Master of Fist

Chapter 651: Overlord Body God Body (Part 2)

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"Impossible! Impossible!"

"Why can't you find it?"

In the icy cosmic space, there are battered and riddled stars everywhere, mechanical components and countless human remains that have lost their lives.

One by one, their eyes widened, their teeth were gritted, or their faces were frightened. These emotions were all frozen at the last moment.

"Senior Sister...everything is over, the former Ji family line is also completely finished, there is nothing Senior Sister you want here."

Qingtian's weak voice sounded, countless granulation sprouts slowly growing on the surface of his body, most of his body was beaten into a blood mist, and now he is so embarrassing and fragile that he is not even as good as ordinary.

"Impossible! Impossible!" Qingyue's voice sounded, at this moment most of her body seemed to be shrouded in white light, even Qingtian didn't dare to look in her direction.

"The Ji family must still have some, there must be some, I don't want his family's inheritance, but it's impossible for his ancestors to leave nothing to them. That's right! There must be more, and it must be hidden somewhere unknown. The place!"

Qingyue seemed to be falling into a madness, and her figure quickly slammed into a star not far away, her madness was even crazier than those beasts that fell into madness.

Seeing her constantly using the power of space to cut open pieces of land, it was as if she was prying open the land of the planet in front of her.

This star is the ancestral land of the Ji family before, and it is also the mother star of the Ji family. However, at this moment, it is as if the book has been plowed by high-density energy rays. There is no intact place on the earth, there are ruins everywhere, there are huge pits everywhere, and there is even a very ferocious hole on the surface of the planet. The terrifying piercing hole almost hurt the core of the planet.

Such a planet is already on the verge of collapse, how can it withstand the creation of Qingyue. Sure enough, with a burst of frenzied cutting of the earth, the planet soon began to crack rapidly, and fiery red magma burst out from the earth, becoming denser, and finally the whole burst into cosmic dust.

Seeing this scene, Qingtian sighed for a while, and didn't go to see this scene.

He knew why the senior sister was so crazy.

"help me!"

A weak cry for help suddenly sounded from the side.

It was Wang Gan!

It's just that Wang Gan in front of him is even more terrifying, his lower body is gone, only his upper body is still lingering.

There are also granulation growths near the chest cavity in an attempt to restore the lower body, but unfortunately, an obvious gap has been broken in the heart, and the blood and energy in the body are extremely consumed, and the growth rate of the granulation is constantly slowing down.

A pair of life-seeking eyes stared at Qingtian firmly, and through the eyes that gradually sank into silence, Qingtian saw the begging.

It's a pity that no one can save him, and now Qingtian can hardly protect himself, let alone move.

Even the giant starry sky beast that he brought was still hanging on his breath, and the only one who was still alive and kicking right now was Qingyue, but it was even more impossible for her to save him because her mental state was obviously not right.

"Is there any last wish? Maybe I can help you fulfill it?" Qingtian stared at Wang Gan for a while and sighed.

"help me!"

However, Wang Gan only had this sentence in his mouth, and tears flowed slowly from his eyes. He only had the strength to turn his neck, and he just looked at Qingtian full of prayers.

He hates it!

He didn't know whether it was right or wrong to keep pursuing the road of becoming stronger in this life. He had a lifespan of more than 10,000 years in the Dao Realm, and watched his children and relatives die of old age one by one.

He thought that he was different from them, and even in order to go further, he practiced stealthily and lived in deep sleep for tens of thousands of years. He thought that after tens of thousands of years, he would find a breakthrough, but what greeted him was despair.

Since it will be nothing in the end, why not never have it in the first place?

It seems that there is nothing wrong with birth, old age, sickness and death like ordinary people!

Qingtian looked at him, he seemed to see a lot in Wang Qian at this moment.

In the end, he looked at the other person's eyes and lost his spirit a little bit until he died completely.

Qingtian Zhongzhong passed out once because of his lack of energy, and when he woke up again, he found that the senior sister was not going crazy anymore and just turned her back to him, as if she was in a daze.

"Senior Sister!"

"you're awake?"

Hearing the voice of the other party who was still emotionally unstable, Qingtian thought for a while and gritted his teeth: "Senior sister, listen to my advice, since everything is in vain, let's just go back."

"Go back? No! I won't go back!"

Hearing this, Qingyue immediately shook her head, "How can I go back, so what if I don't get that, and in the end I can't survive by various methods? I've had enough of this pain.

enough! "

As she spoke, Qingyue kept shaking her head while holding her head, as if she was suffering some kind of great pain.

"There will be a solution! Senior Sister has a solution for everything. When we go back, we can find a solution from the beast clan. They are transformed from the body of Master back then, and they can relieve your pain!"

Qingtian didn't want to stay here any longer, it was simply a place like a nightmare. Thinking about the situation where no matter where they move, there will be an army of metal all over the sky, it's like a nightmare.

Endless as if there is no end in sight.

"That's right! There is still a way!"

Just when Qingtian was thinking, Qingyue said suddenly.

"Senior Sister!"

Qingtian was a little desperate, the senior sister was stunned. Was it the physical and mental backlash she had suffered all year round that made her completely crazy?

"I really have a way!"

Qingyue said again.

This time the voice was extraordinarily solemn and even seemed extremely calm, Qingtian couldn't help but hesitate slightly upon hearing this.

"Senior sister, what do you think of?"

"It's the secret realm of the cave!" Qingyue blurted out, her voice full of joy, "The Ji family, the winner, is the direct descendant of the former domain lord, and the Ji family is his young disciple. For two, the secret cave of the one among them was assigned to the Ji family."

"Senior sister, do you mean that person's inheritance is in the secret realm of the cave?"


Qingyue is extremely determined.

"But...Senior Sister, this cave-heaven secret realm is a hidden place, and no one knows where the senior hid the cave-heaven secret realm in the cracks of space. Now that the Ji family has been wiped out, we have no way of knowing! "

Qingtian frowned and asked back.

As soon as this remark came out, the scene became silent.

The cave is not so easy to find, even if it is easy to find, if the bearer of the cave is not found, rushing in suddenly can easily cause devastating trauma to that space secret.

As for the carrying is too small, it may be just a small jade ring finger or a small necklace jewelry.

But right now, the mother planet of the Ji family has been destroyed, so what kind of carrying objects are there to look for? It's over.


Suddenly, Qingyue interrupted Qingtian's thinking, and grabbed his wrist. The next moment, the two traveled through the space, and when they reappeared, they had already arrived at the core of the ruins after the explosion of Ji's mother planet.

The place is empty, and there are fragments scattered around the explosion of Ji's mother star. Because it exploded from the inside out, the center is very clean.

"Senior sister, you are..."

Qingtian looked around wonderingly, then his pupils shrank suddenly, "Could it be that this is..."

"That's right, feel it carefully, the entrance to the secret realm of the cave is here." Qingyue's voice revealed some irrepressible ecstasy.

Qingtian also looked around in shock, but he didn't expect that the former domain master to use the Ji family's mother planet as his own secret cave.

It is indeed hard for people to think of using a planet as the carrier of the secret realm of the cave.

The two calmed down a little on the spot, and after a while Qingyue took a deep breath and stretched out her hand out of the air, the next moment the void in front of her was rippling like water waves.

Immediately afterwards, Qingyue took a step forward, half of her body stepped into it, and then her whole body dragged Qingtian into it together.

Almost at the same time, not far away, a pair of electronic eyes on the head of a half-damaged star suddenly jumped red, and its eyes looked directly at Qingyue Qingtian, who disappeared not far away.

The next moment, his relatively dull face began to reveal human thoughts. While it was thinking, there were sounds of broken star bodies moving in several places near it at the same time. While these star bodies rushed towards the direction where Qingyue Qingtian disappeared, they began to fall off their shells by themselves. As these shells fell off, a black Huggy metal contraptions are exposed.

A total of eighteen black metal devices rushed into the void and disappeared.

Seeing this, the thoughtful look of the broken star body disappeared, and a sneer was drawn on the corner of its mouth, and then it began to rapidly lose its human appearance and become dull again, and then the last bit of energy was exhausted, and the pair of electronic eyes lost their light and fell into dead silence .

"This... this... here is indeed the lifetime income left by the domain owner!"

Looking at the whole new world that can't be seen at a glance, Qingyue's tone is full of ecstasy.

Qingtian also looked at this scene full of shock. Looking around, this is a brand new world. If you look closely, you can find that this is a very obvious trace of man-made transformation.

Because there are actually two continents up and down, the sky is not clouds, but an upside-down world. When you look up, you can find that there is still complete gravity on the top, and there are flying birds living on it. You can see the mountains, rivers, and all kinds of things in there. An active creature on an upside-down continent.

And the underground world is another world in the same way, which is amazing.

In addition, the most obvious thing is that there is a very magnificent and huge statue in the distance. The statue is carved with an old man in robes sitting cross-legged.

The old man's attire is very simple, and Qingyue Qingtian is one of the inheritance forces of the three domain masters. They have seen the portraits of the three domain masters from ancient books. And the statue in the distance is the master of the ancestor of the winner, Ji's family!

One of the three domain owners who used to be 100,000 years ago.

"I thought the Ji family was all dead, but I didn't expect that there are many hidden here. It seems that there must be something here!" Qingyue said with a smile.

It was only then that Qingtian came to his senses after hearing this, and quickly detected his aura, and he really felt that there are many powerful auras in this world, including a Daoist aura.

"It turns out that Qingyue and Qingtian are visiting!"

Suddenly there was a leisurely voice in the distance, and then the space was distorted, and an old man with white hair and white beard in blue and white skirt came out from inside.

As soon as this person walked out, he performed a rather ancient warrior etiquette toward Qingyue Qingtian.

"Ji Wuchang, you are the one who is in charge now?" Seeing the person coming, Qingyue narrowed her eyes slightly, and sneered, "It turns out that your Ji family survived two Taoist realms back then, and who was you who died in battle outside? "

Qing Tian on the side also stared at the old man in surprise, he had heard of this man before, Ji Wuchang was the old head of the Ji family thousands of years ago.

But wasn't it rumored tens of thousands of years ago that the old Patriarch Ji Wuchang had passed away?

Now it seems that the news of this death is false, and it is true that he has been sleeping and living in this secret cave!

"The one outside is my eldest son. The two little friends suddenly visited, but the Yangmen Ji family is gone?"

"Yangmen Ji's family?" Hearing this, Qingyue Qingtian frowned slightly.

"Oh, this is Xinmi of my Ji family, since both of you have entered this place, it's okay to tell you two.

As early as tens of thousands of years ago, after the demigod incident, the power of the major families in the entire galaxy was severely damaged, so my Ji family set up Yin and Yang sects for the continuation of the family. The Yangmen is outside to maintain the family's dignity, while the old man brings some younger generations and some old men and burns all the books and classics of the Ji family to settle here as the Yinmen.

If the Yangmen encounters a catastrophe, our Yinmen Ji family will go out and become the only Ji family to continue the inheritance of the Ji family. If there is no problem, then we frogs in the well will continue to live here, from generation to generation until the mission arrives. "

Ji Wuchang looked at the two of them, but he didn't hide anything.

"Your Ji family is easy to calculate. Now almost all the ancient families in the alliance have been extinct and their morality has been cut off. Only your Ji family has one hidden here."

As Qingyue spoke, there was inevitably a trace of irony in her words.

"If the two little friends came here just to say these things, please go back there!" Wen Yan Ji Wuchang's old face suddenly showed displeasure.

He originally wanted to treat these old friends well, but he never thought that they were a bunch of bad guests. No matter how good-tempered he was, he wouldn't have a good face at this moment.

"Oh, what can you do if I can't wait?" Qingyue looked at Ji Wuchang with a full smile.

Qingtian stood behind the senior sister without saying a word, with a clear attitude.

Ji Wuchang looked at Qingtian, but his eyes staggered away from Qingyue, he was afraid to look directly at the little girl.

"Qingtian and Qingyue, I know you two, Qingtian is fine, Qingyue, you are not simple, but this is my Yinmen of the Ji family, and it is not a place where anyone can behave wildly!"

Ji Wuchang was Considering seniority, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the uncle of these two people. In terms of age, he is also thousands of years older than these two people, and his strength was second only to those two people back then. A strong man who is respected by the two of them.

It's just that he retired early, otherwise his name has been hidden for a long time.

"Old boy, it seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine!"

Qingyue's mental state was a bit wrong, and the winner Ji Jiazu's action used too much power of the arm of the god, which put her on the verge of rage.

As soon as the words fell, Qingyue jumped towards Ji Wuchang as soon as she stretched out her figure.

"How dare!"

Ji Wuchang yelled loudly, stretched out his hand, and immediately a small yellow bell appeared in his hand. The next moment, the yellow bell turned into a golden light covering his whole body, and at the same time, his other hand grabbed an invisible blade from the other side.

Stretching out his hand and flicking it, an invisible silk thread shot out instantly, and the space it passed was cut open...

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