Master of Fist

Chapter 357: Gym Trouble

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Afterwards, Chongyun gymnasium returned to calm again, and Jiang Heng felt an unusual atmosphere in this calm.

But everything was as usual on the surface, and he could only endure this weird atmosphere silently, but reduced the number of times he went out even more, and focused on resting his body in the small courtyard.

He is waiting, waiting for an opportunity.

In this star field that is extremely unfamiliar to him as an outsider, an identity is extremely important. If Chongyun Gymnasium can give him a chance, then as long as he can do it, then he will definitely do it, just for a chance.

After waiting for several months, Jiang Heng has been here for a full year.

The strength is also from just stepping into the middle-level warrior level before, and now it has completely stabilized the middle-level warrior level. It is also because it has not devoured energy for a long time, so that the current foundation can be said to be extremely solid.

At the same time, it is also because of the past year of self-cultivation that Jiang Heng has gained a lot of insight on the journey of martial arts.

It is a bit clearer about the feeling of predicting the enemy's opportunity in the dark when he was fighting with Fei Shuo. Although it has not been fully grasped, it is already a glimpse of the door.

"It seems that there is a kind of Qi in everything in the world. Whether it is moving or undergoing other changes, the Qi on the object will change accordingly."

With his eyes closed, Jiang Heng feels every move around him. With this method, even with his eyes closed, he can feel where the nearby leaves will float and fall in the next second.

"This is the ability to comprehend after the improvement of the breathing method. If I can often enter and exit the dangerous fighting environment, I believe I can master this fighting skill faster!"

Jiang Heng muttered to himself, this kind of ability seems to require a person to have a chance to comprehend it in an extremely dangerous environment in a state of extraordinary tranquility.

"I just don't know if this ability is only possessed by me, or if others can comprehend it."

In his heart, Jiang Heng thinks that he prefers the latter. After all, this is not what he naturally possesses after improving his skills, but he gradually comprehends it in the midst of danger.


Jiang Heng opened his eyes suddenly, and subconsciously let out a small sigh. Looking in the direction of the courtyard door, he looked thoughtful.

Yang Qi hesitated before arriving at Jiang Heng's small courtyard, thought for a while and finally knocked on the courtyard door.

The action has just been raised, but has not yet fallen. With a creak, the door opened first.

"Brother Yang, do you have something to look for?"

Looking at Jiang Heng in front of him, Yang Qi always felt strange, as if Brother Jiang in front of him seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"Yes, there is indeed something important to discuss!"

Yang Qi smiled to hide the surprise in his heart, and stepped in at the same time.

After closing the courtyard door, Yang Qi was led into the only pavilion in the courtyard, and the two sat down one after another.

"Brother Yang, I don't know what to look for?"

Jiang Heng is not polite, and in fact there is no need to be polite, and Yang Qi is not a person who likes to go around.

"Brother Jiang, I know your strength is good, but I don't know how your strength has recovered after recuperating for nearly a year now?" Yang Qi did not make any detours and said directly.

A look of surprise appeared on Jiang Heng's face.

"Haha, brother Jiang, I'm going to misunderstand, and Yang has no malicious intentions." Seemingly worried about Jiang Heng's overthinking, Yang Qi quickly explained.

In the circle of warriors, it is a very abrupt and unfriendly behavior to rashly ask about the other party's strength. Those who are often questioned will suspect that the other party has ulterior motives.

"It doesn't matter, Jiang's strength has recovered seven or seven eighty-eight, thanks to the wound medicines and supplements that Brother Yang has sent one after another in the past year."

Jiang Heng waved his hand indifferently. He is still quite confident in his own method of restraining qi.

As long as they don't expose their strength in front of the opponent, generally the opponent will not be able to discover Jiang Heng's specific strength.

Moreover, Jiang Heng knew that the other party must know that his strength was not low. After all, being able to swim in the vacuum of the universe without dying was definitely not something that ordinary warriors could do.

"Oh, really?" Hearing this, Yang Qi showed joy, and quickly smiled: "That's great. This is half done."


Seeing this, Jiang Heng secretly nodded in his heart. It seems that my chance has come.

He's been suffocating for a long time these days. He wanted to use the identity of Chongyun Gym as a local force belonging to the Aker Alliance to conceal his identity as an outsider.

Although among the three major forces, other forces also have a lot of traffic. But Jiang Heng knew that he came to a strange star field. Having a local identity here as a disguise can indeed solve a lot of trouble.

"Oh, I don't know what brother Yang said?"

Jiang Heng looked at Yang Qi with a look of surprise on purpose.

Hearing Jiang Heng's question, Yang Qi came back to his senses, looking at Jiang Heng rather embarrassed.

"Brother Yang, it doesn't matter. Jiang's life was saved by the Chongyun Gym. Jiang will never refuse to do a little thing!"

Jiang Heng's words were very beautiful, and at the same time, it made Yang Qi calm down.

"That's it, Yang just talked about it. I hope Brother Jiang will think about it after listening to it."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded naturally.

"Brother Jiang is like this. Now you should understand more or less what happened to me in the Chongyun Gym." Yang Qi said with a change of expression on his face as he spoke, feeling a little helpless.

"To be honest, I am not far from the disaster of being destroyed in Chongyun gymnasium now!"


Now Jiang Heng is really a little puzzled, a catastrophe? Although it is known that the other party may be in a lot of trouble, this seems a bit too sensational.

"It is indeed a catastrophe. Brother Jiang, since you are a member of the Luohui Empire, you may not be familiar with the internal affairs of our Aker Alliance.

Within the scope of our Aker Alliance, all forces need to be dispatched from the Alliance. The order of the alliance is the iron law! No one is allowed to violate it, otherwise they will be hunted down by all the superior warrior forces until they are completely destroyed. "

Yang Qi looked solemn, but Jiang Heng was a little confused when he heard it. Could it have something to do with the disaster of the Chongyun Gymnasium?

"The catastrophe that brother Yang mentioned, could it be that the gymnasium violated the alliance's dispatch?"

Yang Qi shook his head and said in denial: "This has never happened. If you violate the alliance's dispatch, it will not only be a disaster. It will be death without a burial place!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was even more puzzled.

"Brother Yang wait a minute!"

Just when Yang Qi was about to continue talking, Jiang Heng waved his hand to stop him.

"Does what brother Yang said next involve the secrets of your Chongyun gymnasium? If so, I don't think I need to know!"

The other party obviously has extremely important matters, and Jiang Heng is not sure whether he can get involved in this.

Vaguely, he felt that the troubles encountered by Chongyun Gymnasium might not be simple.

"Brother Jiang, to be honest, is there any possibility for you to hesitate now?" Yang Qi looked at Jiang Heng with a half-smile.

Indeed, Jiang Heng really has no choice right now, not to mention that he now owes Chongyun Gymnasium a huge favor. In other words, this belongs to the hinterland of Chongyun Gymnasium. Even if his strength erupts right now, the Chongyun Gymnasium can't help him for a while, but he will be consumed to death on this planet.

What's more, Jiang Heng doesn't think that the other party has no way to suppress the bottom of the box for a force that has produced high-level warriors.

"Brother Yang's words are justified." With a wry smile, Jiang Heng spread his hands to signal the other party to continue.

Yang Qi wasn't angry because of Jiang Heng's words just now, he thought for a while, and then told the story again.

"My Chongyun gymnasium was destroyed precisely because of the dispatch of the alliance. The dispatch of the alliance is not so easy to complete.

The Aker Alliance is different from the other two major forces in the galaxy. My Aker Alliance itself is composed of many loose forces. The tacit understanding of mutual care and mutual love between the forces makes many forces in the Aker Alliance appear very united.

It's just that there are pros and cons to this system. The forces with high-level warriors sitting in the command naturally rest easy, once the alliance has friction with the orcs and the other two major forces.

These high-ranking people will only shelter their own feathers, but let those small and medium-sized forces charge forward. "

"In other words, Chongyun Gymnasium is now a **** in the hands of those superiors?" Hearing this, Jiang Heng was stunned.

"Not bad! And it's still a **** of no importance."

"It's not Yang who wanted to tell Brother Jiang this time, but the elder of my family." Yang Qi looked at Jiang Heng and seemed to want to see a slight emotional change on the other's face.

But obviously Yang Qi was disappointed, Jiang Heng's expression remained the same, he had expected this.

Yang Qi was originally the one who spread the word, and the real person in charge of the Chongyun Gym is the only great elder.

"Heh, brother Yang might as well just say, what does the Great Elder want Jiang to do?"

Jiang Heng smiled casually, since he has accepted the other party's kindness, some things cannot be shirked.

"Brother Jiang is so calm, but it makes Yang a bit of a villain." Yang Qi shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Brother Jiang, my Chongyun gymnasium is in crisis, although there are nearly 10,000 disciples in the gymnasium, there are actually less than 1,000 people who can be called warriors.

As for those who have stepped into the bone forging realm, there are only more than one hundred and thirty people. These are the core disciples of my Chongyun Gym. "

Listening to Yang Qi's narration, Jiang Heng still listened calmly, he knew that these were just foreshadowing, real troubles were coming soon.

Sure enough, soon Yang Qi thought about the sentence again and said in a deep voice:

"Just half a month ago, my Chongyun Gym received a dispatch order from the alliance, and I was ordered to lead more than a hundred elite disciples to the Iron Ring Star Field to join the frontline scuffle!"

Speaking of this, Yang Qi's voice trembled a little, as if recalling some kind of terrible memory.

Before Jiang Heng could ask, Yang Qi spoke.

"I don't know if Brother Jiang has participated in huge interstellar battles in the Luohui Empire, but in the Aker Alliance, interstellar battles often mean the death of millions of warriors. The lives of warriors there are like ordinary soldiers of the Luohui Empire Average, very cheap!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng could barely imagine that kind of scene. In addition to the confrontation of the top combat forces in the war, countless soldiers at the bottom fought with their lives.

No war is bloodless, it's just that the Luohui Empire is backed by technology, and the Aker Alliance dies are warriors.

"Then why doesn't the Aker Alliance introduce the technological means of the Luohui Empire to assist in combat?"

Jiang Heng was very puzzled by this. Since technological means can reduce part of the war losses, it seems that there is nothing to lose with the help of technological means, right? Even the Aker Alliance itself looks down on other people's technological means.

"Hehe, Brother Jiang, it's not that we don't want to. It's that the top management of the Aker Alliance had contacted the Luohui Empire a long time ago. They even tried to exchange equipment, knowledge, and even talents with some martial arts cheats.

It did produce some results at the time, but not much. This is not the reason for the lack of equipment and the lack of talents and knowledge exchanged. Nor is it because the Luohui Empire hides its clumsiness. It is limited by the eternal system of the Aker Union.

The long-standing system, as well as the great differences between the culture of many star fields under the Aker Alliance and the Luohui Empire, and other factors make it impossible for our Aker Alliance to fully integrate technology and martial arts.

This involves a very sensitive topic...reform...."

Yang Qi looked helpless, these things were beyond his control. There are even many things that ordinary inferiors can't know. This is also because their Chongyun gymnasium once entered the core circle of the alliance.

Jiang Heng frowned. To be honest, he felt a little unacceptable for this reason. It stands to reason that if the leaders of the Aker Alliance can have very decisive beliefs, it is actually possible to fully implement changes.

"No, the Aker League is different!"

Jiang Heng suddenly remembered the special system of the Aker Alliance, which was a loose alliance at all. It seems to be a whole, but in fact it is a deformed monster composed of many forces.

This system usually seems to be more free than the Luohui Empire, and may be better than the Luohui Empire in many places. But this system has a fatal problem. That is efficiency!

Incredibly slow!

Whenever there is an important decision, it needs to be discussed, discussed and discussed, and postponed and postponed. There is even a vote to confirm at the end. If there is a tie or someone is absent, you have to choose another day to discuss.

If so, it seems unsurprising that the Aker coalition has been unable to push through reforms.

"Then how can Jiang help with this matter?" Leaving aside those issues that can only be considered at a high level, Jiang Heng looked at Yang Qi and asked.

Hearing that Yang Qi also restrained himself, he got a little Only brother Jiang can save the more than a hundred elite disciples in my Chongyun gymnasium. Discount.

Brother Jiang's strength, although I don't know the specifics. But it's not bad to think about it. I, Chongyun Daoguan, would like to ask Brother Jiang to lead the disciples in the sect to the front line with me, and save as many disciples as possible! "

As soon as the words fell, Yang Qi got up directly and bowed heavily to Jiang Heng.

"Brother Jiang, please agree!"

Yang Qi spoke again with a sincere and sonorous voice.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng frowned again. Although he had expected it, he still hesitated to tell the truth.

"Brother Jiang, I won't let you help me in Chongyun Gym!"

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