Master of Fist

Chapter 387: Sorry none of you can survive!

At this time, the giant ape has many scars on its body, and its fluffy hair has been stained with blood in large areas at this time, looking miserable.

But he still grinned grinningly and persisted.

He has to hold on!

He has played against the human race no less than a thousand times, he can reach this level, he knows the situation of the human race very well.

"I won't die! They can only die!"

The eyes of the giant ape were red, revealing a sense of madness. He was able to survive and even stand out from the countless hunting grounds, all because of his ruthlessness and the idea of ​​using no compromises to achieve his goals.

Isn't the time now?

Looking at the pale human warrior who was panting like a cow, a cruel smile appeared on the giant ape's face.

He wants to tear the two people in front of him into pieces, and repay the pain he has suffered double!

It's just that when he just wanted to punch forward, his body suddenly froze, as if being pulled by some irresistible force.

He looked back with red eyes.

"Lao Niu, don't stop me, I'm going to tear them apart!"

A big hand was firmly holding the tail of the giant ape, no matter how hard the giant ape exerted itself, it remained motionless.

"Stupid, there are three of them, how do you fight?"


From the corner of the giant ape's eyes, he caught a glimpse of a body rushing down below. The speed was extremely fast, and the opponent had already rushed here before the sound of breaking through the air could be heard.

"Go away!"

Jiang Heng yelled loudly, staring at the burly man who suddenly appeared in front of the giant ape. This man had two horns on his head, and he looked arrogant. The muscles on his body were extraordinarily strong, covered with a layer of obsidian-like leather. It looks extraordinarily hard, like a pitch-black demon.

It didn't look like there was anything special about it, even Jiang Heng couldn't stop at this moment.



Two words protruded from the horned monster's mouth, and he didn't see how to move, but raised his big hand and gently slapped Jiang Heng down.

Jiang Heng charged extremely fiercely, and he didn't dare to neglect the blow of the horned monster in front of him, and he felt that the opponent was extraordinary as soon as he struck.

It seems that this palm is a little different, but I can't control that much.

Chongyun Fist!

The wind swept away, the faster the speed, the more violent and domineering the force that exploded.

The muscles swelled rapidly, and the veins on the body surface protruded and swelled.


Hitting each other with all palms, Jiang Heng's expression suddenly changed at the moment of contact.

At this moment, he felt that he had hit an unshakable barrier, and his figure was directly fanned in the air, and he forced a spin back nearly a hundred meters before stabilizing his figure with the help of Chongyun Fist.

how is this possible? !

Jiang Heng forcibly suppressed the blood that was about to spit out, suppressed the boiling Qi and blood in his body, and only then did Jiang Heng stabilize his figure slightly.

His eyes fell on the opponent's slowly withdrawing right hand. It looked ordinary, just a big, thick, pitch-black hand covered with black leather like obsidian.

But it was such a big hand that slapped him directly, and he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Old Niu, kill them! Kill them!" The giant ape wiped the blood on his face, and his eyes scanned Jiang Heng and others viciously.

"Don't worry, it's just a bunch of chickens and dogs. Isn't that why the ancestors sent me here? Everyone on this planet must die!"

The horned monster glanced at everyone indifferently, and then looked down at the vast crowd below, but the words that came out of its mouth were creepy.

"Yes yes yes! Kill them all!" The giant ape nodded with a sneer.

"What a big tone, are all the orcs like this, boasting?" The burly man with a good palm took the opportunity to swallow a elixir, and after relieving a little deficiency in his body, he spoke lightly to the horned monster. I can't stop laughing.

"Cook, be careful, this guy is not easy!" The man with the knife also took a pill and became vigilant silently.

"It's not simple? It's not simple. I think it has four legs and one head. Can he still eat me?"

As soon as the words were finished, the horned monster suddenly turned its head, and a pair of plain black eyes instantly showed a hint of cruelty.

In the next moment, before everyone could react, his figure had disappeared from the spot. When it reappeared, it was already in front of the burly man, and the huge figure with a height of four meters looked down on the burly man.

He opened his mouth, a little unresponsive. too fast.

Subconsciously, he wanted to raise his hand, but just halfway through, a big hand was already on top of his head.

The burly man's eyes remained fixed for the next second, and he didn't react at all.


There was a crisp sound, the sound of bone cracking was clearly audible to everyone, and the head was like a watermelon exploded, splashing red and white on the spot.

When he looked over again, the figure of the burly man didn't even exist anymore, only a monster with horns on his head was licking the corner of his lips with a scarlet tongue, as if he had just enjoyed a delicious meal.

Seeing the man with the knife and Jiang Heng, the alarm bells in their hearts were raised to the highest level, almost reaching the point of chills down the spine.

"This... speed..."

Jiang Heng's eyes were glowing with gray light. After the opponent's explosive speed just now, he quickly opened his eyes and did not dare to slack off.

This speed can be described as close to the speed of light!

What kind of concept is it that a close-range fight can reach the speed of light? I'm afraid that's the case for a high-level warrior.

"Speed ​​and strength are so terrifying? Could it be that he is a master at the level of a high-level warrior?"

Jiang Heng only felt the pressure was great. At this moment, he had absolutely no idea of ​​killing this group of orcs in one fell swoop. He joked that it was better to save his life first.

It's just that Jiang Heng is curious, if this beast has the combat power equivalent to a high-level warrior among the orcs, then why doesn't the giant ape have much respect for this beast? On the contrary, there are more friends of the same generation.

This is very the orc class is clearly very strict, and the lower-ranking people cannot go against the wishes of the upper-ranking people at all. This is the iron law of the orcs.

Just like the upper-class bloodline clan can command many middle- and lower-class beast clans under its command. Even if they let them die.

"This kind of blood food is not bad, but what I want to eat most is you!"

The horned monster licked the blood on its fingers again, turned its eyes and landed on Jiang Heng.

"Could it be that your Excellency is the big man in the orc clan? Is it too inferior to come to the East District? Maybe the North District is more suitable for you!"

Jiang Heng smiled lightly, forcibly delaying the time, and at the same time urged the power of the ball to raise his state to the peak.

"Big man? No, no! I'm just running errands for the big man. As for why I came here, I can only blame someone here for messing with the big man. If the big man is unhappy, then I can only make you unhappy!"

The horned monster licked the last drop of blood and waved his hand.

"Okay, let's not talk about gossip, let's kill you first!"

Speaking in a flat tone, the horned monster slowly opened its arms, and the spine in the middle suddenly began to twist violently, as if a real dragon was hiding in the spine, trying to break free from the cage.

A ferocious monster crawled out from the spine of the horned monster. This thing looked like a dragon but not a dragon, like a snake but not a snake. Its ferocious and rough head was like the biggest vicious thing in the world.

The moment Jiang Heng saw the strange snake emerging, Jiang Heng's pupils shrank suddenly.

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