Master of Fist

Chapter 729: horrible racial potential

After chatting for a while, Jiang Heng left the mansion of the Ancestor of Longevity.

Jiang Heng also wanted to ask him for this thing, but was severely despised by the old man.

After all, this cave belongs to the old man's life-long painstaking efforts. In fact, the focus is not on this mere cave, but on the power of laws within it.

The cave contains most of the laws of the low-level demigods of the long-lived ancestors in his previous life. It stands to reason that the power of the laws will return to the cosmic avenue after the death of the host.

It's just that the old man doesn't know what kind of secret method he has mastered, and he can seal up the power of the law as long as the source of the soul is not destroyed, so the old man has sealed most of the power of the law in Wanshou City in advance.

Jiang Heng guessed that the key to this secret method might be this seemingly inconspicuous ring, otherwise Jiang Heng would really have a hard time imagining what kind of heaven-defying method could hide the will of the universe.

So now that the Longevity Patriarch is willing to give the ring to Jiang Heng, it would be hell.

The power of law is his treasure, and those space anchors are also his treasure.

"The old peeping tom!"

Jiang Heng cursed bitterly, but it didn't matter, although he was greedy, there was nothing he could do, he couldn't let others give him all the accumulation of 700,000 years.

Back in Dongfu, the first thing Jiang Heng did was to count his income.

This time, there are quite a lot of wool from the ancestor of longevity. First of all, Jiang Heng separates out those martial arts secret books separately. He will put these martial arts secret books, secret techniques and secret methods together with the martial arts collected before.

He decided to have someone build a Buddhist scripture pavilion when he had time, so he built it in the gap between the three planes of this jade small world, and then set up a system of meritorious service.

For example, the first and second floors of Jade Small World can get a chance to enter the Cangjing Pavilion every time they get the Ascension Order. Of course, they are only allowed to choose the upper and lower martial arts, and they are only allowed to choose one.

As for the third floor, it is completely necessary to complete the task. As for the task, it is completely determined by Jiang Heng. For example, I followed the avatars to fight against the outer galaxies.

Jiang Heng felt that he had to create an exchange panel later, and input it into the smart bracelets in the hands of each subordinate who received the task. Once the task is completed, Jiang Heng will directly send someone to deliver the goods to the door through the silver flow system.

I believe that on the one hand, it can motivate the enthusiasm of the subordinates, and on the other hand, it can also improve the overall strength of the subordinates.

Jiang Heng is still dissatisfied with the current strength of his subordinates, and there is no good way to do this, after all, this kind of thing does require talent.

"Perhaps we can also create a permanent passage to the secret realm of the cave in the Milky Way." Jiang Heng pondered whether to involve warriors from the entire Milky Way.

Although the entire Milky Way has gradually abandoned sectarianism under the deliberate guidance of the Luohui Empire, there are still many warriors from small forces continuing the old path.

This is completely delaying those talented warriors.

In the end, Jiang Heng still decided that he could push himself forward in this way. What he wanted was to make the entire galaxy stronger, and he wanted a strong army, not a burden that he needed to take care of all the time.

Even if this investment may not see hope for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, Jiang Heng feels that at least if he does it himself, he will continue to improve.

The talents of galaxy warriors are not weak, Jiang Heng knows this.

Especially the group of people who came out of the Qinglan Realm. According to Jiang Heng's knowledge, there have been nearly a hundred high-level warriors and nearly ten thousand middle-level warriors. The rest of them have entered the ranks of inferior warriors And most of the energy levels are more than 1,000 points.

This is definitely a terrifying value. You must know that every high-level warrior is a mainstay in any galaxy in the entire Tianshuang Empire.

Some galaxies with prosperous martial arts may have a total number of tens of thousands or even nearly 100,000, while some mediocre galaxies are at most nearly 10,000.

This number is already considered a lot, at least much more terrifying than the Milky Way hundreds of years ago.

And these are the premise that these galaxies have built a developed stargate system long ago, so there will naturally be a lot of high-level warriors in these galaxies under the condition of frequent exchanges with the outside world.

But how long has it been since the entire Milky Way opened the stargate era?

It was in a state of losing contact for nearly 100,000 years before, and it is only in the past few hundred years that it has been in a period of rapid development.

And in just a few hundred years, how many superiors have emerged in the entire Milky Way?

According to Jiang Heng's avatar placed in the imperial capital, after hundreds of years, the number of high-level warriors in the Milky Way has reached a terrifying 4,000 person-times.

And there are more than ten others who have already broken through to the master level of the galaxy.

This number may not be as good as the Andromeda galaxy, the neighbor of the Milky Way, but how long has it been?

You must know that hundreds of years ago, including those who lived in seclusion, there were only four to five hundred elite warriors in the Milky Way.

And this has doubled nearly ten times!

This is already an exaggeration. It can be said that the Milky Way has a long history, but this still takes into account that many of the older generation's top-ranking martial artists follow the system of the Temple of Gods.

These people occupied the bulk of the top powerhouses in the galaxy hundreds of years ago.

This also means that if these people want to step into the level of the Lord of the Galaxy, they have to recover the Valkyrie system that fell before.

As for those older generations who are four or five thousand years old, they are still picking up the Martial God But it is estimated that when they break through, the Milky Way galaxy master level will usher in an explosion.

And those more than 4,000 high-class warriors belong to the younger generation, and these people are about a few hundred to a thousand years old. They are still young, and it is likely that they will break through to the level of the Lord of the Galaxy in the future.

It is almost certain that in the next one or two thousand years, the number of these people who will break through to the level of the Lord of the Galaxy may exceed 40%.

This number is extremely terrifying. You must know that this number is almost comparable to one-fifth of the Star River Lords in the entire Skyfrost Empire.

Of course, what this requires is more and more resources. Jiang Heng knows that the talents of warriors in the galaxy are extremely terrifying, but there are only so many resources, and this kind of talent will continue to be consumed as the realm rises.

Jiang Heng didn't know where the final limit of these people would be, but such a terrifying talent as a whole can prove that there should be more than one or two domain master-level powerhouses in the Milky Way in the future.

"There is a long way to go!"

Putting away the martial arts cheats by category, Jiang Heng sighed.

Now he has nearly a hundred incarnations. Although Yinliu's operation is on the right track, there is still a shortage of people in the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce, and those fifty avatars cannot move.

Another ten incarnations are busy working as teachers in the General's Mansion.

Now he is not only a general, but also the chief instructor of the senior officers of the entire Luohui Empire military department. Now nearly two thousand high-level warriors who have made breakthroughs have been students under his hands.

In addition, more than 20 incarnations arranged to travel in several major provinces of the empire to select good seedlings, and the remaining 20 people were all helping the body to cultivate and understand martial arts secret books.

"It's still not enough!"

Jiang Heng rubbed his brows, and immediately began to direct a few avatars around him who were finally free to help test the newly acquired domain master level weapons.

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