Master of Fist

Chapter 513: to central star


Old man Ye thought he heard it wrong.

"Brother Jiang, this matter is still..." Hearing this, Li Miaozhen had a bad feeling in her heart and hurriedly persuaded her.

"Give you a stick? What an arrogant boy! It seems that the old man was too polite before!"

However, Ye Lao was irritated. He was upset at the young man in front of him, and he was restrained seeing Li Miaozhen, the head of the Li family, but the other party was so arrogant that he was so arrogant.

Seeing this, Li Miaozhen took back all the words she was about to say, glanced coldly at Ye Lao, snorted coldly in her heart, and stepped back slightly.

"Take it easy!"

Li Miaozhen retreated to the side, and at the same time sent a voice message across the river.

"Don't worry, I have a measure." Jiang Heng grinned.

Seeing this, Li Miaozhen didn't want to stop Ye Lao from asking for trouble. She doesn't know exactly how strong Jiang Heng is. But what is certain is that he definitely has the strength of the half-step dao realm, and even the ordinary half-step dao realm may not be his opponent!

This Ye Lao is too arrogant, let him see who has the final say here!

Seeing that Li Miaozhen, the head of the family, did not stop him, Ye Lao sneered even more.

"Boy, do you want the old man to take you with a stick? Why don't you take the old man's palm first?"

As soon as the words were finished, it was convenient for him to make a bold move. Although this Ye Lao was a little arrogant, he also had the capital to be arrogant. A martial artist like him who was born as a lone man can definitely be called a veteran in terms of experience in fighting and fighting. In addition, his own strength is not weak, and he can often advance and retreat freely even when encountering some difficult guys.

It was also the only time when he fought against a half-step Taoist. He used all kinds of means to forcibly make that half-step Dao Realm suffer a dark loss in order to get away, and because of this, he became famous.

It has a great reputation among the many star fields in the southern part of the alliance, and countless scattered people highly respect it.

"Broken Star!"

With a blast of palm, he completed the rush in and out almost in an instant, but when he came to Jiang Heng, he saw that Jiang Heng hadn't moved at all, as if he hadn't noticed it, and saw a trace of disdain flashing across Ye Lao's face.


"how come!"

A big hand was firmly grasping his palm. Jiang Heng's physique was already very strong and burly, and a big hand twice as big as Ye Lao directly pinched him.

Just when Ye Lao was frightened and angry, there were bursts of tingling pain from his hand, and the pain swept through his brain, causing his brain nerves to react violently.

"The power is good, and the destructive power of this move is still good. It's a pity that your strength is too weak!"

Jiang Heng commented on this move as if nothing had happened. At this moment, Jiang Heng's image in Ye Lao's heart has changed drastically.

From an ignorant and arrogant youth to an old monster with a young appearance.

"Forget it, you can't catch a stick, take a certain palm!"

As he said that, Jiang Heng let go of the opponent's palm and stretched it out quickly. The huge force instantly oppressed the space and squeezed it to the extreme. The space carried terrifying energy and blood and bombarded Ye Lao's chest.


Ye Lao, whose strength is close to the half-step Dao realm, flew upside down like a broken sack, flew tens of meters away, and then fell heavily on the ground. He wanted to stand up, but severe pain poured from his chest It was like tarsal maggots began to spread rapidly to the limbs and bones.

After several attempts, he finally had no choice but to give up.

"I don't like you talking to me standing up, so you'd better lie down!"

Another big foot stepped on Ye Lao's back. This foot didn't use much force, but it seemed like a planet was pressing on Ye Lao's body. Immobilize him.

"Patriarch Li, since this kind of waste is collected, you have to be obedient. Next time this old guy dares to do this, I don't mind letting him suffer!"

"you you...."

Ye Lao pointed at Jiang Heng tremblingly, and finally tilted his head and passed out.

Seeing this, Li Miaozhen frowned and waved impatiently, and soon two servants of the Li family dragged her down.

"When will we set off, what other preparations should we make?" Jiang Heng ignored Li Miaozhen and sat on the chief seat, taking care of himself.

Now he doesn't need to care too much about the feelings of the Li family. Of course, Jiang Heng felt that Li Miao would still feel uneasy if he didn't act presumptuously. Whatever strength you have to do.

Since the Li family has no strength, everything has to be discussed with him.

"Everything that should be prepared for the time being is ready. I am worried that some bad things may happen when I go to the central star."

Li Miaozhen pondered for a while.

"Well, it's a small matter, the old man can't die, just let this old man take care of it." Jiang Heng didn't have a big heart, and the old man's appearance of relying on the old to sell the old made him very unhappy.


Three days later, a Li family flying boat fleet led by a large flying boat began to set off slowly.

Jiang Heng said his final goodbyes to Lin Yanwei, Lin Heng and the two children.

"I don't know what will happen after this farewell, but I promise I will come back."

Jiang Heng was extremely firm, in fact, he could even protect them and get away from the Li family safely, but when he thought about the strength of his recent breakthrough, Jiang Heng still wanted to see the demeanor of a strong man in the Dao realm.

He only had a vague idea in his mind of how strong a Daoist was. And this competition, since it's on the central star, it's still safe, if the big families want to destroy the Li family, there's no need to put it on the big competition.

This shows that they have concerns, and this concern is most likely due to the so-called famous teachers of these ancient families. So the Li family was going to finish after they failed in the big competition, and they were charged with some crimes by several big families and dealt with.

As for the Dao Realm expert personally coming down to attack him, Jiang Heng felt that the possibility of this was extremely low, it could be said to be negligible. One is the face problem mentioned earlier. The second is that the strong man in the Dao realm will not wake up if he is still asleep until he has to, and even if he wakes up, he will not risk his life to kill him.

Put this kind of thing on Jiang Heng, Jiang Heng will definitely take action. But it's not worthwhile to put it on a strong Daoist. If they don't make a move, these powerful Daoists might be able to protect their family for thousands of years. Once the shot is taken, the life span will pass quickly, which is not worthwhile.

Of course, Jiang Heng has also made complete preparations this time. The blood crystal ability of the previous Nine-Headed Mystery is still there, and among the abilities of Nine-Headed Mystery, the spiritual puncture and gravity control are very suitable for Jiang Heng's ability.

Coupled with the Brahma Martial Saint Body and the physical body that has been promoted to the second level of the Overlord Body, Jiang Heng is confident that even if he loses to a strong Daoist, he will not be killed in one face-to-face.

"Be careful, I'll take Yan Wei and the two children to the Lin's house first!" Lin Heng patted Jiang Heng on the shoulder to signal him not to worry.

This was discussed before. The reason why they are not in the Lin family is mainly to be careful of changes in the central star. Several major families jointly launch an attack on Li Jiazu star, and it will be troublesome if Chi Yu is affected.

"Husband, you wear this!"

To say that the saddest person here is Lin Yanwei, but her expression remains the same. After all, she is a high-level martial artist, and this little emotional restraint can still be achieved. She took out a protective knot woven with red string from her bosom.

According to the customs of the alliance, this protective knot meant to protect the safety of relatives. The weaving was not very good-looking, and it could be seen that it was woven by a novice. But Jiang Heng put it on solemnly, and put it in the close-fitting position of his underwear with great care.

"Come on, call Dad!"

Lin Yanwei greeted the two little guys again, Jiang Wenwu and Jiang Yanwei were able to talk everyday, they were both smart. Jiang Wenwu had a chubby, tiger-headed appearance, while the little girl Jiang Yanwei looked like a jade carving, her face was a little fat like a baby, and she was wearing a pair of cute ponytails. She was looking at her father and mother with some doubts.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the two little guys seemed to know something and felt a little depressed, but they still called daddy crisply.

"Father, are you going out to beat bad guys again?"

Jiang Yanwei, who was held in Jiang Heng's arms and kissed her little cheek, raised her head, blinked her big bright eyes and asked curiously in a somewhat soft voice.

"Yes! Dad will pick you up after beating the villains, and then take you to see the stars!"

Jiang Heng smiled and rubbed the little girl's head. Not long ago, he often took the little girl to space to see the bright galaxies in the universe.

With Huntian Jin protecting him, Jiang Heng can take Jiang Yanwei wherever he wants.

Jiang Yanwei was very attached to him, and of course these two little guys were attached to him.

It's just that Jiang Heng is a slave to his daughter. This time, Jiang Wenwu wondered in his little head whether I was born or not.

"Zhou Fu, take care of your wife and the two of them!"

Putting down the little girl, Jiang Heng turned to look at Zhou Fu who had been relatively silent.

Zhou Fu has also stepped into half a step of the upper level now, and he has been very diligent these days. From time to time, Jiang Heng will infuse Qi and blood to accelerate his stepping into the upper level of accumulation, so his diligence is very fast, and even the mastery of Qi movement is difficult. It's already a step in the door, as long as you understand the potential field, you can completely step into the upper level.

Zhou Fu had already grown a beard from practicing day and night. Seeing Master's order, he quickly cupped his hands and said, "I respect Master's order!"

He respects his master very much. It can be said that he can achieve his current achievements so smoothly, which is inseparable from his master.

Looking at the entire alliance, such a responsible master is probably only comparable to a father-son relationship.

So he did not dare to discount the execution of his master's orders.

"Okay, it's almost time." Jiang Heng waved his hand as a final farewell.

Going to the central star this time will definitely not be easy.

Not long after, the spaceship started heading towards the central star after the last inspection was completed.

"Brother Jiang, please sit down!"

Li Miaozhen led Jiang Heng to the topmost building on the only large airship. The height here is equivalent to the position of the bridge. It can perfectly monitor all movements outside the airship. The view is very wide, and the accommodation environment is of course the best. OK

"Patriarch Li, it looks like there are quite a few people on board this time!"

Jiang Heng meant something, Li Miaozhen followed Jiang Heng's gaze and looked down, just in time to see two figures chatting with each other somewhere on the deck.

These two are obviously the winner Tuo Heng, and Ji Yue from the Ji family.

"I don't think these two will be stable in the future." Li Miaozhen shook her head, with a gloomy look on her face.

"Do you want to restrain them first? Or just kill them?"

Hearing Jiang Heng's murderous words, Li Miaozhen was a little speechless.

"No, both of them probably have communication devices on their bodies. Once we do it, the evidence of the crime will probably be sent back to the people behind them." Li Miaozhen shook her head.

"Why bother?"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Heng's figure had disappeared from Li Miaozhen's vision, and when he reappeared, he had two unconscious figures in his hands.

bang bang!

Following Jiang Heng's flick, the two figures slammed heavily on the wooden floor.

At this time, even many people on the deck hadn't noticed that two people had disappeared.

"This..." Li Miaozhen's pupils shrank slightly, and she looked at Jiang Heng with a little amazement.

What the **** kind of speed is this?

"Tsk tsk, Miaozhen doll, what kind of monster is this guy? How long has it been, and this speed has surpassed the ordinary half-step Dao realm?" The voice of the Dao realm real weapon sounded in the mind at the right time, obviously also frightened by this scene.

"There are indeed some gadgets on these two people."

But Jiang Heng flipped his hand over, and there were two purple spar-like things in his palm.

"Communication spar!"

Kaka! boom!

Jiang Heng pinched it with his big hand, and the spar instantly shattered into countless fragments.

"These two guys are handed over to you. It's up to you to decide whether to kill them or sleep I'm going to retreat for a while, and come back to me if I need anything!"

Jiang Heng waved his hands, as if he had just done a trivial thing.

Looking at the figure gradually disappearing from sight, Li Miaozhen was freed from the state of muscle tension. At some point, every time she was in the same place with Jiang Heng, her muscles would tense unconsciously, as if standing beside her was some extremely dangerous existence.

"Hey, if it wasn't for the agreement with Lao Li back then, the old man would have wanted to join this kid directly. I think this kid's talent is amazing, and it's not impossible to step into the Dao realm!"

Dao Realm True Artifact is still filled with emotion.

"Impossible!" Hearing this, Li Miaozhen vetoed it categorically, "This era is no longer suitable for the possibility of the existence of the strong in the Dao realm, and there is no soil for the existence of the strong in the Dao realm."

"Well, it's true. It's a pity for this kid. If it was tens of thousands of years ago, this kid would definitely be the one with the most dazzling talent. If he stepped into the Dao Realm, he would definitely be a certainty. The strongest ones are not impossible!"

Jiang Heng came to the back room and closed the door. He needed to consolidate his strength and continue to practice the three-fighting technique. Although the secret technique of the three-fighting technique is not difficult, there are only three moves, but each move is extremely mysterious. The deeper it is, the higher the combat power will be.

The three fights are divided into one, two and three fights, and each fight represents a stick move. In fact, three moves are three sticks, not the kind of cumbersome moves with several sets of moves.

There are only three sticks, and each stick has superimposed power on the original basis. The power of a fight is about 1.2 times the damage of the stick itself and its own strength. Two fights are about 2.3 times, while three fights are 10 times more terrifying.

It's a pity that the third fight is difficult to comprehend, and now Jiang Heng can barely reach the 3.6 growth rate. If he wants to master it thoroughly, he must study carefully and continue to practice.

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