Material Empire

Chapter 591 It's for the Daqin Group

"This old man is so rude!"

In a high-end restaurant in the urban area of ​​Hongze, a group of young people in their early 30s were drinking and socializing. Sitting at the main seat was a man in a decent suit and gold-rimmed glasses. He was exactly the classmate Chen Hao mentioned who was studying in Japan, and he was also the initiator of today's party. Sitting beside him, Chen Hao was talking about the process of negotiating with Hu Zhizhong.

"Xu Ping, I chatted with that old man, but in the end he didn't betray his conscience by saying what he said. It's ridiculous. The last time the factory raised funds to build a house, I borrowed all the money he raised for him, and he returned it. What about conscience, how much is conscience worth?" Chen Hao said with a face full of disdain.

The man studying abroad named Liu Xuping had a reserved smile on his face and said: "Chinese people have this kind of problem. They don't know how to be flexible at all. Otherwise, a country with more than one billion people is not as developed as Japan. I Let me tell you, the Japanese do things differently from us. You said that the United States dropped two atomic bombs in Japan. Is this a big hatred? But the Japanese don’t care at all, and they still learn from the United States, so they can develop so fast. .”

"That's right, especially we Anhe people, our thinking is too rigid. It's Xuping who has vision and did a good job in the Foreign Affairs Office of the province. He has the courage to quit his job and go to Japan to study. How is it now? Returning home Already!" A man named Li Rongning next to him said in a flattering tone, and then he raised the beer glass in his hand and said, "Xu Ping, come, I respect you, from now on you will be the senior manager of a Japanese-funded enterprise. Just take care of us old classmates."

Hearing Li Rongning talk about the provincial foreign affairs office, the corner of Liu Xuping's mouth twitched, and the faint smile on his face suddenly froze. If he didn't know that the other party really didn't know the truth, Liu Xuping would really think that Li Rongning was mocking him, how could he have the courage to quit his job, the position in the Foreign Affairs Office was clearly removed, okay?

It turned out that this Liu Xuping was the translator of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office who had conflicts with Qin Hai in Pingyuan and Beixi a few years ago, because he helped Ichiro Kawashima, who helped the so-called Great East Asia Shared Green Foundation, defraud Beixi Iron and Steel Plant Liu Xuping was severely punished for the polymetallic slag incident. He was removed from the Foreign Affairs Office and sent to the Provincial Library to catalog in Japanese.

Because he felt ashamed to see others, and because the treatment and status of the Provincial Library could not be compared with that of the Foreign Affairs Office, Liu Xuping resigned resolutely after working for a few months, borrowed money from relatives and friends, and went to Japan to study at his own expense. After receiving his degree, he found a job in Japan related to Japan-China economic and trade. Not only did he pay off the money he borrowed while studying, but he also quickly accumulated some savings. He changed into a foreign suit from inside to outside, and suddenly felt that he had become a high-class Chinese.

This time, the Ohara Club came to Anhe Province to merge the Anhe Electric Factory. Because Liu Xuping is a native of Anhe and has worked in Anhe for many years, he was hired as a translator for the project manager Mitsumasa Ogura, and also as a searcher for various news. task.

As the saying goes, riches and honor do not return to their hometowns, like walking in brocade clothes at night. Liu Xuping stumbled in Anhe and ran out of the country in despair. Now that he has become a human being, he will naturally show off when he comes back. He initiated today's party, inviting all his classmates, the purpose is to let everyone see his beauty. What's hateful is that Li Rongning, this kid who doesn't open the pot, just picks up the pot, and he insists on talking about the foreign affairs office, which makes Liu Xuping embarrassing.

Among the classmates, half of them knew what happened back then, because when Liu Xuping was working in the foreign affairs office, he was shy in front of his classmates all day long, which aroused some hatred. When he was demoted to the library because of his mistakes, everyone didn't say anything about it in front of his face, but celebrated several times behind his back. Now hearing that Li Rongning, who was in the dark, flattered and patted the horse's hoof, many students thought it was funny in their hearts, but it was just inconvenient to show it.

Clinking glasses with Li Rongning full of resentment, after drinking half a glass of beer, Liu Xuping finally covered up the unpleasant episode, and he turned around and continued the topic with Chen Hao: "The matter of old man Hu, Let’s just leave it at that, after all, these things he did have not been approved by the motor factory, so it’s hard to say that they belong to the motor factory, and it’s meaningless to hold him accountable. But, Chen Hao, you’ve taken care of me these days, and we can’t let Daqin Group took any information from the motor factory."

"Don't worry, I will keep an eye on the old man." Chen Hao quickly nodded and agreed. Back then, he was also one of the people who looked down on Liu Xuping from the bottom of his heart, but now the situation is different. Liu Xuping came with the Japanese representative, and he could decide Chen Hao's fate if he cocked his mouth in front of the Japanese representative. For the future, how could he not flatter him even more.

"Xu Ping, you don't have to worry. In fact, it's not a big deal for Daqin Group to take away the data. I still have a backup of the data about permanent magnet motors. When Xiaoyuan Company completes the merger of the motor factory, it wants to develop permanent magnet motors. When it comes to motors, I can figure out the technology by myself." Chen Hao patted his chest and boasted.

Liu Xuping sneered, and said, "What kind of permanent magnet motors does your motor factory do? Ohara Corporation doesn't like your permanent magnet motors. They have the most advanced technology in Japan, so you just need to produce them accordingly."

Hearing Liu Xuping's disdain for his skills, Chen Hao became a little anxious. He also counted on these technologies to impress the Japanese in order to find a better position for himself. It was inconvenient for him to directly refute Liu Xuping's words, so he could only say with a smile on his face: "The technology of the Japanese must be very good, but the permanent magnet motor we made this time is also interesting. Our motor uses a The cerium-based permanent magnet material newly developed by Daqin Group, this material..."

"Daqin Group?" Liu Xuping gritted his teeth. Of course he knew the relationship between Daqin Group and Qin Hai. In his heart, the hatred for Qin Hai had been accumulated for seven or eight years. It is not an exaggeration to describe it. It's fine if Chen Hao doesn't talk about the Daqin Group, but when he mentions it, Liu Xuping's emotions can't be controlled.

"The Daqin Group is a bird!" Liu Xuping said viciously, "Isn't it because of their connections in the province that they cheat money all the time? You may not dare to mess with them, but the Japanese are not afraid of them. Let me tell you the truth, this time Xiaoyuan Club annexed Anhe Electric Factory, it was aimed at the Daqin Group. The purpose is one, that is, not to let the Daqin Group succeed, do you understand?"

"Ah? Why is that?" All the guests were stunned. It turned out that there was such a fierce rumor. When did the Daqin Group offend people and even go to Japan?

As a person from Anhe, especially those who have some status in the government and enterprises, I am afraid that there is no one who does not know the Daqin Group. A private enterprise has a net worth of 20 to 30 billion, surpassing how many large state-owned enterprises in the province. Who hasn't heard of various legends about the Daqin Group? But now Liu Xuping has made it clear that the Xiaoyuan Society came to Anhe for the purpose of the Daqin Group, which meant to meet each other. The number one private enterprise in Anhe Province is facing off against a Japanese-funded enterprise. Such excitement is really rare in a century.

Liu Xuping said such a sentence impulsively, and regretted it as soon as he finished speaking. Facing the eager gazes of his classmates, he could only smile sarcastically and said, "This...uh, it's inconvenient for me to tell everyone, anyway... just wait and see."

If Liu Xuping wanted to cover up better, he should have denied what he said. But in front of his classmates, he can't slap himself in the mouth, but has to show the mystery of mastering internal secrets in exchange for everyone's worship of him. But regarding this matter, it is indeed the core secret of the Ohara Club that cannot be disclosed. Mitsumasa Ogura has reminded him more than once that he must not disclose it to the outside world.

Xiaoyuan Club has always planned to enter the Chinese electrical machinery market, and has already negotiated with Anhe Province to acquire the Anhe Electric Factory a year ago. However, at that time, Xiaoyuan Club hoped to get this piece of fat at the price of Chinese cabbage, and Anhe Province was not stupid. Seeing that the other party's bid was too unreliable, they stopped negotiating.

This time, it was not Xiaoyuan Club itself, but Chunshan Company that made Xiaoyuan Club bring up the matter of mergers and acquisitions again. Knowing that Daqin Group was negotiating with a motor factory to produce cerium-based permanent magnet motors, Chunshan Company panicked and hurriedly inquired about the cause and effect of this matter. After learning that Ohara Club had contacted Yasukawa Electric Factory, Miyagawa, the president of Chunshan Company, personally contacted the president of Ohara Corporation, and expressed his willingness to spend some money to complete the acquisition of Yasukawa Electric Factory together with Ohara Corporation. There is only one purpose, and that is to slow down the progress of Daqin Group in launching the cerium-based permanent magnet motor, and buy time for itself to complete the research and development of cerium-based permanent magnet materials.

This is why the Ohara Club suddenly proposed to the Anhe provincial government to raise the acquisition conditions. In order to ensure that the Daqin Group can be eliminated, Miyagawa also contacted the officials of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and asked them to greet the Chinese government, implying that this The merger case will be related to China's resumption of customs negotiations, so Anhe Province will have to give in.

As Ogura Mitsumasa's translator, Liu Xuping naturally knew the key points, but how could he reveal it on such an occasion?

Everyone looked at each other, and then quickly changed the subject, talking about some interesting things when they were studying. However, everyone did not forget what Liu Xuping said through gritted teeth. Some people were already silently thinking about how to contact the upper echelons of the Daqin Group and sell this important information. It is true that the Japanese are powerful, but the Daqin Group is also the No. 1 in the province after all, and it is very valuable to hug this thick leg.

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