Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 807: Talks and Countermeasures

Remember [New] in a second! Other people's feelings are already very obvious, but Xuan Xingzi's feeling in the center of the vortex is even more clear.

He felt that the little sheep in front of him suddenly turned into a fierce tiger, and Xuan Xingzi, who was punching faster than punching and punching harder than punching, couldn't keep up with Jiang Heng's rhythm for a while, and the situation of the battle turned around all of a sudden. .

Good boy!

Xuan Xingzi cursed secretly, he is still old. Although physical martial arts have great advantages in anti-aging, after all, they are already approaching 50,000 years old, and their fists and feet are definitely not as fierce as when they were at their peak.

On the other hand, Jiang Heng is different, almost every punch is the strongest punch, but Xuan Xingzi always takes it easy, and it is not bad to hit eight points with one punch.

Jiang Hengyue's beating became more and more fierce, and Xuan Xingzi became angry when he slapped him. At his age, he couldn't lose face in front of a group of juniors.

So Xuan Xingzi no longer had any scruples, and then everyone found that the fight between these two people began to bloody.

Bang bang bang!

The continuous sound of explosions kept vibrating in this area, and flesh and blood flew from time to time. The two sides had fought millions of times in just a few breaths. Every time it was a desperate fighting move, everyone watched it Trembling.

"Senior brother, it's not okay to go on like this. I'm afraid something will happen if I let them fight like this!" Di Xingzi's eyelids twitched when he saw it. Kill someone.

"Do it!!"

Tian Xingzi couldn't stand it for a long time, he shot directly when he heard the words, and rushed towards the battlefield area in a flash, Xingzi also rushed to see this place.

"You two, please stop!"

Seeing that the two were still fighting, Tian Xingzi hastily shouted loudly.

Hearing the sound, the two sides quickly retreated one after another. Obviously, although they were fighting to the death, their rationality still existed.

The two sides were panting violently after such a separation, and the consumption of such high-frequency martial arts fighters was huge, especially when they were all strong physical fighters fighting each other.

Seeing that the two of them were just exhausted was no different, everyone let out a sigh of relief. Even as spectators of this kind of high-frequency fighting, their hearts were raised in their throats.

But when everyone reacted, they clapped together and cheered together, giving their own applause for the excitement of this battle.

"Uncle Master's strength is unfathomable, this disciple has lost!" Seeing this, Xuan Xingzi heaved a sigh of relief and quickly bowed his hands. Since there are no objections from around, it can be regarded as a step up, so taking a step back will also make him appear more magnanimous .

Hearing that Jiang Heng is also bowing to each other, it is a great joy for him to develop the method of using Dou Su in this battle, and he is naturally grateful to Xuan Xingzi.

"Third Elder is polite, today's guidance is also the reason why Third Elder can forgive me, I was the one who was abrupt!"

Seeing that the two took a step back and there was no rift between them, Tian Xingzi heaved a sigh of relief.

"Master's uncle and the third child, both of you have been fighting fiercely for a long time, it's better to go back early to rest."

These words put an end to the turmoil.

Both sides retreated one after another, and a group of true disciples also dispersed consciously when they saw that there was no excitement to watch.

But this incident spread throughout the Nebula Sect through these true disciples in a very short period of time.

In less than a month, the entire Xing Yunzong sect knew that although the newly promoted master uncle was young, he already possessed strength not inferior to the three elders.

Such news did not make the disciples of the Nebula Sect feel dissatisfied, but instead felt a sense of pride.

After all, it is definitely something to be proud of such a young master uncle with such terrifying strength in his own sect.

It was even rumored among some disciples whether Master Jiang's uncle would have a high probability of stepping into the demigod realm.

"Hehe, Xingyun, your disciple is quite prestigious in the sect now, why do you think the probability of him stepping into the demigod is 10%?" Chao Xingyun demigod said with a smile all day long in the cave.

Hearing this, the demigod Xingyun also smiled and said: "Based on his current level, the probability is around 40%. But how can I increase it to 50% with the help of some treasures? After this probability, it depends on him." Luckily."

The probability of starting with 40% is already very scary. You must know that the probability of many peak domain masters is generally around 10 to 20%, and some even have no probability of 10%. Otherwise, it is really easy to get involved in the realm of demigods.

"However, before that, how about Master Hou teaching this child his supernatural powers? With the supernatural powers to help him, the probability of breaking through would be increased by 20%!" Xingyun demigod immediately looked at Tong Tianhou and smiled.

Hearing the words and knowing the weather, he knew that he couldn't shirk it, since he had agreed to it before, there was nothing to say.

"Then bring him to this Marquis after a while!" Tong Tianhou snorted coldly.

"Then there will be Lord Lao!"

Two bigwigs strike a deal without outsiders knowing.

However, it caused a huge change in the northern district. Two demigod powerhouses fell one after another in the northern district. Those who retreated back to the North District to wait for further discussions from the demigod powerhouses.

In fact, ever since that battle, the three demigods from the North District have been waiting for the five demigods from the West District to come and negotiate.

But today the three demigods gathered on a void platform, and looked at a figure strolling in the distance, all frowning slightly.

"Is the envoy from the West Region here?"

Seeing the coming person Ming Daozi shouted from a distance.

"Exactly! But Senior Ming Daozi?" The man hurriedly replied after hearing the words, apparently recognizing Ming Daozi's identity.

"It turns out to be Your Excellency the Great Demon Chief of the Hundred Demons Nest!"

Ming Daozi quickly recognized the other person by discerning the other person's breath.

Ming Daozi, an old monster of the Ming Fire Sect, even if it is only a clone, has inherited most of the memory of the main body, and it can be said to be very precious to all the demigod-level forces in the hegemony.

"Senior Ming Daozi is being polite!"

The big demon head lightly stepped his legs to cover a distance of hundreds of light-years, and then he dodged again to land on the platform, but he just bowed to Chaoming Daozi very respectfully, but ignored the other two demigods of the North District present.

Seeing this, the other two demigods of the North District felt aggrieved and annoyed, but they couldn't do it. After all, Ming Daozi was indeed a senior.

Who told them to be defeated generals?

"The vampire and Ba Niu are really useless, they just fell like this." Saluting to Ming Daozi, the big devil sat on a certain place on the platform with a big grin, and his mouth was full of unscrupulous contempt.

The horned skin on the head of this great devil is red, and besides the countless exposed demon tattoos on the skin, it looks very brutal and fierce. A string of large bones and skull necklaces hang on his neck like this, and a pair of blood-red eyes He glanced at the other two demigods with strong disdain and contempt.

"If you want me to say that senior Ming Daozi is too polite to these wastes, since they are only wastes, they are food. How can food have any right to speak?"

As soon as this remark came out, Ming Daozi hadn't said anything, and the other two demigods immediately became angry.

"You have such a big tone, big devil, who are you cursing?" One of the demigods of the northern district pointed at the big devil and cursed.

A few of them are obviously the second-tier forces in the hegemony, and they are not from the three major forces in the hegemony. In this case, this big devil is too condescending.

"That's right! You're just a lackey of the Suijin Emperor's sect, and you deserve to say I'm waiting!" Another demigod from the northern district was also furious.

"I think you are really tired of living, and the Broken Gold Emperor dares to arrange it, you are courting death!"

The big devil's temper is obviously very prone to rage. Hearing the words, he erupted instantly, and the demon tattoos all over his body rushed out of his body one by one, turning into ghostly shadows of demons, and rushed towards the two northern demigods.

All of a sudden, the war on the entire platform was about to break out, and the fluctuation of the law was brewing crazily, and it was about to trigger a monstrous trend in an instant!


However, Ming Daozi suddenly shouted loudly, and the voice directly penetrated the depths of the soul, causing both bodies to tremble suddenly, and the movements of their hands stopped in place.

"It's all a family, why should you be so tit-for-tat, and the big devil, you are representing the coalition forces of the Western Region, so please pay attention to some influence, otherwise the Broken Golden Emperor will not be able to protect you!" The big devil couldn't help shivering, and the original fierce breath disappeared.

"And you, since this battle has been defeated, then think of a way!"

Ming Daozi glanced at the two demigods again, and immediately those two also avoided Ming Daozi's gaze and dared not speak.

After both parties had calmed down, Ming Daozi looked around at the crowd and said quietly: "This defeat is also at fault for the old man, and I will only report his guilt to the headquarters.

But it's still the same thing, I have to think of a way to suppress the opponent before the war period comes. "

Hearing this, all the demigods couldn't help but frown, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Senior Ming Daozi, the big formation has been opened now, and the starry sky is shrouded in the big formation. If we invite a few demigods to help the formation halfway, it may have a big impact on the big formation, and we can only wait for the second stage to help the formation." During the second stage, when the second wave of demigod powerhouses comes, let them send more people over.

As for now, there is really no good way! "

The Great Demon Chief thought about the result of the discussion with his colleagues in the West District before he came, and said helplessly, he was obviously a lot more polite when facing Ming Daozi.

Wen Yan Ming Daozi also nodded slightly.

"At this time, it is nothing more than to avoid being attacked and killed by the remnants of a hundred kingdoms before the arrival of the second stage. Judging from the comparison of the number of demigods on both sides, this is extremely unfavorable to us!" Ming Daozi sighed softly. .

"Is it possible to use those people who were inserted before?" At this moment, one of the demigods in the northern district thought about it and asked with a smile.

"Yes! We have promised a lot of benefits to those people's instigation. Once they turn against each other, we may be able to catch them by surprise. At that time, we may not have to wait until the second and third stages. !"

Another demigod from the northern district also laughed.

Listening to these Ming Daozi and the Great Demon Chief, he naturally knew what they were talking about. It was nothing more than some demigods of the Hundred Nations Alliance who had instigated rebellion long ago.

Some of them were even inserted by their hegemonic side, and some of them were temporary instigation.

It is normal to instigate rebellion, after all, dozens of demigods from a hundred countries have fallen. How to choose under such a disadvantage is a very simple matter.

"It's not impossible, but what if we didn't seriously injure the opponent, but instead exposed these chess pieces?" The big devil asked back with a frown.

"Huh! You need to gamble in everything. If you are as timid as you are, wouldn't you have to wait for death?" The demigod of the northern district was already unhappy with the big devil, and even more ironic when he heard the words.

"Hehe, you said that I am timid. It seems that you want to be a demon tattoo on my body?" The big devil sneered.

"All right!"

Seeing that the two sides were making trouble again, Ming Daozi waved his hands again and again.

"You can try to contact them first, and always let them find out all the cards of the demigods of the hundred countries in the southern district and the eastern district as much as possible. The biggest reason for this failure is that they misjudged the strength of the demigod Nebula. It would be great if we could know in advance There will be such an accident.

Once we find out, it won't be too late for me to unite those chess pieces at the joint place and then defeat each other one by one! "

Ming Daozi's decision was relatively safe. Hearing this, several demigods nodded, agreeing with it.

"Since that's the case, then I'll go back and tell senior about my decision before I take any action." The big demon frowned and said, "But the purpose of my coming here is to ask senior. Who killed the two of you? And what method did you use to kill them? If you ask them clearly, there will be a response next time.”

The exchange of intelligence between allies is necessary.

Hearing this, Ming Daozi pondered for a while and said: "Ba Niu was killed by the demigod Xingyun with supernatural powers. As for the vampire, it's a bit strange. But when I rushed there, the vampire's corpse was gone, but It can feel that there is a very strong aura of distortion in that area.

Perhaps it was related to the distortion of the vampire's physical body, but it is unknown who killed him and by what means. "

"Supernatural Star Picker?!"

Hearing the big devil in front of him, he was already shocked and blurted out: "How is this possible? Didn't the supernatural power star picker say that it has been lost for many years?"

"Yes! The Star Picker is said to be able to go back to the old Great Zhou Empire But the last Star Picker user in the New Great Zhou Empire was the Great Zhou Tongtian!"

Ming Daozi, an old monster, obviously knew a lot and said without thinking.

"Then this is strange. I heard that this Tongtianhou was sent to the Zhanshentai by the Great Zhou Empire hundreds of thousands of years ago to be beheaded on the charge of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country. How can there be a living under the Zhanshentai?"

The big devil was even more confused.

"This old man also accidentally realized that maybe this demigod Xingyun had received the inheritance of Tongtianhou in his early years." Ming Daozi also shook his head, and he didn't know much about some secret things. It is even more impossible to know some things inside the Great Zhou Empire.

"I see! It seems that this Xingyun demigod needs to be paid more attention to. A strong man who has mastered supernatural powers is comparable to the strength of the fifth rank in the middle, and even faintly overwhelms him."

The big devil shook his head slightly and sighed softly, he didn't expect that the matter would be so difficult, and the supernatural power was nothing more than that, but it was still in the hands of the strong in the physical body.

If you don't restrict it, once this strong man in the physical body goes berserk, killing a low-ranking demigod is as easy as picking something out of a bag.

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