Me, Captain of China

Chapter 603: 40 meters away to win the first level, only Zheng Zhi!

(); Long hustle and bustle, Leverkusen fans have never been so excited. Both Zheng Zhi and Jader stood up, but Kirsten on the other end of the court still wailed in pain on the turf, looking very hurt.

The head referee found out that he had made a mistake, and hurried past Leverkusen halfway, rushed to the field and made a gesture, indicating that Leverkusen medical staff quickly entered the field to check.

"Kirsten hasn't gotten up yet,"

"It looks like the situation is serious."

"The medical staff came in and put Kirsten on the stretcher and lifted the court."

"Leverkusen temporarily played less and played more. Neuville has already warmed up on the side of the court. He is likely to come off the bench. Kirsten is more than thirty. This age of confrontation on the court is definitely a loss. He is the starter for most games this season and is currently the top scorer in the Bundesliga. He has also scored 7 goals in the Champions League, arguably the most stable scorer on the front line of Leverkusen. "

Waller squatted down beside the stretcher and looked at Kirsten anxiously. Kirsten tried to get up from the stretcher, but finally frowned and waded again.

Waller stood up helplessly, and then signaled Neuville to debut, Neuville almost went up without warming up, no way, Waller did not want the team to play 11 of 10.

On the other side, Mourinho stood beside Santos and said to his ear, "The effect is coming out,"

"If only one or two more go down."

He licked his shriveled lips and stared sharply at the stadium.


"We must remain aggressive and make them afraid."

Santos was distorted by Mourinho, and Mourinho continued: "The aggressiveness in the frontcourt is not enough,"

"The frontcourt players must do something in front, provoke their midfielders, provoke their defenders, especially the two defenders, we must come up with a solution as soon as possible. If they can be sent off, we will More promising. "

Mourinho's mind is full of dirty methods.

Costa Captain was just around the corner, and Mourinho also forgot that he was not the head coach and called Costa out loud.


"You have to tell the guys in front of you to move a little bit more aggressively,"

"Find a way to get the two defenders down."

He patted Costa's shoulders several times in a row.

Costa was a little surprised. This wasn't ordered by the coach, but by Mourinho, and he gave Santos a special look.

"Go, follow what he said." Santos nodded, recognizing Mourinho's words.

Although the tactics are cumbersome and tedious, they are very useful. Now that is the only way to do it, he can't think of a better way.



After Neuville came up, Leverkusen ’s tactics did not change, but Waller continued to let Harp and Gresco continue to warm up on the sidelines. If necessary, he may still adjust the back line, after all. The two yellow cards are not insured at all. If Novotny and Lucio played well, he would have wanted to replace them.

Whatever you worry about, you will come.

The risk of Leverkusen players smelling is still too small.

In the 53rd minute, Ronaldinho was knocked down by Paulo Santos when he drove the ball on the left, suddenly fell to the ground with his left knee, and then was lifted down again by the stretcher! The foul Paul Neo Santos was verbally warned by the referee and did not receive a yellow card.

Leverkusen suffered injuries one after another!


Waller scared and almost flew to Ronaldinho to check on his injury. It doesn't matter if a few Kirsten, but Ronaldinho cannot be missed.


"The guys are too rough,"

"Is it true to play today?"

"If Ronaldinho hurts again, shall we play with Mao?"

Leverkusen fans' faces are full of anxiety, and no one can imagine that the course of the game will develop like this. The game that could have been won easily, but at this time it was deep in the quagmire and unable to extricate itself, the situation became worse and worse.

Huang Jianxiang in the live broadcast said bluntly, "If Ronaldinho is injured again, Leverkusen will lose one arm, and it is the thickest arm."

"Leverkusen's attack power will drop by one grade."

"Now he is sitting on the sidelines, I wonder if he will end?"

Even Zheng Zhi was worried and looked at Ronaldinho under the court. If Ronaldinho is really hurt, the game is really too bad to play.

"The movement of these guys is too big."

"Obviously intentional."

"I want to color them!"

Barak raised his fist next to him, his teeth creaked, and he was already irritated.


"We have to calm down, this is what they want."

"We cannot be irritated by them and lose our minds."

"But we must fight back, we must also play more aggressively, rationally aggressively, do you understand what I mean?"

"You have to do something in front, but you cannot be caught by the referee."

While they were talking, Ronaldinho stood up.


"That guy is fine."

Seeing Ronaldinho walk back to the stadium, Zheng Zhi exhaled heavily. There was also a warm applause from the scene, and the audience was relieved.


"Don't counsel!"

"Fuck them!"

"Fuck them!"

They even encouraged Ronaldinho to pay back.

On the sidelines, Mourinho's voice rang again in Santos' ear, "It's a pity ..."

"It's almost ..."

It was really frustrating. If Ronaldinho was really injured, Leverkusen ’s offensive threat would be halved ...


The game continued, Zheng Zhi put the ball into Porto's big penalty area without causing any threat. Porto's defense was solid, the ball was pushed by Costa, Deco took the ball and wanted to launch a counterattack. The shovel flew over! Deco immediately turned around.


Zheng Zhi was stunned for a moment, but did not expect Emerson, who was usually silent, to be angry? This flying shovel is his determination.

What's wrong is not foul!

Awesome, the shovel is still a fellow Brazilian.

Deco groaned painfully on the turf for a few seconds and spit out two grasses in his mouth, looking annoyedly at Emerson. Emerson had already walked away casually.


Who would n’t, just want to play like this!

This time it was Porto's turn to grapple with Emerson's teeth. Both sides actually had a lot of ideas in mind. The situation was gradually escalating, but it was not very obvious.

This is definitely not the end.

Three minutes later, another frightening scene appeared. Barak and Chainho headed to the top of the midfield. Both of them raised their elbows when they jumped, and the two hit each other ’s chin. Both fell to the ground!

The referee's whistle sounded promptly. After running in front of the two of them, they gave them verbal warnings, each hitting 50 boards.

"Pay attention!"

"The action is too big!"

It seems that the head referee's thinking is also changing. However, the two men didn't care about the referee's warning when they got up, and turned away. The game is played like this, maybe it's not so easy to take it away.

Within two minutes, Porto countered, Santos sent a diagonal pass from the right, and Jardel knocked Lucio to the ground again when it was impossible to get the ball.

This time Lucio stopped, and rushed towards Jader after climbing up. Fortunately, Zheng Zhi was nearby and immediately came up to hug Lucio with his hands.


"Don't be stupid!"

"Calm down, you have a yellow card!"

"Ah, damn, don't get caught in their trap."

When Zheng Zhi was speaking, Jader took two steps forward and stood in front of them, which meant that Chiguo was really provocative. It's like telling Lucio, you come to beat me, you come to beat me and you will definitely be sent off with a red card.

"You have these little tricks left."

"But wishing for victory? Thinking too much."

Zheng Zhi sneered coldly before facing Jader, and then pulled Lucio behind him.

On the sidelines, Waller couldn't bear it anymore. When he saw this scene, he immediately replaced Lucio with Harp. Lucio was about to become a time bomb. It should be removed in time.

After thinking for a while, he played a third card, replaced Novotny with Gresco, and directly replaced two central defenders. In the 60th minute, he had used up three substitutions.


"too early."

"It's too urgent."

Klopp shook his head straight from the stands. "This will be very passive."

But what can it do? Kirsten's injury is not under Waller's control. Both central defenders have a yellow card in them. Waller didn't dare to take risks and changed his mind.

After Gresco came up, Ramello was moved to the centre-back, Gresco played the left back, the defense line looks at least more reassuring than before.

And there is no action on the side of Porto! Santos still sits firmly on the Diaoyutai, and Mourinho, the next military officer, did not squeak.

Zheng Zhi patiently took the ball across the midfield and sent a straight ball to Neuville who came up from the bench. Neuville's speed immediately highlighted. With his physical advantage, he directly headed Porto captain Costa and took the ball. Straight to the bottom line, but the veteran Costa shoveled the ball out of the bottom line when Neuville prepared to cross, Leverkusen only got a corner.

Ronaldinho's right corner kicked to the rear point, and the landing point was pretty beautiful. Barak headed the goal 14 meters in front of the goal. As a result, when he hit the ball, Jader's head also smashed!


Jader's head directly hit Barack's head!

Ah Barak felt his brain explode at this moment, the whole person fell in a dizzy direction, the buzzing head almost lost consciousness, and the ball was higher than the beam.

! ! !

Whether it's Leverkusen players on the pitch or watching Leverkusen fans in the sky, it's going to be crazy at the moment.

Can you say that Jader is intentional? People also went to the ball, but Barak hit the ball, he hit Barack's head.

"Used up the quota,"

"No one can change Waller. If Barak can't return to the court, this time it's really if he played less."

"The scene is chaotic,"

"Porto Sangsheng turned the game into a arena."

At this time, Barak was already supported by the team doctor on the sidelines to make a straight walk. If he can't even walk straight, it is probably a concussion.



"How many fingers are these?"

"What's so special are three fingers! Grass!" Barak growled, and the green muscles on his forehead were clearly visible.

"My special thing is to return to the court immediately!"

"It drives me crazy!"

He pushed away the team doctor's right hand and took a big step towards the lineman. It seemed that there was nothing at all. At this time, he wanted to immediately return to the court to continue fighting.

There was another deafening cheer from the stands.

Barak is back, and like Ronaldinho, they have not been intimidated by this war, and still bravely returned to the court.


The whistle sounded again, and Leverkusen was still fighting with 11 people.

Time is slow and the game is anxious. Porto's attack was difficult to cross the half, the ball was lost near the center line, Capuccio was caught by Zheng Zhi and Ribery at the same time, the ball fell to Ribery's feet.

"Frank, hurry up."

Zheng Zhi immediately pulled away from his position, and reminded him of Ribery. As soon as the words fell, the ball had fallen to Zheng Zhi's feet, and Deco had ran over. Zheng Zhigang swept the ball towards Emerson, and Deco's right foot swept to Zheng Zhi's right calf. Zheng Zhi had a long eye, and when he took the ball, he took a step to the left and hid.

But the next moment, his left foot was hooked from behind!


There is a guy behind him!


It turned out that Capuccio chased back and stretched his legs to hook him.

This is of course intentional.

The referee gave Capuccio a yellow card without hesitation.

"It's too sinister,"

"This is Chi Guoguo's heading towards the people, not at the ball at all. Zheng Zhi passed the ball out. He still stretched his legs from behind. Isn't this trying to hurt Zheng Zhi?"

"It's too unethical."

Off the field, there was applause!

Yes, Mourinho stood beside the coach seat and applauded. He thought Capuccio did a good job.

The scene just caught this picture, Huang Jianxiang couldn't help but spit out, "Morino is so shameless,"

"It doesn't feel ethical, Capuccio's foul, he applauded?"

"If I were the referee, I would immediately give him a red card and drive him out."


"But Zheng Zhi finally got up from the turf and stood in front of the ball."

"This ball is a bit far away. It is estimated to be 40 meters. If it reaches the penalty area, it is probably still to find Barak."

"Without a wall, everyone ran into the big penalty area of ​​Porto."

"However, Zheng Zhi's run-up distance is a little long? Is it possible that he has to shoot? Forty meters away, unrealistic, the ball flew into the penalty area is estimated to have no strength."


A short whistle sounded ~ ~ Zheng Zhi started to run up, he could not hear Huang Jianxiang's doubts, only the ball was left in his eyes.

Accompanied by heavy breathing, he rushed to the ball at a rhythmic pace, and his right foot pumped **** the ball.


Powerful power, crazy speed! Domineering arc!

The moment the ball was shot, it just flew through the sky like lightning, ignoring everyone when it reached the big restricted area and began to fall in a hurry!

Just like measuring with a ruler, the ball went straight to the right of the goal. When the goalkeeper Baia flew in, the ball floated up again for a moment, and with such a change, Baia missed the ball and the ball flew into the goal from above his left hand.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

"Ball Ball Ball Ball !!!!!!!!!"

"Goal scored !!!!!!!!!"

"Zheng Zhi !!!!!!!!!"

"Forty meters away to win the first level! Only Zheng Zhi!

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