Master of Fist

Chapter 698: 0 Conference

The latest website: "Actually, sometimes candidates don't look at which side has the most people, which side has a strong background and power. Because what you can think of, others can also think of. Just like the eldest prince, many people are optimistic about it. Are you also optimistic?" Jiang I took a look at all the female Taoists.

"That's right! The First Prince is indeed the best candidate. His mother's family is also an imperial family. The mother's family is extremely powerful. In addition, the First Prince also manages a very powerful force. It is said that he has already recruited many followers. . " Patriarch Lie Yan nodded slightly.

"That's it!" Jiang Yi said with a smile, spreading his hands: "Then do you think that the eldest prince will value you if you still join it now? In my opinion, he will treat you as thugs at most, and appoint you when he needs you." Take a heavy responsibility, turn your head and forget it when you don’t need it.

And I heard that this eldest prince has even a strong late-stage domain master, and recently there is another late-stage domain master who wants to take refuge. You all know the difference between the later stage and the middle stage. So in the eyes of this Highness, is it really so important for you to join now? "


Hearing this, the three women were all dumb, and they wanted to refute, but found that there was no way to refute, because this is a very realistic truth.

The three of their daughters are not direct descendants of the First Prince, so joining them now is nothing more than worship or retainers, and they may be more polite to them during the war. When the war is over and others succeed in seizing the heir apparent, it is estimated that they will be forgotten when they turn around.

"Then the Second Highness is praying for the new year! Your Highness, I know that my relatives are the leaders of the Northern Galaxy Alliance. It is said that there are already four strong domain masters joining, and there are even many fake domain masters following. As long as I join now, I will surely It's sending charcoal in the snow!" the snake-haired girl Du Yu hurriedly said.

Hearing this, Patriarch Lie Yan and the black-haired girl nodded. They also knew about His Royal Highness Qi Nian, and their backgrounds were pretty good, second only to the eldest prince.

"Giving charcoal in the snow? Not necessarily? This is at best the icing on the cake. And this kind of support is all supported by relatives. Will you really be regarded as your own when you join others? The principle of difference between closeness and distance is very simple and easy to understand!" Jiang Yiqing sighed.

This... well, seems to make sense again!

His Highness Qi Nian is indeed second only to the First Prince, but Qi Nian himself does not seem to have much ability, and his reputation seems to be that he likes women more than managing his own power. If it weren't for the fact that there was a powerful relative behind him, this so-called His Highness Qi Nian would be a joke.

"What about the third highness Zhonghe, the fourth highness Ba, and the fifth highness Xiyue?" Du Yu talked about the three highnesses in one breath but did not talk about Le,

"Third Highness Zhong He is a little resourceful, but he is self-willed and nepotistic. Fourth Highness is indeed extremely powerful in personal force. It is said that he is amazingly talented. The Lord of the Galaxy has the power of a pseudo-domain master at the peak level, but he is somewhat lacking in strategy. He even She likes to use force to solve problems. As for the Fifth Highness, Xiyue, she is not bad. She has vision and background talent, and she is quite strategic.

But she is indeed not inferior to the eldest prince in all aspects, but her background is slightly inferior. But she is a woman, and there is no precedent for a woman to succeed to the throne in the Tianshuang Empire. "

Jiang Yi talked eloquently, obviously he had learned a lot about this aspect during this time.

"Then according to you, the eldest prince has the most potential?" Lie Yan patriarch pondered while resting his jade finger on his chin.

"Isn't there another one in front of you?" Jiang Yi smiled, and the smile was very meaningful.

"You mean His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince?" Hearing that, the faces of the three girls were a little strange and complicated.

"The Sixth Highness is really..." The snake-haired girl Poison Yu didn't want to say more. In her opinion, if it weren't for the other party's status as a member of the royal family, he would not be qualified to participate in the seizure of the throne. battle.

"But if you want to say that he is the best candidate. I have also dealt with the Sixth Highness Le, and the background power is indeed far inferior to other competitors. But if they have both, do you need others to bet? It's like the big Prince, he has no shortage of people to rely on now."

Jiang Yi shook his head, and sighed secretly in his heart, there was no way anyone could say that he had turned against the eldest prince recently, and since this was the case, he would be humiliating himself if he tried to serve him in the past. Maybe he will be killed by the other party.

He also knew a little bit about the character of the First Prince, and knew that this person would be vindictive and acted quite domineeringly. If one of the several Highnesses had the most domineering way, it was indeed the First Prince.

Of course, Jiang Yi didn't think that the eldest prince was really perfect. In fact, his personality was also his flaw. It was indeed a very good choice to act like a king.

Especially in this kind of situation where he occupies the background power and is strong enough, he can easily ascend to the throne with the way of king and overlord.

But there is no way, who told you to offend this deity?

Jiang Yi sighed secretly, thinking quickly about some advantages of Sixth Highness Le, and he had to give Sixth Highness Le some more staff.

Now that he heard the news about the war in the Tianshuang Empire today, Jiang Yi himself inherited the deity's way of thinking and naturally knows what will happen next.

Either stand by and wait for the eldest prince to ascend the throne, and then hope that the other party will forget the little things of the year after he ascends the throne. Or forcefully intervene to help His Royal Highness the Sixth Royal Highness Le win this battle for the throne.

"It's just that the difficulty is too great, but it seems that the expedition will take some time. When the deity goes out next time, I think I will have the power to compete with the strong late-stage domain masters!"

Jiang Yi still has great confidence in the deity, not only in the deity but also in himself.

"Senior, do you really think so? There is really hope for His Highness the Sixth Highness?" Lie Yan Patriarch said uncertainly. She had to consider many things for the sisters and couldn't make a decision easily.

"That's right! Although the Sixth Highness seems hopeless now, but you have joined, and I have joined, who dares to say that the Sixth Highness has no hope?" Jiang Yi said confidently, "And the reason why the Sixth Highness can't recruit When it comes to talents, it's not that they are not optimistic as the rumors say. In fact, many people actually want to bet on His Highness the Sixth Highness.

It's just that there is no domain master-level powerhouse to take the lead in betting, so many people who wait and see are also hesitant. They were afraid that they would be targeted by the eldest prince and others when they were young. "

"Although the words are reasonable, I don't want to bet rashly. I heard that the First Prince and the Sixth Prince have always been at odds. Members of the royal family are forbidden to fight each other, but the First Prince is not so polite to those who seek refuge with the Sixth Prince."

Patriarch Lie Yan shook his head and hesitated.

"So what's the matter? Believe it or not, if you only need to settle in the Imperial City together with His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince, then the eldest prince will not dare to make a move." Jiang Yi's face was so determined that the three girls couldn't help but hesitate a little.

"Why are you so sure? I remember that there was a time before the First Prince ordered someone to kill a domain lord-level protector of His Highness the Sixth Highness in the imperial city. Although this incident was quite a big deal at the time, His Majesty just scolded him afterwards. Say something to the eldest prince." Patriarch Lie Yan frowned.

Hearing Yan Jiang's heart is all about me.

He really didn't know what was going on. Before, he thought that the reason why this music could not win over anyone was because the eldest prince suppressed others and had to wait and see.

Looking at it now, there might be problems left over from the eldest prince's aggressive behavior back then.

"It seems that the current Emperor Tianshuang is not a good stubble!"

Jiang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly. He felt that the Tianshuang Emperor should not care about the competition of his heirs, and even wished that their competition would be as fierce as possible.

In fact, Jiang Yi was so sure just now that he was betting that Tianshuanghuang would not allow the fight between the strong inside at this critical moment before the war.

Even now he is very sure, because this Emperor Tianshuang doesn't look like an idiot. This kind of internal fighting has to be fought outside with the enemy.

"Senior, you should know the difficulty of waiting for us now. It's not that we don't consider His Highness the Sixth Highness. We really have no choice." Lie Yan patriarch sighed. Fear of death.

"But senior, if the deity also supports His Highness the Sixth Highness, it's not that my three sisters can bet on His Highness Sixth!" However, she turned around and looked at Jiang Yi with a gloomy gaze.

However, this made Jiang Yi a little confused, he was still thinking about how to fool these three women? Why is it like this all of a sudden? There is a feeling that my opponent will fall before I exert my strength.

If Jiang Yi knew what the three daughters were thinking at the moment, he would understand.

Of course, the three girls won't be overwhelmed just because they are instigated by an incarnation here, but because the three girls think that Jiang Heng's deity is a hidden powerhouse suspected of being a demigod. Wrong, could it be that there is a demigod-level powerhouse next to the First Prince?

You must know that the entire Tianshuang Empire has only one demigod, the Tianshuang Patriarch, who is suspected to be still alive.

Neither side knew what they were thinking, so the matter was so muddled.

When Le heard that the three domain masters of the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce had decided to be loyal to him, he couldn't believe it. He vaguely felt that there was something tricky here, but he couldn't figure it out, but he had a vague guess.

But no matter what, the young Sixth Highness, who had won over the three domain master-level powerhouses at once, was grinning from ear to ear.

"Senior Jiang, the three seniors of the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce all said that they will only join them completely if you join them. I wonder if the senior can help me?" He felt that this matter had something to do with Jiang Yi in front of him.

A domain lord-level powerhouse who is supposed to stay in the Milky Way actually sent an avatar to the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce at this moment, and it seems that the relationship with the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce is not bad.

Could it be that the drastic change in the attitude of the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce is due to the credit of Senior Jiang's lobbying?

I don't know why this idea suddenly appeared, His Royal Highness Le was a little moved, and it was only a one-time relationship to be able to achieve this step.

Jiang's expression froze, he thought for a while and smiled and said, "Your Highness, I am still in retreat, but I will definitely make a move. Before the expedition, I will definitely go out to help Your Highness!"

These words moved His Highness the Sixth Highness very much again, this is simply a relative.

"By the way, Your Highness. We need to block the news for the time being. Although the three domain lord-level powerhouses of the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce agree to contribute to His Highness, after all, they have a big family and a big business. If the matter is exposed, the eldest prince will inevitably... .”

"Well, what you said makes sense!" Hearing that the Sixth Highness did not doubt him, he was very aware of his elder brother's urinating nature, and there might be something wrong with him at that time.

The fact that the guardian was killed was still a thorn in his heart.

On the other hand, Jiang Yi let out a sigh of relief.

He is also afraid, now that he has turned against the First Prince, once he announces to serve His Highness the Sixth Highness in a high-profile manner, the trouble will be serious.

"Now the deity still has to keep a low profile, and collect resources for the deity to break through as soon as possible so that it has the late-stage combat power!" Jiang Yi thought quickly.

A war involving two major cosmic powers and a battle involving 20 cosmic super galaxy cluster countries, the two sides have actually started fighting openly and secretly since the matter was finalized.

The Tenth War Conference has been held in a secret cave controlled by a half-god in the Hundred Nations Alliance.

The middle demigod is already the upper limit of the combat power of a joint force like the Alliance of Hundred Nations.

Ordinary demigod-level powerhouses belong to the existence of a super-galactic cluster, and some super-galaxy clusters don’t even have a low-level demigod, and they are next to a domain master-level peak with some pseudo-demigod weapons and martial arts. The demigod supported it.

And a mid-level demigod feels worthy of being the overlord of one party, not the overlord of one super galaxy cluster, but the overlord of dozens or even hundreds of super galaxy clusters.

Such a strong man can also serve as a general in the Great Zhou Empire and sit in one side.

On the top of a mountain hanging in the sky, the top of the mountain was cut extremely flat, and a magnificent palace was built on it.

This place is the secret realm of the middle demigod. In fact, at their level, the secret realm of the cave is already called the Kingdom of God, because the domain of the demigod can completely cover their own secret realm of the cave, and it is even more important to sacrifice the secret realm of the cave. Refining the dojo that suits you best is equivalent to a demigod realm that exists all the time, and it is quite appropriate to call it the Kingdom of God.

At this time, there are nearly a hundred figures sitting in a circular staircase hall in the grand palace, all of whom are deities or incarnations.

This kind of meeting of the Hundred Nations Alliance, because the distance between each other is extremely far, and the general remote projection equipment has a huge delay, so it is the deity or the avatar to Everyone, it has been finalized before the war, before It is within a thousand years. But what I said is very clear, within a thousand years means that wars will start every time within this thousand years. "

An old man with a white beard sat cross-legged in the middle. The old man was quite strong, full of energy, and his voice was thunderous. As soon as he finished speaking, a faint coercion of the middle demigod burst out symbolically, as if giving justice to what he said.

"In addition, the chosen place for this expedition is the Sirian Wolf Empire, but no one knows whether we took the initiative or they took the lead in attacking. To be honest, I can't believe what the old guys in Bayu say. !"

After finishing these words, the deities or incarnations of many demigod powerhouses around them started talking to each other.

"The ancient leader! You are an old man, your guess is unreasonable, and we don't believe the group of Ba Yu, but I have a plan. Since the war will always start, why don't we first select a few demigods to form an assault team First, break into the Sirius Empire and kill him first, and then catch him by surprise!" At this time, a hunchbacked old man among the crowd said with a smile. This is a low-level demigod powerhouse.

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