Master of Fist

Chapter 750: plan

In addition, the requirements of ordinary soldier red are more detailed and clear.

The overall quality of the soldiers in the Milky Way is very high, especially the soldiers who participated in this expedition. Most of them are descendants of the previous war with the Seiya Federation, and most of them are the elite of the Luohui Empire.

Half of them are able to control individual combat mechas, and a small part of this half are trying to use simple external mechas.

The external-type simple armor is the latest research result of the Luohui Empire. Through the study of the star body of the Star Federation, the huge computing power that drives the armor is simplified and transferred, and this huge information flow is transferred to an optical brain. Inside. Then the soldiers wear this kind of helmet-like optical brain to control the armor.

Even if the calculation flow of the armor is so simplified and weakened, the best of the elite are needed to control the simplified armor, and it takes a long time to adapt to the dizziness of driving the armor.

At present, there are only 100,000 soldiers who can control this kind of armor. Compared with the current fleet of one billion soldiers, this number is insignificant.

But it is also very good, because this kind of simple armor belongs to the existence that can fight one-on-one with warriors below the middle level. For example, some ace pilots can barely fight with middle-level warriors for a few moves.

Hong's proposal is to conduct cooperative combat exercises between the armored soldiers and the mecha soldiers, so that they can cooperate to be comparable to the torrent of an army composed of inferior warriors.

It can also be regarded as sharing part of the pressure for the individual fighters of the warrior army, and in the end they will even form a joint and coordinated operation with the low-level and middle-level warriors, so that technology and martial arts can be seamlessly connected.

In addition to the long-range sniping of the starship, this is most dependent on the power of long-range weapons.

As early as hundreds of years ago, when fighting against the star army of the Seiya Federation, the starship's fire-focusing ability was still very powerful. The main guns of tens of millions of starships could still focus on the powerhouses of the pseudo-Galaxy Lord level. cause lethality.

As for the level of the master of the galaxy, it pales in comparison.

It's a pity that after hundreds of years, the Milky Way has thoroughly understood the technology of the Seiya Federation. Although there are frequent breakthroughs in individual combat technology, mechanics, and armor manufacturing technology, it is a pity that there has been little progress in long-range weapons.

Very helpless, but there is no way, the technology tree of the Seiya Federation is mainly focused on the aspect of personal might.

If they had focused on long-range weapons back then, they wouldn't have been overwhelmed by the Luohui Empire in terms of long-range firepower.

But these hundreds of years are still a bit of a breakthrough, and the breakthrough in individual combat technology has also provided a lot of technical support for long-range weapons.

For example, the strongest planetary cannon has now been banned by the star cannon, and the Luohui Imperial Research Institute has researched a high-power drive for star power.

The use of stars The Luohui Empire has been going on for a long time, but the previous focus was only on the collection and utilization of the power of stars, but now it has developed high-power devices that drive the power of stars.

This inspiration comes from the metal body of the Supreme Wisdom, which is comparable to the false domain master. The driving engine of that body is fueled by the whole star. It involves ultra-large-scale equipment for driving star energy, which can greatly reduce the energy loss of driving star power, and at the same time burst out extremely terrifying energy rays.

According to Hong's calculations, one shot is enough to instantly kill the fake domain master, but he can't figure out the situation of the domain master.

But I also calculated a rough estimate, 10% of the time, it will cause serious injury or even death to domain masters who are unable to dodge in time, and domain power has no attenuation and defense capabilities against energy rays.

There are too few domain owners with this factor, and secondly, the probability of causing harm to the domain owner under normal circumstances is zero!

It is really that this kind of stellar cannon has too long energy storage, and in fact it is not long. With that kind of high-power star energy extraction equipment, it can store energy and launch it in just five breaths.

But it's a pity that five breaths can disappear without a trace for the domain owner. But even if there is no energy storage time, the rate of fire of the ray rushing past is not fast, even extremely slow for the domain owner.

It is also a bit of a threat to the Lord of the Galaxy, but even if the Lord of the Galaxy is not restricted by others, they can escape when the cannon is charging.

Therefore, Red's long-range strikes against starships will be divided into early-stage long-range cover-type indiscriminate strikes. This is entirely based on luck.

After that, there will be a short free attack time, and this is also the time for individual combat units to enter the field.

At this time, the mechanics sitting in the command room are at the time when they can use their abilities. They need to monitor the situation in each theater. Once they find that the enemy fighters are restricted by their own side, they will drive some starships to carry out long-range strikes.

At this time, the role of the starship is to check for gaps and create opportunities for one's own fighters.

Jiang Heng talked for a long time at this stage, because the planning document written by Hong was too detailed, but every point was the key point, so he talked for three full days at this stage.

And this is just the general direction of this. As for the details, various departments will hold small group meetings again, so there is no need to waste time discussing in this kind of conference.

"Do you have any questions about the work at this stage?" Jiang Heng looked at everyone present with a solemn expression.

At this meeting, Jiang Heng wanted to mobilize everyone's consciousness, because it would be useless to rely on him alone in the next war, and everyone had to rely on everyone to work together if he wanted to survive!

This kind of situation has almost never happened before, because in the past, Jiang Heng didn't need to consider the feelings of the subordinates at all, he only had to issue orders and the subordinates would execute them.

At this stage, Hong's arrangements were indeed meticulous, so no one raised their hands to ask questions after everyone thought about it for a long time.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng nodded and began to enter the third topic. The third topic is relatively short, and that is intelligence!


Jiang Heng wanted to establish a short-lived intelligence network that could provide a lot of information in the supergalactic cluster once ruled by the strange Sikh Empire.

In addition to fighting for strategy and strength, war is also about intelligence. In this strange super galaxy cluster, you can see the fog of war everywhere. The galactic forces are all ambiguous to each other.

Just like the current Milky Way Fleet, if you want to pass the message to the top, you have to go through the Sixth Prince Le, and the message from the superior will only be passed to the dominant force in each galaxy.

This is indeed a strong concealment, but it is also a big problem. In this way, the bottom forces are almost completely reduced to a **** without eyes, and they can only let the superiors open their eyes to command.

Even if he is sent to the most dangerous place to perform tasks as an abandoned child, there is nothing he can do about it.

Jiang Heng talked about this topic relatively quickly, mainly for mechanics and some warriors, and Jiang Heng will hand over the details to Hong for implementation.

The establishment of the intelligence network is divided into three steps.

One of them will select a part of the elite warrior team to take the lead in sneaking into the various galaxies under the jurisdiction of the Skyfrost Empire.

At this stage, the general situation and power distribution of the ten galaxies of the Tianshuang Empire will be grasped, and the movements of each power will be reported in real time.

Second, the first-class and even the Master of Galaxy Mechanics will be directly selected to be stationed in the nearby empire's garrison to conduct remote monitoring of the general situation in the eastern district.

The reason for choosing a mechanic is also considering the terror of domain master level powerhouses. If a strange warrior sneaks in rashly, it will easily arouse the vigilance or even fury of other empire powerhouses.

As long as some technological equipment of the mechanic is covered up, it is still difficult to find.

At the end of this stage, the purpose will be to directly grasp the intelligence of the entire Eastern Region, and at the same time indirectly infiltrate some tentacles into the territory of the Southern Region Alliance.

The third stage will infiltrate the central region, with the goal of drawing a detailed star map of the central region in advance. As far as possible during the war period, mark the wormholes and star arc areas in the central area to distinguish the resource-rich area from the scarce area. Increases the possibility of entering the Central Zone later on.

These three stages will be carried out at the same time, not only infiltration, but also to leave stargate anchor points in every place as much as possible, so as to prepare for the creation of stargates that travel through any area in the future.

Time is limited and Jiang Heng can only arrange everything at the beginning in one breath. The 50-year admission period will be the time when he can try his best to win the cost of survival.

"If my prediction is correct, both the first and second stages are still within the acceptable range. Even if the Hundred Nations Alliance is in decline, it will not completely collapse. Only the third stage is the real danger!"

Jiang Heng thought of the terrifying scene of ten demigods entering the arena at once in the third stage.

In the face of demigods, non-demigods are more or less dead!

At this stage, it is no longer possible to fight to death with human power.

After announcing the three topics of the meeting, Jiang Heng announced the end of the meeting. The things announced at this meeting are enough to keep the entire Galaxy Fleet busy.

After the meeting, the entire Galaxy Fleet was like a wind-up machine frantically busy. First, the generals summoned the mid-level officers to announce the mission of the meeting, and then saw the huge Galaxy Fleet divided into several groups and began to head towards the huge Ninety-two Galaxy East. Spread out.

Ready to start looking for life planets and start building simple land cities, and at the same time, more robots controlled by mechanics are starting to look for resource planets one after another and prepare to build battle stars one after another.

In this way, the Galaxy Fleet is not very interested in life planets, and they often just look for a city to build a city on hundreds of life planets to recruit and train local natives.

After all, building a line of defense in the eastern part of the galaxy is a huge project, and the current population of the Galaxy Fleet alone is definitely not enough.

What's more, most of the Galaxy Fleet who came here this time are combat arms. Even some logistics personnel are even more precious than combat arms under certain circumstances. Among these logistics personnel, they are all senior intellectuals, not senior mechanical maintenance engineers. It's the senior doctor and so on.

Watching a group of starships leaving the fleet to explore the nearby star field, Jiang Heng took a deep breath, he must also get busy.

"The middle stage of the domain master level is still not enough. If you want to survive here, even the late stage is not enough. There is still a slight possibility of survival at the peak!"

Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, and he began to measure his own strength standard: "I am good at the physical body, and now I explode with all my strength, I can kill the strong body of the same level within a hundred moves. It can also be in the hands of the strong in the late stage of the physical body." Adhere to a hundred tricks.

Against the system of the gods, I can kill him within three moves in the middle stage, and the same three moves in the later stage. If he can't beheaded in three moves, it means that the opponent has the possibility of resisting my physical strength. I am afraid that hundreds of moves will not be able to take down the opponent, and it may even be countered by the opponent! "

Jiang Heng rubbed his brows, Jiang Heng was very clear about his own strength, just like the old woman surnamed Mu who was under the command of the First Prince before, the opponent had a peak treasure body protection, and if he couldn't kill him with three moves, he could only be defeated in the opponent's domain after that. To die alive.

"With the help of the god-slaying gourd, I can kill the peak powerhouses of the temples. The physical path may be a little bit high, and the opponent's speed is too fast. If the time knife can kill the opponent, there may be a glimmer of hope."

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng shook his head a little. He felt that if he only regarded the peak powerhouse as an imaginary enemy, he would underestimate this war too much.

"So I still have to figure out how to deal with demigods!"

Jiang Heng rubbed his chin, but he thought of a guy, that is Mr. Jin!

"That guy gives me the feeling of being mysterious and mysterious, and he acts like he doesn't pay attention to demigods. Maybe this person can communicate with him if Thinking about this, Jiang Heng also knows that nothing can be put in one basket, not to mention that Mr. Jin and himself are not in the same way. It is too unreliable to rely on such a guy.

Jiang Qiu couldn't help but look at the golden jewelry in his hand. The compass in his body was useless, so there might be some hope for the golden jewelry.

"According to the physical strength that Orr and the others provide me now, the speed and frequency of this provision are getting faster and faster."

Jiang Heng carefully recalled the first time that the other party provided him with physical power, which was almost insignificant, but now it is equivalent to a strong early-stage master of the physical body Dao domain constantly delivering physical body to him power.

And how long has it been, but only a hundred years.

Consciousness penetrated into the ornament again, and what caught the eye was still the familiar cabin, but this time it was filled with thin red lines coming from all directions, thick and thin. The rough ones are the first group of people who practiced, and the thin ones are the group of people who practiced later.

Glancing at Auer, Jiang Heng was a little surprised, this kid is already in the realm of the Lord of the Galaxy, so he has almost perfected the simple version of the Great Zhou Tianxing Divine Art.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Heng transmitted another exercise.

Orr, who was practicing at this time, opened his eyes suddenly, and his calm face suddenly burst into ecstasy.

Kung Fu!

He has received new instructions from the great Creator!

But when he carefully read the content of this new exercise, he felt a little bit difficult.

"Great Creator, are you still there?"

With a soft call, Orr continued without waiting for Jiang Heng to open his mouth: "This new exercise seems to make a lot of noise, especially when breaking through to the domain master level, maybe all the management of the entire arsenal Robots will notice."

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