Master of Fist

Chapter 393: counterattack

So this group of female disciples in the Canglan Dojo knew very well that once they fell into the hands of the orcs, they had only one choice, and that was to kill their companions. Or kill yourself!


Another blow was blocked, but another pig-headed orc was killed from the side, and the opponent's big bone knife directly sliced ​​off most of the flesh and blood from the waist and ribs of the sword-browed young man. In pain, he quickly rolled to the ground, and at the same time raised his sword and swung the opponent away.

His luck was good, but Senior Brother Luo, who was being besieged by seven or eight pig-headed orcs next to him, was not so lucky. He blocked the knife from the three pig-headed orcs, and his body couldn't bear the huge force, so he knelt down on one knee.

And several pig-headed orcs next to him directly slashed left and right and sent the blades in their hands into his abdomen and ribs respectively.

Brother Luo roared angrily, coughing up blood, and wanted to draw his sword for a desperate fight, but the roar was only halfway through, and the world was spinning before his eyes.

A steaming head was taken away by a smear of snow-white horses, rolled round on the ground a few times, and finally was bitten into pieces by a big pig-headed orc's tongue and licked into the mouth.

"Senior Brother Luo!"

The sword-browed young man's eyes widened, and those junior sisters turned pale,

The strongest person here is Senior Brother Luo, whose strength has stepped into the level of strong forging, and there are already two hundred strong forged bones. He was the one who had the best chance to break out of the encirclement. But in order to protect this group of juniors and juniors, they have been struggling to support until now.


"Senior Brother Yun!"

They are not useless, and they are struggling to drag more than a dozen orcs at the moment, but after all, the strength of women is much weaker than that of men, and it is even more prominent when facing the orcs.

The strength of the sword-browed young man is even worse than that of Senior Brother Luo. Previously, Senior Brother Luo withstood the most pressure, but now he has many fatal injuries in just a few moves, and it seems that he will not survive.

At this moment, a piercing sound came from everyone's ears. The loud sound attracted the attention of all the orcs, and Qinglan Gymnasium took the opportunity to take a breath.

At the same time, he looked up subconsciously, but before he looked up, a red color fell like a meteorite falling to the ground.

The group of pig-headed orcs exploded almost right in front of them, and the huge air wave almost directly lifted these orcs into the air, and several people in Qinglan gymnasium also flew out backwards.

The hot air waves made the girls breathless, their ears were buzzing, and their mouths and noses were bleeding.

The women were the farthest away and the first to come to their senses. The vision in front of them was blurred, dust was everywhere, and the core area of ​​the fall in the distance was even more red.

The air distortion is a bit unreal.

"Senior Sister Xu, Senior Sister Mo, and everyone, are you alright?"

The sword-browed man covered his head, and beside him lay a group of pig-headed orcs who were also staggering.

At this time, both sides temporarily lost the power to fight, and it was not easy to barely stabilize their figures.


A few weak and soft voices came from a distance, obviously everyone's condition is not very good.

"Hey, there's someone inside!"

Among them, one of the junior sisters suddenly spoke. It was the youngest junior sister, who was only twenty-three years old this year, which was extremely young for a martial artist.

Everyone looked in the direction that the little junior sister was pointing at, and they suddenly saw a distorted figure slowly walking out of the hole in the distorted red air of the falling core area in the distance.

"This this...."

The sword-browed man was stunned for a moment, and then his body trembled uncontrollably.

It's just because the blurred and distorted figure is too big, it doesn't look like a human at all!

The burly figure is only four or five meters high, and in everyone's impression, only the orcs have such a physique.

The junior sisters behind him also noticed this, and couldn't help but tremble, their faces full of despair.

"Haha! My lord is here! The strong men of your human race in the sky are probably all dead!"

A pig-headed orc flicked its thick, slime-covered tongue and laughed maniacally.

Although they are not of the same clan as Niu Boss, their ability to reproduce is extremely strong, so most of them are assigned to various inspectors as errands.

To put it nicely, he is the subordinate of a certain big shot, but he is nothing more than cannon fodder.

The distorted figure in the distance seemed to have paused to observe something, and finally seemed to look this way.

At this moment, all the disciples of Qinglan Gym were tense, because in the fiery red dust, a pair of bright scarlet eyes were looking straight at this side, and the strange pupils seemed to have a terrifying killing intent.

The hand of the sword-browed man holding the sword couldn't help but tremble, but he still gritted his teeth and stood in front of the junior sisters.


At this moment, a piercing sound came.


There was a sound of a huge object falling to the ground, and the dust dispersed slightly. Seeing the things inside, the pupils of the sword-browed man shrank suddenly.

Compared with his reaction, the reaction of the pig-headed orc next to him was more violent.

"'s Boss Yuan!"

"Boss Yuan is dead?"

On the ground was a gigantic hericium head, its eyes turned white, **** and dead.

The sword-browed man looked at the red pothole area again, and the man began to walk towards this side slowly.

Jiang Heng grinned, and the giant ape didn't know if it was caught by the door. The one with long horns knows how to run away, but this fellow just stays around in a daze, isn't that courting death?

Jiang Heng didn't even use Jiuji to kill him, he just alternately attacked with Chongyunquan and Fuhai, combined with mental shock, the same instant kill!


In the sight of the sword-browed man, the distorted figure disappeared instantly, and he felt a gust of wind blowing in his ears, and the next moment, there were bursts of wailing sounds in his ears, as if all the sounds were blocked in his throat And the dead are average.

Plop plop!

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded, and the sword-browed man raised his brows, looked around, and opened his mouth wide.


"All dead?"

Twenty or thirty pig-headed orcs all stared wide-eyed and fell to the ground at this moment. There were **** holes in their chests, and the blood crystals inside had disappeared.

They are indeed dead and cannot die anymore.

Turning his field of vision again, he saw a burly figure about four meters tall, with blood-red muscle texture exposed in many places on the body surface. But many places are already returning to their original skin.

The black hair was fluttering in the breeze, and the man with the sword-browed man couldn't help but lower his head because of the coiled muscles like tree roots.

A group of junior sisters even swallowed their foam when they saw the burly man who suddenly appeared in front of them. For this stranger who suddenly appeared, they were both shocked and secretly relieved.

Although the man in front of him said that his physique was outrageous, he still looked like a human race.

At the same time, a doubt emerged in everyone's mind, who is this person?

There are only two big men in the small town, but one of those two is dead, and the one with the knife has also been defeated, and his life and death are unknown now.

Wait..... there's one more!

Everyone suddenly remembered the strange strong man who killed the giant eagle orc before, could it be this person?

Everyone couldn't believe it, because at the beginning they clearly saw that the man was not as tall as the man in front of them, and of course his hair color was the same as that man's.

Just as everyone wanted to say a few words of thanks, the other party disappeared in a flash.

"Senior Brother Yun, isn't that senior the same as the previous one?"

Several junior sisters supported each other and came to the sword-browed man and said weakly.

"I don't know." The sword-browed man shook his head, his face also very confused.

At the same time, **** of blood exploded on the battlefield from time to time, and the orcs suddenly found that their side's battle loss rate rose sharply.

"It's the inspector class of the human race! There are human inspector class members participating in the battle!"

Some orcs finally realized something was wrong and exclaimed.

"Boss Niu and the others?"

Some orcs became terrified, of course they were terrified of the huge role that an inspector-level envoy could play in a war. Unless everyone targeted each other in the first place, but in such a chaotic situation right now, everything would be different.

The destructive power that Jiang Heng can cause will rise sharply.

When a warrior of medium strength rushes into the chaotic battle group, he will become a very terrifying meat grinder, sweeping the lives around him.

"It's him! I saw him, let's kill together..."

Some small commanders in the orc clan shouted, and just halfway through speaking, a big hand clasped his head and pressed down directly, the whole body was directly pressed into the chest cavity, and the body sank directly into the mud .

However, the words of the little leader of the orc clan still attracted the attention of the little commanders with an energy level of around 2,000, and they all rushed towards the river crazily.

Facing the middle-level warriors of the human race, they directly showed their talents and abilities. One of the pangolin-like orcs curled up into a ball and spun rapidly in mid-air. At the same time, it quickly attracts the surrounding soil and rocks like a magnet. Almost in the blink of an eye, it gradually turned into a huge ball made of mud and rocks with a diameter of more than several hundred meters and roared towards Jiang Heng.

The terrifying size caused the surrounding air to hum!

"Well done!"

Jiang Heng clenched his big hand, exerted force on his waist and hips, and leaped violently, the ground exploded inch by inch, and a wave of air was sent out from his body, and he punched it away!



There are no fancy moves, just a punch, which pulls the energy of the stars to gather in the fist, and smashes directly into the giant ball with majestic strength.

bang bang bang!

There was a continuous burst of explosions from inside the ball, and the terrifying force almost penetrated directly into the pangolin-like orc leader along the layers of soil and rocks.

The little pangolin commander was still in the sphere secretly elated and furious, but suddenly the scales on his chest burst instantly, and his eyes protruded, as if he was about to be squeezed out.

A mouthful of blood sprayed out directly from the mouth, engulfing the broken internal organs and bones.


The giant ball began to fall rapidly and disintegrated in an instant, and the pangolin-like orcs inside died suddenly.

A Beast Race next to him has already bullied him. He is a thin snake with a diameter of only five centimeters and a silver surface. Its speed is as fast as a streamer.

His speed is comparable to that of a flying shuttle, but in the eyes of Jiang Heng, who has already achieved some success in the perception of Qi, it is not enough.

The little silver snake rushed towards him like a stream of light, and he opened his two fangs with cold light. His talent is speed and his own poison.

At his level, one-on-one, he has few opponents. Often people at the same level can only see a flash of light passing by, and they don't even know what it is, so they directly enter the body with poison and die instantly.

It's just that when he sneered, his neck hurt, and his figure was caught in front of the man with blood-colored eyes uncontrollably.

Jiang Heng frowned, and the little silver snake was filled with despair, never expecting that the other party could capture him so easily.

"It's so small, how big should this blood crystal be?"

Hearing what Jiang Heng said, the little silver snake almost vomited blood. He twisted his neck, trying to bite Jiang Heng.


Wipes of white light exploded one by one, covering the sea!

The little silver snake turned into a ball of anxious black charcoal and fell to the ground.

"too small."

Jiang Heng shook his head, he didn't even have the intention to take the other party's blood crystal.

It has to be said that the various talents and abilities of the orcs are endless. If Jiang Heng was not much stronger than ordinary mid-level warriors, he would really be besieged to death by this group of orcs who have not yet stepped into the rank of inspector.

Another two orcs attacked, one like a wolf and the other like a wolf.

The abilities of the two are very strange, they attack and kill Jiang Heng with left and right. When Jiang Heng slammed his fist at the panic, suddenly the panic disappeared in place.

It disappeared without the slightest sign, and even the Qi machine could not be locked. When I looked again, I found that the embarrassment was lying on the wolf on the other side.

At the same time, they separated again. When Jiang Heng punched the wolf, the wolf also disappeared in place. When he looked again, he actually appeared next to Hao.

"Isn't this embarrassing?"

Jiang Heng couldn't help complaining secretly, the abilities of this beast race are very weird, and at the same time, the uncertainty is huge. If an average warrior is faced with this kind of situation, they might really be able to turn the boat over in the gutter.

But Jiang Heng turned on Jiuji directly, and with just one breath, he instantly solved the embarrassment.

It seems that Jiang Heng's strength has no upper limit at all, and the remaining orcs who are about to step forward have completely lost the idea of ​​fighting, although they are not afraid of death. But it would be foolish to send death to such an ending that you know you must die.

Groups of orcs began to flee like a tide under the call of the few remaining orc leaders.

The Chongyun gymnasium is fighting with a group of orcs covered in needles like hedgehogs. He is worried that if he fights these orcs, he will be injured instead. Suddenly found that these orcs began to retreat without looking back.

"Elder brother, what's going on?"

Everyone looked at this scene in a daze, feeling a little grateful, and also let out a long sigh of relief.

The combined number of them is now less than fifty, and with the addition of the giant stone gymnasium, there are only eighty people. The Boulder Gym lost even more.

"This is... Could it be Brother Jiang!"

Yang Qi raised his head and looked at the sky, but he didn't see half of the figure above. He frowned, but just as he was about to speak, the younger brothers and sisters behind him let out an exclamation.

"It's Brother Jiang!"

"It was Brother Jiang who saved us!"

Yang Qi followed everyone's gaze and happened to see Jiang Heng chasing a group of orcs.

"Haha! This is a win! Brother Jiang is really a god!" An Yu was very temperamental, and he was ecstatic when he saw this.

"Since this is the case, if you don't beat the dog in the water, I'm really sorry for these dead colleagues!"

Yang Qi grinned, his face was full of murder.

"Yes! Beat the dog in the water!"

"Kill these bastards!"

It was said that all the disciples were full of momentum, and each of them had been holding back their anger for a long time, and wanted to vent it.

"Okay! Everyone, follow me to kill!!"

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