Master of Fist

Chapter 524: come!

"The bones of the old senior are also very tough!"

Jiang Heng shook his aching fist, but there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The opponent was able to suppress himself in a normal state with his physical body alone, and he still looked like he hadn't exerted his full strength. Jiang Heng knew that the opponent could not defeat him by conventional means alone.

"Little brother has such strength at this age, it's already very good." The old man shook his head, feeling a little emotional for the young man in front of him.

With this level of strength at such an age and thinking about the group of juniors in my family, although there are some good ones, they are not much inferior to the young man in front of me.

"Old man, I have to show my true skills, I might be a little uncontrollable and kill you, be careful!"

Hearing that there was an old face hidden under the hood, the veins on his forehead were throbbing, and the mouth of the young man in front of him made him want to tear him apart.

"Stop talking nonsense, the old man wants to see what else you can do?"

The old man sneered, he was just playing for fun, this kid thought he could make up the gap by using some kind of secret method?

Jiang Heng grinned and didn't say much, turned over a large flag and appeared in his hand, directly inserted into the floor beside him.

"Why is the Regretful Sky Flag in your hands?"

Looking at the familiar flag in front of him, the old man frowned, and then said angrily: "This group of prodigals, the good guys in the family are ruined like this!"

Hearing the old man's thoughts, Jiang Heng ignored him and took a deep breath.

The next moment, the fascia on the body surface began to heave and bulge violently, as if an extremely fast engine was starting rapidly, and the whole body began to appear crimson, and a wave of blood-colored energy burst out from the body.

Thick dark brown hair began to grow crazily on the body surface.

"Hey! It's interesting, I haven't seen this kind of martial arts for many years." The old man was a little surprised, and commented with great interest.

"Hey, old man, there are more interesting things!"

Jiang Heng opened his mouth and smiled lightly, and the next moment the dark brown fluff quickly retracted into his body, and then the skin began to look like a tortoise shell, but it also disappeared quickly, and then a pair of golden wings grew out of his back.

At this time, as the three changes appeared on his body at an extremely fast speed, three phantoms of Qi and blood beasts quickly formed from behind Jiang Heng.

It's really the Sky Ape, the Flying Lei Peng, and the Heavy Water Turtle!

Three phantoms hovered behind him and then quickly injected into Jiang Heng's body.

With every body shape pouring into Jiang Heng's momentum, his aura skyrocketed a lot. The last one poured into Jiang Heng's back, and two pairs of arms suddenly grew out!

Strips of blood streaks spread from the heart to the whole body, and at the same time, many blood streaks that spread to the face all gathered on the forehead.

As the blood streaks gathered more and more, a blood-colored round eyeball suddenly grew out.

Brahma Martial Eucharist opened!

In just a few breaths, Jiang Heng turned into a demon **** with six arms and three eyes like an evil demon.

The third blood-colored eyeball on the forehead rolled around and slowly locked on the old man in front of him.

At this time, the expression of the old man had already become dignified following the changes in Jiang Heng's body, and there was a faint light of excitement blooming in the eyes hidden in the hood.

But it's not over yet, Regret Tianqi is constantly raising the energy concentration in Jiang Heng's body. Because it's a martial arts altar competition, there are hundreds of thousands of spectators around, and most of them are middle-level warriors.

Compared with the energy that Zhu Tianming could absorb with the help of the Regret Sky Banner from so many people that day, it is simply a heaven and an earth.

With a physique of double dominance, he still felt a little bit of pain at this moment. However, Jiang Heng's eyes were bloodshot.

Nine poles! Twenty weights!


Like a supernova explosion in the body, the momentum suddenly increased several levels again, and the space of the underground competition venue was slightly distorted.

Under the scour of this kind of substantial energy, the power of the surrounding formations collapsed layer by layer.

There was an endless buzzing in the void, and before Jiang Heng could make a move, the scorching breath made countless audience around feel extremely hot.

The expression of the old man under the hood changed completely. If he was excited about meeting a strong enemy before, now he completely changed into a look of fear.

"What kind of way is this kid?!"

"Senior, give me a palm!"

Jiang Heng, who urgently needs to release the energy in his body, let out a sinister grin, and with a big palm, a dazzling white awn appeared in the palm. The white awn seemed to pierce people's eyes, and the energy was highly compressed. .

And everything under the palm of the hand was instantly flaming red, and the space was constantly trembling, as if even the space was about to be boiled together.

Seeing this situation, the old man's face changed drastically, and he didn't care to hide his identity. He shook his whole body, and the hood and robe exploded instantly, revealing the extremely burly and powerful body inside, which was as strong as the body of a vajra arhat. I saw him clenched his hands from the void, and with a shake of his arms, a golden light began to bloom on his body surface, followed by countless obscure inscriptions densely emerging from the inside out, quickly covering his whole body.

It turned out to be engraving runes on the body surface, engraving a series of interconnected formations. At this time, these inscriptions shone with light one by one, like living creatures, extremely mysterious, and strands of energy began to emerge from the inscriptions and pour into the old man's body.

The old man's complexion was flushed, and his body surface swelled even more. At the same time, a pair of fist gloves appeared on his hands at some point.

There are densely packed real dragon scales on the surface of the glove, and it is a fake weapon made of real dragon scale armor.

The true dragon's strength talent among the beast race is extremely amazing, and what seems to be increasing at this time is also strength. The old man clenched his fists tightly, and cracks appeared in the surrounding space.

The pair of fists blasted out like thunder, and cracks appeared in the space where the fists passed, like pitch-black thunder and lightning emerging in the void, it was actually the power to directly pry the space.

Two terrifying forces suddenly collided.

It's like thunder on the ground, and it's like everyone watching a cosmic spectacle at a super close distance!

The white light and the pitch-black lightning intertwined into a ball, and turned into a vast expanse of whiteness, and the strange scene of appearing and disappearing like a cloud and a dragon enveloped the entire underground Valkyrie Altar.

The white light generated by the eruption broke through the peak in an instant, and even if you closed your eyes, there was nothing in your mind. Countless people were surrounded by terrifying shock waves and flew around like a speck of dust.

The last few formations on the edge of the ring were also completely shattered under this terrible impact and turned into bits of brilliance, which were instantly swallowed by the white light.


At this time, the Valkyrie Tower outside was also shaking violently. Countless warriors who had closed their eyes and practiced painstakingly at the upper level of the Valkyrie Tower opened their eyes one after another.

When everything subsided and the light faded away, the venue of the underground Martial God Altar was devastated. Countless mid-level warriors were coughing up blood, and they didn't even have the strength to exclaim.

This is also the reason why the two people on the stage suppressed their strength and did not deliberately evade the range to strike, and also because the formation was weakened and some high-level warriors who urgently maintained the situation deployed protective measures as much as possible. Otherwise, apart from those first-class people, few of them would have survived the blow just now.

But the power generated by the second confrontation between the two on the stage was still far beyond their expectations.

Some high-ranking fighters who took a breath to maintain order didn't bother to watch the situation on the ring, and took advantage of this gap to quickly activate some hidden backup formations.

At this time, the situation on the ring stage was gradually seen by everyone present, and the two people on the stage were in different situations.

The black-haired Kuangwu has six arms and three eyes like a demon **** Jiang Heng's eyes are shining with excitement at this time, and there is no injury at all on his body, but he is much more energetic than before.

On the other hand, the old man from the Ji family was covered in blood and flesh, but he was still standing, but his trembling legs still explained a lot.

His hands were drooping, apparently useless.

The situation between the two is immediately judged.

The scene fell into a dead silence for a while, and no one expected this result.

This is especially true for those who have known for a long time that the old man is the follower arranged by the Ji family. They never thought that such a half-step Taoist sent by the Ji family would lose, and the loss was miserable. I didn't catch it.

"How... how come!"

At this moment, in the private room of Ji's family, Patriarch Ji and Ji Wu looked at each other, seeing disbelief in their eyes, and deep doubts about whether they were dreaming.

"It's impossible for him to be so young, how could he be like this? Even if he practiced high-level martial arts from a small medicinal bath, it is impossible for him to have such strength at such an age!"

Patriarch Ji's eyes widened, and he kept muttering to himself.

"Haha! Interesting! Interesting brat, the group of jerks in the Ji family call themselves geniuses, and this is the real genius!" The sloppy old man kept making strange smiles, staring at the ring with bright eyes. On that indifferent figure like a demon god.

"Impossible! Impossible!"

At this time, the audience in the entire Valkyrie Altar are looking at this scene in disbelief after the impact just now gradually recalled. It is not that there have been situations where formations were destroyed in the Valkyrie Altar competitions, but very rarely , Maybe some warriors will never have the chance to see that scene in their entire lives.

"The Li family is really weak? Is this also called weak?"

"Tsk tsk, I think with this person in charge of the Li family, the Li family will still be as stable as Mount Tai for thousands of years!"

"More than that! This person is so young, maybe he still has a chance to step into the legendary realm."

"It should be impossible in the Dao realm. It has been many years since I have been a strong Dao realm. Although this person is amazingly talented, it is impossible to break the current cosmic rules."

For a while, there was a lot of discussion in the auditorium. Regardless of the outcome of the Martial Arts Altar Conference, seeing the scene just now made the trip worthwhile.

And there was a man in the crowd who looked a bit wrong. This man's face was completely covered by the hood. He looked around, and finally exchanged glances with another man in the hood who was far away. Nod.

"It's now!"

"Get ready for the great existence to come!"

Also like these two people, there were dozens of people scattered around the venue of the Martial God Altar, as if they had received some kind of order and began to squeeze out the flow of people towards the darker corners around them.

"How strong is Brother Jiang?" Li Miaozhen, who watched the whole process in the private room, felt a little uneasy after being ecstatic.

She was thinking about what to rely on to tie this young superpower with unlimited potential in the future.

"It's not good to be old, are young people so powerful now?" Elder Ye's complexion was a little pale, and he looked at the Ji family old man with a dull gaze, as if seeing his own shadow on the blood-stained old man .

Fortunately, he was only beaten up by that evil star that day.

On the other hand, the situation in the winner's private room was completely silent, and Ying Dingtian looked at the scene of the ring in a daze. His long-term knowledge and experience made him feel that this might be a dream.

"Facing this person, I can't hold a single move!" Ying Fu's eldest brother, who had always been proud and arrogant, had no choice but to express such emotion at this time.

Although the winning talisman on the side had expected that Li Heng might not be simple, he never expected that he would crush the long-established super strongman of the Ji family with such a posture.

It's as simple as swat a fly.

"It seems that the Li family has completely stood firm this time. It may be difficult to take action against the Li family in the future."

Although some didn't want to admit it, Ying Dingtian still let out a helpless sigh.

Winners have done a lot over the years for the Li family's real weapon of martial arts and the power of the Li family, but now it's all in vain.


Suddenly, there was an electric snake jumping in the void of the entire underground Valkyrie altar venue, like a thunderbolt out of thin air.


Jiang Heng frowned slightly, not understanding what was going on. Could it be that Yingji's two families can't prepare for what happened when they saw something happened?

But there is no reason, if you do it here, so many people present will be affected.

Confused in his heart, just in case, Jiang Heng silently stepped forward and mentioned the old man lying on the ground with weak breath in front of him. This person is so powerful, and he presumably has a high status in Ji's family, so he can be regarded as a life-saving talisman.

There was confusion here, and the second ancestor of the Ji family who was also mentioned was also a little confused. He tried hard to maintain his consciousness and thought about what was going on. Is it a winner?

Also in the private room, Ying Ji's two families pointed their spearheads at each other. The grievances between the two families have a long history, although harmony is maintained on the surface. But both parties know that once the interests are involved, the two can turn their faces if they say it.

"How is this going?"

"Could it be a sideshow prepared by the alliance?"

Many spectators looked at the arcs jumping above their heads in confusion. There were more and more arcs, and the crackling sound became more and more intense.

The surrounding electronic equipment began to be severely burst open one after another, and immediately above began to form a dense sea of ​​lightning, a vast expanse of whiteness.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng's expression remained unchanged, and he didn't feel any threat to him from the thunder above his head.

"Ji family, what are you guys doing?"

Finally, the winner couldn't bear it any longer, and a shout suddenly erupted in the winner's private room, and the sound resounded through the entire Valkyrie Altar venue.

"Don't talk nonsense when you win! Isn't it the trick of your winners?"

Hearing this, Patriarch Ji couldn't help feeling angry.

"You really didn't do it?"

"Nonsense! This is the Martial God Altar!" Patriarch Ji responded angrily, and he was shocked when he spoke.

"It's not you and my family, then..."

Before the words fell, an earth-shattering loud noise exploded in the entire venue, and an extremely terrifying and horrifying distorted force emerged from the sea of ​​thunder above...

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