Master of Fist

Chapter 771: military order

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Inside the huge imperial flagship, a group of domain owners sat in a dull atmosphere.

"This is the battle report from the front line. The advance troops in the central area have already engaged in a small-scale battle with the Hegemony Star Alliance. I thought it was just a small-scale battle. Luo Xing, the advanced general in the eastern area, thought so at first, but the battle became more and more serious. The bigger the fight, the more the two sides continued to increase, and now it has evolved into a battle between the Eastern District and the advance army of the entire Hegemony Star Alliance. According to incomplete statistics, more than a hundred domain masters have fallen on the front line, and this number is gradually increasing .Starships and fighters below the domain master level have fallen countless. This is the data of several battles so far!"

The Sixth Prince Le directly projected a series of data on the big screen without leaving the water at all, and a lot of image data was reflected immediately.

Jiang Heng and his party were also attracted by the picture at this meeting, and the first picture they saw should be the picture at the beginning of the war.

I saw that the two army camps were clearly separated in the screen, and in the initial screen, the coalition forces in the Middle East region were far above each other in terms of the number of strong men and the number of starships. In comparison, the opponent was more like a branch of a certain advance army, and there were only about twenty domain master-level powerhouses.

Jiang Heng also noticed that the overall style of the Hegemony Star Alliance is actually rather messy, which is also very understandable, after all, like the Hundred Nations Alliance, it is a joint force of different forces.

Because of the huge difference in the numbers of the two sides, the commander of the coalition forces in the Eastern Region obviously gave the order to fight directly, and the war broke out soon.

However, as the war started, Jiang Heng discovered the difference between the Hegemony Star Alliance and the Alliance of Hundred Nations.

That's the style of the Hegemony Star Alliance... It's more like the style of fearless death. It belongs to the barbaric and wave-like posture of the star robbers, but there is a downwind battle that eliminates the star robbers. As strong as a tiger, fighting against the wind is also an extremely fast style of running.

The powerhouses of the hegemony are completely indomitable, it seems that they are not facing enemies that are several times their size. But a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Immediately after the two sides collided, various powers of law and starship energy main cannons continued to bombard them, which made it difficult for everyone who could only distinguish the picture with the naked eye to see the specific situation of the battle.

But as time passed, the battle came to an end, and the result was that the coalition forces in the Eastern Region wiped out all the enemy troops, but everyone took a closer look at the casualties and battle damage and couldn't help but gasp.

It stands to reason that this kind of battle, both in terms of numbers and the number of strong men, is far superior to the opponent, and the result is usually relatively small casualties, but at the end of this battle, the ratio of losses between the enemy and us has reached an astonishing one-to-one.

What made everyone even more astonished was that this time it was a total annihilation, and every one of the enemies who escaped was brave enough to pull a back even temporarily.

Therefore, in this battle, although the number of fallen strongmen is far less than that of the opponent, there are not a few domain master level strongmen who were slightly injured or seriously injured.

Seeing this, many domain owners present here understand what is going on. It is nothing more than an unscrupulous person, so it can cause greater results. And the other has concerns, after all, everyone thinks that this battle must be won, so it is better to spare their lives.

So the more scruples you are, the more you can't restrain the opponent's crazy actions. In the battle of life and death, a little bit of hesitation and worry will be life-threatening, especially when the strength of the same level is almost the same.

Then there was another picture, which should be the continuation of the previous one. The coalition forces in the Eastern Region were slowly approaching the planetary group on one side, as if they were planning to adjust the impact of the war just now.

However, it didn't take long for another encounter with the advance army of the Hegemony Star Alliance. This time, it was also a battle with a huge difference in numbers. The result was the same as last time, and the battle damage was equally astonishing. Totally reckless style of play.

Seeing that the faces of many domain masters here have become extremely ugly, how can I ask who would spare their lives if they have cultivated to the level of domain masters?

It can be seen that the barbarians of the Hegemony Star Alliance completely regard death as an enjoyment and have a fanatical emotion for war.

Needless to say, after this battle, the morale of the coalition forces in the Eastern Region will inevitably drop to freezing point.

In fact, it is true. Almost all domain masters are injured. Even if there are few late-stage domain masters who have no injuries, they are exhausted physically and mentally, and even feel powerless in their hearts.

Then the third encounter began immediately. This time it was also a battle with a large difference in numbers and strength. However, after the previous two encounters, many domain owners had already reached the edge of exhaustion this time. Although they finally wiped out the enemy again , but the battle loss rate of one's own side suddenly soared.

Immediately after that came the fourth match. This time, a support army came to supplement the Eastern District, and the opponent was no longer a small side army.

This time, the strength was equal, and the two sides exchanged fire again.

The final result made everyone's face even more ugly, because the coalition forces in the Eastern Region were almost defeated at the touch of a finger.


It should be said that they persisted for about a minute in the middle, and a minute is already extremely long for a domain master level powerhouse.

In this battle, the coalition forces in the eastern region were defeated, losing nearly 30% of the domain masters, and another 30% after the period was interrupted. It was not until they retreated to the border of the star gate in the central region that the opponent stopped their pursuit.

Seeing this, everyone is also silent.

"This group of savages! You really don't want to die!" A domain owner said cursingly, but his tone was obviously a little apprehensive.

But among the people present, who is not afraid of this kind of dismissal?

Whether it is myself or the subordinates, they are all cultivated by myself. It hurts so much that it will be damaged. As a result, the Hegemony Star Alliance is a completely desperate style of play.

Like a mad dog, once it bites its prey, it won't let go.

"What do you guys think after reading this?" the sixth prince said in a deep voice.

Hearing Le's question, a group of people hesitated for a moment, and one person stood up and said, "Excuse me, Your Highness, I saw that the coalition forces in the Middle East have encountered enemy forces several times in the screen, but is this too coincidental?

Is this really just a coincidence? Or did the enemy clearly know the exact location of the coalition forces in the Eastern Region, and then dispatched small groups of death squads to wear down their numbers and willpower? "

This question can be said to hit the nail on the head, and everyone realized that every time the Hegemony Star Alliance came, it was just right. There was hardly any respite for the coalition forces in the Eastern Region, wave after wave.

The last battle was obviously a trap, and the Allied Forces of the Eastern Region unknowingly entered the encirclement of the opponent. If it wasn't for a dangerous and dangerous situation that just happened to be a support army, otherwise the main force of this advance army would have to be confessed there!

"That's right! It was indeed premeditated. Everyone knows that the war is not only due to the gap in strength between the two sides, but also for many reasons such as intelligence collection, terrain and geographical location. According to the analysis report sent back by the coalition forces in the Eastern Region, they suspect that they There are spies on the other side, and they will send the location and information to the Hegemony Star Alliance in real time.

At present, the coalition forces in the Eastern Region are already conducting self-examination. "

A group of people nodded after hearing that, such spies and spies are quite common, especially in a place like the Sik Super Galaxy Cluster, which has a vast territory and requires long-distance raids. It takes luck to encounter enemy troops in the vast star field , so a good spy is very important.

It's just that Jiang Heng still has some different ideas.

"Your Highness! Since we know that there will inevitably be some people who will eat inside and outside, why don't we use means to block all information from leaking?"

Jiang Heng asked. After all, as long as all the information of the coalition forces is isolated from the outside world, there will be no spies who sneak in to pass the location and news to the Hegemony Star Alliance.

"No! We are just talking on paper here, but in fact, Senior Jiang, you will know how many starship groups you have. The deployment of so many starship groups requires real-time information transmission, otherwise the battle has not yet started. The coalition forces will be blind. Not only the enemy will not be able to see, but even the friendly forces will be chaotic before they cooperate, and even before the enemy kills them, they will be in chaos." The sixth prince Le shook his head and rejected this proposal.

"Okay, the battle on the front line is urgent at this time. According to the decision of the military council of the Eastern District, nearly half of our combat-ready personnel must pass through the star gate to reach the star gate of the Central District next year. This is a military order! Seeing the order is like seeing my old man. Zu!"

Speaking of the sixth prince, Le threw his big hand, and saw a small ice crystal condense into a small ice crystal at the moment of flying out, and there was indeed a bone-piercing demigod law of frost on it.

"I have met the ancestor Tianshuang!" Seeing this group of domain masters dare not neglect, this is a necessary etiquette. And once this order comes out, it also means that the sixth prince has the absolute power to control them and their followers.

The meeting was soon declared over, and all the domain owners got busy one after another. Although they will arrive in the Central District next year, the time is still very tight during this period.

On the way, they will first go to the core galaxy controlled by the Tianshuang Empire in the eighty-five galaxy, and then jump to the second galaxy controlled by the Nebula Sect through the star gate of the Tianshuang Empire's core galaxy.

The second galaxy has now become the bridgehead for the entire eastern coalition to launch an attack on the central area. The reason why it is so cumbersome to go to the front line requires several star gate jumps. The main reason is that the front line is instantly defeated, and the enemy will go directly to the core area of ​​the eastern area through the star gate. .

Now, it is the safest way for this kind of stargates to exist only in adjacent galaxies. If it is not in the period of participation in the war and the demigods are restricted, I am afraid that it will be more complicated to go to the front line.

Jiang Heng reckoned that when the real battle came, the Hundred Nations Alliance would self-destruct most of the long-distance teleportation stargates, leaving only the nearby stargate teleportation channels.

This exchange of space for time is also a war strategy.

In the next period of time, all domain owners began to allocate resources one after another, and various transport ships continuously transported materials from their respective jurisdictions, since it was an expedition. In addition, everyone was stimulated by the previous combat scenes of the Hegemony Star Alliance, and they also knew that the best way to face this group of lunatics was to use long-range firepower as much as possible to reduce the first wave of personnel sharply and weaken their morale.

Of course, Jiang Heng thought so too, he used almost all the energy reserves he brought from the Milky Way before. These are enough to support the battery life of the whole ship with full firepower for nearly two or three years.

Such a rich energy reserve is actually not inferior to the fleet energy reserve several times that of the Galaxy Fleet, but Jiang Heng just took it out in one breath.

It's not because of his grandiosity, but because of the continuous consumption of the Hegemony Star Alliance in the picture, it is conceivable that the Central District is now the home of the Hegemony Star Alliance.

In the first battle, when both sides were still unsteady, the Hundred Nations Alliance side didn't take advantage of it. Now it is estimated that they have completely established a foothold there, and even the star map is estimated to have been surveyed and mapped.

Jiang Heng can imagine himself waiting for others to pass by, and the situation will only be more difficult.

After half a full month of busy work, all the forces were ready to go. Following the sixth prince's order, the densely packed starship group led by him was already ahead.

The next thing to go is the inconspicuous stargate at the edge of the ninety-two galaxy from the core area. This is the intercommunication stargate built by the sixth prince and the eighty-five galaxy.

Jiang Heng found that when the fleet arrived, there was a domain master-level man wearing Tianshuang armor guarding the side of the star gate. The position where he was standing happened to be a formation eye, and the formation plate wrapped the star gate.

Jiang Heng made a careful distinction, and was surprised to find that it turned out to be an extremely powerful instant self-destruct formation. In terms of power, it would definitely not be able to injure a domain master-level powerhouse, but it was enough to easily destroy this star gate.

Good guy!

Jiang Heng secretly said in his heart that it was It can also be seen from this that the Tianshuang Empire is serious about this war.

After the sixth prince Le showed the military order, the domain master opened the star gate, and a fleet of fleets began to enter slowly.

Because it is only a galaxy-level stargate, the fleet group has already arrived in another galaxy.

After entering this galaxy, Jiang Heng obviously felt a little difference. The first feeling was icy cold, which was obviously colder than the ninety-two galaxies he was in before.

The second is that the domain master level breath that is several times larger than his own is nearby, and the existence of a large number of life forms flooding his perception.

With the naked eye, you can see that the brilliance of this galaxy is far better than that of the ninety-two galaxies, and the closest one is the densely packed square fleet.

Although it is far less than the number gathered when they set off from the Tianshuang Empire, it is quite astonishing.

A little further away is the tail flame of the transport ship that is constantly wandering and shuttling. You can see that a large-scale galaxy-level defense system is being established in many places in the distance.

"I didn't expect the royal family to move so quickly." Chen looked at this scene with emotion.

"I'm afraid that the number of technicians and workers will not be small. There must be hundreds of billions of people." Patriarch Lie Yan couldn't help sighing.

Jiang Heng also nodded slightly, and now his eyes are gradually focusing on those defense systems that have been built for the most part.

"It's not like an ordinary fortification. It's just embedded with energy channels and not loaded with long-range strike weapons and energy shield devices." As the most outstanding omnic system under Jiang Heng's command, Hong also expressed his views on the sidelines, obviously He also paid great attention to these fortifications.

"This is building a large array." Jiang Heng smiled slightly, "A super large array that will use an entire galaxy as a power supply channel. Who do you think will host the array?"

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