Master Of None

1402 1402. Dress Nice

The flame dragon hatchlings thought they had found the world's greatest treasure. The roasted giant earth ant meat had been completely brined in the dried spice mixture using various fruit juices.

"I made it to be a little sweet because who doesn't like sweet? Then add some of this that and those…and you have my new spiced roasted meat dish. I'm thinking of selling it as the harvest season special." Midnight and Su were the only two listening.

The staff members had managed to hold themselves back so far. At first, they had been worried about the dragon hatchlings coming behind the counter. They had been given strict rules by Hilda upon them being hired. They knew to keep people out of the kitchen.

Even Su walking in had made them worry that they would lose their jobs. However, now that they were seeing how happy Hilda was to see them and the drooling looks of the hatchlings, they were convinced. They had a new adoration of little dragons.

"Oh don't make that face. You three can try some slow roast I am bringing home for dinner. I need taste testers." The three darkness affinity hatchlings changed their attitude instantly. They were convinced that Hilda was a goddess of food.

"Well, it seems that you might have five new guards for your bakery." Su was surprised to see the enthusiasm that the fire elemental hatchlings had. It was as if they were completely different beings.

"Everyone needs food. I think they were too shy to come out and just act the way they want. I do think they need a good cleaning though." Hilda was nearly ready to start giving the two fire affinity hatchlings a bath but thought better of it.

"I don't want to tell this to Walker, but, I think these two didn't actually live in the fire dragon village. I think they were out in the lava lands free. They might need some time." Midnight nudged Su in agreement. She had understood this as well.

"I'm sure he knows. I can imagine the look on his face the moment he saw them. They have a home with us and that's all that matters." Hilda patted the two fire affinity hatchlings in the head. They didn't even growl at her. They had found their first person to trust.

"Alma! What do you mean I need to wear something nice. Nice how?" Gil was trying to catch up to Alma. The arrival of Ignus had caused her to rush to the Genesis building seeing him for only a moment.

"Like I said, the fire dragon is here and that means so will his dragonkin soon. That means flame elves will send a small group with them. That was part of the talks I had with them. I want you to look your best." Alma was not giving Gil more information the way he wanted.

"I understand that. You told me before but why nice? Is there something else I need to be ready for?" Alma had been walking with the water elf representative and two attendants that had recently come from the forest elf city.

"Gil, just do it for me, please. I promise you will get everything you need to know." Alma kept walking, leaving Gil confused and unsure.

With Alma leaving him in the dust, Gil started to aimlessly wander. "Zephyr, I have no idea what she wants me to do but I guess I'll have to find new clothes…I need to talk to Lisa."

Changing from his aimless path, Gil made a straight for Lisa's shop. It had been a hot topic in the city lately with a few children of merchants wearing her clothing.

"Excuse me, but Miss Lisa is not accepting customers today. It is a design day for her to work on custom orders." The woman was a new employee eating outside the door. She was In charge of accepting pick up orders and letting customers know what was going on.

"Oh, well can you let Lisa know that Gil is here to chat for a bit?" When Gil said this a look of surprise appeared on the attendant's face.

"You're that Gil. I was told if Miss Lisa's family came by to let them in. Please follow me." The attendant led Gil inside with a hood in her step. She preferred to let people inside than out of the shop.

"Miss Lisa, a member of your family is here."

For Lisa's age, she was already well ahead of most people. If someone didn't know she had help from others, they would never believe she had the skills to run a seamstress shop.

"Gil! You're back too! I wasn't sure who would stop by so soon. It's been so busy!" Lisa was brighter than anything since she was seeing Gil for the first time in a while.

"Of course I would come. I also need your expertise." Upon hearing that Gil needed her skills, Lisa was even happier that he had come.

"Tell me everything you need." Her serious focus made even her employee smile with determination. Lisa had the very same insane focus that Walker did. It was a singular trait that showed their relation.

"Alma said I need to dress nice for when the flame elves get here and that she would explain more then." The defeat in Gil's voice struck home with how he was feeling about the situation.

"I know exactly what you need. You're basically an elven archer at the lead of Genesis. I will make you the perfect arcane archer hero fighting rune sewn armor… I'll just make it!" Lisa rushed away dragging her employee with her. Gil wasn't sure if he had ever seen Lisa so excited before.

"I'll trust you!" Gil could only shout while he watched the back room door slam shut. "She's really passionate."



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