Master of Fist

Chapter 83: track down

Jiang Heng shook his head, this is impossible!

The elders of the Jiang family don't say they are loyal, at least they get along with each other day and night, and they can almost control everyone's movements.

And since the Jiang family just came to Cangzhou some time ago, most of the time the Jiang family and his party stayed behind closed doors. What I am afraid of is being involved in the quagmire of the Cangzhou rivers and lakes.

It was only now that Jiang Heng had become Zhenfusi Xuanyiwei, and the Jiang family took action.

So... why the hell?

Being able to grasp such details...

"The government?!"

Jiang Heng suddenly remembered that the person who had the clearest grasp of household registration movements was the Cangzhou City Government Office other than Jiang's own members!

When they first entered Cangzhou City, they were registered at the city gate. After all, such a family relocation must be registered in the register.

"The government office actually colluded with Yin Sha!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng's face was very ugly. He didn't expect that the Cangzhou government had been corrupted to this point! To be so stupid as to cooperate with Yin Sha!

This matter is easy to guess. The Jiang family did not have any crimes against the high-ranking officials in the government office. It is only possible that Yin Sha found the government office and found out where the Jiang family is located through the government office!

As for the Zhenfu's impossible!

The Town Fusi doesn't care about household registration, even if it manages, the government office may not agree, maybe only the deputy commander and commander will come forward at the same level to make it possible! But this is still a taboo, so let's not mention it for now.

"Fu Ya... Good! Very good! I'd like to see that person in the Fu Ya who wants to die dares to cooperate with Yin Sha!"

He just wanted to call Su Yu who was outside the carriage in to give some instructions, but he gave up after thinking about it. Although Su Yu has something to do with the government, but after all, this matter is not easy to investigate, and the connection between the other party and Yin Sha will definitely not be seen by others!

However, he still couldn't hold back and called Su Yu in.

"My lord!" Seeing Jiang Heng summoning him, Su Yu's attitude became even more respectful.

The scene just now naturally made him admire him.

"You have some connections with the government office. How much do you know about the affairs under the jurisdiction of the various officials in the government office?" Jiang Heng thought for a while and asked.

"This... I don't know what kind of errand your lord wants to ask?"

"Manage the household registration files in the city!"

Su Yu thought for a while and then said: "If I remember correctly, it should be the boss who is in charge of this matter. Besides, there are several assistant officials and scribes who will also cooperate with this matter. After all, it involves the entire Cangzhou city. It is very troublesome to compile the household registration. In addition, the adults of the government office can also read it!"

After Jiang Heng listened calmly, he nodded his head slightly, closed his eyes slightly, and talked after a while, "Turn around and find a way to ask that Master Bo to come out, just say that I have admired you for a long time, and invite you to get drunk on the street in the city." A story about Xianju!"

Su Yu respectfully accepted the order and withdrew, and now he was no longer surprised by Jiang Heng's decision.

Jiang Heng sat on the carriage, secretly sneering. If Bo Ru, the owner of this mansion, dare not keep the appointment, then he has no choice but to run away. If you make an appointment, we will play by ear!

In addition to this matter today, there is now a clue about the martial arts in the pulse refining state!

In fact, now Jiang Heng can start to advance to the fourth rank. It's just that fourth-grade martial arts are hard to find!

Even Zhen Fusi said that there are only a few books of fourth-grade martial arts, and the merits required for each book can be described in terms of massive amounts. If it is a task, it is estimated that it will take several years or even more than ten years to complete it!

Jiang Heng didn't have the patience to continue waiting, he was going to send people around the city to inquire or spend a lot of money to buy it.

It's just a pity that there is no fourth-rank martial arts in the treasure house of Dadaomen. It's normal, guessing that old guy Luo Yangsheng took away those really precious things.

Jiang Heng doesn't believe that the Great Sword Sect has been entrenched in Cangzhou City for so many years, and has accumulated so much wealth that they don't even have a fourth-rank martial arts book.

But it's too late now.

Sighing, Jiang Heng didn't worry too much, he couldn't rush into fourth-grade martial arts, but he needed to figure out any other changes as soon as possible after this golden finger breakthrough.

In addition to a transformation of the body and a mutation of the eyes, Jiang Heng was also surprised to find that the black vortex in the dantian had now returned to calm, and had turned into a mass of matter similar to a black bead, slowly moving in the dantian. rotation.

"Heh, I don't know if my situation is equivalent to forming a pill in the world of cultivating immortals?"

Jiang Heng laughed at himself, and the carriage quickly drove back to Jiangfu.

As soon as he got off the carriage, the horse pulling the carriage seemed to have let out a sigh of relief. Although it was dragging the carriage, for the horse, the carriage it was pulling this time was extremely heavy, as if it was dragging a heavy load.

But when the foot landed, Jiang Heng felt a little embarrassed, and the floor broke again.

Now the power is soaring too fast, there is no way to master it in a short time!

"It looks like you have to be more careful these days!"

Walking all the way to the mansion, almost every step will leave a deep footprint on the ground. It seems that Jiang Heng walks relatively briskly, but every step is as heavy as a mountain.

Even if Xiaorou wanted to get closer, Jiang Heng stopped quickly, and now no one can touch her. Who knows if this light touch will break the bone?

Sure enough, even picking up a plate and breaking it when chopsticks are also broken when pinched. In the end, Jiang Heng simply enjoyed a feeding service from Xiaorou.

It's just that the little girl was so tired that she was sweating all over, and her petite figure was even more faintly visible.

at night



In the courtyard, Jiang Heng's upper body was bare, his breathing was slightly heavy, and his sweat was dripping down like rain. Qi and blood are stirring slightly in the body, wanting to move the black ball in the dantian, but even if the face is flushed, the ball is indifferent, like a rock, no matter what you do, I will stand still!

"I don't believe it. After swallowing so much of my energy, it turned into your ball and came out without any reaction?!"

The next moment, Jiang Heng's burly figure skyrocketed again and returned to his full-strength appearance. His whole body skyrocketed like an inflated balloon, and the floor suddenly collapsed. The ferocious beast that exhaled and breathed out a heat wave that even raised the surrounding air by several degrees!

After a while, Jiang Heng sighed, and his whole body was like a deflated ball, shrinking again and returning to a normal two-meter-burly figure.

Look a little disappointed.

What is the power of this ball?

Jiang Heng now really wants to know about Goldfinger's new ability. He doesn't believe that the ball he made with so much effort is just as simple as a ball.

When I read novels in my previous life, those novels were not written like this!

He is very clear now, whether it is that pavilion master who doesn't know when he came over, or these pulse-refining states in the city, he is not able to compete!

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