Master of Fist

Chapter 577: The prestige of harmony

The birth of a powerful Daoist!

Thinking of the few people here looking at each other in blank dismay, it was a little late to discuss for a while.

"This senior broke the curse of more than 10,000 years and successfully stepped into the Dao Realm. I think it would be good to go to congratulate him at this moment and win a lot of money!" The old man with the appearance of a living dead was the first to speak out.

"Well, indeed. Regardless of whether you can make friends with this strong man, this matter itself is worth celebrating." The magic stick also nodded in agreement.

"Then why are you still standing there, I want to win the first prize!" The bald man chuckled, and rushed towards the previous area in a flash.

The rest of the people reacted and rushed there one after another. There has been a tradition of breaking through and celebrating among warriors since ancient times.

Especially when breaking through the big realm, no matter whether they are acquaintances or not, as long as the breakthrough is successful, those who congratulated in the past will more or less get some gifts from the master. Some are pointers in martial arts, while others are material rewards.

At the same time, in an empty void, a body like a **** and demon was suspended above the void.

Every inch of skin exudes pure energy radiance at this moment, and the plump muscle texture is full of the ultimate sense of explosion.

This body looks a bit **** and bloody, but it doesn't affect the astonishing aura it radiates from the inside out.

With the rise and fall of the chest cavity, the skin on the body surface began to recover rapidly, the nails were reshaped, the body underwent the most perfect reorganization, and the hair began to grow wildly again.

In just one or two breaths, Jiang Heng recovered here. Not only that, but at this time the position of his body muscles is more reasonable and perfect. Each hair is like the toughest flexible material in the world.

The slight ups and downs of the chest cavity brought a large amount of nearby energy to pour into it, and this level was no longer bound by the air. There is no need to use the physical body to store oxygen.

Jiang Heng's eyes opened and a flash of light shot out, and a long breath slowly spit out and turned into an invisible force that swept away.

The turbulent energy transformed by the fully fused Qi mechanism quickly dissipated, and at this moment, half of the Luoxia Starfield clearly fell into Jiang Heng's mind.

Soon, he locked on to the nearest barren star, and his gaze turned to that direction.

Slightly flexing his fingers, the next moment he flicked silently.

I saw that the fingertips instantly condensed massive energy fluctuations, all of which were pulled by the incomparably pure and chaotic energy gushing out from the fingertips and turned into a vortex that quickly condensed, and the next moment it was ejected quickly, and an invisible force bloomed.

Ordinary people can't see any abnormality at all. If a high-level warrior disperses his Qi machine, he can feel a frightening and chilling breath passing away.

After about tens of breaths, under Jiang Henghun's powerful perception, the barren star no longer existed and turned into dust in the universe and disappeared.

At the same time, the flying magic stick frowned.

"Baldy, why don't you see the living dead?"

Hearing this, the bald man also scratched his head, it was strange to say, the living dead were flying in front of them just now, why did they disappear in the blink of an eye?

Looking around, Baldy's expression gradually became dull.

"God stick, why is the star behind us gone?"


Shen stick suddenly turned around, only to find that the star they were hiding in had indeed disappeared.

It disappeared without a sound, at this moment both of them broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly let go of the air machine to sense it quickly.


It was only when they saw signs of a large amount of energy dissipating not far in front of them in the field of view of the Qi machine. Just on the track where the living dead disappeared before.

Following this energy route that only the Qi machine can perceive, it finally landed on the place where the barren star was originally.

"This... is this someone who quietly wiped out that planet?" the magic stick murmured.

"Well, the living dead have also been annihilated."

The bald man kept wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, and the corners of his mouth kept trembling.

"This is Hedao..." Jiang Heng murmured, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, the smile gradually enlarged, and finally turned into an extremely carefree laugh.

Leaving aside the power, the distance alone has been increased by countless times.

Although Jiang Heng was able to bombard the enemy from a long distance before, he had to face two problems. First, the escaping during the release was too serious. To what long-distance killing effect.

However, both of them have been resolved at the moment, and the Huntian energy after joining the Dao has become extremely solid, and only a small part of the energy released will be dissipated. And on the way, it can continue to absorb nearby free energy.

The second is the power. The Huntian Jin itself is extremely solid, which increases its lethality, which is basically increased by more than five times on the original basis.

The penetrability is stronger, and if he faces the pitch-black giant again, Jiang Heng is confident that he will smash it into a pile of wreckage with his pure body without any real Dao artifacts.

"The power to leverage space seems to have been strengthened a lot."

Jiang Heng muttered to himself, the effect of his current prying space seems to be just incidental to his overly strong physical body. It is far from reaching the effect of manipulating the space as one likes in Dao Realm.


A punch blasted out without by a dull bang, the entire void seemed to be dug into a hole, and a large space crack was formed where the punch passed. Horrific rifts emerged in the void, and the nearest fragments began to crumble and recover, repeating itself.

"Although you can't freely travel through the space and use the space like the Dao Realm, you are no longer restrained when facing the Dao Realm."

Looking at the power of the punch, Jiang Heng nodded in satisfaction.

For Jiang Heng, what is the most troublesome thing about Dao Realm. It's nothing more than the troublesome ability to travel through space. The second is the ability to use space at will.

The former is the most troublesome, because the opponent can easily punch you and retreat calmly. You can only stand there and be beaten passively like a fool.

Jiang Heng was in this embarrassing situation before, but now it is not. Any fist or foot can pry the space and cause the space to collapse or even become unstable.

Fragmented space cannot be used as a carrier for space shuttle. That is to say, Dao Jing faced Jiang Heng, or he was far away, or he could only fight in close quarters.

And once the space shuttle ability is completely useless once the close-quarters bunt is used.

But if you want to fight in close quarters, you have to consider Jiang Heng's insanely strong melee combat ability. Jiang Heng's every punch after joining the Tao is not so easy to defuse.

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng couldn't help but chuckle again. Although he is not in the Dao realm now, he is still in the Dao realm.

Jiang Heng felt that he had nothing to worry about as the apparent enemy of the Federation. The three-in-one apostle comes and he can destroy it at close range, and the same goes for the pitch-black giant.

"However, even with my current strength, the odds of winning against that starry sky behemoth again are still zero!"

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