Material Empire

Chapter 637: Qin Hai is a stupefied young man

"It turns out that Mr. Qin is a semiconductor expert."

Snyder was overwhelmed by Qin Hai's words, he hesitated for a moment, and then said dully.

"I'm just a businessman." Qin Hai laughed. He pointed to Xiao Weihao beside him and said, "Mr. Xiao is a semiconductor expert. What I told Mr. Snyder is all about Mr. Xiao." Taught me."

"So that's it." Snyder cast an admiring look at Xiao Weihao. Since Xiao Weihao entered this office, he has said less than three sentences in total, and the rest of the time he has been smiling and listening to the conversation between the two of them. People have a sense of inscrutability. After listening to Qin Hai's introduction, Snyder realized that he was a real expert, and the so-called expert was someone who didn't speak up and sent a driver, assistant, etc. to fool others.

He didn't know that at this moment Xiao Weihao was cursing Qin Hai in his heart: Nima, what kind of semiconductor expert am I, I don't even know what semiconductors are, okay? If you push me out like this, if Lao Si asks me a few words, I will be ruined!

The reason why Xiao Weihao was arranged to accompany Qin Hai was because the acquisition of Nice Company this time was related to national defense equipment. IGBT can be used in the electromagnetic ejection device of the aircraft carrier, and can also be used in aviation, aerospace, ships, high-horsepower armored vehicles, etc., which is a bottleneck in the defense industry. This acquisition takes Daqin Group as the main body, just to avoid political sensitivity abroad.

Since it has a military purpose, the military needs to send its own representatives to accompany it. This is not because the military has any distrust of Qin Hai, but to use the military's relationship at a critical moment to remove some obstacles for Qin Hai. Xiao Weihao didn't have any right to speak when it came to the negotiation with Nice Company, so he kept pretending to be dumb. Unexpectedly, Qin Hai would be silent for a while, saying that he was a secretive semiconductor expert.

Although he was complaining about Qin Hai in his heart, Xiao Weihao didn't show it at all. Facing Snyder's gaze, he smiled more calmly, until Snyder dared not speak to him, lest he say something wrong and be laughed at by experts.

"Since Mr. Qin already understands the company's situation, how do you plan to cooperate with the company?" Snyder decided not to go around the corner, so as not to be slapped in the face by Qin Hai.

Qin Hai also didn't like to go around in circles. He said bluntly: "We are very interested in the technologies owned by your company and hope to inherit these technologies. According to our survey, the current valuation of your company's equipment and brand is about 160 million U.S. dollars, we intend to purchase the entire equity of your company at a price of 320 million U.S. dollars, including all technical patents owned by your company, what does Mr. Snyder think?"

"Mr. Qin's valuation of the company is a bit too low." Snyder said, "The brand of Nice Company alone is worth more than 200 million U.S. dollars. We are a company with a history of 150 years and have owned Good reputation."

"If that's the case, then we don't need to buy your company's brand." Qin Hai said with a smile.

What Qin Hai is drawing is the technology owned by Nice Company, as well as the semiconductor manufacturing equipment embargoed by Western countries to China. He really has no interest in the Nice brand. Entering semiconductor products into the international market is a long-term plan for Qin Hai. It doesn't make much sense to spend a high price on the Nice brand in the near future.

Snyder's statement that the Nice brand is worth $200 million is not wrong, but the point is that no one will pay $200 million for this brand. In the field of semiconductors, Nice cannot be compared with Siemens, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, etc., and can be regarded as a second-tier brand. Such a brand is tasteless to everyone. If you can get it for free, you can barely use it. If you have to spend 200 million US dollars to buy it, it is not worth it.

Snyder actually didn't understand this. Before Qin Hai, there were actually other investors who came to inquire about the acquisition, and the price they offered was not even half of what Qin Hai offered, and they came here purely with a mentality of buying scraps. For the Nice brand, everyone took a dismissive attitude, which hurt Snyder's aristocratic heart.

Qin Hai's answer was equivalent to giving Snyder another stab in the heart, his face twitched, and then he said with a dark face: "I'm sorry, we hope that the brand of Nice can be bundled with the technology of Nice, so that this The brand continues to be brilliant. If you want to separate the brand and the technology, we may not consider selling."

"If this is the case, it's really a pity." Qin Hai stood up after speaking, stretched out his hand to Snyder, and made a gesture of shaking hands and saying goodbye.

In fact, Snyder just wanted to make a gesture to increase his negotiating capital, but he didn't expect the other party to turn his face when he said it, and he didn't even mean to argue, so he was about to leave. Under such circumstances, how could he dare to take Qin Hai's hand, he just smiled awkwardly and said, "Uh...Mr. Qin, I think we can discuss some details."

"Is that so?" Qin Hai looked back at Xiao Weihao, as if asking him for instructions.

The benefits of two people appearing together are reflected at this time, Qin Hai can sing bad faces, while Xiao Weihao can sing red faces. When Qin Hai stood up, Xiao Weihao was still sitting firmly on the sofa. Seeing Qin Hai asking him for proof, he nodded slightly, waved his hands casually, and said, "Since Mr. Snyder is willing to discuss the details, let's sit down."

He said these words in Chinese, but Snyder couldn't understand them at all. Even if Xiao Weihao wanted to derogate Snyder a few words, it would not hinder him. However, Xiao Weihao was in security work after all, and he was cautious in everything. Even though he knew that Snyder didn't understand Chinese, he still spoke in a smooth and steady manner, making it impossible to find fault.

Qin Hai was actually just pretending. Hearing what Xiao Weihao said, he sat down reluctantly, then pouted at Snyder, and said, "Mr. Snyder, do you have any questions about the details? , you can say it."

This is not the attitude to speak to a nobleman! Snyder was very annoyed by Qin Hai's contempt. But now that he is a knife, he is a fish and meat, so he can't let him put on some airs of aristocrats. He clearly knew that the attitude of the board of directors was to find a suitable buyer and sell Nice Company as soon as possible so that the shareholders could get back some residual value. If it continues to be dragged on like this, Nice Company will be like a popsicle under the sun, all of which will be turned into running water, and then quickly evaporated to nothing.

Qin Hai was considered the most sincere buyer Snyder had ever met, at least the price he offered was beyond the expectations of the board of directors. Of course, Snyder also knew why Qin Hai paid such a high price. The reason was nothing more than China's backward technology in the semiconductor field, and was eager to improve its technology by acquiring Nice.

Just now Qin Hai said that the equipment and brand of Nice Company are worth 160 million, but Qin Hai is willing to pay a double premium to buy Nice Company, on the condition that all the technical patents owned by Nice Company are included. Technology patents in the semiconductor field are numerous, and several different systems have been formed. The patents owned by Nice Company form its own system, but it has fallen behind in the competition with other systems and is facing the fate of being eliminated.

Other companies will not be interested in acquiring such a patent at a high price. Even if they are willing to pay some money to buy it, it is only to find a little bit of value from it, and they will not buy the entire system. Only a country like China, which is almost blank in terms of semiconductor patents, will be interested in Nice's patent system. Such a buyer, once missed, will regret it too late.

Snyder had a very thorough analysis of Qin Hai's psychology, but he didn't expect Qin Hai to have a violent temper, and would leave in a huff if he disagreed with him. The negotiation strategy he thought of was to lure Qin Hai to profit, and then deliberately set up numerous obstacles in order to keep raising the price and strive for the best sale price for the shareholders. This kind of strategy not only requires one's own side to have a sense of proportion, but also requires the other party to be calm and rational enough to weigh the pros and cons and accept a reasonable condition.

But once the other party is a stunned young man, things will be completely different. Lengtouqing is irrational, they are completely emotional, rather than making decisions based on interests. Seeing Qin Hai's unindignant face, Snyder was a little uncertain, wondering if what he said would make this young man go berserk again.

"Mr. Qin, Mr. Xiao, I think business negotiations should be a frank process. I can express my thoughts frankly. If the two gentlemen think that my ideas do not match yours, you can also express your opinions frankly. , we can reach a consensus through repeated consultations." Snyder began to vaccinate Qin Hai carefully.

His words can be easily translated as: Young man, I’m just talking casually. If you don’t like to listen, you can refute. Why did you overturn the table?

Both Qin Hai and Xiao Weihao are smart people, so they couldn't understand Snyder's hint. Qin Hai pouted slightly, pretending to be angry, and refused to speak. Xiao Weihao coughed lightly, breaking the deadlock:

"Mr. Snyder is right. We are very sincere when we come here. The price that Mr. Qin offered to Mr. Snyder just now can fully reflect our sincerity, so I also hope that Mr. Snyder will show It is a condition of sincerity that both of us will work together to complete the transfer of property rights of Nice Company. In fact, if the negotiation goes well, our cooperation is only the beginning, and the future management of Nice Company still needs to rely on Mr. Snyder’s great assistance .”

Hearing this, Snyder's eyes suddenly lit up:

What? This means that they want me to stay on!

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