Master Of None

1348 1348. Familiar Face

Midnight stood in between the alchemy guild and the adventurers guild. She growled softly sending the two elite dragonkin inside. Before long a staff member came out from each. They saw that it was Midnight waiting outside and rushed back inside.

Clara was the first to respond. But instead of her coming outside, a different person walked out. One that had been handpicked to handle the dragonkin that came to the guild. He had been moved from the diamond branch where he was in charge of evaluating new members to play the same role here align with keep any dragonkin that abused their rules in line.

"You couldn't come inside? We have the entire training field and you couldn't come inside?" The large mad had a familiar shape that Midnight had seen before. Yet she had never spoken with him. The only one in the party that knew him by name would have been Walker if he was there.

"Refrain from addressing Lady Midnight in such a manner, she is-" The sharp growl from Midnight was mixed with orange sparks. They cut the elite dragonkin warrior off from speaking again. He didn't know what he had done wrong but when he saw Midnight give a soft nod to the man he understood. He had been told off because he was rude.

"Oh? You can keep them in line with a quick growl like that? We'll get along well. I'll tell you a little secret then. Your older brother Walker was tested by me before he joined the guild. Has he ever told you about how he walked in and started telling people he could use any weapon, learn any skill, and even showed it all off in front of my two eyes?"

Midnight was surprised to hear this. Walker had not said much about becoming a member of the guild. The test made sense but it was overlooked after they were members. Midnight also skipped any potential test since she had an established bond with Walker. "The name is Dirk by the way. I had to move all the way here just to handle the crazy number of adventurers applying to be part of the guild. It's all your fault you know."

Dirk appeared to be upset but was actually smiling the whole time. "Midnight, did you really send someone in to get me? I know you are busy since the dragonkin arrived but so am I." Remey was on another level. She had been interrupted from her work and was ready to go a few rounds to put Midnight in her place.

In response, Midnight pushed the male hatchling forward and huffed at the elite dragonkin who was looking at Remey as if he was watching someone walk to their death. "Lady Midnight wishes for this young one to be trained as a guard for your alchemy guild. They will be tough and grow large. Here are copies of the paper with notes from sir Walker." The elite handed them over.

"So you are in charge of finding places for these hatchlings? Good. but you are short one…ah, Walker has it with him. Fine by me. I will teach it a few things. But can it take a punch?" Remey glared at the male hatchling who finally showed the fire in his belly.

Small growls were forced out as it puffed up its chest. "Ha! You call that a growl? Didn't you hear Midnight, she has way more presence than you. You could barely guard cheese against a mouse. We will be changing that. I assume this guy is here to help?"

"This guy? You are looking at the best analyzer of talent the adventures guild in Genesis has. You're lucky you passed the test to get in to the guild since I might not have let you walk in so disrespectfully. Tell me who evaluated you so I can fire them!" Dirk responded with the same fiery attitude that Dirk did. "Little girl, don't go hiding like that., I can still sense you there."

The female hatchling had hidden away hearing Dirk get riled up with Remey. "If you want to be timid like that I won't let you train around here." Dirk was ready to only let one hatchling in until the elite dragonkin handed him a set of papers which Dirk read carefully.

"Scouting potential? I see, so you want me to connect the archery academy with her lessons. That makes more sense since we officially contracted with them. We have some of their instructors here today showing a few lessons in the training fields. They will be here tomorrow with the founder of the academy, Gil."

"Gil will get his sorry butt here? Good, I will walk over and make him work up a sweat. He has been running around with the elves while I train and work hard. Someone needs to get his mind off girls." Naturally, Remey knew that Gil wasn't shirking his duty but she wanted an excuse to drag him in to sparring.

"It's settled then. We will see you all tomorrow. I will go back then. I have potential talent to test." Dirk was very up front and walked right away without another word. But Midnight was happy. She had wanted to get the introductions done easily.

"Are you heading home with them next? I can send a few of the dragon fruits with you since we have some that were speed grown for production. We found that they make a good food once processed in to pellets for lizard type monsters. The tamers have tried to buy us out recently." Rmeey laughed a little at the guild's smart finds.

Since Midnight wanted to eat another as well, she didn't refuse. The hatchlings didn't know what they would get from such a fruit but Midnight did. It could help them find some of their hidden potential. It wasn't a guarantee but a good chance to take.



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