Master of Fist

Chapter 760: New World War 1 (Part 2)

"Old man, are you okay?" Jiang Heng glanced at the old man beside him.

It's just that Jiang Heng found Bai Wen just after exiting the exit. The elder has returned to normal, his body is bloody, and everywhere is full of lacerations left by a destructive force. There wasn't an inch of muscle in his body that wasn't ripped.

The breath was extremely weak, Jiang Heng saw this scene and knew that the elder, not to mention continuing to participate in the war, had already been seriously injured and hammered to death, and even recovering after that would require a huge price.

"Is this creating a chance for me to be singled out?" Jiang Heng gritted his teeth, his heart filled with bitterness.

At the same time, the two Vajra Sects had already arrived, but they both felt a little uneasy after seeing the tragic situation of Elder Jiang Heng.

But it is impossible to retreat now.

The three roared and rushed forward again.

The monster with horned strength grinned sinisterly, and in a flash, it suddenly turned into a giant like a star.

With a sudden grab on the top of the head with both hands, the two horns were immediately drawn out and turned into two horn flying hammers connected to the bony chains. Without the slightest hesitation, the chains rushed towards Jiang Heng and the others like a hurricane. .

There are even weapons!

Jiang Heng's face was horrified, and at this moment he didn't care to grab something from the storage space with one hand, but it was a gray-black stick.

This object was originally a middle-term sword-like weapon of the domain master that contained the law of gold that was presented by the ancestor of longevity. However, Jiang Heng re-sacrificed it according to the template of the previous Hunyuan stick in order to try his own refining techniques. .

The figure was extremely swollen, and it turned into a gigantic ape in a blink of an eye. The gray-black stick in his hand also suddenly swelled and turned into an Optimus Prime, flying rapidly in his hand, like a round shield firmly in front of him.

At the same time, the two Vajra Sects did not hesitate at all.

"Second brother shoots with all his strength!"

The two looked at each other, and at the next moment, both of them made a strange handprint on the palm of their hand at the same time. Climb directly to the realm of the late stage of the physical body.

The soaring Vajra Sect headmaster let out a loud shout, his body was covered with dense inscriptions, a layer of domain master-level mid-stage treasure armor suddenly appeared, and the original dignified golden dharma phase also underwent some strange changes at this moment.

The golden color quickly receded and was replaced by a layer of blue-black, and Faxiang's face became blue-faced and fangs grew. Two heads grew out from both sides, and four arms grew out from both sides of the lower ribs. It turned out to be a strange posture with three heads and six arms. All of a sudden, it was extremely creepy and hideous.

However, Faxiang's body is densely covered with muscles and a more metallic body, with six arms and six hands each holding a domain master-level mid-stage blade weapon, roaring like a beast from his mouth, and fighting towards the giant beast in front of him. go.

The blade danced swiftly, stirring up the nebula, and the stacked qi slashing attacks quickly converged into a ball and turned into an exaggerated knife light that seemed to be cutting through a galaxy, and rushed straight to the opponent.

The powerful and heavy flying hammer thrown by the mighty beast flew halfway, and saw a stream of saber light falling straight down from the sky like a waterfall, cutting off the chain of the flying hammer below in a flash , and issued a dazzling light torn apart.

There was a loud bang.

However, the flying hammer continued unabated and hit the three-headed and six-armed Faxiang directly.

Faxiang's face suddenly became solemn, and he stretched out all six arms, and pressed the horned flying hammer in front of him before it spun rapidly and was about to hit him.

Faxiang's figure flew upside down tens of thousands of meters, but fortunately he was firmly blocked.

Jiang Heng watched in amazement.

"Sure enough, these guys still have their hole cards!" Jiang Heng gritted his teeth, these domain master-level powerhouses would not go all out unless they pushed him into a hurry.

But now Jiang Heng also knows that now is not the time to hide.

He saw that this giant beast of power was of great use to him!

It should be said that these two behemoths are of great use to any physical martial artist.

Essence and blood can be used to refine great medicines that are very useful for physical martial arts. Ordinary fur, bone, flesh and blood are excellent materials for refining alchemy, especially the opponent's law of strength!

Jiang Heng is extremely eager for this, let alone stealing the opponent's law, let alone being unable to steal it, but before it merges into the long river of the road, diverting some to refine a weapon that contains the law of power will be of great benefit to the physical martial artist.

"Wealth and wealth are in danger! Fight!"

Jiang Heng let out a low cry in his heart, and at the same time shouted to the two Vajra Sects in the distance: "Help me hold this beast for three breaths! After three breaths, Jiang will definitely kill this beast.

Instead of sharing it with everyone, why don't you share this beast with the three of us! "

Hearing Jiang Heng's sudden words, the two of Vajra Sect couldn't help being stunned, especially the head teacher looked at Jiang Heng in surprise.

After the previous cooperation, he also saw that in terms of individual strength alone, the strength of the young man in front of him is definitely higher than them, even the oldest veteran with both qualifications and strength.

But if he really said that the other party could kill the giant beast in front of him alone, he still didn't believe it. But what if you don't believe it now?

The sixth prince was held back, and now only the three of them can fight this beast alone, and they have to come after all!


The two of them didn't respond to Jiang Heng, they both gave a low shout, and the dharma form jointly evolved by the two suddenly let out a roar.

Seeing this situation, the giant beast of strength flashed a trace of disdain on its ferocious face, raised its huge palm instantly, and slapped the Dharma figure from afar.

The three-headed and six-armed method did not show any weakness, and the six arms came out together, and countless blades pierced the void like a terrifying space storm and strangled towards the opponent.

However, as a giant palm of energy slapped by the mighty beast passed by, the sword light that kept coming along the way collapsed instantly, and it couldn't stop it at all.

The three-headed and six-armed figure was startled, and before he had time to think about it, the figure changed again, the three-headed and six-armed figure disappeared and returned to one head and two arms, but it was still in the state of blue-faced fangs, and the blade in his hand became sharper, as if united with the power of six mid-stage weapons.

This is indeed the case. With the change of form, the rank of the giant blade in his hand also began to climb to the extreme in the later stage, faintly bearing the pressure of the peak weapon.

The six blades merged into one, and the light of the sword slashed out again. At the same time, the two chief and deputy headmasters of the Vajra Sect also gritted their teeth and began to forcibly drive the power of the law of the flesh, constantly driving the dharma to keep slashing one after another.

There is already something subtle wriggling on the surface of the two of them, and they are on the verge of distortion.

When the power of law, that is, the power of divinity, is consumed too much, the power of distortion in the body cannot maintain balance. As this balance is broken, it will then be carried by the planets and flesh in the body.

Layers of layers of phantoms of blades swept wildly towards the giant beast of power.

Each knife is enough to kill a late-stage powerhouse of the master level of the ordinary domain, and the power of dozens or hundreds of swords can be seen.

However, it took a full ten knives to cut through the palm prints, and the sword lights that followed all slashed towards the giant beast.

Seeing this giant beast of power was also a little annoyed, and a fierce light appeared in its eyes.

He is not inferior to anyone in terms of stamina and surging strength. With a roar, the giant power beast kept rushing forward, while slapping swords with its palms.

From a distance, it looks like a series of silver-white rays are constantly being bounced away, while a group of black giant beasts are rushing straight up against the current.

There were already many knife marks on the body of the mighty beast of strength, but he ignored it, but his face became more and more excited.

He wants to tear up this group of bugs, and then swallow them bit by bit!

It's just that at this moment, his brows were frowned suddenly, and he couldn't help but glance at another bug on the side from the corner of his eyes.

He was very impressed with this monster of worm power. It was just this worm that made him feel that the opponent's strength was not bad, although it was much inferior to his own. But in the eyes of the giant beast of strength, being able to block its own punch without hindrance is enough to show its strength.

But what is this bug doing now? Why is the breath getting weirder and weirder! Valley

The power behemoth felt a little uneasy in his heart. Looking at the gourd that appeared in the opponent's hand at some point, there seemed to be an obscure and strange aura accumulating in it.

"It doesn't matter! Eat the two of you first!"

The mighty beast of strength grinned, jumped up, and swung away the last few blade lights. The entire huge figure had completely enveloped the blue-faced and long-toothed Faxiang.

At this moment, he could clearly see the frightened expressions on the faces of the two worms in the portrait.


Opening his mouth wide, his mouth was full of fangs and directly bit off the head of Faxiang. Cracks were all over the whole Faxiang immediately, and then it was split into pieces of dissipated power of physical law.

The principal and deputy headmasters of the Vajra Sect also vomited blood, obviously receiving a great deal of backlash.

The behemoth of power pouted its mouth and felt it bit the air. It became even more furious, and its fierce eyes stared at the two of them.

"Leader, go!" The deputy headmaster pushed the headmaster who was standing in front of him away, and the next moment, the evil wind blew across his face, and a majestic body law exploded directly.

Most of them were swallowed by the huge beasts of power, and some of them escaped into the cosmic space.

At this moment, the head teacher of the Vajra Sect felt his whole body was icy cold. The unique secret technique of the Vajra Sect was broken, his aura plummeted, and he fell directly to a lower level in just an instant.

It is easy to recover from a fall in the realm of the physical body, but it is extremely fatal right now.

"It tastes good, it's your turn!"

The scarlet eyes of the behemoth of power stared at the headmaster of the Vajra Sect who was completely incapacitated in front of him, and he opened his mouth to swallow it in one gulp, reuniting the two fellow sects.

But the next moment he made a sudden stop.

It should be said that everyone's movements became extremely slow in Jiang Heng's eyes at this moment.

Feeling the passing power of law in his body, Jiang Heng gritted his teeth and his figure skyrocketed, and he slashed out at the giant power beast in the distance.

Time knife cuts time!

"Die to me!"

With a roar that only Jiang Heng could hear, the time knife in his hand erupted with terrifying power, and the law of time contained in the power was extremely elapsed.

A pale light permeated the surface of the Time Knife, and the whole world seemed to be plunged into darkness at this moment, at least that was the case for Jiang Heng, who was holding the Time Knife and fully stimulated its power.

Only the Time Knife emitting pale light in his hand is the only light in this gloomy world.

At this moment, Jiang Heng only felt that countless pictures flashed in front of his eyes, and this was the time passing by in front of his eyes.

The nebula palm erupted, and the burden on the stars in the body became heavier, and the force of distortion spread across the surface of the stars at a speed almost visible to the naked eye.

From a distance, it looks like black spots are constantly crawling on the surface of a crimson planet, and the spreading speed is extremely alarming.

The skin sac was wriggling, as if countless lives were growing in the body.

"Not enough! Not enough!"

Jiang Heng kept roaring in his heart. He felt that this knife was far from enough.

He didn't let the Time Knife go back to the past by itself to kill this mighty beast, it was really impossible.

The power giant was sealed for 200,000 years just after it was sealed, and the time law contained in the Time Knife could travel back to several years at best.

But even if he travels back to 200,000 years ago, what he faces is a more terrifying beast of power that is still at its peak. In that way, it is even more impossible to cut this fang.

The only way is to let time enter a brief stagnation, and cut the opponent's weakness with a lore.

Jiang Heng's eyes scanned every inch of the giant beast's skin in front of him. It would not be difficult for a martial artist with a physical body to find other people's weaknesses. Compared with ordinary domain master level weapons.

Such a defense, as if every inch is indestructible.

"There must be a door! There must be!"

Jiang Heng's eyes were already bloodshot, and as time passed, the signs of body deformation became more obvious. He could already see a distorted head emerging from his neck, even though the head was only the size of an egg, it kept making strange sounds And roared crazily.

"Can't find it! Can't find it!"

Veins popped all over Jiang Heng's body, and his anxiety also made him a little furious. Without the power of the ball, the power of distortion in the body can only be borne by the stars, and now the stars are almost completely wrapped in black, as if Jiang Heng's life is about to die. come to an end.

"Are you kidding me? Die without cutting? Since there is no, then I will create a weakness for you!"

Jiang Heng roared in his heart.

A click that only Jiang Heng could hear resounded in his body!

A majestic power of space law erupted from the body in an instant, and all of them rushed into the time knife in his hand.

It means that the law of space in Jiang Heng's body has disappeared, and only an insignificant seed of law of space remains.

At this moment, Jiang Heng is temporarily improving the space characteristics of the time knife by devoting his whole body to the cultivation of the space avenue.

At this moment, Jiang Heng has no hesitation.


A knife was aimed at the neck of the giant beast, and no blade light emerged. Only some people who mastered the avenue of space could feel a blade glow flying out in another space.

With a single cut, it almost squeezed all the energy in Jiang Heng's acupuncture points and the laws of the physical body in his body. It was almost on the verge of complete distortion.

The Time Knife returned to Zhanshen Gourd, and time was restored as before.

The power behemoth looked suspiciously at Jiang Heng, whose breath was suddenly sluggish.

This weird situation made the power behemoth feel like it jumped suddenly for a while. Or maybe he himself missed a period of time, which is weird anyway.

He continued to look at the bug waiting to be slaughtered below, and was about to open his mouth to bite it, but the angle of view slipped down uncontrollably.

This scene was completely out of his expectation, his brain didn't give his body an instruction to fall at all. Can....

No! wrong!

He suddenly discovered that his head had been separated from his body soundlessly.

During the period, there was no pain or feeling, and everything seemed to happen suddenly.

How is this going?

No! no no!

The giant beast of strength roared, and his eyes were fixed on Jiang Heng's direction. What did this bug do to him?

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