Master Of None

1412 1412. Earth

Walker was one of the few that could feel the change in the earth elemental mana. It wasn't that he was looking for it, however, he felt it as soon as he had moved to fix the earth he had manipulated over the last hour.

Only seven people had issues with their potions which was a fairly low number. That didn't mean that Walker was responsible and would help clean up the mess he had made to prevent anyone from being harmed. This was the same for the other mages working in pairs to protect the participants.

That being said, there were a handful of earth mages that had used the same technique as Walker had. They had moved the earth elemental mana to cover the cauldrons and partnered with water mages to douse the fires used. But the earth mages with higher affinity for the earth elemental mana suddenly stopped.

"That feels…" Walker felt that it was similar to the way that Zephyr felt but with the wind. "I need to figure something out. Can you take over here?" Walker felt bad asking this of another range but had to figure out where the pulling feeling of the earth elemental mana was coming from.

Moving toward the central arena, Walker took a seat and let his senses feel out the mana balance around them. It was sure that the fire elemental mana would be the strongest, however, that was not the case. The earth elemental mana that had took his attention was increasing.

Since he was fully focused on the earth elemental mana now, Walker could tell that there was a slightly rumbling. "I wonder if there is an earthquake somewhere?" Just as he said this, Fleur made her first appearance in some time. She had left the spirit mark to drift in front of Walker. She had been drawn by the same feeling.

"I know you were resting and absorbing the mana you need. It's just that something is pulling at the earth elemental mana and stopped me from gathering it too." He felt that Fleur was more curious than upset. But he could still see the sluggish movements since she had last used too much energy.

"Hey, Walker." Gil had come running from where he had been. "I know I missed the morning but something important is going on with the earth elemental spirits." He had seen the earth elemental spirits reacting to the change in mana and also felt that Zephyr was unsettled.

"There are a bunch of them gathering around the trees the elves planted. I think the unbalanced mana is affecting them." Gil wasn't sure and had taken a guess. Zephyr was more sensitive to the opposing forces that the earth elemental mana had on the wind so she would be able to let Gil know.

Just as Walker considered this, he found that Su had also left the stands to come and find him. It was good that he had moved to the less busy arena where he could stand to the side and speak with Gil and Su. "Let me guess, your partner is reacting to the earth elemental mana shifting?" Su didn't even speak. She just nodded. "Then let's go out to the trees by the elven area. I bet we will have an answer soon.

The three leaving the arena was enough to make a few more people move. Remey made sure to motion for the mages to focus on what they were doing more carefully. Ignus and Mordant also took notice but had no intention of interfering. They knew if something interesting was going to happen they would be able to see it clearly. Midnight also had too much to pay attention to since the hatchings were enamored with the various potions being made and the scents of herbs.

While the three moved, they noticed more earth elemental spirits that had taken up residence within Genesis moving toward the same direction. "Alma, have an idea of what's happening?" Walker found that Alma had also been dragged there.

"I do, a few spirit mages said that they believed a powerful earth spirit is coming this way. If I were to be more specific, they sensed one wake up and move this way. It's a good sign since a powerful earth elemental spirit will help the plants grow just by coming to the area or even passing by." This sounded like it would bring better things for Genesis which had just begun the growing season.

"That's good news. I came because I sensed it and Fleur was unsettled. Gil found me shortly after I noticed. I would have been able to catch it earlier if I was more focused." Walker spoke while noticing that the mana had become even denser.

Su's earth elemental partner revealed itself and looked down at the ground. As it did this, the earth began to form in to a fairly familiar shape. One that Walker had seen other elemental spirits take but with slightly different designs.

Grand earth elemental spirit- ???

This is the named grand earth elemental spirit. The most powerful earth elemental spirit around that has recently awoken from a long term slumber to gather large amounts of earth elemental mana. The world has become unbalanced while selecting the next fire elemental spirit, therefore, the grand earth spirit ??? is coming toward the only earth spirit it can sense.'

"Welcome to Genesis. I am Walker, This is Fleur." The earth spirit finished forming a body made out of dirt and stone in front of them. It was much more detailed like Zephyr and Fleur were.

"Well…not what I came looking for. I felt the familiar mana of an old friend and came to see them. I was not aware of a budding nature spirit. Welcome to the world." The mana was firm and solid. Walker was impressed but curious about how slowly the grand earth spirit seemed to move. "I am Ter, one with the earth elemental mana."



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