Material Empire

Chapter 616 The Poor Couple

Seeing Qin Shan running into the house opposite, Tranquility got up and closed the door of her own, then gave Qin Hai a reproachful look, and said, "You are too!"

"A moment in spring night is worth a thousand gold. Isn't it an eyesore for this girl to stay here?" Qin Hai said with a smile. As the relationship between the two broke through the last obstacle, Qin Hai's speech became more and more open.

Tranquility blushed, and she protested in a low voice: "What's the Spring Festival not the Spring Festival... Besides, it's summer now, okay?"

"Is there any difference?" Qin Hai pretended to be stupid.

Tranquility glanced at the door with lingering fear, and said, "Shan'er must be laughing at us in the room now, you are really an older brother, why are you talking nonsense?"

Qin Hai stood up by himself, went to the kitchen to fill another bowl of rice, sat back at the dining table, and said while eating: "By the way, speaking of this, I remembered a question, Xiaoshan is also 26 years old , shouldn't it be time to find her a boyfriend? Although female doctors are late in getting married, we can't delay any longer. "

Tranquility giggled: "You didn't think of this just now, did you?"

Qin Haidao: "Of course not. I've thought about it many times, but I never had a chance to tell her. This time in Pingyuan, my parents also said that I don't care about my sister..."

Tranquility smiled and said: "What is waiting for you to care about, the day lily is cold."

"What do you mean?" Qin Hai heard that there was something in Ning Jing's words, so he couldn't help stopping his chopsticks, looked at Ning Jing and asked.

Tranquility said: "Shan'er is talking about a friend now, he is a Ph.D. from the Academy of Sciences, two years higher than us, I met him once, he is quite simple and gentle. But Shan'er said that the large ethylene project is not completed and she I don't think about getting married, so now this matter is still in an underground state, and she won't let me tell you and my family."

"Nonsense!" Qin Hai stared, "Such a big matter, you... sister-in-law, how can you keep silent, what if she is cheated by bad guys?"

"Hey, have you figured it out? I'm Shan'er's best friend, okay? I'm telling you now that I've already betrayed my best friend. Later, Shan'er will definitely say that I value sex over friends. Besides, Xiao Cui is not What a bad guy, he is a doctor of the Academy of Sciences." Tranquility said.

"There are bad people among doctors, and the word "gentle scum" was invented for these people." Qin Hai said forcefully. In fact, when he heard that his prospective brother-in-law was a doctor of the Academy of Sciences, he was quite satisfied. Gentle scum was relatively rare in that era. He went on to ask: "You just said that this boy's surname is Cui? Where is his family, what do his parents do, and, does he have any other motives for making friends with Shan'er?"

"You're going too far!" Tranquility picked up the chopsticks and wanted to hit Qin Hai on the head again.

Qin Hai nimbly dodged it, and said in his mouth: "Why is it too much? Didn't you say that as an older brother, I should care more about my younger sister, and I can't even ask her about her family situation?"

Tranquility said: "Do you think you have a lot of money, so people and Shan'er fell in love with your money? Don't think of everyone in the world as a philistine, okay?"

Qin Hai changed a serious expression, and said: "That's not sure, Xiaoshan is a country girl, she's too innocent, I can't let her be fooled by others... No, I'll ask her now, Find out what the origin of that kid surnamed Cui is."

It's not surprising that Qin Hai has this kind of thinking. With his current net worth, he can be regarded as the richest man in the country. After all, those rich people who rose due to real estate and the Internet in later generations don't exist yet. As the younger sister of the richest man, Qin Shan should be stared at by many people, and among them, there are some people who want to climb the dragon and become the phoenix.

With such worries, Qin Hai couldn't care less about going to spring with Tranquility, and besides, it's still early, and it's not a time when it should be unsuitable for children. He finished his meal in a hurry, and together with Tranquility, he knocked on Qin Shan's door opposite.

"You are just two people? Why did you come to my side?" Qin Shan let the two into the room, poured water for them, then sat on the same sofa with Tranquility, and asked Qin Hai with a smile .

Qin Hai put on a serious face, put on his brother's score, and said: "I want to talk to you about a serious matter, don't be joking."

"What's the matter?" Qin Shan was a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, her mind suddenly thought of something, and her face suddenly turned red. With her cleverness, if she couldn't guess what her brother was going to talk to her, then she would call her Dr. Hua Qing in vain.

"Did you secretly date a little boyfriend?" Qin Hai asked straight to the point.

"What is stealth!" Qin Shan already knew that she couldn't hide this from her brother. After all, Tranquility also saw her relationship with Xiao Cui. Although she told Ning Jing Qian and Wan not to tell Qin Hai, how could this be possible? Tranquility can delay revealing this matter until now, which is already considered a very righteous best friend. Now that Qin Hai knew about the matter, Qin Shan no longer denied it, but refuted her brother's wording confidently, so as to cover up her shyness.

"Not secretly, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Qin Hai asked forcefully.

"I haven't confirmed the relationship yet, I just made friends, why should I tell you?" Qin Shan said.

"No relationship?" Qin Hai stared into his younger sister's eyes. Qin Shan had a ghost in her heart, so she didn't dare to look at her brother, so she quickly avoided her eyes. Qin Hai sneered and said, "You still want to hide it from me? You don't even think about it, what does your brother do?"

"Isn't he just a capitalist who wants to be rich and benevolent?" Qin Shan teased with a smile.

"In addition to being a capitalist, I am also an experienced intelligence officer and an entrepreneur with many years of market experience." Qin Hai put a few titles on himself without blushing, and then asked: "Your little boyfriend, What do you do, what is your name, what do you do at home, how do you know each other, let me tell you the truth."

"What are you doing, are you interrogating me!" Qin Shan protested, but she only expressed her dissatisfaction with her mouth. She knew that these questions needed to be answered, so she introduced the situation of her boyfriend in a murmur again.

It turned out that Qin Shan's boyfriend was named Cui Xuezhe, and he was a Ph.D candidate at the Institute of Materials Science, Academy of Sciences. He and Qin Shan met at an academic event, and both of them were brought there by their respective tutors, and they were doing venue service work at the event. Qin Shan is a beautiful girl, especially in academic circles. It can be said that Cui Xuezhe fell in love with Qin Shan at first sight, and after that, he ran to Huaqing University to find Qin Shan with excuses. Qin Shan also has a good impression of Cui Xuezhe, seeing that the other party is so attentive, she half-pushed and half-heartedly fell in love with him.

"Where is his family, and what do his parents do?" Qin Hai asked.

"He is from the capital, and his parents are ordinary government officials." Qin Shan replied.

"Organ cadres? Have you seen them?" Qin Hai asked again.

Qin Shan blushed, and said in a low voice: "He told me a few times to ask me to meet his parents...but I'm not ready yet."

"Uh..." Qin Hai was speechless. He could understand his younger sister's mentality. No matter how beautiful a daughter-in-law is, she is afraid of seeing her in-laws. What's more, even though Qin Shan has already received a doctorate, she still has the shyness of a country girl in her bones. .

"Then, does he understand our family's situation?" Qin Hai asked again, and this question was what he was most concerned about.

Qin Shan quickly shook her head and said, "I didn't tell him about you... I just said that my parents both work in township enterprises, and my brother works in a factory in the county. I didn't let him come here either. But, so he doesn't know my brother is a capitalist."

When she said the last sentence, she laughed. Although the current social atmosphere no longer excludes the rich, the word capitalist in the context of their generation has somewhat derogatory connotations and is used to describe rich people. When it was Qin Hai, it was a kind of intimate teasing.

Qin Hai asked: "Why don't you tell him the truth?"

Qin Shan said: "I'm afraid he has a knot in his heart. Think about it, his family is an ordinary working class. If he knows that our family is so rich, he will definitely feel uncomfortable."

"You can't hide it from him forever, can you?" Qin Hai said.

Qin Shan said: "As long as I can hide it, it doesn't matter. In the future... it doesn't matter. In fact, it's really good for us now. He worked with the tutor and got a labor fee, so he came to invite me out Even though we only spent more than a dozen yuan for barbecue, we all felt very happy. Also, we always took the bus and subway when we went out to play, so we were reluctant to take a taxi. Once he was worried that I was tired and said that he would take a taxi The car took me back to school, we have been waiting for Xiali, after seven or eight Beverly, we are not willing to sit..."

Back then, taxis in the capital cost Xiali one yuan and two, and Beverly one six. Needless to say, Qin Hai, with Tranquility and Qin Shan's net worth, he doesn't really need to care about Xiali or Fukang when taking a taxi. But when Qin Shan was with this Cui Xuezhe, she was willing to conceal her property, and waited bitterly with her boyfriend for a taxi that cost RMB 1.2. .

"Do you think he really doesn't know about your family background, or is he just pretending not to?" Qin Hai looked at his sister whose eyes were shining with happiness, and asked a very unromantic question.

"He probably really doesn't know." Qin Shan said with certainty, "Actually, Xiaojing and I usually live very frugally and don't have the habit of being extravagant. When Xue Zhe was with me, we would also talk about where we would go after graduation Going to work, how much salary you can get, how many years of money you need to save if you want to buy a house... I think he is sincere when he says these words, and it is impossible to pretend."

Qin Hai knew that he couldn't ask anything else, so he nodded and said, "Since that's the case, well, you can contact him and just say that I want to see him."

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