Master of Fist

Chapter 774: Tyrant Sword

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"Why is this friend?" At this time, all the domain masters had already moved towards this side, and they couldn't help being surprised when they saw this scene.

In fact, those who asked this question were people who were not familiar with the habits of the Blade Clan, while some older domain masters looked indifferent.

Most of the domain masters present are in the early and mid-term stage, and their strength is very mediocre. Most of them have also been provoked by the guys from the Blade Clan, so they have never had much affection for these three guys.


Jiang Heng glared sharply at the person who just spoke, and then stared at the pale Blade Clan member on the ground.

"If you want to die, you can try again!" Jiang Heng shouted coldly. In fact, he didn't have much malice towards this kind of person in his heart. He always respected people who dared to fight, but the way the other party chose made him quite uncomfortable. do not like.

After being scolded like this, the blade man's face turned pale but he didn't show any resentment. He just nodded and immediately got up to salute solemnly with one hand. His attitude was quite different from before. How offended my brother was just now, I also want to compete with you because of your strength, but because most people are unwilling to accept such a plain competition, so I put on that attitude."

Seeing that the other party can communicate normally, Jiang Heng's impression of this person has just improved slightly.

"What's your name?"

"Ba Dao Zong Dao Qiushui!" Dao Qiushui hastily and solemnly stated his name.

"My name is Jiang Heng. It's not impossible if you want to compete. Just now I was part of a surprise attack, but now that the big battle is imminent, I should put all my energy on dealing with the barbarians of the Dominant Star Alliance!" Jiang Heng He murmured for a while.

Regarding the strength of Dao Qiushui in front of him, Jiang Heng actually had some considerations in his heart. If he hadn't made a surprise attack earlier, and then used Xingyun Palm to decisively disable the opponent's arm, he might wait for the opponent to fully charge. If you fight against it again, the scale of the battle will definitely escalate rapidly.

Moreover, Jiang Heng could clearly feel a rapidly rising sense of threat when the opponent was accumulating saber momentum, which showed that the opponent could indeed pose a certain threat to him, and it also showed that the opponent's strength was already considered to be among the domain masters. Top notch presence.

"Brother Jiang said it was true. He was just being rude." Dao Qiushui had no choice but to nod when he heard the words, and he also knew that he would not be able to fight anymore, and his right arm was destroyed. After a few days of work, it is estimated that they have reached the front line.

A conflict quickly dissipated, and Jiang Heng chatted with Dao Qiushui and his party for a while, and also learned something about the opponent's Overlord Sword Sect.

Everything is as expected by the previous elders. The opponent's Tyrant Sword Sect is indeed the leading force in the core area of ​​the Ninety-five galaxy, and has certain guiding power over all the forces under the jurisdiction of the Ninety-five galaxy.

This time, it can be said that the three main and deputy suzerains of the whole sect have come out, and even all the elite disciples who have reached the upper level of cultivation have rushed to the front line together, which is equivalent to overpowering everything in one fell swoop.

Jiang Heng couldn't help but admire the opponent's decisive move. This kind of fighters are born to kill.

From the conversation, I also learned that the customs of the galaxy where the other race is located are also the same. It is said that the Blade Race originally originated from a planet full of ferocious beasts. All kinds of dangers have never stopped, and the Blade Race survived in that dangerous environment, which has gradually transformed their race into a direction that is more suitable for killing.

Although the body is roughly the same as that of a human, the joints are obviously much stronger than the average group, the overall shape is streamlined, and the pupils of the eyes have evolved into eagle-like pupils. With the transformation of strength, this talent makes them see through and It is very convenient to detect the enemy from a long distance.

This kind of combat talent allowed them to gradually rule the entire planet after they evolved for hundreds of thousands of years, and then brought them into a wider interstellar space because some adventurer squads and some caravan fleets stayed on the planet in the universe.

It's also like this for a long time. The Blades have been reduced to the most efficient mercenaries in their galaxy. As long as the customers can afford the price, they can serve them. Whether it is killing a certain person or a certain force, they can be straightforward.

In this way, after tens of thousands of years, the strength of this family also changed rapidly in the frantic battle after stepping into the interstellar space, and the talent in the blood was activated. After that, it only took them thousands of years to complete the rule of the entire galaxy.

But it is true that they like to kill, but they are not interested in some opponents whose strength is far inferior to theirs, so the rule of their galaxy is very interesting.

On the surface, the Overlord Blade Sect founded by the Blade Clan rules the entire galaxy, but the actual manager is a management-type group who has no combat power and prefers to use his brain to control.

In this way, the two clans, one inside and one outside, have led to the rapid development of the Ba Saber Sect for a long time, providing a strong condition for the Ba Saber Sect to be born as a domain master.

Listening to what the other party said, Jiang Heng also knew that the other party only rose to appear as the first domain master 80,000 years ago, and then quickly changed from one to the current three. This kind of galaxy has three in just tens of thousands of years. The situation of a domain master is relatively rare in the entire Tianshuang Empire.

After all, Tyrant Sword Sect is not a veteran domain master-level force, and it is really rare to have such a rapid development.

Jiang Heng also learned that the other party was also the strongest domain master-level force in the Tianshuang Empire's underground forces, so he thought it was mainly for the assassination mission.

Therefore, this family may not be very famous in the eyes of some new domain owners of Tianshuang Empire, but it is very popular in the ears of some old domain owners.

It is really that the opponent's record is quite sturdy.

For example, as long as this family reaches the level of the Lord of the Galaxy, they will start to accept some assassination missions from the Tyrannical Sword Sect. There are also many people in the Tianshuang Empire who do this kind of business, but only the Tyrannical Sword Sect has the highest efficiency and the best reputation.

As long as there is a target that is picked up by the disciples of Ba Dao Sect, it also means that the target is almost dead. Even if the first assassin was counter-killed by the other party, not only would Tyrant Saber Sect not find it difficult, but more Tyrant Saber Sect disciples actively signed up for another assassination.

There was even a domain master whose strength was hidden very deeply was targeted by Ba Dao Zong in the early stage. Ba Dao Zong paid the price of ten galaxy masters and never gave up until he was completely assassinated.

This domain master-level initial stage proved afterwards that he had already broken through the middle stage, but he was beheaded by a domain master-level initial stage of the deputy lord of the Tyrant Sword Sect.

This move was also shocking for a while.

According to incomplete statistics, there have been more than ten domain masters who died in the hands of Tyrant Sword Sect, seven in the early stage, three in the middle stage, and one in the late stage.

Hearing these news, Jiang Heng even suspected that it was because of these achievements that the Tianshuang Empire appointed Tyrant Saber Sect as the leading force of the Ninety-Five Galaxy System.

Saying goodbye to Dao Qiushui, Jiang Heng secretly shook his head, these guys are really out-and-out combat madmen.

From what he had learned just now, he knew that the entire clan of the opponent was actually less than ten million.

At first glance, this number is quite a lot, but when one thinks that the opponent is a group that rules an entire galaxy, it is pitifully small.

For example, there are tens of billions of people in the Luohui Empire that rule the Milky Way, and even the people in the Qinglan Realm under Jiang Heng's command are actually a branch of the Luohui Empire.

However, the per capita combat power of the Blade Clan is not bad. The long-term warlikeness of the entire clan has made this clan a very high starting point, and they are inferior warriors from birth.

As long as he is an adult, he is a medium warrior.

The number of high-class warriors in the clan is as many as one million, and the number of warriors of the master of the galaxy is as many as 10,000.

Therefore, it seems that the fleet group of the Blade Clan belongs to the least powerful force present, but the powerful aura over there is grouped together, which is very eye-catching.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, why are you interested in this group of lunatics from the Blade Clan, and have you chatted with them for so long?" The elder will be flying side by side with Jiang Heng.

The two hit it off quite well, and it's true to say that they went through life and death together after the battle of the giant beast.

"I just think these guys are not bad, and they are worth making friends with. Why do the elders have opinions on them?" Jiang Heng asked.

Hearing this, the elder smiled lightly and shook his head, "That's not true, I just feel that these guys are a little out of order."

"There are benefits to being abnormal, right? I see that each of them has a very strong heart in martial arts. If they can know some ways to avoid evil, they will be good in the future."

Jiang Heng's words are true, if the Blade Clan can get rid of their stubborn temperament, they will definitely avoid a lot of trouble in the future. But it is still difficult for the other party to change this singing habit, and it will inevitably provoke many powerful enemies.

"Heh, you're right. Don't look at so many domain masters present, but you just took the initiative to teach this guy a lesson. Is there someone who helped to speak? Everyone has grudges with these guys to some extent!" The veteran shook Shaking his head, isn't there any grudge? The Tyrannical Sword Sect has done so many dirty jobs over the years, and more or less killed some direct descendants of domain master-level powerhouses.

"Then they are lucky to be alive!" Jiang Heng chuckled lightly, but thinking of the madness of this clan, everyone probably dared not speak out.

Enmity with ordinary people is at most a one-off. But if you have an enmity with the Blade Clan, you will never die. You will either kill their clan, or be killed by this clan one after another.

"The old man is destined to be with you, how about going to my place for a few drinks?" Jiang Heng invited with a smile.

This is an implicit alliance.

Hearing that the elder nodded, he also had the same intention. He cooperated well with Jiang Heng before, and he also quite agrees with the strength and bravery of Jiang Heng, a young junior. for eager things.

Back in the main ship of the Galaxy Fleet, Jiang Heng called several people under his command to have a drink together.

"Little friend Jiang, you are extravagant, you actually use the blood of giant beasts to make wine?" Smelling the aroma of wine floating in the air, the elder was quite moved.

"There is so much blood of these giant beasts, and there is still a lot left to distribute to the people under his command, so we simply use it to the best of our ability."

The blood of giant beasts is not essence blood, and Jiang Heng really has a lot in his hand.

"You are wasting it. Although this ordinary blood is not very useful as refined blood, it can also be used as an excellent supplementary material for alchemy when it is finely refined. It is very useful for me and other physical martial arts!" The elder was full of emotion .

Hearing that Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows, he couldn't help asking quickly: "Does the elder have such a pill?"

"Haha! Don't tell me, I'm going to give it to you, this is it!" The veteran laughed and took out an unknown animal skin from the storage space and put it on the table.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng quickly picked it up and examined it carefully.

"This is Faxiang Pill! It is an auxiliary pill for cultivating Fatianxiangdi. It can greatly increase the strength of the physical body, and it has a miraculous effect on us physical martial arts warriors who want to go further into the realm of demigods!" The old man stroked his beard and chuckled.

"Law of Heaven and Earth?" Jiang Heng was startled when he heard the words. He had heard about this secret technique of physical body Dao. can.

"That's right! Fatianxiangdi is a physical body. After the level of martial arts and demigods, most of them must practice secret arts. They use the power of hooking up the road and long rivers to drive the power of the whole body to evolve into a form. In a short period of time, they can show the power of a powerful physical body like a starry sky behemoth of the same level. Strength. This is the most difficult problem for many warriors in the temple, and often when the magic is opened, we and the physical warriors will be invincible and kill the Quartet!"

The veteran of this secret technique is obviously extremely respected.

"I don't know what the elders need in exchange for this elixir? If the seniors have the secrets of heaven and earth, the juniors are also willing to exchange treasures!" Even if the elders don't say it, Jiang Heng already has longed for it.

Although Jiang Heng is not very clear about the concept of making his physical body as strong as a giant beast of the same level, he can vaguely estimate it.

For example, I heard that the peak strength of the royal starry sky behemoth was comparable to that of Xike demigod at the first domain master level, and could match the demigod realm with the peak domain master level combat power, which shows the physical strength of the starry sky behemoth.

The demigod-level starry sky behemoth is afraid that it has a strong power to suppress the existence of the same level.

"Haha! It's fine for Jiang Xiaoyou to exchange for treasures. My pill formula is not a valuable item. As for the secret technique of magic, heaven and earth, it is not a rare item for senior physical martial arts practitioners like me." As he spoke, he saw the elder take out a Zhang Jinye came out.

This made Jiang Heng a little dazed. He had prepared for the other party to have a secret technique that was unfathomable to heaven and earth, but he didn't expect the other party to have it, and he just took it out directly.

Seeming to see through Jiang Heng's thoughts, the elder shook his head and explained: "Don't think these things are so precious, but as long as some physical warriors communicate more with others, they will always come into contact with these things. By the way, don't you rarely Participate in some small gatherings organized by our physical warriors?"

Wen Yan Jiang Heng shook his head, he really didn't attend these gatherings much. A few times, I was dragged by Chen to participate in some gatherings of the temple system, and all the domain masters with different laws were's no wonder. It’s not good for you to bury your head in hard training like this. You must know that the higher the level of physical martial arts, the fewer people there are. We still have a lot of exchanges between us. Many experiences and martial arts secrets are in this exchange. mutually progressive.

Besides, we don't have as many intrigues and scheming as other martial arts fighters in the physical body, and we also have a lot of mutual help, and we also work together. Everyone knows that this road is extremely difficult, and it is extremely difficult to become one who can speak. few. Therefore, you can rest assured to take this pill formula and secret technique! "

Said the elder pushed things forward.

Jiang Heng said these words thoughtfully, he did have a lot of concerns before, and now he agrees with them.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The higher the physical martial arts realm, the fewer the number, and it is true that they can help each other if they can think about it. Unless they are in different camps or have personal grievances, they get along quite harmoniously. .

"So, thank you senior!" Jiang Heng saw that the other party's words were sincere, and he really wanted it very much, so he no longer declined.

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