Master Of None

1323 1323. Waiting Surprises

The party had found that a few golems were marching back to Genesis with a large carriage. The dwarves had set them up to automatically follow a path they had set with small rune carved crystals. It wasn't much company but in the interest of time, they had hopped on and spent the few days bonding with one another.

"I can't believe you are burning up every herb you find like that. I know you are trying to refine them but it flips my mind upside down." Walker had a hard time grasping the skills that Remey was attempting to use by covering her hands in alchemy fire.

When Remey had approached Walker with the concept and asked for him to maintain the cold around her, he had been wary. However, it was the safe way for her to slowly adapt to high temperatures along with figuring out the new skills she had and could learn. It seemed that Remey was only about halfway to unlocking an alchemical skill and needed the assistance to figure the rest out.

"It's not burning them up. Most of the herb turns in to black dust. That's just ash. I know. But the part you should be excited about is the small bead of dried sap here." Remey had carefully shaped these beads over hours of their travel.

'Condensed tri flower lily sap

This is the sap of a tri colored lily. A very common healing salve ingredient. Normally one would need to spend many hours condensing a large number to create a bead of sap like this. Alchemy flames have been used to extract the majority of the sap from a single plant with all three intact flowers. This has created a very high quality sap bead best used for high quality salves.'

The appraisal was very good and Remey was glad to hear it. Yet she wanted the appraisal to be perfect. This was not her entire goal. She needed to push higher. "I can tell it's amazing but your hands are red and we are stopping." The irritation on Remey's hands was not going away so easily. She was going to have to admit that she was not fire proof and would need to train this sort of skill slowly so that she didn't need Walker to create a cold environment to counter it every time. Meanwhile, the alchemy fire spirit had exhausted itself and melted back in to Remey's spirit mark to sleep for some time.

"I think we should stay focused. We are about to get back in to the city. I can see the dwarves waiting to receive the carriage from here." Gil gave them a warning so that everyone could properly clean up and prepare. It would be a little while before they were back but they all had their plans. Alice was very clear in the fact that she wants to go back to the cathedral. She would speak with the high priests and let him know.

"I think we should stay focused. We are about to get back in to the city. I can see the dwarves preparing to receive the carriage and take away the giant ant bodies." Gil was easily able to spot the dwarves gathered to meet them. They still had a few moments but it was enough time to think about what they would be doing after returning.

Most of the party just wanted to relax, but Alice was thinking about rushing right to the cathedral. Arora had been quietly watching from her arm the entire journey. She had learned a lot and it was a good story to share with the high priest. Along with that, she wanted to ensure that the other eggs were absorbing the light elemental mana properly, it would mean that Arora would have siblings sooner than later.

"Walker, I know you might want to go and rest to figure out a few things…but…" Gil pointed up to the sky with an unfortunate expression. He knew he was giving bad news.

"It appears that the darkness royal dragon is here. You mentioned his name was Mordant? You were right, he is the first to come." Su was surprised that it had happened so fast that a dragon had come to visit Genesis. However, the way that Walker spoke, Mordant had become very curious about Genesis and how it would run. There were also many other things such as the runes, elemental spirits, and true spirit forging that attracted him so much.

"Midnight, you might have some babysitting to do. But I doubt that Mordant has such problems. They won't be those kicked out of the nest. He seems to value those that are different and more unique. I'll have to get to know him better." Walker was already starting to fall in to deeper thought when the carriage stopped. As if a beacon had gone off, the shadow in the sky changed forms.

The large dragon revealed had many glossy black scales. It slowly descended in complete silence. Most in the city felt it unnerving but awe inspiring nonetheless. Walker quickly changed the eternal orb in to staff form and leaned on it slightly to channel some of his mana in to it. He wanted to ensure that the area would be safe for Mordant to land and manipulated the earth to become slightly flatter.

"I was hoping that you would be the first to visit the home we are building. I can't wait to see the family you have brought." The large dragon landed and shifted like a pool of darkness full of waves. The next moment the same dragonkin form that Walker was familiar with strolled silently toward him.

"I have indeed been looking around without touching. I am impressed so far. This village is more than you seem to have let on. Especially that tower. I would like a tour after I properly meet you within your court." Mordant allowed Walker to stand in equal to him. This was a sign of respect since Mordant had broken the proper greeting traditions. However, Walker didn't show that he was fazed at all but this caused Mordant to grow more respect for him.



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