Master of Fist

Chapter 575: break through

"What an astonishing breath fluctuation!"

Feeling the oppressive and suffocating breath, the old man who looked like a living dead twirled his beard and said with a grave expression.

"This is the boldness that a truly strong man should have!" Shen stick's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Indeed, it is worthwhile to meet someone who breaks through the legendary realm of Taoism in my lifetime!" The bald old man also nodded repeatedly.

It is also because of this great opportunity that the three of them traveled a few light years away.

"It's a pity that we can't get closer. Even if we can withstand the oppression with our physique, we can't resist the turbulent tide. If we are not careful, we will be involved."

The living dead old man was the most rational among the three. Looking at the rapidly spinning energy vortex not far away, his eyes were full of fear.

"Well, why don't we just wait here and feel it?" The magic stick suggested.


Several people nodded, and found a barren star nearby to meditate cross-legged while practicing the martial arts they had learned while feeling the majestic and vast energy fluctuations. While feeling the energy fluctuation trend of the strong when they practice, they are also confirming what they have learned, so as to achieve the effect of comprehension.

This is indeed a great event of martial arts, and even some knowledgeable middle-level martial artists from nearby have come here one after another.

Among them, there are many superiors of constellation-level star-level civilizations, one by one driving starships towards this side. Although they can't intuitively feel the majestic energy of the stirring. But it can also rely on technological means to detect the amazing changes here.

Of course, the income of these middle-level warriors here is naturally not as great as that of high-level warriors. In short, the killing gap is too large, and it is difficult to achieve even a little analogy. Most of them just come to watch the excitement.

When Zhao Kai arrived, many starships had already been stationed around the whirlpool.

"We seem to be late. But it's about the same."

Zhao Kai stared at the center of the vortex with bright eyes, then turned his head to look at his subordinate and said with a smile: "This place is almost enough for you, you should hurry up and realize it."

"Your Excellency?" Although he resisted at first, when he arrived here, he felt the oppression of the majestic strong breath and the massive explosive energy. Lieutenant General Wu Zhe thinks it is very fragrant.

"I'm going to have a look inside!"

"Ah?!" Lieutenant General Wu Zhe stared blankly at the area in the center of the vortex that almost distorted the space for a while, feeling startled.

Go in and have a look? Isn't this courting death?

However, Zhao Kai didn't ask for his opinion. After a word of reminder, his figure turned into a streamer again and approached the center of the vortex without hesitation.

Zhao Kai's eyes are full of determination, this is a great opportunity for all high-level fighters, and it is a great opportunity for him.

Especially in the central area, where the energy is extremely chaotic, constantly prying the space. This complex and terrifying place was a huge realization for him.

Zhao Kai felt that if he deeply comprehended it, even if he couldn't get in touch with the mysteries of the Dao Realm level, it would still allow him to go one step further within the half-step Dao Realm and get another leap in strength.

"By the way, Senior Jiang said that the improvement of the physical body is also extremely important. It just so happens that this extremely dangerous zone is also an unimaginable temper for the physical body!"

With a long laugh, Zhao Kai's speed became even faster.

It didn't take long for Zhao Kai to enter the outer area of ​​the energy tide. Ordinary warriors here would be pulled by the force of rotation and suction, so they could not control their figures and fly towards the central area.

However, this is completely useless to Zhao Kai, he still maintains his figure and plunges straight in at a relatively uniform escape speed.

As time passed, Zhao Kai finally entered the middle circle of the vortex, where he could clearly feel his body shaking violently.

The physical body began to operate on its own. Recently, he practiced a physical martial arts, which can be regarded as taking this opportunity to temper the physical body.

"Sure enough, the effect of tempering the body here is excellent!"

Feeling that the progress of this newly cultivated physical martial arts has soared after entering here, breaking through several levels in just a few tens of breaths.

Continue to fly inward, and another half a day passed, when Zhao Kai gradually entered the inner circle, he was completely unable to control his figure.

The energy tide here is like an extremely terrifying energy storm, constantly wrapping him around the core area.

The field of vision here has become extremely chaotic, as if entering a whirling and bizarre world. There are fiery red magma and countless planetary fragments, and from time to time there are meteorites and even comet fragments that are entrained in nearby.

More is the pervasive energy.

Entering here, Zhao Kai soon found out that he was very wrong.

The horror completely exceeded his expectations. In this chaotic situation, let alone comprehend the power of space here, he couldn't even stabilize his mind and think quietly.

The only benefit, perhaps, is the ever-increasing strength of the physical body. Under the impact of rock magma everywhere and all kinds of pervasive energy tides. His physical body just grew on its own, and there were more and more scars on his body surface.

After entering the inner circle for ten breaths, his arms were broken, and for twenty breaths, both legs were also broken. Fifty breaths of bones have been comminuted fractures.

At the same time, his body was like a tattered, airtight sack, **** and bloody. His head also became dazed for a while under the constant impact of meteorites hitting rocks and the energy tide of magma baptism.

He thought he was ridiculous, at first he thought that he didn't need the strength of the half-step Dao realm to withstand these impacts, but soon he realized that he was wrong.

Absolutely wrong.

"No! You have to leave here, no... otherwise you will die!"

Feeling the physical body that was gradually on the verge of collapse, Zhao Kai was startled.

With a flip of his hand, he directly sacrificed one of his incomplete Dao Realm Artifacts, which was a dilapidated big clock.

The big bell was raised, and he hurriedly retracted into the inside of the big It was the big bell, the manipulator of the drumming power, who wanted to break out of the encirclement.

But where is it so easy to rush out, the suction force of the inner circle is not much better than that of a black hole.

Even stronger!

Seeing that the big clock he was in was flying towards the core area little by little, Zhao Kai felt a burst of despair.


Suddenly at this moment, a humming sound came from the entire area covered by the energy tide. With the sound of the sound waves, the energy tide that was originally rotating at a high speed and constantly frantic all fell into a stillness as if it had stagnated at this moment.

Feeling the sudden disappearance of the suction force, Zhao Kai was stunned for a moment, and before he had time to think about it, he quickly controlled the big clock and rushed out.

Hurry up!

Seeing that he was about to rush out of the inner circle, Zhao Kai had never felt so happy.

Whoosh whoosh!

The ridiculous smile soon froze in place, and the originally stagnant energy tide suddenly began to violently rush towards the core area, as if attracted by a magnet faster and more crazily than before.

At this moment, it was as if the core produced some kind of huge gravitational force when the planet exploded and collapsed, pulling everything on the periphery and flying towards the core.

Zhao Kai was also engulfed and flew towards the core at high speed.

"No! No no!"

Zhao Kai yelled in horror. But no matter how he mobilized the energy in his body, he still couldn't resist.

He could only watch helplessly as his figure quickly retreated and flew towards the core area.

This change has never happened within a month of this energy tide.

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