Material Empire

Chapter 311 Someone Has to Stay

Sun Yuzhi's home is in the courtyard of the Industrial University. After Chen Heqian brought Qin Hai to the University of Technology, he did not go to the family area at the back, but to a three-story red brick building next to the student dormitory. Qin Hai is no stranger to Tongzilou. When he was a young worker at Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory, the dormitory he lived in belonged to Tongzilou. But when Chen Heqian walked into this Tongzilou, he still felt a little chilled.

"Teacher Sun lives here?" Qin Hai pointed to the crowded corridor and asked in disbelief.

Although there are a few workers who have become families in the tube building of Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory, most of them are one-way men, and there are not many sundries in the corridors. In this tube building, coal pellet stoves or kerosene stoves are placed at the door of each room, and there are bookshelves eliminated from the library next to them, with oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, vegetables, etc. on them, and occasionally some bundled The books that have grown solidly are obviously because their owners don't need these books for a while, but they are reluctant to throw them away.

Walking in the corridor, people who are a little fatter can only turn their bodies sideways. If two people are walking towards each other, one of them must take shelter at the door of a certain room to let the other pass through. Qin Hai had heard of how difficult the living conditions of the teachers were, but he had never felt it so clearly.

"That's right." Chen Heqian sighed, "Every unit is the same, haven't you heard someone say that now in the capital, it is more difficult to find a house than to find a partner."

"I'm late..." Qin Hai said with his face up, looking at the dim light above his head.

The two walked through several rooms, Chen Heqian pointed with his finger and said, "If I remember correctly, Xiao Sun lives here, I have been here once."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand, knocked lightly on the door a few times, and shouted, "Xiao Sun, Xiao Sun, does Sun Yuzhi live in this room?"

The door opened in response, and standing inside the door was exactly the Sun Yuzhi they were looking for. Different from when Qin Hai knew him, Sun Yuzhi at this time was just in his early 30s, with a strong body and full of energy. Seeing Chen Heqian outside the door, he had a joyful expression on his face: "Oh, Mr. Chen, why are you here?"

"I brought a friend to see you." Chen Heqian said with a smile.

"Please come in, please come in." Sun Yuzhi didn't care who Chen Heqian brought, and hurriedly let them into the room. In front of Chen Heqian, he is a junior, and in front of these young scholars, Chen Heqian is indeed worthy of the word "virtuous and respectable", so Sun Yuzhi is extremely respectful to him.

The two entered the room, only to find that there was already a guest in the room, a young man in his 20s. Seeing the two of them coming in, Xiaonian stood up timidly, and said to Sun Yuzhi: "Mr. Sun, if you have guests, I will leave first. For that matter, let's..."

"Well, you should apply first, and I will write a letter to my mentor to recommend you. Everyone can see your talent, and they will definitely accept you." Sun Yuzhi smiled and said to the young man, only Qin Hai can It can be seen that his smile is so far-fetched.

Sun Yuzhi sent the young man out of the room, and when he came back, he shook his head helplessly at Chen Heqian and Qin Hai, and said, "This is a teaching assistant in our teaching and research section, very talented and capable... Unfortunately, I don't want to stay."

"Want to go abroad?" Chen Heqian asked.

Sun Yuzhi said: "Yes. Because I have stayed abroad for a few years, I know some people, so he came to me to help him write a recommendation letter. Counting this, I have already recommended five, and now the top four All of them are doing well abroad. They are worms in China, but they become dragons when they go abroad.”

"They're gone, isn't your place empty?" Qin Hai asked knowingly, "Why didn't you think about keeping it?"

"Retain what?" Sun Yuzhi said with resentment, "Look at me, I'm a Ph. D., an associate professor, and I'm mixed up like this. What can they do? When they come to me for recommendation, I tell them , go out, at the very least, let your life go beyond the primary stage."

This is the second time Qin Hai has heard the word primary stage being mentioned today. At that time, the state defined its own social form as the "primary stage of socialism", which means that many systems are still immature and need to be continuously explored. The common people in China have never lacked a sense of humor, and many serious political terms can be used for daily ridicule. Because there are many unsatisfactory things in the society, everyone will explain these problems in the primary stage.

When Sun Yuzhi went out just now, Qin Hai had already looked around the whole room. This is a hut of less than 20 square meters, and a curtain was pulled in the middle of the room to separate the room into two. Behind the curtain, Sun Yuzhi's wife was guiding his 10-year-old child to do homework. Just now when she came out to pour water for Chen Heqian and Qin Hai, Qin Hai took a peek and found a bed and a writing desk inside. do not have much left.

On the half outside the curtain, there is a single bed, and on the bed is a three-layer bookshelf nailed by myself, which is full of books and photocopied materials. On the other side of the wall was a refrigerator with a single door and a simple wardrobe. There was a small table in front of the bed, and the tea that Mrs. Sun poured for the two of them was placed on this table.

Judging from the layout of the house, Qin Hai could imagine that in this family, the mother lived with the children in the inner room, and Sun Yuzhi lived in the outer room by himself. The child has to go to bed early, and Sun Yuzhi undoubtedly has to stay up late to do research, so this arrangement is more appropriate. Qin Hai instinctively thought of some things that he shouldn't think about. In such a room, how would Sun Yuzhi and his wife solve those problems that are not suitable for children...

Sun Yuzhi didn't expect Qin Hai to think about such unreliable things. He pointed at Qin Hai and asked with a smile, "I haven't asked for advice yet. What's your name?"

"Qin Hai, now works at Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory in Anhe Province." Qin Hai replied simply.

"Oh, Xiao Qin." Sun Yuzhi nodded. Given Qin Hai's age, it's not an exaggeration for him to call him that. He thought to himself, this little Qin should be some kind of relative of Chen Heqian. The only possibility for Chen Heqian to bring him here was to say hello and let him take his postgraduate entrance examination.

In fact, due to the spread of the idea that "study is useless" in society, the number of graduate students is not large, and some majors in industrial universities are not even full of people. If Chen Heqian had to take him through the back door for a postgraduate entrance examination, it could only show that this person's grades were terrible. At this moment, Sun Yuzhi was even thinking about whether he should accept this postgraduate student, and if so, how to operate it, and if not, how to explain it to Chen Heqian...

"Have you never heard of Xiao Qin's name?" Chen Heqian asked Sun Yuzhi with a smile.

"What?" Sun Yuzhi, who was dreaming, was taken aback for a moment. He looked at Chen Heqian's expression, and then turned to look at Qin Hai. A name suddenly flashed in his mind. He subconsciously pointed to Qin Hai and asked, "You are the one ...Qin Hai who engages in thermal spraying?"

The introduction of the thermal spraying process has caused great disturbances in the circle of metal materials, especially knowing that this process was first developed by the Chinese, domestic scholars are even more surprised and inexplicable. Sun Yuzhi is an expert in materials science anyway, so how can he not know the gossip behind the scenes of thermal spraying technology? Although the papers published in academic journals are signed by Li Linguang and Yue Kun, the name Qin Hai is always associated with these two people. go hand in hand.

"The thermal spraying machine was developed by Mr. Li Linguang and Mr. Yue Kun, and I can only be regarded as a funder at best." Qin Hai explained with a smile.

"Oh, I really can't see Mount Tai. I should...should I call you Mr. Qin?" Sun Yuzhi's face flashed with panic. In the past three years, he has heard about how much foreign exchange the export of thermal spraying machines has created, and Qin Hai is the chairman of Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory, so he is a billionaire. For a poor teacher with less than 10,000 yuan in bank deposits, the impact of a billionaire is enough to make him panic and sweat.

"You don't need to be so polite with Xiao Qin, you can call him Xiao Qin. The advantage of Xiao Qin is that he has no airs. He used to be a young worker, but now he is worth hundreds of millions, and he still looks like a young worker. I just like him. Look." Chen Heqian commented heartlessly from the side.

"That's right, Teacher Sun, in front of all of you, I don't even have the qualifications to be a student. You should call me Xiao Qin, that's what Teacher Li and Teacher Yue call me." Qin Hai said.

"Okay..." Sun Yuzhi replied dully, but the shocking feeling in his heart could not be subsided for a while. He subconsciously looked at his shabby room, worn sheets, and white ball pants, and an inexplicable sense of inferiority quietly grew.

The other party's education is not as good as his own, and his age is much younger than his own, but he has made such great achievements. In comparison, his little book is really read in the stomach of a dog. If the other party got rich by cheating and speculation, like the few nouveau riche he knew, Sun Yuzhi could at least find a little psychological balance. But the Qin Hai in front of him really started his career with technology, and the thermal spraying process he invested in made himself amazed. In front of such a person, Sun Yuzhi really couldn't find any sense of superiority.

"Mr. Sun, you just said that you encouraged those young people to go abroad and surpass the primary stage, so why don't you go yourself?" Qin Hai asked Sun Yuzhi, turning aside the topic of his own identity.

Sun Yuzhi thought for a while, laughed at himself, and said, "Maybe it's because I'm paranoid."

"What do you mean paranoid?" Qin Hai asked.

Sun Yuzhi said: "I'll say it out, Xiao Qin, I'm afraid you're going to say that I'm high-profile. I think that in such a big country as ours, someone must stay."

Hello, World!

Oranges are alive...

Let's recommend this book, "My Shadow is the God of Cookery" by the eldest son of the Li family, an urban essay with the theme of cooking, can make people feel refreshed. Let me explain in advance that I am still relatively young, please save it after reading it, and help the author.

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