Master Of None

Chapter 960 - 960. Assistance

"I did hear that the ports were locked down. As you know were are bolstering our forces to cure the corruption and mistreatment of the demons. We need the supplies that have been traded from far off cities and kingdoms of the north. Please explain why this is the case." The human king August looked carefully at the merfolk opposite him. He had received this news a week prior and had been waiting for this moment to hear the details.

The other rulers had also found this happening. But had heard later than the humans due to their greater distance from the oceans and harbors."We too have trouble with demons. But they are not so tame as land dwelling demons. You can speak with yours and understand them. Those that live in the water are monsters with no desire for sentience. They only desire to consume the oceans and expand their powers. I fear that they are succeeding." Unhappy faces graced everyones' faces while this was said.

The demons were corrupted on land because of the sin title holders and the demon lord but they were able to communicate and feel. Imagining a demon without this made them realize that the merfolk were facing demons like imps which had some sentience but in an evil and twisted form. They were not and would never become a race due to their twisted ways.

The room seemed to vibrate as pressure came for Current and a slight growl could be heard. "Despicable. Krakens dare to attempt and rise again? Those disgusting things were responsible for three eggs to perish. My branch villages will assist you in this. They do not deserve to roam any part of this world." The intense anger coming from Current only spoke further to how precious the dragon eggs were to the dragons. "How large has the mother gotten?"

No one knew the ins and outs of the kraken species. The merfolk had an idea but they had partial knowledge compared to refined knowledge. "The problem has not been size yet. It is numbers. There are so many that are the size of myself that they overwhelm ships, armies, and even small islands. No one has seen their clutches of eggs or a mother. We lost our records hall to them last month along with many scholars. We were forced to relocate our main city and rebuild from scratch." This was devastating news.

The growling became slightly stronger. "Calm yourself while you are here or I will calm you myself." The entire room looked at Walker as if he had just spit in their faces. It was suicide to insult a dragon in this way. But the reaction from Current was surprising. He forced the growling and anger down while looking at Walker in the eyes.

"I see you learned very well." He paused to take a deep breath, "The mother should be larger than this city at that point. It will take more than myself to deal with. If they are swarming in such high numbers then they will be attempting to get on land and take over rivers and lakes next. It will be a repeat of my youth. I will not allow it!" The shout was close to a small roar but made every single one of them know the hidden danger that had been in the oceans.

"We may have our own demon problems, but if these are mindless and destructive creatures then they are the true demons. I may have some water mages that can use spells to breathe underwater. They will join the subjugation." Queen Reina stood up vowing her assistance at all costs.

Everyone had come to the conclusion that the swarms of kraken were just babies in comparison to the mother. But what was truly causing them to wrack their brains for every possible card they could play, was the simple fact that an ancient dragon had just said they would not be able to handle it alone.

"My armies are focused at the borders and protecting the city. If I split any off I risk my peoples' lives. But I can open the armory and vaults to provide materials needed. I am sure the water elemental mana crystals can be used." King August knew that he couldn't offer much since it would be too risky.

"I have a general that I can send. Scylla, please." Rorick motioned for Scylla to speak.

"I have the ancient monster traits. They bring me close to the leviathans which I share my life with. I may be missing one for now but I have skills that are better utilized within water. I also have an elite guard that is specialized in aquatic combat." This was backed up by Scylla allowing one of the leviathans she was bonded with to leave the sleeve of her robes and swim in the air. It remained in it's small state. "They can reach about the size of a small merchant ship when on their full forms. If I was complete I could be of more use." Walker remembered how Scylla was not truly complete as a being without all six leviathans with her.

"We have golems specialized for flooded caves."

"We can send three thousand along. We will keep the rest to maintain our ore production."

That being said, we will ask for fifty assorted color pearls for crafting. We rarely receive them as of late and have a need for them to produce a new golem." This seemed like a small amount that the three kings were asking but to them, it would make over five thousand golems.

"Then it looks like we will also be joining. My party will need time to figure out breathing underwater but we will be ready. I can't wait idly knowing that a member of this alliance could lose their home." Midnight backed Walker up with a snarl of anger. There were many other masters to discuss but this one had been decided.



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