Master Of None

1452 1452. Dragon Aspects

"Today we have seen many battle it out. We have had esteemed guests. We even have three judges that have painstakingly been marking down those they wish to see battle in the real rounds of the coliseum! No longer will we wait for results. Look upon the outside of the coliseum and you will see the magical light skills used to show those that move on and who they will be facing!"

Scylla announced this to the entire coliseum tried to rush away. However, her voice boomed out again. "If I hear a single participant faces their opponent ahead of time, tries to harm their opponent, or bribes them…You will feel pain!" Not a soul dared to go against Scylla. She had power that most would not be able to obtain and she was still getting stronger.

"Well, that settles that. I was a little worried that there wouldn't be any warning like that before we left. If not I was going to ask Ignus and Mordant to help me show a little dominance." Walker joked but knew it would have been the best deterrence. No one in Genesis would knowingly go against a dragon.

"Are you sure you are fine after all that?" Alma was going to walk back to her home with Gil escorting her. She just worried that Walker still hadn't recovered properly from his battle.

"Yes, thank you for asking. I will be fine after I sleep a little. Although, I think Ignus will have a few words to say about that." Walker pushed everyone to head home so that he could walk with Mordant and Ignus alone. He saw the look on Ignus's face and it said that he had been waiting to speak to him.

"Your flames were too weak. You should have used more. You focused on ice and water? How could you? So weak and barely enough to make a major difference." This was right along what Walker had expected. Both Mordant and Ignus had been unhappy that Walker had not focused on their elemental affiliations.

"I said the very same. He didn't even know how to use the shadows properly to his advantage. It was a foolish choice when he could have just fused your flames and my shadows to create flames that would have simply ended the fight." Instead of making the argument worse, Mordant decided to go another route and side with Ignus.

"Now you are making some sense. That would have been more acceptable over those cold flames you used… those were not even worth looking at." Ignus felt that the fire elemental mana had been too weak.

"I already explained this to Mordant. I don't have full mastery over that skill. I need to learn to make that a natural dragon aspect instead of an elemental dragon aspect. Even making that lightning was tough. I could only do it with a skill called voracious mana consumption. It comes with major mental strain and leaves me with a single mana.

"Then it is not so bad. Some dragon aspects have a drawback where they can not use their elemental affinity at all for a set time after. Especially a pure dragon aspect." This was the first that another dragon had told Walker of the other dragon aspects. It was a perfect chance to learn more.

"So if you use your fire dragon aspect you can't use fire elemental mana for a while after? Or is a pure fire dragon aspect different?" Ignus felt that the question was almost mocking. Even Mordant was growling now that he heard that Walker was that far in the dark.

"Of course I would be limited after I used my skill. I am forced to use years of built up mana. If I even dared to use a pure version of my aspect I would burn double the mana while increasing the attacks I used tenfold! How have you not read that in your skill description? Or been taught that somewhere?"

"Well, my elemental dragon aspect just limits me by the mana, natural mana, and required connection to dragons. I don't have any drawbacks afterwards."

Mordant looked at Walker slowly. He didn't speak right away but Ignus was literally shaking. "You do not have any drawback but requirements to use the skill instead…and it's not even a natural mana dragon aspect? Our skills are like jokes now." Mordant was stunned. His speech still sounded as if he didn't believe Walker at all.

"How!? We train for hundreds of years to use a simplified version and suffer afterwards. What nonsense. If you have the same requirements for the same skill after you have a nature dragon aspect then I will go in to retirement that day!" Ignus was also beside himself once he regained his ability to speak.

The entire walk to the mansion, the pair ranted about how impossible this was. How they didn't even think that walker could handle the elemental dragon aspect in his life due to his need to learn and master every single elemental mana. They were right though, he was radically held back by limited study of all elemental mana.

Their conversation ended in a promise to drag Walker to the mage tower for two rounds of elemental control training. It was more than what Walker had expected and desired. He had hoped to just gain some more information in the dragon aspect skill set. He knew there was more to it since it was clear every single affinity elemental dragon had one.

Knowing that he would learn in depth knowledge about the fire and darkness affinity manas was even better. Ignus and Mordant had studied for many generations of humans. They gathered a deep understanding that a human would normally never have. Therefore, Walker was sure to grasp new understandings to focus on above others he had made alone.



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