Master of Fist

Chapter 784: Invitation from Nebula Sect

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"Fellow Daoist Jiang, why don't we talk about it openly?" Seeing Jiang Heng's refusal to reveal anything, Tian Xing's tone softened a lot.

"The commander-in-chief's orders are all right!" Jiang Heng nodded with an attitude of being kind.


With a smile on his face, Tian Xing said kindly: "In that case, let me make a start."

"The main reason for summoning Fellow Daoist Jiang to come here this time is that I really have to pay attention to your strength. Your ability to kill five hegemony domain masters with the power of the mid-term stage is already comparable to my late-stage true inheritance of the Nebula Sect. That's why I want to meet fellow Daoist Jiang!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was startled, and then smiled, "I'm a little embarrassed by what the commander said. Since I read it like this, I don't know what else the commander ordered?"


Tian Xingcong was at a loss for words for a while, he thought for a while and said with a wry smile: "Jiang Daoyou, did someone mention that your words really make people uncomfortable?"

"Not really, but I don't like to hide. The commander called me here because he has something important to tell me?"

Jiang Heng looked directly at the other party.

"That's right!" Facing Jiang Heng's gaze, Tian Xingcong said simply and freely: "It is indeed because of your strength that I called you here this time, and secondly because of your strength. I think the arrangement for you should be different from that of others. I don't know Jiang Dao Do you have any comments?"

"Since the commander-in-chief mentioned it, let's just say it straight!" Jiang Heng shook his head. This day, Xing Cong took the ink seriously, and his words were always reserved, which was very different from the physical martial arts.

Hearing this, Tian Xing was taken aback again, he found that the young man in front of him always liked to tease him, which made him quite unhappy.

But he still suppressed his discomfort and said with a smile: "Jiang Daoyou has the late-stage strength of the physical body, why don't you transfer to the second echelon later, and then fight with my Nebula sect disciples."

Jiang Heng shook his head as soon as he heard it.

"Jiang Daoyou doesn't like this arrangement? The risk factor of being in the second echelon is much lower than that of the first and third echelons." Tian Xing never knew why the other party refused.

"I am not forced to come here to participate in the war, but I am here voluntarily. If the commander-in-chief can follow me to fight with me!" Jiang Heng shrugged. On the one hand, he really has to take care of The people under his command, on the other hand, he also wanted to make more meritorious service when he came here this time.

Hiding in the second echelon is certainly safer, but it also loses a lot of opportunities to reap meritorious deeds.

Tian Xing nodded slightly after hearing that, he was not surprised that Jiang Heng had a few followers at the domain master level, it would be strange to say that there were none, after all, Jiang Heng's strength was enough to attract domain masters to follow him willingly.

"In that case, forget it." Tian Xingcong shook his head and sighed, he was still very optimistic about Jiang Heng, but if he asked him to bring a few oil bottles to follow them, it would be a burden instead.

Physical martial arts fighters pay attention to close hand-to-hand combat to fight fast and slow, and the most suitable ones are either close-quarters group fights or close-quarters one-on-one. In particular, the entire Xingyun Sect is a body martial artist, and they don't like to cooperate with the martial arts of the gods the most.

"That's fine, if there's nothing else, I'll take my leave below!" Jiang Heng cupped his hands and was about to turn around and leave.


Hearing the sound, Jiang Heng paused for a moment and was about to ask questions, when he saw the commander-in-chief Tianxing suddenly burst out, and his five fingers opened suddenly, as if countless stars gathered in his palm in an instant.

Xingyun Palm clapped it out!

It was Tian Xing who unleashed the Nebula Palm without any warning, and the whole hall was immediately oppressed by a terrifying aura.

If it wasn't for the fact that Tianxing's compression force was extremely solid and did not cause too much leakage, the entire hall would be reduced to dust just at the moment of the burst of breath.

Jiang Heng's reaction was also quick. He almost subconsciously twisted his waist when he saw this scene, his spine crackled, and he swung his right palm back suddenly, stretching his arm like a bowstring for a while.

The same nebula quickly gathered in the palm, and the power of thirty layers of nebula burst out without reservation.

Facing Jiang Heng, a strong man in the late stage of the Physical Dao, he didn't dare to be arrogant, so he used all his strength to make a move.


The two palms intersected, and suddenly a silent muffled sound erupted in the hall, and the two palms were at a slight stalemate and then quickly separated.

Jiang Heng wanted to calmly receive his palms, but when the palms collided, apart from the initial stalemate with the opponent's strength, the opponent's strength soon overwhelmed him, and at the same time, part of this strength was quickly released by Jiang Heng. Go, but there is still a lot of power pouring into the surroundings along the palm.

Thumb up!

Both feet stepped on the alloy floor one after another, and Jiang Heng took four or five steps back before releasing most of the strength in his body.

But the joints all over his body were still being eroded by the remaining strength.

Peak power! Absolutely the pinnacle of power!

Jiang Heng was horrified, the opponent's strength had definitely reached the peak level of the physical body.

Looking back at Tian Xingcong at this time, he calmly received his palm, his body didn't move at all, obviously the blow just now was nothing to him.

"Sure enough, I'm not mistaken, Jiang Daoyou used the method of my nebula sect in the previous fight!"

Seeing that Jiang Heng was standing still, Tianxing said in a firm tone.

"The commander-in-chief's attack on the allies without warning is just to test my martial arts footsteps?" Jiang Heng said with an extremely ugly expression and a rather displeased tone.

"Heh! Fellow Daoist Jiang, why didn't you say that you secretly learned my Xingyun sect's martial arts?" Tian Xingcong laughed nonchalantly.

For a while, Jiang Heng didn't know how to refute. Martial arts is the most taboo of others stealing, especially the forces named after the sect like Xingyunzong.

"Forget it, what you have learned is just a simplified version of the outer sect disciples taught by my Nebula Sect, but this simplified version is just a show for ordinary people to use, and in the end it hurts others and yourself. But it falls to Jiang Daoyou But it seems to be no worse than my Xingyun sect's true mastery!" Tian Xingcong was quite emotional.

In his heart, he was even more amazed by the performance of Jiang Heng's previous palm.

In fact, he was not as calm as he appeared on the outside. The palm was just a test at first, but the moment he took over the opponent's palm, he felt that it was unusual, so he directly used nearly 100% of his strength.

Only in this way can Jiang Heng's palm force be eliminated as much as possible.

This strength is no less than that of the ordinary late Nebula Sect True Inheritance. And this is actually a simplified version of their nebula sect's unique school, nebula sect.

So Tianxing was extremely shocked from this moment.

After a little thought, Tian Xingcong still frowned and said: "Jiang Daoyou, I wonder how many layers you can open in this simplified version of Nebula Palm?"

While inquiring, Tianxing had already figured out a rough idea in his heart.

Because the simplified version is relatively easier to cultivate, but the flaw is also obvious, that is, the superimposed layers are not only more difficult than the original version, but also far less powerful than the original version.

Therefore, it is rare for the simplified version to stack up to ten layers, and most of them stay at five layers or below.

"Thirty floors!"

Jiang Heng spoke bluntly without hiding anything, and at the same time he was not only muttering in his heart.

"Looking at this person's demeanor, it seems that he won't pursue my stealing, but I don't know what he means by asking."

However, Tian Xing was shocked again at this time.

Fortunately, his mentality was good enough, but his breathing was slightly heavier and he quickly recovered.

"30th floor is not bad! You can use the simplified version to cultivate to 30th floor, so it seems that your physical foundation is extremely solid?" Tian Xingcong looked at Jiang Heng carefully.

However, I can't see anything, but I can vaguely feel that the surface of Jiang Heng's fleshy body is almost flawless, and every inch of muscle texture is perfectly arranged. As for the specific strength, it has to be truly displayed.

But Tianxing never carefully recalled the previous temptation.

"It's unimaginable to be able to resist my palm without being seriously injured. It's unimaginable to be able to do this in the mid-term stage."

Tianxing was secretly startled.

"I don't know what impression Jiang Daoyou has of my Nebula Sect?" Tianxing suddenly changed the topic and said with a smile.

Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows slightly, he really couldn't figure out the brain circuit of this guy.

"Shanke, you are famous for your body cultivation, and your Nebula Sect is the first in the entire Hundred Nations Alliance!" Jiang Heng gave a pertinent answer.

Hearing this, Tianxing frowned slightly, obviously not very satisfied with this answer.

"Then I don't know if Fellow Daoist Jiang is willing to join my Nebula Sect?"

"What?" Jiang Heng was a little taken aback, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

"Hey, it's Daoist Jiang who is willing to join my Nebula Sect. I'm quite impressed with Fellow Daoist Jiang's physical talent. I believe my suzerain will be willing to accept you as a disciple." Tian Xingcong raised his head a little arrogantly as he said that.

What kind of person is his suzerain? He is a powerful demigod with a strong physical body and Taoism, and he is also a general under the command of the Great Zhou Dynasty King Nanhe. With such an identity, it can be said that the backstage of the Nebula Sect is the Great Zhou Empire, which is closer than the Hundred Nations Alliance and the Great Zhou Empire. The relationship between the Zhou Empire was even closer.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, please stop joking." Jiang Heng smiled lightly and shook his head.

But his heart couldn't stop beating. It's not that he didn't think about joining a party.

Although I do bear the label of the Tianshuang Empire right now, the relationship between my conferred domain master and the Tianshuang Empire is like that of an employer and an employee in a strict sense.

Therefore, Jiang Heng is still quite tempted to really join a side, not for anything else but because he can have a backer who is willing to help when he encounters a crisis at the demigod level.

"Hehe, of course I'm not joking. Brother Jiang can improve the martial arts practiced by the disciples of my sect's outer sect to the present level. This ability is something that even my patriarch, the old man, could not do."

Tian Xing shook his head with a smile and said, he is really more optimistic about Jiang Heng. Although what this person said made him very uncomfortable, he also knows the general situation. A powerful existence is a great help.

What's more, now that Xingyunzong has just suffered the disastrous defeat of the first batch of advance troops, it has lost several true disciples and even many inner disciples almost at once.

This loss is nothing to other forces, but to Xing Yunzong, every disciple in the sect is wealth.

Now there are hundreds of true disciples of Xingyun Sect, as well as many inner disciples and countless outer disciples. These are the savings of the sect for so many years. However, more than a dozen domain masters and dozens of galaxy masters were lost in the first battle. I am afraid that there will be no need for their nebula sect to exist a few more times.

This time, Tianxing was also personally ordered by the suzerain, his old man, and his purpose was naturally not for the so-called counterattack of the Hegemony Star Alliance. It's just to let Tian Xing, the direct descendant, use his powerful strength to protect the fellow disciples who went together this time.

But today's first battle frustrates his original arrogance, and he was actually blocked by a late-stage domain master from the enemy.

He didn't feel anything when he was blocked by a peak powerhouse, but being blocked by a peer at the same level somewhat shattered most of his original self-confidence.

This also made him have to redefine the strength of Hegemony, and after discovering Jiang Heng, a dark horse, he also wanted to try his best to win him over.

After all, for such a ruthless person who can fight against several hegemony domain masters, it is natural to pull him into the second step to be at ease.

After finding out that the other party's martial arts is still his own, Tian Xingcong's thoughts changed again. It's nothing to win over, and it's true to let the other party become his own.

"Brother Jiang, what worries do you have? My Nebula Sect is actually quite at ease. If Brother Jiang feels that he is not as comfortable as before, he can actually manage his own power outside by himself.

It's like many of our senior brothers are domain masters occupying one galaxy, and they take care of themselves in our nebula sect's territory. What's more, my nebula sect has been established for hundreds of thousands of years, and its suzerain is a demigod who stepped into the physical body. Not only are there as many secret arts as there are stars in the physical body Tao martial arts. Even with Brother Jiang's talent, I am afraid that the old suzerain will personally give pointers or two to show his closeness! "

Tian Xing's words were rare from a young age, and it was the first time that he, a true descendant of the Nebula sect, could make so many flattering words.

Jiang Heng's heart is indeed moved now, can he not be moved, Tianxing never said a word, it seemed to hit him directly.

Is there a lack of physical body, Taoism and martial arts? lack! Not only is it lacking, but it is extremely lacking!

What's more, once you join the Nebula Sect, can the genuine Nebula Palm still be hidden by the opponent?

Secondly, the personal guidance of the demigod powerhouse of the physical body and Taoism is the greatest value!

Any demigod is a very long-distance existence on the avenue they are good at, and their understanding of the avenue is far from comparable to that of domain masters.

"Brother Tian! If I join your Nebula I wonder if you can do this?" Jiang Heng said solemnly.

Tian Xing was overjoyed when he heard it.

He has already seen Jiang Heng's talent, and it is no exaggeration that as long as he is allowed to learn the real Nebula Palm, his strength will probably be improved. With the two of them in charge of the second advance army, he will not repeat the same situation as the first. An advance army made a mistake!

"If Brother Jiang is an ordinary person, I can accept him as an apprentice. I can use Brother Jiang's talent. I'm afraid that even if I want to go back, I will be severely reprimanded by the suzerain! I think maybe I have to contact the suzerain at this time!"

Seeing that Jiang Heng frowned slightly, Tian Xingcong hurriedly said again: "But please don't worry! Although there is a military order and we are not allowed to return to the Eastern District without an order, we can directly send a letter back to the Zongmen through the Star Gate, and then everything will be decided by the Suzerain !"

Hearing that Jiang Heng nodded slightly, it was a big gamble for him. Of course, the reason why he chose to join the Nebula Sect, apart from those benefits, is actually another reason.


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