Master Of None

1383 1383. Check It Out

"It may be old fashioned for me to be warning young ones like you, but the volcano is nowhere for you to play around." The elder looked at Gil with stern eyes. He did not want to see the only guests they had ever receive harmed.

"I know it's dangerous. The wind spirits have warned me but they also said that the volcano is calm right now. It's the perfect time for me to go and investigate this grand fire spirit." Gil smirked a little seeing the flame elves become shocked at what he was saying.

"You can speak to the elemental spirits?" The elder asked the question that everyone had already heard the answer to. But he had to hear it flat out.

"Yes, well, only the wind elemental spirits for now. I need to figure out how to speak to the others. I did say that I have a title from Zephyr the named wind spirit. She and I are pretty much the same at this point." Gil patted his chest where the new spirit mark was. The spirit mark that made his very soul feel at one with the wind.

"Then go. Be quick and be safe. I will trust you there. My family will guide you." The elder motioned for one of the flame elves nearby to come closer. "Take this young one to the cave near the entrance. Allow him to walk through safely." The elf hat the elder motioned to was slim and agile. She was silent but motioned for Gil to follow her.

"Gil, we will be waiting." Alma was not happy that Gil was taking this on himself. She wanted to go with him but knew where her place was. While Gil was investigating the grand fire spirit, she would be building connections. She would be bringing the people closer together so they could pursue a new life in Genesis free of their worries of banishment.

"Now tell me, future queen of the elves, what races have been brought together and what have you built together?" Alma smiled brilliantly at this.

"We have built a home."

The flame elf in front of Gil had changed a bit since they separated from the others. She didn't wear the calm expression anymore and instead looked over at Gil constantly. She was keeping a close eye on his actions and what he may be doing. "You know that I am not here to cause trouble, right? If I was, the elemental spirits wouldn't come near me for a second. They can tell these things."

"You may have fooled them. The king was able to bait some fire spirits in to remaining in the city with elemental crystals. We are not so foolish." Her voice was soft but spoken with influence.

"That's another wrong thing he has done. I would prefer not to learn more but I have to hear it. How else will we prevent it from happening again?" Gil walked silently for a moment. "You should know that Genesis already has the water and forest elves. We have the mage tower that the desert elves once used as well. Not that they were the ones to build it but that's a long story. I plan to help Alma unite the elves again. Along with some of my own goals."

"So you are like all humans. You have your own goals." The humpf that Gil received was a little too harsh, But he continued on.

"I am an arcane archer with more titles than I know what to do with. But I also have a quest to bring the dagger arts of the elves back together. The high elf dagger arts are lost because the dagger arts were split up between the elemental varieties of elves. To have your culture split is an insult to it. Elves are meant to live together in balance and harmony. All of your teachings I have found so far illustrate this."

"Do you know why we left? The home the elves once it had fallen to pieces after our leaders fought over elemental affinities. The worst part in the books is that the other affinities wanted us to move to places where we would not be as powerful as we are. The flame elves have the most power over the elemental affinity we possess. Never forget that." The flame elf woman snapped her finger and a small ball of fire appeared before dissipating.

"Then you will like Genesis, literally more and more dragons have been coming, and having someone able to handle the potential fire dangers of fire dragon hatchlings might be good. That and the blacksmiths might need help. To be fair, the dwarves have their hands full with everything they are working on but they have made some serious efforts to learn spirit speech from the elves. That's what happens with true spirit forging though."

"Spirit forging!"

"No, not spirit forging. True spirit forging. The right way without harming spirits. Zephyr used to be trapped in this bow, but I helped reforge it. She was freed and became more important to me than I can even describe. Genesis is the home to all elemental affinities and will not practice something that harms elemental spirits." There was something in Gil's eyes that silenced the elf from speaking any longer. She already understood that he was speaking from his core and not lying to her.

"This is the cave that takes us to the summit. It is faster than you think and free from lava. No monsters live within so you will be safe. Do not approach the bubbling magma at the center. It will not go well." Gil felt the extreme heat coming from the cave and mentally prepared himself to deal with it.

"I will see you in a little bit. Wish me luck." Gil left with a smile and a wave. He was going to see what this grand fire spirit was all about.



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