Master of Fist

Chapter 333: 3 star civilization

"The other method is even more troublesome. There is a point system in the Warrior Alliance. It is said that when the points reach one million points, the Warrior Alliance will do its best to grant him a wish! No matter what the wish is, as long as the Warrior Alliance can achieve it It will be all right!"

As he spoke, Chen Wuji raised his eyebrows and looked at Jiang Heng, who opened his mouth.

Well, no need to ask, Jiang Heng knows that this one million points is not an astronomical figure that can be imagined.

"Okay, kid. You don't need to be too anxious. It's useless to be anxious now. Instead of thinking about these messy things, it's better to practice honestly and hard.

I know your qualifications. It is not a problem to step into the ranks of middle-level warriors within ten years, and it is expected to step into the ranks of high-level warriors within five hundred years.

As long as you step into the ranks of high-class warriors yourself, I believe that the problem of Qinglan Realm will not be a problem. Come to Qinglan Realm personally as a high-class warrior, I believe that the garrison forces of Qinglan Realm will never stop you! "

As he said that, Chen Wuji patted Jiang Heng's shoulder, full of emotion, he himself had lost his way. He missed the best promotion period, and now his vitality has begun to decline.

In the years to come, whether the Qi and blood can be maintained at present is another matter, and there is no extravagant hope for further progress.

Jiang Heng nodded, and while his heart was heavy, he gradually became clear and had a clear goal.

"Yes! My goal is a high-class warrior!"

During the next few days of sailing, Jiang Heng stayed in the training room inside the spaceship. Although commercial spaceships are not as good as military spaceships, they are also equipped with some simple training rooms, which are used to exercise the strength of the spaceship's armed forces. After all, interstellar travel is boring, and it is easy to retreat without strength.

There are more than a dozen training rooms on the spaceship, if this is the busiest place in addition to the entertainment area before. However, after the previous catastrophe, the armed personnel of the spaceship dropped sharply, and the number of people who came here was also much smaller.

However, some sporadic people can be seen exercising their bodies. Jiang Heng ignores other ordinary training rooms. What he prefers is a small gravity room, which can only accommodate ten people at most. enter at the same time.

And every time Jiang Heng found that the gravity chamber was almost unused, he thought that such a good thing had a small capacity, and he thought that there would be crowds scrambling for it. As a result, Jiang Heng found himself alone in it.

This saved Jiang Heng a lot of tongue.

But what Jiang Heng didn't know was that this gravity room was rarely used on weekdays and only warriors with a level of two or three hundred or more could barely enter it.

But the number of these people on the spaceship is not many, and many died in the turmoil before, and most of them are injured now, so it is even more impossible to appear here.

Jiang Heng entered the gravity room with a dark interior, turned on the gravity device without any hesitation, adjusted it to ten times the gravity and started warming up.

Ten times the gravity is not a problem at all for Jiang Heng today. It can withstand nearly 10,000 meters of pressure at the limit of the seabed, which is simply drizzle.

It's just that after being in space for too long, the bone density of the body is severely sparse, which still requires a certain recovery period.

After a little jumping, push-ups and standing piles for a while, Jiang Heng gradually adjusted the gravity to fifty times, and only then did he feel a sense of oppression in his body.

How much is fifty times the gravity?

Jiang Heng's gravity in Qinglan Realm is estimated to be 0.5 times that of the Earth in his previous life, but Jiang Heng didn't feel much after his rebirth with the help of his reborn body.

And this gravity room is based on the gravity of the Luohui Empire's home planet, which is twice that of the Qinglan Realm.

Fifty times the standard gravity of the Luohui Empire, the pressure can be imagined.

If Jiang Heng hadn't had the experience of resisting pressure in the deep sea before, if it wasn't for him being a powerful warrior with a level of over two thousand, this would definitely be an unbearable force.

A martial artist like Hansen, who was born in the Luohui Empire with an energy level of over a thousand, has at most ten times the gravity. Of course, this is related to the reason that the further the energy level goes, the bigger the gap is.

As far as other martial artists with an energy level of two to three hundred, it is extremely rare to be able to withstand five times the gravity.

With a punch, there was an explosion of air, one punch after another, tempering the body.

At the same time, Jiang Heng began to use the nine-star transfer method newly obtained from Chen Wuji, which is an advanced version of the Nine-Dragon Prison Lock Manual.

Strictly speaking, the Nine-Dragon Prison Lock Code was born out of the Nine-Star Transfer Method. Chen Wuji spread martial arts in the Qinglan world at the beginning, because first of all, he had to modify and spread the martial arts for many reasons.

Even the nine-star transportation method taught by his descendants in the Qinglan world is a simplified version.

It is very difficult to practice the nine-star transfer method without modification. The true power of the nine-star transfer method needs to be fully exerted in the universe.

The principle is to absorb various radioactive substances in space to practice cultivation, which is difficult to absorb on living stars. Therefore, we can only delete the step of absorbing radioactive substances, and directly focus on tempering the body.

Now is the time to truly display this martial art, Chen Wuji didn't hide his clumsiness, and taught Jiang Heng the original version of the Nine-Star Moving Method.

Red stars appeared on the surface of the body, but this time the red stars on the surface of the body are gradually changing to the blue direction. This change is slow but continuous.

Waves of majestic energy rushed into his body, making Jiang Heng clearly feel that he was gradually becoming stronger. This surprised Jiang Heng.

In the past, the Nine Dragons Prison Lock Code actually used the medicinal power swallowed in the body and one's own blood to strengthen the body, but this feeling of absorbing external power to strengthen oneself was unprecedented.

And this kind of improvement is simply not comparable to the previous Nine Dragons Prison Code.

It can be said that after stepping into the realm of a great master, the Canon of Nine Dragons Prison Lock can only improve Jiang Heng very limited. It's just that Jiang Heng could use the ball to continuously feed back pure energy, and with the help of a steady stream of energy, he could forcibly increase his strength.

This kind of improvement is naturally possible, but there are many restrictions, and the exercise of the body has almost stagnated. And everything has a limit. It is said that when a low-level warrior steps into the threshold of a middle-level warrior, it is no longer a mere energy storage.

Fortunately, there is now a nine-star transport method!

It's just that the blood-colored dragon patterns on the body surface are still there. According to Chen Wuji, such a change may indeed occur after practicing the Nine-Dragon Prison Lock Manual to the extreme. But afterward, if you switch to the Nine Stars Carrying Method, the blood dragon on the body surface will fade away.

But Jiang Heng didn't fade away now, and he didn't know why, and he didn't get a clear answer when he asked Chen Wuji. For the time being, Jiang Heng could only ignore it, thinking that it might gradually fade away after the Nine Stars Carrying Method is practiced in the future.

In this way, Jiang Heng spent almost all day soaking in the gravity chamber during the subsequent voyage. Before he knew it, ten days passed in a flash, and the Frederick Tourist Merchant Ship also followed the star arc to the nearest three-star ring.

Star arc is a very common astronomical phenomenon in the universe, and the Luohui Empire prefers to call it the cosmic fast track.

Equivalent to the existence of ocean currents, the spacecraft can sail at a faster speed when flying on the star Of course, Jiang Heng prefers to call it high-speed rail in his heart.

The three-star belt is a very small constellation-level civilization, with three living stars scattered in a star belt in an angle.

Through the porthole, Jiang Heng saw the beautiful Samsung belt outside.

Three life stars surround a huge star that emits orange light, and the three life stars are mainly blue, emerald blue and emerald green.

Space activities here can be clearly seen to be much more active. From time to time, space merchant ships fly by nearby, and in the distance one can see a man-made space ring around one of the emerald green living stars.

"Your Excellency, there is the interstellar port of the Samsung Ring." Hansen, who also just came out of the gravity room, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said softly.

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, his eyes full of surprise. It's just that he didn't pay attention, Hansen looked at him a little depressed.

Hansen managed to recover from his injuries today, and when he heard that his benefactor was in the gravity room, he ran excitedly. As a result, he suffered as soon as he entered. Still bleeding internally.

If it wasn't for Jiang Heng who was just warming up at that time and the gravity was lowered, he might have to go back and lie down for another month.


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