Master of Fist

Chapter 540: Fei Yu's Shocking Journey



It's a flying boat! Alliance ship!

How did the alliance airship appear here?

Wei Man was confused and alert, as were everyone on Sivir.

At first, I thought it was the reinforcements from the empire, but it turned out to be the alliance flying boat.

As a border planet of the Empire, Planet Sivir has to bear the burden of conscription for the Empire all year round, and is very familiar with the style of Alliance spaceships that often collide.

"How did the alliance airship appear here?"

Fei Yu secretly guarded in his heart, and at the same time prayed that the other party was not hostile.

As black shadows continued to break through the clouds, the whistling sound became more and more clear.

One after another, flying boats emerged from the clouds, and the black shadows were like continents connected one after another on the clouds.

The flying boats of several thousand meters are like small islands floating in the sky, one after another connecting together to form a strong sense of oppression.

Fei Yu didn't know how many flying boats descended from above, at least he didn't count them at a glance, and they were still increasing.

The airship fleet hovered above for a moment, as if discussing for a while, and finally a small airship began to descend rapidly into the clouds.

The small flying boat with a length of several hundred meters was full of people, and with a sharp whistling sound, the flying boat slowly descended.


The flying boat landed with a bang, just in the vicinity of a group of mechanical soldiers. The strong airflow generated when the flying boat landed directly engulfed hundreds of mechanical soldiers around and flew out backwards.

whoosh whoosh...

Then, a series of tens of hundreds of people rose into the air and suspended in the mid-air of the crowd, looking down at everyone present one by one, looking at something with great interest.

The leader was a handsome young man with a handsome appearance, wearing a black suit with a simple and unpretentious long sword pinned to his waist. .

"The clothes and attire of these people are indeed members of the alliance. They are all middle-level fighters with an ability level of more than 3,000?!" Fei Yu looked at the figure above, and the detection equipment kept reminding him of the strength level of the other party. Even though he was calm in his heart, seeing these energy levels, his eyelids would twitch unavoidably.

"The energy level is above 3,000, and the leader has an energy level of more than 6,000, and his strength is close to the upper level!"

Seeing these, Fei Yu was not surprised. Before joining the Warrior Alliance, he had met a middle-level warrior when he went to the Warrior Alliance branch in the West Territory United Starfield to register.

That middle-level fighter was the strongest fighter Fei Yu had ever seen, with an energy level of around 5,000. I heard that there are more powerful people in the Imperial Army of the United Starfield in the Western Territory, and there are also high-level figures, but he has no access to that level at all.

Not to mention the sudden appearance of nearly a hundred middle-level fighters and a super strong man who is close to a high-level existence.

Such a force could easily wipe out their Sivir planet.

Just when Fei Yu was about to ask aloud, he saw that among the mechanical soldiers below, a large man changed his sledgehammer to a high-frequency cutting sword, and he stepped on the ground and jumped high to rush to one of the men above him. cut down.

However, the man just raised his hand slightly, and the palm of his hand clamped the high-frequency cutting knife in his hand so easily, the high-speed vibrating blade suddenly stopped, and black smoke rose from the body of the blade. The system is directly scrapped.

"The star body? I didn't expect to see the star body here!" The young man who spoke first was the leader. He glanced at the mechanical soldier who chopped the knife, and finally his eyes stayed on Wei.

A look of surprise was evident on his face.

"Since I ran into it, you deserve to be unlucky...Brothers, start work!"

As the leader waved his hand, many warriors behind him swooped down towards the guards.

Seeing this scene, Fei Yu heaved a long sigh of relief as the heart he had been holding tightly was suddenly put into his stomach.

It seems that the other party is not an enemy.

bang bang bang!—

As warriors joined the battlefield one by one like dive fighters, the war turned into a one-sided reversal. These mechanical soldiers swept across a large area like paper.

And more than a dozen people joined forces to attack Wei. It has always been the star body that bullies the few with the more. It has never encountered such a situation. The guard was captured almost in a few seconds.

Looking at Wei who was restrained in front of him, Zhou Fu had a sneer on his face. This was the first time he had captured a star alive.

I am still very interested in this guy in front of me, and I am about to ask some questions,

"It's useless to catch me!" Wei was locked up by several muscular men and couldn't move, but there was no worry on his face, just regret. He glanced at the direction of the palace and sighed inwardly.

Hearing this, Zhou Fu's face turned cold. Since there was such an unexpected joy this time, he naturally wanted to get some information out of the other party's mouth. However, at this moment, Wei's chest began to glow red and became more and more dazzling. .

not good!

The complexions of the surrounding warriors all changed, but fortunately Zhou Fu had quick eyesight and quick hands, so he quickly drew his sword and threw it out, zheng! With a bang, Wei's head was thrown high, but the red light on his chest was still getting redder.


With an earth-shattering loud noise, it was like a nuclear explosion of thousands of tons exploded at this moment, and all the warriors pumped up their blood and preparedness.

Zhou Fu even used the potential field he had only initially mastered to compress the power of this explosion to an extremely small range as much as possible.

The explosion still enveloped the range of thousands of meters, and the terrifying momentum surged in mid-air. The soldiers of the various countries below flew out as if they were being howled by a hurricane. The nearest ones were directly vaporized, and many mechanical soldiers were damaged.

When everything calmed down and the casualties were counted, Zhou Fu's face was very ugly. This time, one died and five were injured.

Looking at the relatively well-preserved head of the star body in his hand, Zhou Fu wanted to destroy it directly, but he hesitated for a moment and still did not do so.

His eyes fell on the soldiers from all over the world who were in a state of embarrassment below.

Fei Yu violently spat out the dirt and dust in his mouth, and stood up in embarrassment, his eyes were gray, and when he looked up, he could still see a few blurred figures floating above, and his heart tightened again.

He didn't know what would greet them next.

After thinking about it, he still leapt and flew towards the leader above, bowed his hands respectfully according to alliance etiquette, and said, "Fei Yu, representative of Star Sivir, thank you for your help!"

Since I can't figure out the purpose of the other party's trip, in short, I will show my friend first.

"Star Sivir?"

Zhou Fu murmured and nodded, "What happened here?"

Fei Yu immediately told all the things that had happened on Sivir Star recently in detail, and at the end of his words, he praised Zhou Fu and his party for their actions.

As the saying goes, if you don't hit a smiling face with your hand, it is for the survival of the entire civilization, and the opponent's strength is so tyrannical, there is nothing wrong with lowering your posture.

After speaking, Fei Yu looked nervously at the big man in front of him, feeling uneasy in his heart.

Fortunately, the other party did not seem to be hostile, so he nodded to indicate that his master still had some things he wanted to ask face to face, so under the leadership of this big man, he flew towards the largest flying boat above.

Master? !

Fei Yu became even more nervous. The people in front of him are so powerful, how strong is his master?

It's not easy to ask, so I had to fly all the way.

When he boarded the airship, he was shocked again. The patrol teams standing or floating on the deck were not low in strength, almost all of them were of the middle level. Among them, the six old men who were playing cards in the corner were the most terrifying. This young and strong man is also of the middle extreme level.

Shortcut to the cabin corridor, passing a cabin, through the crack of the door, his brow oozes cold sweat again, there are actually two high-ranking figures chatting with each other in the good guy.

I thought this was the destination of this trip, but the young strong man in front didn't even look at it and continued to lead him forward.

Fei Yu didn't know how to describe it anymore, shocked? Fear? Excited? Or all of them?

"Could this be a palm seal envoy from the alliance?"

As for some systems of the alliance, Fei Yu only has a rough idea. In his impression, the envoys should be the biggest officials of the alliance. There are five in total who are located in the five areas of the alliance, the east, west, north, south, and middle. As for the higher level, he is beyond his knowledge. .

Boom boom boom!

Walking to the door of the innermost room and knocking on the door, Zhou Fu said softly, "Go in, Master is inside."

Fei Yu nodded cautiously, and pushed open the door timidly and nervously, but what came into his eyes was a huge landscape screen, with a huge bonsai on the left side with a small bridge and flowing water.

On the right is a picture of cirrus clouds and waves. What attracted Fei Yu more was that there was a huge dragon making waves in the waves and clouds.

This dragon...

For some reason, seeing this painting, Fei Yu felt his heart throbbing. Especially the pair of eyes staring at him, as if all the blood in his body had stagnated.

Swallowing and spitting nervously, Fei Yuqiang mustered up the courage to go around the screen and go in, only then did he see the owner inside.

This is a man wearing a black robe, who seems to be very young. The loose and unfastened robe reveals a very strong chest, very delicate, not like an old man, but more like a young man.

The reason why he described it like this is because Fei Yu couldn't see the face of the other party clearly, and the face of the other party seemed to be distorted by a strange force. It was a kind of aggregation of energy, emitting a soft light.

"sit down!"

The warm voice sounded, Fei Yu was taken aback for a moment, only then did he realize that a chair had appeared behind him at some point, he cupped his hands again, and then sat down a bit stiffly and nervously.

Before Fei Yu could ask, he suddenly discovered that the dragon in the painting next to him suddenly came alive, and after swimming in the painting for a while, he got out.

Frightened by this scene, Fei Yu got up suddenly, and before he could be on guard, he saw the dragon draw an arc in midair and sneak into the chest of the young mysterious strong man in front of him, forming a purple-black snake tattoo on his body.

Seeing this, Fei Yu was dumbfounded, knowing that he was being impolite and repeatedly pleading guilty, so he sat down nervously.

Jiang Heng had a good impression of the young man in front of him. In fact, he had already understood all the questions he wanted to ask through Zhou Fu's previous inquiries. Jiang Heng's air mechanism can easily cover Sivir Star, and naturally he is aware of any disturbances.

Just seeing this person in front of him made him feel like he used to be.

The Qinglan Realm was invaded by the orcs and was desperate and hopeful, wanting to fight hard.

It's all for the sake of his hometown, and Jiang Heng will not be stingy with helping if he can. Of course, Jiang Heng also wanted a qualification, the qualification to enter the empire and understand the current status of the empire.

This time it was a detailed conversation, which lasted for a full hour and a half, and Jiang Heng finally had a preliminary understanding of the current status of the empire.

It turned out that the empire had only suffered a large-scale invasion by the Federation in the last three years. Like the alliance, the empire was first hit hard by the mother planet of the imperial capital.

The routine is exactly the same, but the scale is larger than the alliance, with a large-scale invasion of more than 5 billion, the army of 5 billion stars and the supreme wisdom personally commanding.

Different from the situation of the Alliance, the situation of the Empire has been fought back and forth. Although the Federation raided at the beginning, it used virtual invasion and virus implantation to control the two high-level mechanics who have been sitting in the imperial capital all year round and many defensive equipment.

But when the teleportation channel was opened, the two high-level mechanics under control started a fight. The empire quickly became alert and took the lead in subduing the two high-level mechanics. At the same time, it shut down all the energy supply of the imperial capital, and extinguished it from the source. Federal virtual intrusion and virus implantation.

Of course, this also encountered a very serious problem. The imperial capital was completely disconnected from the nearby garrison.

Fortunately, the empire had already made a record of this. It was discovered that the imperial capital lost contact, and the garrisons from all sides were mobilized instantly.

More than tens of billions of garrisons directly launched a super-long-distance strike on the locked transmission It goes without saying how terrifying and dense the firepower network of the imperial capital is, the first wave took away more than ten With a federal army of 100 million, there will be a series of battles of wits and courage. The imperial capital has once again restored its energy supply and regained control of the communication channels of the various armies. This has become more covert than using an internal communication network.

Moreover, the empire is very smart and knows that the federation is the ancestor of the virtual network, so it uses a new encrypted channel every once in a while. Although it greatly affects the efficiency, it can ensure that the instructions issued by the other party will not be tampered with or cracked.

The federation's attack was a failure. After paying a price of more than three billion yuan, the federation pulled out the star field where the imperial capital was located, and launched a war against the adjacent star field.

After that, there will be a full-scale battle, and the federal army will appear in several star fields at the same time. The imperial federation is obviously serious, and there will be a small battle in three days and a big battle in five days.

The troops attacking a star field is equivalent to the total troops attacking half of the alliance.

But the empire and the Federation are still fighting for every inch of land, and now several star field dogs are about to blow their minds.

"It looks like the Empire is doing pretty well!"

Although the empire has lost the territory of two star fields, Jiang Heng feels that it is still very good compared to the tragedy of the alliance's almost extinction.

But the empire also has a fatal pain right now, and that is the serious shortage of high-end individual combat power.

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