Material Empire

Chapter 414 The Great Hero of Institute 70X

The news of the establishment of Daqin Industrial Group has been publicized in many media. For ordinary people, this news is actually not worth paying attention to. After all, most of the fields Daqin Group is involved in are heavy industries, which have no direct connection with the daily life of ordinary people. The only thing that everyone can talk about after dinner is that Qin Hai, the chairman of Daqin Group, is only 24 years old. He is in charge of a large enterprise group at such a young age. This story sounds quite inspirational.

But this news has a very different meaning for industry insiders. Even if you don't know what is special about the various industries of the Daqin Group, just watching Wang Hongsheng and other provincial and ministerial officials come to support them can make people feel extraordinary. Officials of many companies have silently remembered the name of Daqin Group, reminding themselves to be more respectful when dealing with this company in the future.

After the inauguration ceremony was over, the personnel from various branches who rushed over from other places left one after another. The establishment of the group is a major event for the cadres and employees of each branch company, which means that they are no longer fighting alone, but belong to a huge and intricate network, and their ability to resist various risks has increased. When going out to contact business, you can also report the name of the group to give yourself a strong momentum.

Tranquility and Qin Shan hurried back to the capital after staying at home for a few days. Tranquility has graduated from a bachelor's degree, and is now starting to do experiments with the tutor of a graduate student, and there are many tasks. Qin Shan's Huaqing University has a five-year academic system. She is also very busy when she is working on her undergraduate graduation project. The two of them came back to Pingyuan this time to participate in the founding ceremony of the Daqin Group. After the ceremony was over, they should naturally go back to work.

In these short few days, Qin Hai took the three girls to the nearby mountains to play for two days in his car. Qin Shan and Qin Ling have a tacit understanding, and they always run away with excuses when they are playing, and try to leave Qin Hai and Ning Jing as much time alone as possible. As for what Qin Hai and Tranquility talked about and what they did during this period of time, Qin Shan and Qin Ling had no way of knowing. However, on the train back to the capital, Qin Shan still noticed that Tranquility would blush inexplicably from time to time, and Qin Shan would never let Qin Shan inquire about the reason.

What is Qin Hai's plan? Do you still want Tranquility to be my sister-in-law? Along the way, Qin Shan murmured secretly in her heart.

After finishing some chores after the establishment of the group, Qin Hai also embarked on a journey. Xu Guoquan, the director of the 70X Institute, has already called him seven or eight times, asking him to go to Tongjiang "when it is convenient". He sorted out the work at hand, and found that there was nothing he had to do in person in the short term, so he decided to go to 70X Office, first to talk to Xu Guoquan about the cooperation in ultra-polyethylene fiber, and second I also want to know about the research projects that 70X is doing, and see if there is anything I can help.

Hearing that Qin Hai was going to the 70X Institute, Ning Mo, who was about to return to Jintang, immediately changed his mind and said that he would go with Qin Hai. As for the reason, he wanted to see the aircraft at the 70X... Who made him a military enthusiast since he was a child?

"Are you interested in military affairs?" Qin Hai asked Ning Mo in surprise on the plane flying to Tongjiang.

"That's right, is there anything wrong?" Ning Mo asked back, poking his neck.

"Why have I never heard you say it?" Qin Hai said, "By the way, you don't have other things, do you?"

Ning Mo looked embarrassed: "What can I do? I just heard that the 70X Institute is researching aircraft. I want to go and have a look. Anyway, there are Lao Liu and Zhou Gong watching over Jintang, so it's no big deal .”

Qin Hai sensed from Ning Mo's expression that something must be wrong with him, but he couldn't figure it out, so he had no choice but to say: "Well, it just so happens that super polyethylene fiber is also a product of Jintang, you go and Director Xu is right to talk about it, and you will have to contact me directly in the future."

"Yes, yes, I think so too." Ning Mo quickly nodded his head in agreement.

The plane landed at the provincial capital and the city airport of Tongjiang Province. Qin Hai, Ning Mo and Heizi walked out of the terminal and saw a huge banner in front of them, saying "Warmly welcome the leaders of Daqin Group to guide our work." "The words. Under the banner, there were forty or fifty men in military uniforms standing on tiptoe looking at the passengers coming out. Seeing Qin Hai and his party, I don't know who yelled first, and then the group of men rushed over together, shocking the other passengers.

"President Qin, President Ning, you are here!"

"Welcome President Qin! We have been looking forward to you for several months!"

"Mr. Qin, thank you very much! You are our great hero!"

"President Qin, when we come to Tongjiang this time, we must get drunk..."

Pairs of enthusiastic hands stretched out towards Qin Hai and Ning Mo. From the strength of the handshake, one could feel the sincerity from the heart of the other party. Among these people, some were known to Qin Hai, and some had never met, but no matter who they were, they all had bright smiles on their faces, which infected Qin Hai with boldness.

"Director Xu, we are really flattered by your formation."

After finally shaking hands with everyone, Qin Hai smiled and said to Xu Guoquan, who led the team. Just now, Xu Guoquan had been by Qin Hai's side and introduced to him the people who came to greet them. These people were all cadres of 70X Institute. Judging from their respective positions, except for a few cadres on duty, 70X Institute , Almost all the prominent leaders and middle-level cadres arrived at the airport.

"Mr. Qin, I heard that you and Mr. Ning are coming, and all the comrades in our institute offered to meet us at the airport. Everyone said that Mr. Qin has made such a great contribution to our 70X, so everyone didn't come to the airport to meet us. I'm really sorry." Xu Guoquan also replied with a smile.

Qin Hai waved his hand and said, "Director Xu made us feel ashamed when he said that. Also, we should stop calling each other 'General'. You should let everyone call me Xiao Qin. Ning Mo also doesn't like others to call him Mr. Ning."

"Haha, then why don't you call me director Xu? Didn't we agree in Jintang that we can't be commensurate with our positions?" Xu Guoquan said.

Qin Hai smiled and said in a low voice: "Here are all your subordinates. Wouldn't it be too abrupt if I called you Brother Xu? I'd better call you Brother Xu when no one else is present."

70X brought seven or eight cars, Xu Guoquan pulled Qin Hai into his own car, and another deputy director accompanied Ning Mo and Heizi to another car. After the other people who came to greet Qin Hai and his party got into the car one after another, the motorcade drove towards the 70X office located on the outskirts of Fuhe City.

There were only the driver and the secretary in Xu Guoquan's car, and there were no outsiders, so as soon as he got in the car, Xu Guoquan patted Qin Hai on the shoulder and said affectionately: "Brother Qin, I am so happy that you can come to Tongjiang." You don't know, I've been looking forward to your coming every day for the past few months, I've prepared two boxes of Moutai alone, and I'm just waiting to toast with you and ask for credit for you."

Xu Guoquan was already in his early 50s, and talking to Qin Hai in such a tone seemed a bit out of touch. Of course Qin Hai knew that this was just a low profile made by Xu Guoquan, the purpose was to show the intimacy between him and him. However, Qin Hai won't expose the other party's hypocrisy. Being able to treat him like this can be regarded as giving him enough face, so he must know the good and the bad.

"Brother Xu, please forgive me. I was busy with the establishment of the group some time ago, so I couldn't get away. In fact, I should have come to visit Brother Xu long ago. By the way, how is the production and sales of bulletproof vests? Are there any in the United States? What feedback?" Qin Hai asked.

Speaking of body armor, Xu Guoquan's eyebrows were about to fly. He said excitedly: "The production situation is very good. We have built three semi-automatic production lines, and now we can produce more than 1,000 pieces per day. The first batch of body armor It has been sent to the United States, and that guy named McCartney is very satisfied, and even wrote a special letter to express his gratitude."

"Hehe, this is also his political achievement, and he should thank you." Qin Hai said with a smile. He knew that McCartney's attitude was not just aimed at the body armor. 70X gave McCartney and others a large amount of kickbacks in disguise by paying consulting fees. Could McCartney be unhappy? ? However, both Qin Hai and Xu Guoquan knew about this matter, so there was no need to discuss it.

"Isn't it a pleasure for the American side to pay?" Qin Hai asked again.

Xu Guoquan said: "It's very happy. Less than two weeks after you came back from the United States, they paid the first advance payment, and after our products arrived, they paid the second payment. In the future, we will pay monthly 20,000 pieces of body armor were sent out, and they promised to pay each batch they received in a timely manner."

"That's good. Triangular debts are too common in China now. Fortunately, Yankees don't have the bad habit of owing triangular debts." Qin Hai said.

Qin Hai's words were just a joke, but the speaker had no intention and the listener had intentions. Xu Guoquan immediately asked the secretary Zhang Peng who was sitting in the front row, "Xiao Zhang, have you remitted all the materials for Jintang Chemical, right? Qin Hai If they always support us like this, we can’t owe them a debt.”

Zhang Peng quickly replied: "It's all been remitted, and Jintang has also received the payment for the goods. Director, don't worry, you have specifically explained this matter, and I will never be negligent."

Qin Hai smiled: "Brother Xu, you misunderstood, what I said just now really didn't mean to remind you..."

Xu Guoquan patted his chest and said: "Which one of our two families is with whom? Jintang Chemical has given us such a big support, and we must not default on your payment. If you have to wait until Brother Qin urges the debt, then I, the eldest brother, You will have no face to see people.”

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