Master of Fist

Chapter 569: Cooperative Encirclement and Suppression (Part 2)

"Go! He won't last long! We must create a rest period for him!"

Qingyue shouted softly, her figure was like lightning, she didn't need to care about the use of the power of space at this time. I saw her delicate body swaying in place, and as soon as she appeared, she had already reached the head of the huge monster on the surface of the star, followed by Qingtian and the other two.

The stellar behemoth that crushed the human ant to death with a palm just now was slightly startled, and looked up as if aware of it.

As soon as he raised his head, a thick force of space swept over, as if the power of heaven and earth subverted in an instant.

"Fantasy Hand!" Qingtian shouted loudly, the surface of his right hand protruding out of the palm suddenly became bright and uncertain, as if between illusion and reality, the power of the surrounding space quickly collapsed and was sucked into the palm, forming a black palm print suddenly fall.

The rising flames on the surface of the star dissipated invisible in an instant when it touched the black palm print, as if it dissipated out of thin air when it touched the black palm print.

At this time, there was a touch of human sarcasm on the ferocious and beastly face of the stellar behemoth. He raised his arm and slammed it upwards at the same time.

The surface of the thick fleshy palm is covered with a layer of extremely hard dark golden scales, all of which are dark red and fiery red like liquid flames flowing. The terrifying high temperature quickly converged towards the palm of the star behemoth.

Its strike was like an instinctive talent, the flames and temperature around it quickly converged towards the arm. Not only that, even the palms of their own hands burst out with unprecedented heat.

This is the innate ability of the stellar behemoth, the absolute control over the heat and radiation energy, and it can stimulate the massive amount of star energy swallowed up in its body as soon as it makes a move.

The fiery red arm drew a dazzling light and arc that was bright to whitish in mid-air, and collided with the palm print above it instantly.

The pitch-black palm prints condensed by the power of the massive space nearby are nearly 10,000 meters long, but compared to the arm of the stellar behemoth, it is still like dust.

White collides with black, and black is almost completely wrapped by white.

The terrifying high temperature caused the surrounding space to distort, and it seemed to be about to dissolve.

The quaint robe on Qingtian's body kept bulging, and this robe, which was almost incomplete, seemed to be melting under the high temperature. The heat wave is going to roast Qingtian himself.

The black palm prints are still struggling to hold on, although they are constantly flickering as if they will be instantly swallowed up by the white light in the next moment, but they are still holding on like flames swaying in the wind.

"Senior Sister!"

As soon as the words fell, the space shook for a while, and the space behind the other stellar behemoth was distorted, and a thin delicate body emerged.

Qingyue, whose face was completely covered by white light, couldn't see her expression clearly at this time, because a white light burst out suddenly after her appearance.

The white awn is constantly accelerating, jumping through space from time to time to pull the star behemoth into the distance, within a blink of an eye, the white awn drags a white line and pierces the right arm of the star behemoth in an instant.

The white light pierced into the giant beast's right arm, and only then did it reveal its true colors. It turned out that it was an extremely sharp spear, and at the end was linked to a chain that was constantly shining, and the chain was constantly emerging in illusion and reality, and the other end was linked to a void behind Qingyue.

So fixed in the vicinity of that piece of void.


The stellar behemoth roared, not because of pain. Even if such an invisible white light pierces through its arm, compared to its huge body, it will not feel pain at all.

It was just angry, these ants actually provoked it again and again.

With the roar of the star behemoth, the entire star seemed to shrink in an instant. The next moment, the terrifying solar storm, accompanied by the terrifying high temperature in the star behemoth itself, turned into a terrifying hot shock wave and swept in all directions.

From a distance, it seems that the radiance emitted by this aging red giant star has been insignificant and dim, but the next moment it blooms the most dazzling light in its life.

The high temperature that erupted in an instant far exceeded that of a supernova explosion. If there were battleships around, it would be an unimaginable disaster.

At this time, Qingyue and Qingtian were constantly rolling in the void like dust blown by a strong wind. Fortunately, both of them were at the level of the Dao Realm, and they had already anticipated this situation, and they fled into the space one after another.

But they flew out quickly after not staying for a long time, both of them looked a little unsightly, the burst of energy in an instant was too large, and the high temperature far beyond imagination turned the space into a dangerous place.

Moreover, the density of the energy explosion is too high, and most of the energy in the real world consciously infiltrates into the nearby space at this time, and the space becomes more viscous, which invisibly increases the difficulty and time for them to travel through the space.

The giant beast released this move, a pair of animal pupils had been observing the situation on the field, and seeing the two ants still standing there alive, they became even more furious.

The gigantic figure jumped up suddenly, like the World Exterminating Demon King rising from the fiery red purgatory. Fiery red energy bloomed on its body surface all the time. As it moved, the temperature of the surrounding void rose rapidly and instantly turned red.


However, with a **** on its right arm, the stellar behemoth was taken aback, only to see that the chain linked by the spear penetrating through its right arm was stretched straight at this moment.

Seeing this scene, both Qingyue and Qingtian grinned.

This is the first plan formulated by the two masters to deal with the demigod of time, the trapping **** square formation, a total of four long spears and chains matching the formation, each long spear and chains are true weapons of the Dao realm level. Once the four spears penetrate the target separately, the chains linked by the four spears can continuously share the struggling force of the target.

Of course, in a complete situation, each end of the chain needs a strong Taoist to sit and stabilize the space at the end of the chain, constantly blessing the power of space,

It's just that the target is not a demigod, so this requirement can be reduced accordingly, but Qingyue still strengthens the power of space from time to time.

At this time, Qingyue reached out with one hand, and directly pressed the void at the end of the chain, and at the same time, a simple square tripod emerged out of thin air and was directly fixed at the void at the end of the chain.

At this time, the space visible to the naked eye becomes more solid, and the transparent color of the space gradually becomes grotesque. The overlapping of various space mapping pictures looks dazzling, as if seeing countless fragmented worlds overlapping together.


Seeing this, Qingtian flicked his sleeve robe without saying a word, and another white glow shot out instantly, and the white glow penetrated through many spaces and was about to fall on the other arm of the star giant.


However, the stellar behemoth's chest cavity rose and fell violently, and a large red halo appeared in the chest cavity, which continued to gather, and finally rushed up through the throat and ejected from the open **** mouth in an instant.

The terrifying high-temperature white beam of light exploded into a scorching torrent, and the white beam of light instantly submerged the faintly visible white glow. It was almost an instant to hit Qingtian directly.

too fast!

Although the stellar behemoth is huge, once provoked, its speed seems to exceed dozens of times the speed of light. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the embodiment of light and heat.

Cold sweat immediately appeared on Qingtian's forehead, and the space behind him twisted quickly to wrap him and escape into the space.

The ever-increasing high temperature and the constantly scouring energy particles make the space extremely viscous and slow, and the speed of opening the space channel is extremely slow.

Qingyue also saw this scene, but she couldn't help her at all. The solidity of the space also makes it difficult for her to pull Qingtian from the other end of the space.


The white light instantly flooded the place where Qingtian was standing, and the space in that area was gradually melted and penetrated by the high temperature. The area where the light beam crosses has become a dead zone, and the space is constantly repeating in dissolution and restoration.

Wherever the white light passed, it seemed to turn into a completely black void. The white light finally shoots into the distance. It is not known how far it will travel before it gradually squanders this majestic energy, and it does not know how many stars it will penetrate and dissolve along the way.

"so close!"

Qingtian wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, looked up at the big bird that turned into a flying Lei Peng.

It was really a close call just now. If Jiang Heng's speed had been a little slower, Qingtian would have become the first Dao Realm powerhouse to die in the mouth of this stellar behemoth.

"Thank you!"

The situation was critical, and Qingtian only thanked him via sound transmission.

Qingyue in the distance also sensed the situation over there with her Qi machine and was relieved.

Jiang Heng saw the whole process of the two sides fighting at this moment, and he had to say that the stellar behemoth was really tough. If you are not prepared, you may not be able to take down this kind of monster with four or five ordinary dao realms.

Just now, Jiang Heng was shot twice in a row by this guy, most of his protective means collapsed, almost all of the energy shields were scrapped, and the two incomplete Dao Realm artifacts were also damaged.

In particular, the ocean of heavy water that was transformed into ten thousand yuan of heavy water was directly evaporated.

"What should I do now? This guy is too troublesome and has almost no shortcomings."

At this time, Jiang Heng sent a sound transmission to Qingtian Qingyue. This is a fact. The giant stellar beast is too reckless, but this guy is thick-skinned and is an energy aggregate in itself. It is foolish to want to consume it. The strength and speed are even more terrifying.

Facing such a guy, Jiang Heng felt that his advantage was completely gone.

"It's impossible to kill this beast, but we only need to trap this beast. As for the next step, our own empire will accept it! It is full of treasures. In addition to taking blood and materials, it is also a big deal against the Federation. killer!"

Qingyue replied in a calm tone, as if she had long been concerned about it.

"But how should we fight next?"

Jiang Heng didn't know what the two of them were planning, anyway, in his opinion, they had reached a stalemate.

"Slow down for him! Your Xuanxu disk and you will buy Qingtian and me a moment to give it to me!" Qingyue quickly issued an order.

"One breath!" Jiang Heng swallowed.

One breath is not easy. At their level, every breath can do many things. One breath means at least dozens of fights,

"Don't worry, I will be there to assist you!" Qingtian responded quickly.

"One breath time is the key. Once the opponent's breath time cannot be delayed, there will be no chance this time."

Listening to Qingyue's narration, Jiang Heng fell into a battle between heaven and man. He didn't know how these two people evaluated his strength. But he was really under a lot of pressure to talk about it.

I'm not in the Dao realm, so it's impossible to dodge with the power of space. If I want to hold on for three breaths, I have to face the opponent head-on.

Jiang Heng felt dizzy for a while, and at the same time kept thinking about his own strength.

The second level of the super-body has smelted the blood of the starry sky behemoth, which has a certain ability to weaken the energy of the flame itself. This is a secret neither of the two dao realms knows.

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng glanced at the two Daoists calmly.

"These two people are still in the Dao realm after all, and they don't treat me as if they are of the same kind. This is treating me as cannon fodder!"

Jiang Heng shook his head secretly in his heart, after seeing the ability of the stellar behemoth far exceeding expectations. Jiang Heng knew that these two Daoists were probably still fooling him.

Maybe in the end, he can indeed be given the materials he needs, but there is a prerequisite for this, that is, he is still alive.

"It's impossible to quit at this time. Even if I think these two old guys will not agree. Damn! I thought that these two people are good people because I talked so much with labor and management before, but I didn't expect it to be true. What a bird."

Jiang Heng was secretly angry, no matter what happened at this time, he had no choice but to smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

It can be said that the interests of the two parties are different, and Qingyue Qingtian is generally for their so-called righteousness. It's not that the two of them are good or bad. Tens of thousands of years ago, they were one of the core representatives of the human race, a symbol of personal might.

In their view, the empire is like their children are their private property. If you can sacrifice a small pseudo-level powerhouse in exchange for a big killer that can deal with the Federation, why not do it?

At the same time, Qingtian Qingyue was also communicating with each other through extremely fast and short sound transmission.

"Are you really going to give up on this kid? If I remember correctly, you saved this kid back then?"

"Isn't that just right? I saved him, and his life is mine. Now I can exchange his life for a stellar behemoth as a weapon of war, as well as a chance for me to renew my life in the Dao Realm. His life is very worthwhile. !"

Qingyue's cold voice came, there was no extra emotion and it was very flat, as if she was talking about an insignificant matter.

"Don't worry, if this matter is successful, the empire will not forget him. His name will be recorded in history. I believe he will be very happy."

Enter the history books....

Hearing this, Qingtian nodded After the two of them woke up from a deep sleep, they quickly accepted the existence and political structure of the current empire.

Moreover, the attitude of the current high level of the empire towards the two of them is also very clear, it is completely the highest authority. Even the descendants of the relatives left behind by the two have directly turned from the suppression to become the hottest dignitaries in the imperial capital today.

Of course, these are not public, and this kind of dignitary does not have any authority. It was mainly Qingtian Qingyue's request, the two of them didn't have much desire for power. They are more for name than power!

With the two people's right to speak in the empire, it is not a problem at all to have one person's name included in the textbooks of various schools affiliated to the empire and even the history books of the imperial capital.

"Now I'm worried that this kid won't be able to buy us a moment of rest. Once this kid is finished, you, Junior Brother Qingtian, will step up first. The minimum requirements for the Trapped God Square Formation must meet three directions. Once successful, this beast will be I'm waiting for what's in my bag!"

Jiang Heng was not clear about the conversation between the two old foxes. If he knew that the two had already discussed including him in the imperial annals, he would probably be so angry that he would strangle them to death.

Jiang Heng is very clear about his own position at this time, that is the fish on the chopping board.

He was able to kill the pitch-black giant, but Jiang Heng didn't think he could kill the two brothers who came from the same school.

These two people inherited very powerfully tens of thousands of years ago, and Jiang Heng had no idea how many treasures and trump cards they had.

If you can't resist, enjoy it!

Anyway, Jiang Heng wouldn't just let this matter go.

"Okay! One breath, one breath!"

Thinking about this clearly, Jiang Heng replied directly from the rumor.

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