Master of Fist

Chapter 542: front

After hanging up the communication, Neng Hao lay down heavily on his chair and let out a long breath.

"Hope everything goes well!"

After a night of contemplation, Neng Hao still decided to complete his work in one battle.

Of course, the main reason is that he is only feigning an attack. He cannot cooperate with the opponent as the main attack to attract firepower. With an army of tens of millions facing an army of hundreds of millions of stars, all he can do is long-range consumption. The situation will not have much impact.

Furthermore, he felt that there was an exchange of fire on the frontline battlefield. In this case, it didn't make much sense for him to feint or not, and it would not have any impact on the main battlefield.

If something went wrong, the chief probably blamed him for acting without authorization.

That being the case, why not get involved?

Since the other party wanted to go straight to the other party's base camp, there was an exchange of fire on the front line, which would inevitably cause riots. Neng Hao believes that seeing such a great opportunity with his own commander's mind, there is no reason not to fight hard.

Everything is as planned, the Southern Cross base has already begun emergency mobilization, and tens of millions of troops are leading by their respective officers, putting on combat equipment and landing on designated warships to head to the front line.

Looking at the somewhat chaotic mobilization of the base, Neng Hao shook his head. It's really hard to say what effect these recruits will have.

"I can only take one step at a time!"

Neng Hao sighed softly. He was very self-aware of this operation. At best, he was doing long-range consumption, and then doing a good blockade, or if the war changed, he could also fight the wind.


ten days later—

Putting on a heavy armor and a pseudo-dao-level heart-guard, Jiang Heng took a deep breath and turned over the Hunyuan stick and it appeared in his hand.

Behind him was a group of people, not many in number, Li Miaozhen, Ye Lao, Luo Huai'an, Liu Tianyi, Liu Xiaotiangang and Jiang Heng, a total of six people were the team that went straight to the federal headquarters.

At this time, Jiang Heng is standing at the forefront, and he will play forward next.

The number of people didn't need to be too many this time. Originally, Jiang Heng wanted to go in alone, but there is a high possibility that if he goes in alone, he will never return.

Once the space transmission channel is destroyed, they can only fight back there.

It is self-evident that it is difficult to break out of the siege among hundreds of millions of troops. Even Jiang Heng can hardly guarantee that he will be able to escape unscathed.

Especially after seeing the alliance of the apostles and stars of the Federation, it became even more difficult.

Bring a small team, let them guard the passage, and he fights in and out near the passage to cause the greatest chaos as much as possible, so that he can stir up the situation and escape completely.

The plan for this operation is very simple. Once more than ten apostles come to surround him, Jiang Heng will lead them back without hesitation and destroy the transmission channel at the same time.

If not, then have a good time.

Broken Gold Star Ring, the largest main battlefield of the United Star Field in the Western Territory, is currently undergoing a battle with a total number of more than one billion people as usual.

Millions of warships and hundreds of thousands of federal warships are pouring out their firepower, and there are already warships at the forefront, and a tragic boarding battle has taken place.

After learning the lesson, the Federation began to urgently transform the warships, all of which were super-fast warships. Even if some heavy firepower was sacrificed, the power system had to be loaded as much as possible.

This also led to the federation's fighting style being very simple and rude, and it was a face-off output from the very beginning.

Just like the ancient sudden cavalry, after a wave of sudden face, it is close to hand to hand.

After close hand-to-hand combat, one can see that the situation of the battleships in confrontation develops in a one-sided direction. Every warrior with a strength of medium level can often stir up wind and rain within a battleship.

Of course, after all personnel are equipped with exoskeletons and excellent long-range and close-combat equipment, the crowd tactics can play some role, and each battleship carries an extremely astonishing amount of energy reserves.

Once collided by the opponent's battleship, many captains resolutely pressed the self-detonation button. Once the battleship with massive energy reserves exploded, it would be enough to cause terrible damage to the Federation's close-fitting warship.

Hiding in the imperial army, a super giant ship with a height of 20,000 meters is quietly docking in the rear of the army to control the entire battle situation.

In the command room, you can see imperial officers wearing high-ranking officer uniforms coming and going. This is the core center of the United Star Field Army in the western region of the entire human empire.

The lowest rank to be able to participate in decision-making here is the rank of colonel, and they have all majored in commander training at Imperial University.

The cultivation of talents in the empire is divided into categories, and anyone can show their strengths in the empire. Those who are talented and walk the path of warriors can become pioneers in the future. After reaching the level of superior warriors, they can also hold the rank of general in the army after establishing meritorious service.

Of course, there are several major systems of ranks in the imperial army, among which the ranks are the most difficult to advance through the normal way. This kind of way means that ordinary people without any physical specialties can only rely on continuous accumulation of meritorious service to climb up. It's over when you reach the rank of colonel in military exploits. If you want to climb up, you have to go to the Imperial Capital Military Academy for advanced training and transfer to the command system.

The command system is also the promotion condition of the normal person path. This kind of competition belongs to the tens of billions of standing armies in the empire's hundreds of stars, and it can be said to be a head-scratcher. Of course, during the war, especially in today's war with extremely tragic casualties, promotion has become relatively much easier.

The battle damage on the front line is too great, and the officers who had been only candidates after finishing their studies in the imperial capital can be quickly replenished. In a short period of time, there is no need to worry about the shortage of senior commanders. This also fully shows that the empire's talent pool is sufficient. But it can be seen that once the war continues, the reserves of talents will continue to be exhausted after hundreds of years, and Imperial Capital University will have to continue to expand its enrollment.

The second is to promote the rank of the mechanic, which is relatively easy and very easy. The mechanic is like a baby bump in the empire. In the empire, they belong to the absolute super cutting-edge talents. The technology they research may not be as good as some comprehensive research talents as a whole, but they are definitely black technology-like existences in some aspects.

In this regard, the Star Ya Federation is even inferior in some respects.

Once someone in the Mechanic Department of the Imperial Capital breaks through to a low-level mechanic, they will be awarded the rank of captain directly. Once stepping into the middle mechanic is a colonel rank. The superior mechanic is a major general who can't run away, and as the technology tree climbs later, his strength grows and he can continue to climb to the rank of general without accumulating meritorious service.

Of course, it also needs to test the identity of the school and a series of mental tests and tests of loyalty to the empire. All Dayou's climbing speed can be described as rapid.

As for the military position in the empire, it is relatively insufficient, but it is not bad. Once a low-level warrior joins the army, he can be awarded the rank of second lieutenant, and with the accumulation of military merits, he can reach the rank of major. Intermediate warriors can be directly promoted to majors. If they were majors before, they can be promoted to lieutenant colonel according to their military merits, and the highest can reach major generals by virtue of their military merits.

A high-level warrior is directly a major general, with enough military merits to reach the level of a lieutenant general, and a general who needs to be in the late stage to be a general, and a half-step Taoist is the position of an imperial martial arts consultant. In peacetime, he can serve as the honorary academy of the martial arts department in the imperial capital Long enjoys a very generous salary in the empire.

Regardless of the command in the army, warriors often act as sharp knives and are assigned tasks by the supreme commander alone.

This is similar to mechanics. Of course, many mechanics even serve as the supreme commander. After all, most mechanics have a terrible amount of calculations, and it is not too difficult for them to study command. This also caused the warriors of the empire to be the easiest in peacetime, and the hardest in wartime.

At this time, there are two high-level mid-term warriors at the level of lieutenant-general and one high-level late-stage warrior at the level of general in the command room of the Western Territory United Star Field. However, the status of the three is a bit awkward. An order was issued from the commanders in front of them, and they stood aside like outsiders and even had time to drink tea.

"Brother Li Ke, we old brothers have been idle here for almost a month, and it's very uncomfortable if we don't go up and play with our hands!" General Zhang Chong put down his teacup depressed.

The one named Li Ke was a somewhat old man with half-white hair but a hale and hearty old man. Compared with Li Chong's appearance of only 20 or 30 years old, it is quite weird to be called brother.

This is mainly because the age of the warrior is linked to his strength. The life expectancy is far from that of ordinary people in the empire. The empire has been able to extend the life span of ordinary people to 800 years old by scientific and technological means by relying on the study of life systems, but it is still insignificant compared to warriors.

Li Ke, the major general of the empire, the second commander of the United Star Field in the Western Territory. The commander who directly took over the command shortly after the start of the war.

"General Zhang, you have to talk to General Hong about this. I believe Commander Hong has the most say in all arrangements for you!" Li Ke didn't feel the slightest bit about Zhang Chong, who was two ranks higher than himself in military rank. Fear, a pair of businesslike appearance.

According to the iron law of the imperial military, military generals have no right to interfere with commanders and generals. This is a taboo.

Once the war is lost due to military interference, both the military general and the intervened commander will have to go to the Supreme Military Court.

Hearing this, Zhang Chong shrugged his shoulders, pursed his mouth, and suddenly lost his temper.

red! After the war lasted for a year, a senior mechanic parachuted from the imperial capital, a veteran mechanic.

Perhaps it is the perennial empire's emphasis on mechanics, which has caused warriors to be slightly inferior to mechanics in many cases. This also caused a lot of contradictions. After all, warriors are all hot-tempered, how can they bear being overwhelmed by mechanics.

This led to frequent fights between the Mechanics Department and the Martial Arts Department of Imperial University. When I was in school, a group of mechanics were defeated by a warrior. But after leaving the school, the strength has been pulled to the middle level, and the result has been reversed. The combat power of the two sides is roughly equal, and the two sides have won and lost in private battles.

And once pulled to the upper level, that good guy is completely one-sided.

It's okay for a mechanic who has just stepped into the upper level, once the old guy is a little older, he will directly rub the upper-level warrior on the ground.

Even high-level late-stage warriors lose more than they win. Hundreds of years ago, Zhang Chong had a fight with Hong, and the result was brutal. He was beaten and kept in the medical cabin for five years before being released.

After that, he walked around when he saw the red, but the thing of fate was really wonderful, no, it was a coincidence that this battle was assigned to a theater again.

"Senior Zhang, why are you so afraid of the red commander?" A lieutenant general and senior mid-term warrior colleague asked curiously.

"Hehe, you can try it!" Zhang Chong looked at the junior with a sneer, looking like a fool.

The junior in front of him obviously lacks the beatings of the society.

Zhang Chong also felt helpless. Although the empire did not deliberately suppress martial arts, but instead became a large-scale training academy, the quality was far from comparable to that of the alliance.

One is large-scale training, and the other is elite education.

Moreover, martial art is prosperous on the side of the alliance, there are many warriors and there is no shortage of contests between warriors, progress is made by leaps and bounds, experience in fighting, and means of operating various secret methods and martial arts shows emerge in endlessly, which is indeed far behind the empire.

The facts are indeed similar. Although the alliance is a mess in politics, the quality of the warriors is nothing to say.

Since tens of thousands of years ago to the present, the martial arts level of the alliance has been improving, and many applications of martial arts have been developed, such as formations, star escape techniques, star cannons, combined attack tactics, and many high-end weapons. Secret techniques that are extremely developed by the body and so on.

In contrast, the martial arts level of the empire has not only stagnated, but even some omissions and regressions. The journey depends on battleships and teleportation star gates. Omissions and faults appear due to the deep sleep of the patient.

It's not that these powerful Taoists didn't pass down the classics, but that the cultivators gradually learned crookedly or even couldn't learn at all without guidance.

This alliance is different, because the alliance has a very complete inheritance of the Dao realm, and because of the family system, it has a very detailed cultivation experience passed down to the family's children.

The empire is different in this regard. As the powerful people in the Dao realm fall asleep, the families under their command die of old age and even break up. The system of the empire is different, and there will not be too many resources for these nobles. Even because of a conflict between mechanics and warriors intensified ten thousand years ago, these martial arts families were determined to fight for more resources.

This point was unbearable to the upper echelons of the empire, after all, mechanics were the general trend at the time. This is like reform, sometimes the means must be extreme, so there was a period of strong suppression of This resulted in many martial arts classics being either lost or sealed up by these former nobles.

At this moment, many red prompts lit up in the command room, and the green dots of the holographic projection in front of him turned red in a large area.

Each green dot represented a squadron of hundreds of warships, and dozens of green dots turned red at once, which represented the start of a large-scale surprise attack by the frontline enemies.

"More than 30 million people were lost in one hour!" Li Ke looked serious, and began to continuously issue long-range bombardment orders and cover while applying for the next order to the highest intelligence official Hong.

Supreme Commander Hong is not here, but relies on a planetary brain to deduce the war in a battle star core that belongs to him alone in the rear.

Soon a series of orders were issued, and the number of orders issued exceeded the number of orders issued by hundreds of commanders present in the command room in an hour. The commanders in the command room were not so surprised by this, but all showed admiration.

This is the power of Mechanic Commander.

At this time, Zhang Chong and other two lieutenant generals also received the order.

"Finally, I can kill again! The front line A theater area 2145, let's go!" Zhang Chong waved his hand and strode out of the command room, followed by two people with different expressions.

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