hit by the heat wave and stopped for a moment, almost unable to adapt.

It's so cool inside the troopship, and it's hell outside!

Drenched in sweat, countless soldiers walked down the stairs from the troop carrier. In fact, there are some female soldiers who hate themselves for not having sun protection when they come out. The scorching sun and high temperature will definitely burn them into black charcoal immediately.

It was their luck to be directly selected as members of the war group among so many new recruits. But they also knew that the war group they came to was just established, without any foundation, and its reputation was not very good.

It is said that they are a group of hooligans, and it seems that there are officers who sleep with soldiers casually, and their style is very bad. The female soldiers were a little scared. They didn't know if their pretty faces would become the playthings of the officers when they came to this desolate place at night.

When all the soldiers got off the ship and stood on the small paved landing pad, it was Nairn's turn to speak.

He walked up domineeringly, sweat dripping down his face, but he didn't wipe it off. Everyone was like this anyway.

"I am your group leader. From today on, you are members of the Wildcats. You shoulder the honor of the group, do you understand?"

"Yes, sir!" No matter how reluctant he was, the past year of training was not in vain, and Nairn looked very impressive, so everyone shouted in unison.

Seeing that everyone was in good spirits, Nairn nodded and continued to speak, without cussing as usual.

Xia Yi stood behind and said to Major like a mosquito without opening his mouth: "Did you hear what the leader said? I don't know where he copied it from. It's really different from his usual."

"Xia Yi, have you misunderstood something? When the regiment leader was a lieutenant colonel, he was also a hot-blooded soldier with good conduct. It was only on the mining star that he became like that. In fact, he is also a man of taste in his heart. Just like those officers you see in the General Military Headquarters who are as elegant as male prostitutes." Major said in a low voice.

"You're lying!" Xia Yi was shocked. The captain, who was as rough as the Gobi Desert, was actually that kind of person before. Was he going to lament the terrible passage of time?

Major stared ahead and reminded her, "Stop talking. We will go out to boost morale in a moment. Have you memorized everything I wrote? Don't say anything bad."

"Ah! You have to memorize those things. Isn't it a joke for me?" Xia Yi asked in surprise.

"..." Major was speechless and could only say: "Then stop talking and I'll do the talking. We're together anyway."

Xia Yi said reluctantly: "I'm not allowed to say a word, so what am I going to do? I have to show off in front of the recruits so that I can suppress them in the future."

"Just show your murderous intent. No need to say anything." Major said immediately.

It doesn't matter if he is looked down upon by the new recruits, Xia Yi will find his place anyway. But it would be a big deal if the recruits thought there was something wrong with the officers' minds.

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