Master of Fist

Chapter 639: Lee's Dilemma

"Jiang Xiaoyou, just pay attention to your sense of proportion, sometimes it's better to do nothing than to do everything." Qingtian looked directly at Jiang Heng and said every word.

The tone was dignified, with a hint of warning in it.

After speaking, Qingtian's figure flashed, and he disappeared from Jiang Heng's sight.

"The tempers of Qingtian and Qingyue are still as bad as ever!" Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, and the narrow and long eyes faintly burst out with a cold light like a fierce tiger.

"Why, what's the boy's reaction?" Qingyue's clear and sweet voice sounded like a fairy voice from far away.

"Senior Sister, that kid is still the same as before, of course he looks like a smart man!" Qing Tian, ​​who came out of the space passage, said hastily.

"Yeah!" Qingyue raised her forehead slightly, glanced at the direction of the mother planet of the imperial capital, and said with a light smile, "It's okay, if everything goes well with time, I'll be back soon, and the big thing will be done."

Hearing Qingyue's ambiguous words, Qingtian on the opposite side obviously knew what it was referring to, and nodded with excitement.

"Master's last wish before he died, we can help him fulfill it!" Qingtian nodded with affirmation.

The two chatted and waited for a while until the figures of Ye Tu and Wang Gan appeared, and then they stopped talking.

When everyone arrived, everyone entered a translucent elliptical shuttle in a flash. The next moment, there were faint ripples in the space, and the four of them quickly disappeared into the space in the shuttle.

"Finally gone!" Jiang Heng laughed lightly, feeling the few breaths that disappeared within the Qi Jin range.

The old lady Qingyue is gone, and she can finally do some things freely.

First of all, the site of the third hegemonic body must be fully constructed, this is the only way for him to further improve his physical body in a short time. With the third layer of domineering body and Beihe Dazhou Tianxing magic power, Jiang Heng's goal is to increase his strength by about 50% within five years.

It's hard, but it doesn't mean there's no chance.

The stronger the physical body, the more star power infusion it can withstand each time it is practiced. The tempering of the physical body and the overall polishing of the spirit, energy, and spirit are good.

"Master Jiang, are so many energy crystals enough? If not, I'll move some more. I recently confiscated the mansions of those finance ministers who were pocketed. Jiang, how many energy crystals did you confiscate in total?"

Without waiting for Jiang Heng to ask, Li Yu continued: "The total value exceeds 30 trillion energy crystals, which has been calculated. These old foxes hide energy crystals in various star fields and have many star card accounts. Not less than a million billion."

At this time, Jiang Heng and Li Yu were sitting in a small attic in the palace and talking. Jiang Heng was asking for some energy crystals on this trip. For his own hole cards later, it would be a bit impossible to pick and choose as he had considered before.

It's just that he didn't expect that ten trillion energy crystals would be obtained just by opening his mouth, which was unimaginably more than the wealth he had saved over the years.

"Why so many?" Jiang Heng asked curiously.

"Hey, Master Jiang, that's not too much! It's not too much!" Li Yu waved his hand with a smile and said, "Actually, it is calculated according to the energy crystals that were handed over to the treasury every hundred years recorded by the empire ten thousand years ago. The energy crystals stored in the warehouse are as many as tens of billions. In addition to the expenses, salaries and even rewards that need to be paid to the military governments of various places within a hundred years. Even if some infrastructure construction in the empire is added, the treasury can still have twenty Trillions remain.

However, over the past 10,000 years, the number of energy crystals put into storage every 100 years has been decreasing. The last time the number of energy crystals turned over into storage was less than five trillion! "

Speaking of this, Li Yu shook his head and sighed softly, "Master Jiang, it's not that the energy crystal veins in various parts of the empire have been greatly reduced, but that there are thousands of times more officials in the empire than ten thousand years ago. It is much more corrupt than it was ten thousand years ago.

Now just these officials of the Ministry of Finance who have been in power for less than a thousand years can embezzle so many talents, one can imagine how rich the families of the officials of the Ministry of Finance in the past will be! "

Hearing what Li Yu said, Jiang Heng only felt that this group of people was too amazing.

He also couldn't figure it out, since most officials are not warriors, why do they need so many energy crystals?

As for why the empire produces so many energy crystals every year, it is much more than the alliance. Thinking about being in the alliance, such as the Lin family and other super high-class warrior families that have lasted for nearly ten thousand years, hundreds of millions of energy crystals are a huge asset for the family.

However, it's normal to think about it carefully. There are actually two aspects that restrict the number of alliance energy crystals. One is that the alliance warriors are several times that of the empire, which consumes a lot. Secondly, the mining capacity of the Alliance lags far behind that of the Empire.

First of all, this equipment problem is the biggest problem that stumps the alliance. The empire is all mechanized, which is far from what the alliance can match.

It can be seen by imagining the bitter existence of the iron ring star field day after day like the miners of the old age.

Of course, there is also a reason why the territory of the empire is much larger than that of the alliance.

It can be said that without the Federation and the Orcs, it would be the general trend for the empire to unify the entire galaxy.

After getting ten trillion energy crystals, Jiang Heng expressed his determination to strongly support Li Yu's reform to the big benefactor Li Yu.

Li Yu, the young emperor, had discussed with Jiang Heng more than once about his desire to change the law. At first, Jiang Heng chatted with him with great interest and raised a few opinions, but later he simply didn't bother to pay attention to it.

This guy has been suppressed by the minister for too long, and it is impossible to lower his posture and confide his heart to his cronies. Every time he sees Jiang Heng, he likes to talk about his reform ideas for a long time.

After dismissing Li Yu, Jiang Heng rushed back to the General's Mansion, and once again entered the state of hiding from the world.

"Five trillion energy crystals invested, coupled with the continuous input of energy from Regret Sky Banner every day, should be able to last for nearly a hundred years." Looking at the small dark golden gourd in his hand.

With the massive energy input, the gourd can already show its magic at any time at this moment, and the self-control of size is only the basic function. There has been a complete earth-shaking change inside.

At all times, there is a vortex of energy converging and pouring towards the center like a funnel, washing and storing the most central things.

In Jiang Heng's perception, he could clearly see a translucent broken blade floating quietly in the center of the gourd, enjoying the treatment it had never enjoyed before.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng nodded in satisfaction. Through the power of the ball, it took a month to continuously convert, and fully converted the energy of five trillion energy crystals into the gourd.

It is no problem to maintain it for a hundred years.

And the time knife fragment put into the gourd will be the first test item. He also thought about investing in a Hunyuan stick, but the material itself is too poor, so it's hard to say whether he can bear this kind of blessing.

"It's just that the Time Knife is still Li Miaozhen's bitch's thing now, and the Xuanxu disk has not been returned to her. Do you want to find a reason to exchange it with her?" Jiang Heng pondered for a while. It's very easy to use.

Using the Mysterious Disk to expand the field to slow down the actions of the surrounding enemies, and then beheading with the Time Knife, this is a wonderful combination.

As for both of them being semi-defective products, there is no need to worry at all. As long as this test is successful, it will only be a basic function for the Zhanshen Gourd to make up for the damage and lack of the real Dao Realm.

It's nothing more than consuming more energy crystals.

"I'll find a chance to ask Li Miaozhen in the future, if the conditions are not too excessive, I can accept them!" Jiang Heng thought to himself, Jiang Heng could even guess a thing or two about the conditions of the Li family.

Now that the Li family has moved to the territory of the empire, Jiang Heng has to rely on Jiang Heng for many matters, especially now that the Li family is temporarily staying in Luoxia star.

As an ancient family that has been in the alliance for tens of thousands of years, it is impossible for them to occupy Sunset Star all the time.

It's not that Luoxia star is not suitable for living, or that the commander of Luoxia star's ancient music suppressed them. It's that they can't stand it themselves.

Over the years, the Li family has not built a huge foundation by doing business, but the glory of the ancestors who were powerful in the Dao realm, plus the great achievements made by force in the alliance army and the history of each generation entering and leaving the army. This behavior gave the Li family the reputation of being one of the five major families in the league.

Although this person who has left his hometown now, although he is alive, it is no less than falling into the mortal world once.

Losing power, and having to live comfortably in a place like Luoxiaxing like ordinary people, for a family like the Li family with an orderly inheritance, it is simply very uncomfortable.

At the same time, the members of the Li family who were placed in a villa by Commander Gu Le in Luoxia Star far away in the face of Jiang Heng really felt uncomfortable.

The place where the Li family was resettled was a villa area. A total of dozens of villas housed the direct descendants of the Li family and the main collateral descendants, as well as those loyal servants of the Li family who were temporarily placed in some ordinary communities.

At the moment, in one of the villas, the core members of the Li family are fidgeting and discussing something.

In fact, discussions like this are held from time to time, almost when these members of the Li family feel uncomfortable, they will think about discussing something together. It seems that this is the only way to relieve the anxiety in my heart.

"Patriarch, going on like this is not the way to go. As the saying goes, sit and eat, although some industries that our Li family has set up in the empire can provide a lot of energy crystals. But if this continues, so many children in the family need energy crystals to practice martial arts. In the past, the savings we brought will sooner or later be exhausted.”

One of the few elders who escaped from the Li family's ancestral land with Li Miaozhen and others said tremblingly, and the white beard trembled involuntarily, showing his inner anxiety.

"Yes!" At this time, another middle-aged manager of the Li family also stood up and suggested: "Patriarch, many children of the clan now report that they are not used to life here."

Li Miaozhen, who is the current head of the family, couldn't help frowning when she heard this place, her beautiful eyes looked at it immediately, Zhu Lips was puzzled and said: "Why are you not used to it, there is no danger here, it is very safe! Everyone can practice martial arts here with peace of mind. "

She knew that the clan elder's question was very troublesome, but she was a little confused by the matter raised by the steward.

"Patriarch, this...this is too comfortable!" Hearing the words, the steward smiled wryly, fearing that Li Miaozhen would not understand, he continued: "Patriarch, this is in the alliance. Which family didn't send their children to Experienced in their respective armies.

Even many of our children participated in several orc encounters with the young master in the early years. But here, it is too comfortable, everyone is inevitably a little anxious emotionally. "

Hearing this Li Miaozhen was stunned.

Indeed, the major families in the alliance will send their children to the army they control every year to go to the front line with the army to meet the orcs.

The so-called bloodshed of a large alliance family like the Li family is not the kind of life-and-death challenge that ordinary gymnasiums and dojos are forced to accept alliance recruitment.

Because the army that the children entered was also the army controlled by the Li family, just like Li Miaozhen's fifth younger brother Li Jue who was a senior direct descendant who was a general in the alliance at that time.

At that time, the army controlled by Li Jue became the place where the children of the Li family went to the trial every year, because they were all from their own family, so naturally, their safety could be greatly guaranteed.

However, compared with Luoxiaxing's comfortable life now, these Li family children couldn't bear it all at once.

This is after experiencing too many **** battlefields, it is often difficult to adapt to a comfortable life, and often manifests as restlessness and irritability. Moreover, one cannot meditate in practice.

This kind of thing is naturally not a problem for an existence like Li Miaozhen. After years of precipitation, Li Miaozhen and the others certainly did not have that kind of overreaction. But the children of the lower clan don't think so.

"What are they doing now? By the way, didn't Senior Gu Le agree to lend us a few military training rooms temporarily?" Li Miaozhen thought for a while.

Hearing that the steward spread his hands again, he said with a sad face: "Patriarch, you can't let them go there. There is a martial arts arena there. Now as soon as they see the martial arts arena, these little **** want to fight. Not long ago, they almost killed each other. During the martial arts contest, Zhongzi sent a real fire that almost killed both sides. Fortunately, Young Master Li Jue arrived in time."

This is to say that it is not big, after all, the Li family is an ancient warrior family, and it is normal for the family to fight and get injured. But it is also said that small is not small, some of the children in the clan are collateral branches of the Li family, and some are descendants of remote branches of the Li family.

If this is really due to the death due to martial arts, it is inevitable that there will be suspicions among the collateral and branches. If things go on like this, the huge and stable family of the Li family may face the risk of fragmentation.

"This..." Listening to the steward's Miaozhen only felt that one was the first and the other was the big one, and she didn't know how to deal with this matter.

She thought about asking Gu Le to temporarily let the children of the clan join the imperial army to participate in the fight against the Federation. But this proposal was rejected by Gu Le on the spot.

It was said that their identities were not good enough, and they were directly rejected.

According to Gu Le, even if their Li family surrendered to the empire, they could only serve in idle positions in the empire, and they were not allowed to touch sensitive departments of the empire.

The military is one of them.

"Then what are they doing now?" Li Miaozhen asked, rubbing her eyebrows.

"This..." The steward looked embarrassed.


Seeing this, the steward had no choice but to grit his teeth and said: "The most angry boys in the clan are now in those romantic places on Luoxia Star. I heard... I heard that many places are not accepting their work. The anger is too Wang, no girl can take it..."

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