Master of Fist

Chapter 711: Kill a domain lord peak sacrificial flag!

"But if you can really kill this person, what should you do?" Qingyue suddenly thought of a little further away.

This is also the point that bothers her now. Now that she can survive by killing this troublesome person, how long can she survive?

Then slaughter these insiders?

But what if he killed him?

If you keep these people's mouths shut, you can hide it for a few years at most. No matter how hard you try to fight for a hundred years, no matter how stupid the empire is, you will find something is wrong. At that time... you will be greeted by the thunder wrath of the empire.

Can the Milky Way block dozens of nearly a hundred domain master-level pinnacles?

Not to mention that there seems to be a strong demigod in the Tianshuang Empire!

"Oh! I don't know, he just told me that if you win, there is a way to win, and if you lose, you will be completely lost. And now do we have any other options?" Lu Yixin asked.

Wen Yan Qingyue nodded, of course she would not have any other choice, since the moment she chose to serve Jiang Heng, she had this determination.

In addition to her kindness to Jiang Heng, she now has more admiration and admiration for Jiang Heng.

Thinking in another way, she would definitely not be able to do such an ambitious move as Jiang Heng, she would hesitate and hesitate, and finally perish in the hesitation.

The two of them stopped talking, and their eyes remained on the core area of ​​the battlefield.

The three of them have fought tens of thousands of times, but everything seems to be preordained. One of Jiang Heng and the ancestor of Changsheng is scarred, and the other can only be consumed far away, but under the constant burning of blood, his realm has fallen. Back to the mid-term of the domain master level, and even the faint mid-term is almost unsteady.

In contrast, Xu Yang was only a little short of breath, which was only in the body, but his power of the Great Way of Flame did not decrease at all.

"Master of the Galaxy Domain, it seems that you are not just trying to compete. You want to risk your life! But so what? This manager is in the late stage of stellar achievement. You are not as good as me in terms of consumption. What qualifications do you have for fighting for your life?" I compare?"

Xu Yang couldn't help laughing out loud, he just kept fighting against the two of them, and his physical body still stretched a bit, so he was exhausted. But as long as the power of his Dao of Flames keeps flowing, he will already be invincible, just sit and watch the two people in front of him gradually be consumed by his power of Dao, and finally be burned.

Jiang Heng remained silent, but responded to the other party in a more aggressive and unscrupulous way.

"Jiang Heng can't do this! If you continue like this, I will be burned to death if you don't die!"

Ancestor Changsheng anxiously transmitted the sound, he really couldn't hold on anymore.

Seeing that Jiang Heng didn't respond to himself, he had no choice but to say again: "This person is a star enlightened. We can never compare to him in terms of consumption. He can make up for the consumption of fighting with us in just one breath. One goes up and the other goes up. Under the circumstances, we are like a rootless duckweed that will definitely die!"

"Help me limit his breath!"


Jiang Heng finally spoke, but his opening almost didn't make the Longevity Patriarch suspect that he had heard it wrong.

"Are you crazy? Restrict him for a breath? This old man can't do it even if he is still in his heyday!"

The Longevity Patriarch roared almost through sound transmission. He didn't say a single word of falsehood. Even if he had dealt with this person with a complete posture before, he couldn't suppress the other person's breath.

This is not to say that the space avenue is not strong enough, but the real suppression of energy background.

If the power of space in Patriarch Longevity's body is compared to a big river, then the other party is supported by stars, and it is obvious that the other party's achievement of the Dao of Flame that has been comparable to the peak level for many years in the later period is like dozens of nearly a hundred large rivers.

This gap is not something that he can make up for with his burning blood. It's too big. Even if the space domain itself is strong, the two domains will be completely suppressed, let alone suppress the opponent's true self.

"But what if this seat temporarily suppresses his domain for you?"


"Just say can you?" Jiang Heng's tone was firm and unquestionable.

Hearing that Changsheng Patriarch's eyelids twitched in an instant, and he thought a lot in his mind, he finally gritted his teeth and said ruthlessly: "How sure are you that you will kill..."

"What nonsense? Can you do it?"


"What are you? Come on!"

"Okay! Take a breath, take a breath, the old man will fight..."

"Okay! Let's do it!" Jiang Heng interrupted again shortly before the ancestor of longevity finished speaking.


At this moment, the Longevity Patriarch could only bite the bullet and drive the ducks to the shelves.

Even if he has fallen to the middle stage now, and there is a faint tendency to fall again, but he has to grit his teeth and bear it if he falls again after fighting the realm.

"Jiang Heng, if you can't behead this man, this old man will really be burned to death!"

He almost scolded Jiang Heng tens of thousands of times in his heart, but he could only make a move.

At the same time, Jiang Heng's eyes gradually became determined after hearing the other party's response.


He admitted that he underestimated this late-stage power a little in advance, and he didn't expect things to develop to this point.

Consciousness communicates with the simple ball in the body. At this moment, the originally smooth ball is covered with dense cracks, and at the same time, the whole body is extremely red, and there are flames beating on the surface.

This is the reason why he can continue to fight against each other for so long.

"Suck it!"

With a roar in Jiang Heng's heart, the ball was originally rotating at a slow speed to absorb the flames pouring into the body, but the next moment the speed of rotation suddenly increased, and almost instantly all the flames in the body were absorbed, and the surface of the ball was much more. Less fine cracks.

At this moment, Jiang Heng's red skin began to recover instantly, and Xu Yang was slightly taken aback when he saw this scene.

He vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Immediately afterwards, the injustice became more and more intense.


With a roar, Jiang Heng's whole body not only did not avoid the power of flames in the domain, but started to center on him, and a terrible suction force swept away.

The countless flames and high temperatures in the domain seemed to have found a vent, pouring towards him without hesitation or resistance.

How is this going?

Xu Yang was shocked, and immediately sneered, is this some kind of secret technique?

Dare to absorb the power of his flame avenue?

Want to suck? Then **** you to death!

Almost instantly, Xu Yang sneered and directly drove the power of the domain to Jiang Heng, and the flames shot towards Jiang Heng like a terrifying wave, as if they were going to burn him instantly.

Click click click!

Seeing the sudden increase in the speed of the cracks spreading in the ball in his body, and even with the influx of more and more flame power, when several relatively large cracks had begun to crack, Jiang Heng seemed to follow the cracking sound in his heart. There was a click.

"I can't control that much anymore, either blow them up for me, or **** them all up for me! Suck them up for me!!"

Jiang Heng's eyes were red, he didn't care about the cracks in the ball, and absorbed the power of the flame even more frantically.

The temperature in the domain is decreasing at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye. The originally crimson domain has gradually recovered at this moment, and the suppression of the domain has become extremely weak.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng's eyes were red, and he consciously looked at the ball in his body that was full of mottled cracks and was about to explode. He gritted his teeth, held on, and sucked again.

no... no?

Xu Yang was startled, he felt that the field he opened was cut off as if it was suddenly intercepted by someone!

Looking at Jiang Heng's gaze was a little horrified and unbelievable.

"It's now!!"

Jiang Heng yelled loudly, and the moment the sound came out, the emptied flame field began to become strange and strange, and countless layers of overlapping and dazzling spaces burst from the body of the ancestor of longevity.

not good!

At the moment when Jiang Heng uttered his voice, Xu Yang felt a crisis coming, subconsciously he was going to run backwards, but as soon as this idea surfaced, his body was completely restrained before he could move.

I saw countless layers of space covering his body layer by layer, the power of space in the body of the ancestor of longevity all gushed out, and the power of his blood was burning rapidly at this moment.

If he had been in the complete state of the previous stage of the state, and restricted the existence of a physical body only in the middle stage, without the suppression of flames, he would not have to work so hard at all.

But at this moment, the Longevity Patriarch, who can barely be regarded as the middle stage of the domain master level, is almost burning his blood with all his life.

The force of space compressed to the limit clings to all the joints of Xu Yang's body, like a lock that firmly blocks any of his movements.

Time seemed to stand still, and Xu Yang, the terrifying late domain master, seemed to be stopped in place by pressing the pause button.

Jiang Heng's figure approached in an instant, his whole body was red, and the surface of the ball inside his body was already like countless sieves that leaked air, with the power of flames constantly gushing out and burning his limbs and bones.

However, he turned a blind eye to these, and his face was calm and terrifying, as if this kind of soul-burning pain no longer existed.

The big hand suddenly explored and grasped,

Xu Yang saw the lord of the galaxy in front of him pull out a dark golden gourd from the space. There were countless densely incomprehensible inscriptions on the surface of the gourd, and a mysterious, simple and long-lasting time rushed towards his face.

The restrained Xu Yang's eyes were serious, and at this moment he felt that the crisis was getting stronger.

At this moment, the Longevity Patriarch was watching Jiang Heng all the time while raging about the power of Cui Cui's space. He was also very curious about what Jiang Heng, a young junior, made him so confident to kill a strong man who was comparable to the peak in the later stage.

To be honest, Jiang Heng gave him too much shock, just like the method of instantly disappearing the opponent's flame field just now made him a little confused after living for 700,000 years, which was unheard of.

Jiang Heng slapped the gourd, and a terrifying aura emanated from the mouth of the gourd. The terrifying power made everyone tremble.

The face of Xu Yang, who bears the brunt, changed drastically. He didn't know what was inside the gourd, but he knew that if he was hit by something inside, he would be disabled even if he didn't die!

However, at this moment, he couldn't move an inch, the force of space that was clinging to his body was pulling him tightly as if desperately, sticking him firmly in place.

He had never felt that time passed so slowly, one breath was enough for their level to fight many times.

As the contents of the gourd were gushing out, Xu Yang, who had a sense of crisis to the extreme, couldn't bear it anymore.

"Break it for me!!"

Xu Yang roared, he didn't care!

He burned the power of his body's essence and blood, even if his body fell to the middle stage, he still had to break free.

A flame of qi and blood burned on his body surface, as if burning the layers of space on the surface of his body, a terrifying power erupted in Xu Yang's body.

He was roaring, he wanted to break free from the shackles.

"Jiang Heng! If you don't give me any benefits after this battle, I will poach a piece of your flesh even if I die!!"

The Longevity Patriarch was also roaring, and with the cracking sound that only he could hear, he increased the speed of burning blood essence, and the realm fell again, completely falling to the initial stage.

The power of space was stabilized again, causing Xu Yang, who was struggling slightly, to give another meal.

"Cut me!!"

Jiang Heng yelled loudly, and slapped the gourd with his big hand. He used countless natural materials and earth treasures to nourish it for hundreds of years, and it took Jiang Heng to drip blood from time to time to nourish it, as if being caressed by his intimate master. Woke up from a deep sleep and jumped up completely.


An incomparably pleasing sound of knives resounded through the entire star field, and the breath of time... the space rushed to the face.

As the Time Knife flew out of the gourd, the sense of crisis in his heart almost stabbed Xu Yang's soul.

"Get out of here!!"

Xu Yang is also crazy!

He didn't know what made the two people in front of him so determined to fight to the death, and at this moment he also went crazy.

The power of the physical body in his body exploded one after another, and at the cost of the physical realm falling to the peak of the Lord of the Galaxy, he exploded with unprecedented physical power.

At this moment, he doesn't care about other things, he just needs to break free from this **** space constraint first. Then he has the opportunity to drive the power of the stars above his head.

He has no other choice, the domain is temporarily contained, and the physical body is imprisoned, that's all he can do!

He is also decisive, and he also knows that if the realm of the physical body falls, he will also fall. As long as he is still in the realm of the Flame Dao, he is still a late-stage master of the domain master level who can ride the domain master level.

Crack bang!

As the space was shattered, this sudden burst of physical power even made it impossible for the ancestor of longevity to reinforce the space.


Breaking free from the shackles, Xu Yang did not dodge the slightest, because it was too late.

The lines on the surface of the two huge semi-curved horns on his shoulders that were completely integrated with his shoulders instantly turned red.

He wants to temporarily drive the stars above his head to burst out the power of distortion and the power of Lieyang Avenue with the help of Lieyang Armament.

Although this would cause the risk of physical distortion, he didn't care about other things.

Usually he only passively drives the power of the star, but at this moment it is fully activated.


However, it seemed that something was wrong with the situation, and the joyful Time Knife seemed to be aware of the master's anxiety. The light of the knife drew an arc in midair, and time seemed to freeze in the next moment.

Yes solidified!

Falling into everyone's It's as if the Time Knife was still in the distance one second, and appeared above Xu Yang's head the next second.


Feeling the sharp saber energy above his head like a needle prick, Xu Yang let out an unbelievable roar.

"If you want me to die! Then die together!"

The stars above the head have not been fully excited, Xu Yang is completely crazy, and the next moment is the moment when the time knife has not touched the stars.

A terrifying force of distortion erupted from the surface of the star!

The star above Xu Yang's head instantly rendered pitch black, as if it turned into a terrifying black star in an instant, bursting out with terrifying black light and flames.

"Crazy! All crazy, self-destructing stars, completely transformed into abnormal creatures?!"

The Longevity Patriarch quickly moved the space and retreated quickly.

And Xu Yang's body was wriggling rapidly, countless eyes and consciousness were born in his body...

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