Master of Fist

Chapter 361: astral escape

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Having lived up to the painstaking efforts of the Patriarch Chongyun, Jiang Heng began to read through the pages patiently.

After reading this, after reading several pages, Jiang Heng became interested.

The book about racial potential is really interesting. Although it is one-sided in Jiang Heng's view, it can be said to be more rigorous.

The book is divided into upper, middle and lower classes according to the level of strength. Each class means the upper limit of the strength that this race may reach, and this upper limit is an average value.

For example, the Qinglan star where Jiang Heng is located, according to the algorithm of this book, the potential value should be at the lower level. Even if Jiang Heng becomes a high-class warrior, he will not be able to elevate the entire race as a whole.

Of course, the book also pointed out that this algorithm is not necessarily completely correct. The real racial potential value needs to be cultivated according to the abundant resources before it can be accurately calculated.

In other words, it would be accurate if the warriors in the Qinglan Realm took the average of the upper limit of their strength reached regardless of the training of resources.

"If you calculate it this way, no matter how bad the Qinglan world is, it should be an inferior racial potential."

Jiang Heng calculated the overall potential of Qinglan Realm based on the calculations in the book. The qualifications of warriors in Qinglan Realm are actually not bad, as can be seen from the number of warriors. This is also caused by the extremely harsh environment.

If the conditions are good, it is really possible to reach the racial potential of the inferior to the upper class.

According to the book, there are less than 50 racial potentials in the Milky Way currently known to have reached medium potential, and less than four have reached high potential.

"There are still five races that have reached the potential value of the upper race?!"

This made Jiang Heng very surprised, because it means that the weakest strength of this race after adulthood is also at the middle level, and the probability of becoming a high-level warrior is still more than 50%.

Jiang Heng is very clear about how rare the number of high-class warriors is. Not to mention anything else, there are probably only a hundred or so elite fighters in the Luohui Empire. Aker union or many some. As for the mysterious Seiya Federation, it is not clear.

It can be said that there should be no more than a thousand high-level warriors in the galaxy on the surface, but there are actually four, and the racial potential value of the entire ethnic group has reached the top level.

But when he continued to look down, Jiang Heng suddenly understood.

Purple-eyed Star Devourer: The racial potential value is high.

Number of races: The current statistics of this galaxy are 2.

Orc Sky Eye Clan: The racial potential value is high.

Number of races: 5

Mechanical super intelligent life-macro: The racial potential value is high.

Number of races: 1

Shadow Dragon Clan: The potential value of the race is high.

Number of Races: 3

These are all races with an extremely small number of ethnic groups, like the intelligent life macro, according to the description in the book, it is the strongest intellectual brain of the Seiya Federation, which belongs to the most powerful intellectual crystallization of the entire force, and is an existence that is absolutely impossible to replicate.

And the Tianyan clan of the orc clan is the aristocrat among the upper class nobles of the orc clan, and belongs to the existence that stands at the apex of the entire orc clan. Strictly speaking, this family cannot be classified in this category. But although the beast race is one, in a strict sense it is an integration of countless beast race groups.

As for the purple-eyed star devouring beast and the shadow dragon clan, they are all starry sky behemoths.

Among them, the shadow dragon clan is still an existence that cannot be observed without special means, and they do not live in the vision of ordinary people at all. Instead, it often travels through the plane of dark matter and feeds on dark energy.

Not to mention the purple-eyed star devouring beast, which belongs to the starry sky giant beast that devours stars for a living. Although it is a high level, but if it is really compared, even dozens of high-level warriors can't do anything to this kind of ominous thing.

This kind of thing can be regarded as improving Jiang Heng's knowledge.

It is also recorded in the book that once a superior warrior appears in a mediocre lower race, then if the descendants of this superior warrior reproduce, their talents will be far superior to those of the previous clansmen.

This belongs to innate inheritance, and the book specifically pointed out that racial potential can be improved.

When there are many such strong men in a race, and at the same time, this race has such strong men for several generations, and they are constantly improving and improving their talents through their own descendants, it is possible to improve the talent of the race.

After a long time, when Jiang Heng read the entire book, he couldn't help but chuckled.

"Hehe, this writing is a bit interesting. If more powerful people come out of Qinglan Realm, and then go back to feed back to the mother planet, I am afraid that after several generations or even a dozen generations, they will be able to upgrade to medium potential."

Jiang Heng is still very convinced of this point, after all, the racial potential value of Qinglan Realm is not bad.

Of course, there are also some natural fighting races, which are very aggressive in nature and have strong reproductive ability.

Warlike and fecundity are strong, which is a benchmark for rapid increase in racial potential value.

"The beast clan agrees with these two points!"

Jiang Heng suddenly remembered the special system of the orc clan. While improving strength by killing, it also eliminated the weak and retained the strong. In this way, the racial potential value of the orc clan will always be positive.

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng couldn't help but gasp.

From this point of view, it is not unreasonable for the Orcs to be able to form a see-saw pattern under the joint suppression of the three major forces in the Milky Way!

Even Jiang Heng feels that if the three major forces do not make changes, the situation may be completely reversed in ten thousand or tens of thousands of years.

"I think too much!"

Jiang Heng couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly.

"What does this have to do with me? If something goes wrong, a tall person will take care of it."

Putting down the book in his hand, Jiang Heng casually flipped through a few other books. The other miscellaneous books were not interesting, but those two books on martial arts gave Jiang Heng a small gain.

But that's all. This is obviously not a superior martial art. After Yuanqiu improved his own martial arts many times, Jiang Heng's vision has also improved a lot.

It is no exaggeration to say that the improved nine-star transport method and sea-covering are both middle-level martial arts. And the two books in front of me are inferior at best.

Shaking his head, Jiang Heng continued to go down the spiral staircase.

"It's getting drier."

Sniffing his nose slightly, Jiang Heng felt that his nasal cavity was a little dry.

"It seems that the Chongyun Gymnasium is still preparing to collect books here."

Jiang Heng didn't realize it until he reached the bottom floor and his feet touched the floor.

"It turns out that there are a lot of energy crystals buried underground."

Bending down, he casually opened a thick stone slab, and sure enough, there was a light layer of blood-colored energy crystals inside. Energy crystals emit heat energy all the time, so many energy crystals gather In this way, the place is naturally very dry.

Coming to the bottom floor, the books here are already very scarce, and there are less than a hundred books scattered on the surrounding bookshelves.

Jiang Heng just walked around casually, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Star Escape Technique!"

Halfway through the walk, Jiang Heng directly discovered this martial arts secret book that he had been thinking about for a long time.

According to Yang Qi, the star escape technique can only be learned by elite disciples in the sect. That is to say, this requires an energy level of about one or two thousand to practice.

Obviously, there is a certain threshold for one's own strength, so it is not surprising that such a martial arts is placed at the bottom.

At the same time, Jiang Heng is also looking forward to the other books here, they must all be martial arts that are no worse than Star Escape.

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