Mecha and Knife

Chapter 622 Gift Characteristics—Humanoid Nuclear Weapon

For many people, the words Ji Xinghe said at this time are very unlucky.

Moreover, it seems that there is no practical significance.

But if you really want to say that Ji Xinghe is just to show his holiness in front of people, it doesn't seem to be the case, because Ji Xinghe really doesn't need to use this method to show his holiness in front of people.

So why?

Li Yuanba still has time to stop the nuclear explosion at this time, even if it is the last second of the nuclear explosion, he has to stop if he says to stop. If you don't stop, it's not an experiment to get a gift, but to murder one of the only galaxy-level mecha fighters in the Federation. In comparison, the identity of the son of the former Federation Generalissimo seems to be more likely to attract murder... …

So he is always in the state of communication online.

"like you?"

Li Yuanba's tone was calm, although it was a questioning tone, but it was like an elementary school student asking questions to the teacher in an elementary school class, rather than an honest man who brought his children to face the neighbor surnamed Wang next door.

"Old man, remember me, Li Yuanba."

Li Yuanba, who said this word by word, fell silent. He was in the cockpit of the mecha, and began to wait quietly.

The countdown time is not too long, but there is still a long time.

The mech he was in was currently inside a carrier-type individual starship, leaving the theater of the Gods Mountain and flying towards an area that the empire could not monitor.

Break out of the thin atmosphere of the alien star, accelerate wildly in space, and then decelerate into the atmosphere. The whole journey is only ten minutes of flight time, and they have already arrived at the barren area on the alien planet.

On alien planets, most of them are barren areas like this, but this one is clearly different.

If there were no intelligent civilizations on the alien planet in the past, calculated in units of billions, then this area will experience a kind of damage that it has never experienced before today.

Everything that had been arranged earlier, when Li Yuanba drove the mecha out of the individual starship, everything except the egg had been activated.

This is a good 'egg'. If it is applied properly, tens of thousands of orangutans can be wiped out in an instant, and if they survive, they will be riddled with diseases, and it is a disease that can never be cured.

Today, it will be used to perform an unprecedented baptism for the human beings who made it.

Li Yuanba's mood was really not as calm as he showed, even though his strength was second only to Ji Xinghe in the federation.

Being in the mech, he stood in a certain position according to the prompts, turned around and maneuvered, and was ready to charge and escape.

All of this is imitating the previous Ji Xinghe.

In the Battle of B72 Highland, Ji Xinghe encountered the baptism of nuclear bombs from the empire for the first time. Before the nuclear bomb was detonated, the harsh siren sounded, and Ji Xinghe drove the mecha at full speed to escape.

Judging from everything that is about to happen, Li Yuanba is learning from Ji Xinghe.

study? picture?

While many people were expecting Li Yuanba to stop this experiment, Li Yuanba used the last time to think about Ji Xinghe's last teaching to him.

If something happens to him this time, then this is indeed the last teaching.

"Can you cure him?"

Li Zhengfan didn't know what Li Yuanba was thinking. Seeing that the countdown to the nuclear explosion was getting closer, he still couldn't help asking.

Because in theory, even if Li Yuanba didn't figure it out, and didn't successfully awaken the power to vent his qi by himself, he wouldn't die.

After all, Ji Xinghe was not dead at that time.

But if Ji Xinghe didn't have the power to awaken Qi, it was completely foreseeable that Ji Xinghe's end would be worse than death in terms of the medical technology possessed by the Federation at that time and now.

Li Yuanba will not make any exceptions.

Compared with before, the only medical advantage of the Federation is the qi mastered by Ji Xinghe.

Ji Xinghe was also a little nervous. Focusing his eyes on the screen, he said softly: "The power of Qi can indeed remove the residual nuclear radiation in the human body, but the impact of nuclear radiation on human genes is unlikely to be directly affected by the power of Qi." cure."

Li Zhengfan frowned: "Like Ji Rong Xinyue?"

Ji Xinghe replied: "It's more serious than that."

The previous physical condition of Ji Rong Xinyue and other children can be said to be a genetic defect caused by the environment. Children with genetic defects are naturally much smaller.

Li Zhengfan knew about this before he was captured. In the era when he came to Alien, there were actually more children like this, because before that, no one knew that children born in Alien would have such serious genetic defects.

"But you should have cured Ji Rong Xinyue and the others with the power of Qi, right?"

Li Zhengfan said: "I have seen such a thing in the empire. Using the power of qi to heal, although it takes a long time, it can be cured. Moreover, if it is bestowed, it can even be cured without medicine."

"It's different." Ji Xinghe shook his head and said: "The children's bodies are still developing, and Li Yuanba... the most important thing is that he needs to survive the most difficult period if he wants to awaken the power of Qi on his own. If I shot ahead of time, his experiment would be meaningless, and if he wanted to make this experiment meaningful, he would miss the best opportunity for treatment."

Li Zhengfan was silent, as if he was waiting for something.

But it didn't come after all.

People who were waiting for something like him failed to wait for the expected order, so the experiment really began to be carried out.

Li Yuanba, who had been thinking all the time, suddenly laughed when he heard the countdown to the last ten seconds.

In fact, he was also waiting, but he didn't wait after all.

"Old man."

Li Yuanba made a sound, and he used the title of old man again, so that people couldn't tell who he was talking to for a while.

But this is actually not important, because the two people who can be called old men by Li Yuanba must be able to hear them. The difference is that one can be heard the first time and the other three minutes later.

"I told you before, what I can't do, you can't do, because I'm Li Yuanba."

Hearing this sentence, Ji Xinghe's eyes suddenly became relieved, he knew that Li Yuanba had figured it out.

But it was too late to say anything else, the glaring light had already appeared on another screen, and on that screen, the mecha that Li Yuanba was driving at this time had also erupted at full speed and began to escape the core area of ​​the nuclear explosion.

However, compared to the speed of nuclear explosions, no matter how advanced the mechs were, they were too slow, and were soon overwhelmed by the dazzling light.

Before that, from the perspective of the cockpit of Li Yuanba's mecha, the connection was interrupted by the electromagnetic pulse generated by the nuclear explosion.

The screen is full of snowflakes, like a mountain covered in snow on the blue star.

Sometimes, it is auspicious snow that heralds a good year, and sometimes, it is a snow disaster that will cause family ruin.

A seed pressed in the soil by the heavy snow that is as thick as a mountain may grow into a towering tree in the future, and the mountain is the peak and the mountain is the peak.

It is also possible to sink and decay in the soil to become nutrients.

A minute later, a nervous voice reached Ji Xinghe's ears.

"No response, General Li Yuanba did not respond, the rescue team has already set off, but the situation cannot be determined due to the electromagnetic pulse..."

This is not good news.

Because Ji Xinghe, who was baptized by the nuclear explosion for the first time, was able to say a few words with the Xinghe team who went to meet him, and then fell into a coma.

Moreover, Ji Xinghe was driving the broken general armor at that time, and the escape distance was even further.

"Why?" Ji Xinghe frowned.

Li Zhengfan was stunned for a moment, then suddenly turned his neck to look at Ji Xinghe, because the speed was too fast, the metal neck made a cracking sound, as if the cervical spine had been broken.

He knew that Ji Xinghe was not asking him.

"Because General Li Yuanba's speed is wrong. He didn't escape the central area of ​​the nuclear explosion at your speed at that time. It's not a problem with the mecha. We guarantee that it's definitely not a problem with the mecha. It's General Li Yuanba himself who didn't turn on the full speed..."

The person who answered Ji Xinghe was a little flustered.

After all, there were accidents that people didn't want to see. Even if it was Li Yuanba's own initiative, if there were really no good results afterwards, some people would definitely be held accountable.

Li Anbang wouldn't say anything, Li Zhengfan might not be able to say anything more, and Ji Xinghe might not support Li Yuanba anymore, but Li Yuanba's own fans were enough for the relevant parties to use the fate of some people to give an explanation.

This is actually very unfair, but people who hope that the world is fair will never abide by true fairness in their hearts.

Such as Li Yuanba.

If he wanted to follow the principle of fairness, he would not have proposed and carried out this experiment, because it was really unfair to him.

"According to the original plan."

Ji Xinghe said something to someone he didn't know who he was in an orderly tone, and the panicked people became less panicked.

The rescue team, wearing heavy protective clothing and driving a special vehicle, rushed towards the nuclear explosion area as fast as possible in a very unfair way to themselves.

Because of the thin atmosphere of the alien star, the power of the nuclear explosion will be released in a very short period of time. It is difficult for a mushroom cloud to appear in this equivalent nuclear explosion.

But the nuclear explosion area is still extremely dangerous, and the nuclear radiation is deadly.

In the quiet medical room, Ji Xinghe finally spoke to Li Zhengfan.

"Found it, and it's still alive."

Li Zhengfan lay back on the console and repeated that sentence.

"It's good to be alive."

Three minutes later, someone from the distant Azure Star also sat back on the chair and murmured.

"It's good to be alive."


Li Yuanba had a dream, a long, long dream.

in a dream.

Emperor Wudi III dispatched the real anti-Galaxy Corps, all composed of Marquis A, with a total of 2,000 fighters, rushing towards the most important position of the Federation.

Ji Xinghe led the independent regiment and chose to repeat the previous tactics in the Battle Scar Canyon, ignoring the anti-Galaxy Corps, and went directly to the Mountain of the Gods.

They really went up the mountain.

But the mountain of the gods is easy to go up, but difficult to come down.

When the Imperial Royal Guard Mecha Battalion, consisting of 300 Duke Armors, appeared on the top of the mountain, it had already annihilated the Federation's Bald Eagle Independence Regiment, Holy Independence Regiment, Entrapment Independence Regiment, Azure Independence Regiment (orbital airborne aircraft) A Independent Corps), the anti-Galaxy Corps of the four independent regiments, turned around and started up the mountain.

Ji Xinghe died, and the independent regiment was wiped out.

Li Yuanba seemed to hear many people asking: Where are you?

After most of the federal mechas were wiped out by the imperial mechas, all the positions of the federation could no longer hold back the imperial mechas' charge.

After the artillery positions were breached by the imperial mechs, the endless long-range firepower of the empire washed away one federal position after another like a torrential rain, taking the lives of one federal soldier after another.

This torrential rain lasted for a long time, covering the entire alien planet, like the legendary flood, washing away all life on this planet.

Li Yuanba heard many people asking: Where are you?

The war came from the surface to space. The empire that occupied the alien land used a large-scale alien dust storm to mobilize hundreds of space battleships and easily broke through the blockade of the federal space fleet.

When the Nantianmen space station where Li Zhengfan was located was destroyed by the empire and left in space.

Li Yuanba heard Li Zhengfan's question: Where are you?

After the Nantianmen space defense system was destroyed, the Federation was no longer able to stop the empire's space battleships from alien stars to the blue star. It is also powerless to stop the empire from bringing war to Azure Star.

The Lingshan space defense system was dismantled by the empire with the help of a miniaturized jump gate device.

The missiles that flew out of the small transition gate were like weird spherical lightning. No one knew where they would appear from and where they would appear.

When the blue star was covered by flames, Li Yuanba saw his father, Li Anbang, who was seventy years old, holding a knife, standing in front of a girl who was also holding a knife, facing the imperial machine of the empire. A Guards Battalion.

With an extremely cold tone, he asked, "Where are you?"

yes where am i

The dream turned into an abyss, and Li Yuanba, who was also thinking about this problem, kept falling into the abyss.

The feeling of weightlessness is extremely clear, like those dreams he had in his youth, the difference is that this time he doesn't seem to be able to wake up.

Because this abyss has no bottom.

Li Yuanba, who couldn't figure out the answer, figured out other things.

Where am I, does it matter?

I was with Ji Xinghe, leading the independent group up the mountain, but I couldn't come down either.

I am holding on to the last position of the Federation on the surface of the alien planet. I shouted for the land of the alien planet. We have the final say, but I cannot stop the flood.

I jumped out in the Nantianmen space station wearing a mecha, but was blown away by a shell, and flew towards the sun at a gradually constant speed. I couldn't turn back, couldn't land, and waited desperately for the arrival of death.

I am on Azure Star, I stand in front of you, I stand in front of Ji Xinghe's granddaughter, I have two knives from Ji Xinghe, but I don't have a mecha, how can I defeat three hundred empires First Duke?

Why do you all ask me where I am?

I'm really useless, why don't you use nuclear weapons, when is it, are you still waiting for the empire to use nuclear weapons first?

Nuclear weapons are like a secret key. When Li Yuanba dreamed of the nuclear weapons that made him enter this dream, the bottomless abyss suddenly became low.

Li Yuanba, who continued to fall, saw the bottom of the abyss, where the endless nuclear weapons covered the ground.

They should have appeared in the war, just like Li Yuanba, hiding in this abyss.

Watching the human world that bred them and him go to perish.

Li Yuanba's consciousness was extremely clear at this moment, so this was no longer a dream.

He said.

"I'm Li Yuanba, please go up the mountain with me!"

The feeling of falling disappeared, and an unprecedented feeling of pushing back appeared all over the body, just like driving a mech to perform the maneuver with the highest overload in the world.

Li Yuanba felt that he was flying, so he looked up at the sky.

In the gloomy sky, there was a black-golden mountain floating, and it was so heavy that he couldn't breathe.

But he didn't slow down, instead, he continued to accelerate and bumped into it.

The tiny him is like an ant, trying to overthrow the whole world,

But the nuclear weapons that covered the abyss had appeared behind him at some unknown time.

Along with him, they crashed into the mountain.

The glaring light lit up, and the gray sky became extremely bright. There are no mountains.

Li Yuanba opened his eyes and saw another mountain, the mountain with the highest personal force of the Federation.

He laughed.

"Old man, Emperor Wudi III is mine now."

Ji Xinghe frowned slightly, stretched out his hand to press Li Yuanba's body, and then raised his hand under the tense and alert eyes of the people.


"Sleep for a while, in the dream, everything can be yours."

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