Master of Fist

Chapter 700: ambition of the pantheon

The latest website: In a short period of time, the Hundred Nations Alliance, which is not a small force, has nearly a hundred demigod powerhouses sitting in it. The power has existed in name only, and most of the demigods have died.

However, no one knows about such a thing except a few people in the entire Tianshuang Empire, because the level is too high after all. Maybe even if the incident has been known to everyone, I'm afraid that except for the domain master-level powerhouse, the subordinates or ordinary people will not feel it.

The level is too high.

Time is still passing quietly, everything seems to be calm, and more than a hundred years have passed, everything is as usual, it seems that the danger of the Hundred Nations Alliance's destruction does not exist, or it has not yet affected the Tianshuang Empire.

But this is normal. For demigods, a mere hundred years is just a flick of a finger. A hundred years ago, they raided and killed dozens of alliance demigods in one fell swoop. It is a treasure for the demigods of the League.

They need time to digest and absorb these things.

"This is the case with the ancestors! If it is not expected, the ten-nation war with the hegemony will still be held as scheduled. They don't care about the treasure battle, because the so-called treasure is the bait they throw out. The purpose is to attract the gods of the hundred countries. get together.

Now their goal has been achieved, and the next battle is just to let their sons train soldiers. "Sky Frost Emperor sighed and looked at the indescribably powerless ancestor who was getting older in front of him.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

However, not only did the old ancestor in front of him not feel depressed at all, but he raised his head and laughed.

"Why is the ancestor laughing?" Tianshuanghuang was puzzled.

"I laugh at Gu Yang and this group of little fellows who are in their prime of life, but they can't survive a dying old man like me."

The old ancestor almost burst into tears from laughing. It never occurred to him that his life, which was only hundreds of thousands of years old, could drag this group of young people to death.

"Heh, Gu Yang has lived so comfortably these years, and it is expected that he will be in danger of being destroyed." Patriarch Tianshuang sighed softly.

"As for them wanting to train soldiers, just train with them! Don't try to hide your clumsiness. If you just send some people to die, those people will never give up. My royal family members have to go too. Don't tell the people below about all this, just let them go." They think this is a real battle of the Ten Kingdoms!"

"I see!" Emperor Tianshuang nodded, and now they, the remnants of a hundred nations, are just lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Since the other party seems to be watching a show, they will fight with them.

"It's just Patriarch, is it possible that we can only wait for death? Maybe we can ask Shangguo for help?" Emperor Tianshuang was still a little unwilling. Who would want to wait for death after cultivating to this level? He couldn't help but think of the real situation of Shangguo The Great Zhou Empire, the three major forces in the universe!

"Impossible! Since the Temples of the Gods are intervening behind them, the news must have been blocked. The Temples of the Gods have always acted like this. They don't want to provoke the Great Zhou Empire head-on, but these small tricks are emerging one after another. The Temples of the Gods are already clearing the field! "


These words are only two words, but the meaning they represent is extremely huge.

Hearing that Tianshuanghuang was thoughtful, he couldn't help but think of the news that many small and medium-sized forces had suddenly collapsed recently except for the three major forces. At first glance, it seemed that it was just an ordinary power struggle that was quietly destroyed, but now thinking about it like this, he couldn't help but feel a bit of coolness behind his back.

In the universe, the three major forces are respected, especially some medium-sized forces that are allied with countless super galaxy clusters, and the last ones are small forces that are allied with one or dozens of super galaxy clusters.

Among them, the standard of medium-sized forces often represents more than one or two hundred forces with a high-level demigod sitting in it, while small forces generally refer to independent or combined forces of dozens of super galaxy clusters.

Strictly speaking, the Hundred Nations Alliance and the Hegemony Star Alliance belong to the ranks of small forces, but relatively speaking, they have great potential to advance to medium-sized forces. As long as there is a high-level demigod among them, it will inevitably absorb the nearby super powers at a very fast speed. Galaxy cluster forces even annexed.

It can be said that as long as there is a high-level demigod above the seventh rank in one of the forces, it is a certainty that the force will advance to a medium-sized force.

Of course, there are exceptions. Many high-level demigods who are too lazy to develop and manage one side will choose to join the three major powers of the Great Zhou Empire's temples.

In addition, there are also some high-level demigods who are pure casual cultivators. These existences have opened up a dojo on their own and are indifferent to the world. Even if these people open up a dojo, they will choose some remote places, and some choose to be on the edge of the universe or some dangerous galaxies. Others even open dojos directly on the dark matter plane or other dimensions.

Stepping into a high-level demigod can freely enter and exit many other dimensions that ordinary people cannot detect.

Of course, these belong to the minority. No one likes to stand aloof from the world. Many beings who have stepped into high-level demigods want to live longer, and want to step into the eighth or even ninth level.

After a high-level demigod, every level is a huge gap. At this point, it is difficult to make up for it with talents or even cards.

It's like the middle stage of the domain master level. If you have a lot of mystic powers and a peak domain master level weapon, you may be able to leapfrog the late stage of the domain master level or even the peak.

But in the high-level demigod realm, it is absolutely extremely difficult for the seventh-level to fight against the eighth-level, because at that level, the eighth-level may be hundreds of times stronger than the seventh-level. With such a gap, the hole cards may allow you to make up for a hundred times the difference, but hundreds of times make some people feel discouraged.

This also means that even a high-ranking demigod wants to climb up, because as long as one rises up a small rank, the changes in power, strength and wealth brought about will be earth-shaking.

For example, if you open up a party with a seventh-level demigod, there may only be one or two hundred super galaxy clusters under your jurisdiction, while the eighth-level will have more than a thousand!

And the expansion of power is second, and strength can bring about many changes in interpersonal relationships. You must know that the eighth-rank demigod in the Great Zhou Empire can be named a lord!

It can be said that even if it does not completely join the Great Zhou Empire, it is only a symbolic attachment to the Great Zhou Empire, like the Hundred Nations Alliance. Then the Great Zhou Empire will grant the candidate position, and there are many other practical benefits.

As for the ninth-order demigods, they will be crowned kings!

At this time, even if it is not attached to any of the three major forces, it can still become its own overlord, belonging to the top existence among the medium-sized forces.

In the current situation where the three major forces in the universe dare not easily trigger a battle of gods, the ninth level of demigods is the strongest combat power. This kind of existence will be received and even valued with the highest standard no matter which side joins the three major forces.

But now the attitude of the Temple of the Gods is very clear, and they will continue to gradually support some small and medium-sized forces that they have subdued everywhere, and embezzle other small and medium-sized forces from other parties. There will also be many high-level demigods in some of the supported forces.

This is a poisonous plan specifically aimed at the Great Zhou Empire.

"Old Ancestor, after this battle, I'm afraid that a seventh-order demigod will be born in Bayu!" After thinking about these things, the Tianshuang Emperor's face was rather ugly.

The seventh level is the threshold for high-ranking demigods. Although it is only one level higher than the sixth level of the median demigod peak, this level does not know how many people are blocked.

For example, Gu Yang, the leader of the ancient alliance, was already at the sixth rank 200,000 years ago, and now he is still at the sixth rank after 200,000 years, and the seventh rank is nowhere in sight.

"Indeed! But even if they slaughtered so many demigods this time and devoured a lot of the power of the Dao, the background of the breakthrough is accumulated, but it will take a lot of time to break through the high-ranking demigods, and it will take ten thousand years or a thousand years!"

Patriarch Tianshuang nodded. Of course, ten thousand years and one thousand years seem to be relatively long, but compared to the demigod Changshou Yuan, they are just drizzle.

Moreover, the longevity of the demigods from the low position to the high position continues to increase as they continue to break through.

"Stand back! No matter what their hegemony thinks, they won't want to think about this old man who is about to be deformed!"

Patriarch Tianshuang grinned lightly, feeling relieved rarely.

Hearing that Tianshuanghuang thought about it, it was the same reason. His ancestor's body was already on the verge of distortion. If it was only a slight distortion, it would be fine, maybe someone would want to kill Dao Dao. But now, the power of distortion has already spread to most of the body, and it would be thankless to swallow it any more.

At this time, most people can only kill him and let him return to heaven and earth with the power of Dao.

Although it will also be reintegrated into the avenue between heaven and earth, it is like the original cultivator stole a bowl of water from the long river of the avenue, but now put it back in.

As for beheading a demigod of the same level and directly devouring the opponent's Dao, it is like snatching the bowl of water in the opponent's hand. When it is different, what is snatched can be taken as one's own. And like Patriarch Tianshuang, after his water returns to the Dao River, it will be shared by all the practitioners who practice this Dao.

The former is of course much better than the latter, as that can be enjoyed on its own.

This is also why the ancestor Tianshuang felt much more relaxed.

In this way, no one will be thankless, and it is extremely dangerous to fight with this demigod who has been in a state of distortion for a long time. A person who is not very affected by the distortion force of the other party may lose the balance of the distortion force in his own body, resulting in the risk of distortion.

Distortion is a risk that will exist after practicing Dao until becoming a god.

Some people say that the power of distortion is the surviving obsession of the Xeon who opened up the universe at the beginning, just because it exists as an Xeon, even some remnants will always affect the mortal beings it created.

You can't get rid of it and you can't get rid of it, even if you become a god.

Some people even suspect that the end of the age of the ancient gods might have been caused by out-of-control distortions. Of course there is no basis for opinion.

"High-ranking demigods, the ancestors and their plans are not small!" Tianshuanghuang cupped his hands, sighed and did not stop, his figure gradually faded and disappeared in this space.

Looking at the Tianshuang Emperor who disappeared, the ancestor Tianshuang frowned in thought.

At this moment, thunderclouds suddenly rolled between the sky and the earth in this Baiyun Grassland, and thunderstorms continued to appear in the sky, and the sky filled with thunder in an instant was extremely terrifying.


Sensing the familiar thunder, Patriarch Tianshuang almost blurted out.

As soon as he finished speaking, the thunder in the sky quickly condensed into a thunder figure, and the thunder gradually solidified and finally turned into flesh and blood.

"It's been a long time, senior Tianshuang!"

The thunderstorm with a rough face slowly fell towards the old man in front of him and clasped his fists, but his attitude did not have the expression of a middle-ranked demigod contemptuous of a low-ranked demigod, nor did he show respect, but neither humble nor overbearing. The two had obviously known each other for a long time and had a close relationship.

"Hmph! Thunderstorm demigod is now the middle-ranked demigod. I heard that the avenue that swallowed that idiot Gu Yang not long ago is just around the corner, so why bother to be hypocritical?" the old man snorted, his face full of sarcasm.

"Senior, why do you need to say these things? Everyone said that Gu Yang was my master when he passed on the true meaning of Lei Ting back then, but only I knew in my heart that he was no more than half of my master. Thunderstorm was the one who listened to Senior Tianshuang back then. That’s all for the little domain master.” Hearing this, the usually hot-tempered Thunderstorm didn’t show any anger, but instead smiled and disapproved.

"Oh, that's why you killed half of your master, and now you come to kill me, the real master?" Patriarch Tianshuang sneered.

"Senior Tianshuang was joking, I, Thunderstorm, still can't do the killing of a teacher. Gu Yang just..."

"He just blocked your avenue, right? If the old man majored in Thunder Avenue, I'm afraid he will follow in Gu Yang's footsteps, right?" Patriarch Tianshuang narrowed his eyes slightly.

Seeing this thunderstorm did not refute noncommittal.

"Tell me, you didn't send such a first-order demigod here to humiliate the old man, did you?"

Thunderstorm remained silent for a while before sighing: "Senior Tianshuang, do you believe me if I say that I have not completely betrayed Hundred Kingdoms?"

Patriarch Tianshuang just sneered.

Not betrayed?

Killing dozens of demigods from all over the world at once without betrayal?

"I know that seniors don't believe it, but I really think so, and I think seniors also know that with the ambitions of the temples today, even if I don't do this, with Gu Yang's brain, the Hundred Nations Alliance will be killed, and the result may be even more miserable. "I'm not surprised by Tianshuang's ancestor's attitude, Thunderstorm is just thinking about himself.

Patriarch Tianshuang didn't say much when he heard the words, but pondered slightly.

"The situation has changed The temples of the gods have great plans, and being attached to the Great Zhou Empire can no longer be our blessing or even lead to our demise.

To be honest, this time the Temple of the Gods secretly dispatched an eighth-order time demigod of the Temple of the Gods to sit behind it, and integrated the ambitions of dozens of small and medium-sized forces around it.

This high-ranking demigod revealed many things. For example, a true **** was born in the temple of the gods not long ago, and there are already six true gods in the temple of the gods. This is only on the surface, and I don't know how many other statues there are in the dark.

The Martial Gods of the Great Zhou Empire are indeed as strong as they were millions of years ago, and they may have weakened now, but they will not be weak, but how about the six and a half gods? What if there is a real **** behind the scenes? "

Having said that, Thunderstorm paused, and Patriarch Tianshuang's eyes flickered.

"What else do you know? Don't hide it!"

Hearing this, Thunderstorm said again: "Actually, I believe that the intelligence network of the Great Zhou Empire also knows, and even they know the current situation of the Hundred Nations Alliance, but they can explain everything without any action!"

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