Master Of None

1431 1431. Hatchling Visits

"Thank you for your participation in the crafting guild's first ever competitions. Please remember that all items that will not be given as rewards for the battle competitions next will be on auction at the Garnet family auction house tonight!" The end of the competition seemed to cause a lot of people to give in to their tiredness. Too many had stayed awake during the entire twenty four hour period.

"The battles." Ignus seemed to be on a roll with the energy from the crafting competitions. He had fully accepted Genesis and was ready to see more. "My dragonkin will be participating. I expect more surprises in their competition."

"Don't even doubt us. You've seen Barry, he's not the strongest warrior here. There are others that will join the competitions to see what they can do against those said to be the strongest." Walker had to push a little. He felt it would make things more fun in the long run.

"Does that mean you will be fighting? I wouldn't expect a royal dragon to do such things when they should remain composed." Mordant came at Walker. He wasn't going to sit on the sidelines and allow for there to be a one way gloating competition over warriors. He believed this would have their own merits in a battle.

"Don't speak like you will have winners among the battle. Your warriors do not have the physical strength." This comment was all that the two needed to start glaring at each other with challenge.

"And now, maybe we should go and rest. There is plenty of time for us to push each other later. I want to see what people can do too." Walker started t head away which was enough to make Mordant and Ignus follow. "I also want to get some decent food." the mention of his mother's cooking was the easy way to get anyone to stop fighting. Even Remey couldn't resist the temptations.

"Old man, what are you doing?!" Remey was currently locked in her office trying to figure out how she was going to handle the massive boom in merchant requests. However, the old master alchemist had burst in.

"What do you mean, what are you doing? I am here because this little dragon came all the way here without Midnight looking for you!" There were two familiar dragon hatchlings right behind the old master alchemist. They seemed to be a little defensive because of the unfamiliar environment.

"Partner, the little alchemy fire dragon is here with her brother," Remey whispered slightly to get her alchemy fire spirit to leave the spirit mark and come out to see them. As soon as the fire spirit showed itself the younger fire dragon hatchling became much more energetic.

"What are you planning to do?" The old master alchemist felt like he saw the future in Remey's eyes. It was all too clear that she was going to be ignoring her portion of the paperwork so that she could focus on the dragon hatchlings.

"I need to help them get their fire to a better level. So, I am going to go and make a potion. A fire affinity potion which should help them both." Remey walked right past the old master alchemist toward one of the labs that had more space for them to explore a little. It was better that the hatchlings wouldn't feel boxed in since Remey knew they must be used to the openness of the lava lands.

"You two will really like it here. The heat from the flames makes it pretty warm so it will be closer to your home. Plus, you can get a lot of experience learning about herbs and other things. I don't know if your older brother will feel the same way about alchemy as you, but he can still learn about fire elemental mana here." There was a happy huff from the younger fire dragon as she understood some of what the alchemy fire spirit was telling her after Remey spoke.

"Don't go saying that I might get violent with the cauldron if I fail. I never fail a potion. Who are you to say that anyways? Hm? You mess up the same as I do when the potion fails since I depend on your help to maintain the heat!" Remey caught a few words that the alchemy fire spirit was saying to the little hatchlings. She was not the happiest to be teased in front of new students.

"This is a real alchemy lab. Shelves for the potions, herbs, and tools. The cauldrons are here since it's a large lab, there are three. This is how you increase airflow to boost the flames if you aren't as good as us. There are vents in the ceiling, ways to cool with water baths here, and these are books with basic knowledge for those still learning. I will see if we can get some books translated or a teacher to show you both how to read." Remey was ready to jump in to it without any further conversation. It would be a waste not to show off a little.

"The fire affinity potions I will make for both of you are not something I assume you will be able to make right away. They are things I am making because you need them. You can breathe alchemy flames, that's great. But you can not control them. And you need to get acclimated with fire more as the older sibling so that you can breathe flames too. I also recommend finding other fire spirits or Midnight to help teach you."

This was the basics of what Remey wanted them to be able to do. She didn't speak much after that. From here, Remey was already moving to get ingredients and heat the cauldrons. She was making a double batch of fire affinity potions with materials she had within the lab. She and the alchemy fire spirit were plainly showing off.



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