Master of Fist

Chapter 316: How is this possible? (Big

The giant crocodile seemed to be even more annoyed. He roared and twisted his body, his long tail whizzed towards the river like a swaying meteor hammer. The water was torn apart, stirring up the surrounding waters and hitting it hard.

"Covering the sea!"

Almost without thinking about it, Jiang Heng punched out again. This punch gave Jiang Heng a very different feeling, and he directly hit the giant hammer that came directly.

No matter what, even if he couldn't block the blow, he could temporarily get out of the opponent's attack range with the help of the driving force of the sea covered in the water.

Completely according to the running route modified by that inexplicable memory, Fu Hai blasted out as smoothly as silk this time.

It was very smooth, as if rehearsing it countless times in my mind, the billowing energy and blood were almost bombarded out of my brain.

A flash of white light erupted instantly on the front of the fist. Unlike before, this time the white light turned into a long beam of light in the water like it was on land, and shot away towards the distance, stirring up the water.


The white beam of light exploded instantly in the water, still like a torpedo detonating in the water, but this time the vibration was extremely strong, as if a small nuclear bomb exploded in the water instantly.

The scorching high temperature suddenly raised the temperature of the surrounding waters by more than ten degrees, and the light lasted for a few breaths before gradually subsiding.

The monster howled, the light faded, and the end of his tail had turned into a scorched black, and the area covered by the white beam of light had completely disappeared.

It stared at the human being in front of it with anger in its heart, wishing it could swallow the human being in front of it immediately.

With a roar, it rushed towards the river again with the water flowing, and granulation kept growing from the tail, but it seemed that there was some special energy in the wound that hindered his recovery progress, and he could only see countless granulation growing, but it still couldn't cover the wound. In stalemate.

"It has almost doubled its power?!"

Jiang Heng was shocked. Fu Hai, whose output was only about 80% originally, directly reached 99% of output just now. Almost developed this trick to the extreme!

It was just the moment of release, and the feeling of being emptied made Jiang Heng feel powerless for a moment. Fortunately, the energy quickly fed back by the ball replenished the consumption in time.

If he really relied on his own slow recovery, Jiang Heng's current physique would take an hour to fully recover.

"The body fragments that absorbed the original gods actually produced such a mutation?"

Jiang Heng was ecstatic in his heart. This was equivalent to giving himself an extra martial arts aid, which could correct and perfect what he had learned.

"Could it be that this fragment of the **** is Attil's head fragment?"

Indeed, such long and long life forms as primitive gods can receive the infinite knowledge and energy of the universe. Each of these life forms represents an unimaginable huge knowledge reserve, which is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary technological means.

"It's just that the output is only increased by 10 to 20% from the original 80%, and the power has doubled?"

Jiang Heng was extremely confused, but when he recalled the many modified operating routes in his mind, it became clear for a while.

Feeling the changes in the power of the sea cover just now, a fierce look gradually appeared in Jiang Heng's eyes.

At this time, the giant crocodile still rushed forward regardless, it wanted to swallow this little thing in one gulp, and the successive setbacks made it full of anger towards this little thing in front of it.

"Well done!"

Jiang Heng smiled heartily, completely let go of the restraints on his body, and stretched his muscles with all his strength in the deep sea.

The blood dragon circulates on the body surface like a real dragon with its teeth and claws about to come out and ride the wind, and the orifices appear on the body surface one by one like red stars.

The blue tendons were undulating and spreading on the body surface like vines. At this moment, Jiang Heng completely let go, just like when he used his full strength on land before.

It's just that the pressure on the seabed and the anaerobic environment make it difficult for Jiang Heng's breathing method to work.


Jiang Heng suddenly thought of a possibility!

Since the sea cover can be modified, can the breathing method also be improved? !

Thinking of this possibility, Jiang Heng even tried to breathe in the water regardless of the pain of choking on the water for a short time!

Jiang Heng didn't continue to hold his breath this time, and started to practice the breathing method in the water as if on land. Sure enough, all he inhaled was water, and the trachea was immediately occupied by water flow.

But even though the pain in the trachea and lungs was unbearable, Jiang Heng still insisted on completing a cycle of one breathing method.

Immediately after the next moment, ripples began to appear on the surface of the white sphere, and at the same time, the operation route of the breathing method emerged in his mind, and other branches were opened up on the original route, and an inexplicable memory flooded into his brain at the same time.

"Sure enough!"

Jiang Heng's eyes lit up, feeling the memory in his mind, his heartbeat accelerated a lot.

"This turned out to be water breathing?!"

The operation route of the original breathing method has changed, and more of them have begun to focus on the lungs and heart, but generally it is still a torment for the body.

The real biggest change is to cancel the process of mouth and nose breathing, and replace it with the body surface pore breathing to absorb oxygen from water.

"What am I now? Water-avoiding golden-eyed beast?"

According to the method in his mind, he ran the brand-new underwater breathing method again. Jiang Heng only felt that it was very strange, as if his whole body was integrated into the water. The body surface was communicating with the water flow all the time. From time to time, water flow entered the shallow pores. Then the air is sucked in and then expelled, and the cycle repeats.

Every time we breathe, tens of thousands of pores on the body surface are involved in this process.

Jiang Heng's state is even more perfect at this time. Apart from the obstacles and pressure in the water itself, Jiang Heng feels like he is on land, like a fish in water.

Facing the giant crocodile charging straight ahead, Jiang Heng did not retreat but advanced.

"I haven't eaten war beast meat yet, so I'll kill you today!"

With a spin of his body, Jiang Heng's whole body was like a top spiraling in the water and rushed straight away. When he was only tens of meters away from the giant crocodile, Jiang Heng had already raised the blood soldier in his hand high.

The blood soldier's qi and blood poured into it like a blood-red **** knife, slashing at the giant crocodile's head fiercely.


The water trembled, and the two figures rushed towards each other quickly.


At the moment when Jiang Heng collided with the giant crocodile, Jiang Heng used his blood soldiers to drive his figure to spin in the water at high speed, like a spiral slash that ruthlessly plowed towards the giant crocodile's head.

Scoff! ~

A series of sparks exploded in the water, and at the same time, many small pieces of rock-like skin on the giant crocodile's back were chopped off by the blood soldiers.

The two crossed each other, and the giant crocodile let out a cry of pain, and both of them wanted to slide forward for a certain distance.

At this time, the giant crocodile had been scratched from the head to the tail with a shallow scar, and it turned its head wildly and angrily to look at the little one behind it.

This little one really made him very angry, it was not slippery, and the key point was that it could cause harm to itself.

"It seems that pure physical damage is not very harmful to him!"

Looking at the shallow wound on the back of the giant crocodile, Jiang Heng shook his head, this **** soldier is still too light at the moment.

If it was the weight of nearly 50,000 catties in the past, it was indeed not bad, but now that the body has broken through one after another, 50,000 catties really feels a little light.

If he wanted to defeat the big man in front of him with pure strength, Jiang Heng reckoned that he would need a weapon of more than 100,000 jin, and a blasting hammer would be effective.

"I don't know if there will be a chance to use you in the future!"

Looking at the blood soldier in his hand, Jiang Heng sighed lightly, and carried it on his back again.

Indeed, with Jiang Heng's current growth rate of strength, such weapons as blood soldiers will only be quickly eliminated.

"In that case, let's practice with you!"

Jiang Heng squeezed his five fingers and clasped his hands, and layers of fine scales immediately covered the entire palm. It is a white bone glove.

The giant crocodile stared at Jiang Heng almost unblinkingly, as if waiting for an opportunity. After seeing Jiang Heng put away the weird weapon, its eyes lit up, and the next moment it attacked again brazenly.

With a flick of its figure, it drew an arc in the bottom of the sea, turned around, and its figure shot straight again like an arrow.

It stared at the little one who was still not avoiding, the bloodthirsty and madness in its eyes were even worse.

It's just that it's a little curious, why this little dot seems to be getting bigger and brighter, and it's also rushing towards it.

Its brain is not working well, and what it knows is wrong. But it is also smarter than ordinary beasts, but it doesn't understand why the other party dares to charge towards it without a weapon.


Today is still a sunny day, and the sea water slaps on the reefs off the coast of the island, making a clacking sound.

The island is very lively today, because the last ship has arrived in the deep water near the island.

This is the ship responsible for delivering supplies to the island.

All of them are some living materials, as well as some cloth and other things on weekdays, and some things that are scarce on the island, such as some spices and tea.

Chen Wuji greeted the person in charge of transporting the supplies with a smile. This person was Zhang Qiuye, the Jiange head teacher who had placed Jiang's family in the temporary accommodation of the Yiqi League.

"Senior Chen!" Zhang Qiuye's attitude was extremely low when he saw Chen Wuji. Although he was the head teacher of Jiange, he was a great master of internal training.

But facing this old senior, he still showed extra respect and even humility.

He looked at Chen Wuji and was shocked in his heart, as expected of the person recorded in the classics. After all these years, nothing has changed.

When Zhang Qiuye stepped into the Grandmaster Realm and joined the Yiqi League, he had met Chen Wuji as a newly joined Grandmaster. At that time, Chen Wuji looked like this, but time flies.

He was only in his fifties when he stepped into the realm of a master. Now that nearly a hundred years have passed, Chen Wuji is still the same Chen Wuji as before. And he has turned into an old man who looks similar to Chen Wuji.

"Well, you did a good job at the Jiang family." Chen Wuji nodded lightly, affirming Zhang Qiuye recently.

"Senior Chen, this is nothing more than a trivial matter in the face of the great cause of the revival of the human race." Zhang Qiuye hurriedly said modestly.

"Don't underestimate yourself. I thought your aptitude was good. It's a pity that your path is different from mine. If you have the opportunity to leave Qinglan Realm with me in the future, a certain person can show you a clear path!"

Chen Wuji smiled lightly, as Zhang Qiuye, the Jiange headmaster at the level of the veteran of the Yiqi League, Chen Wuji did not hide many things from him.

"Senior, you said that there are distinctions between foreign warriors, and there are even warriors who are stronger in internal training just like us, is it true?"

Zhang Qiuye's eyes shone a little.

"Naturally!" Chen Wuji nodded slightly.

"Internal training and external training lead to the same goal, but don't be too happy too early."

"Internal training also has some branches of internal training among warriors outside the region, but they are a small poke after all, and they don't focus on internal training. In their view, internal training is just an auxiliary effect. With the help of internal training, they can further temper the internal organs. .”

"Of course, the direction of your internal training is quite different from theirs now, and it may not be certain that you will be able to blaze a new path. Lu Yixin is a good example!"

Chen Wuji commented with a smile, although he usually disdains internal training. But from the bottom of my heart, I have always praised the internal martial arts practitioners in Qinglan Realm.

It is really rare to be able to open up such a path of slanting the sword without guidance.

This is mainly due to the special circumstances of the Qinglan world, with limited resources. Obviously, internal training is more suitable for living in this world than external training.

Of course, there is obviously still a long way to go after this road. If the problem of longevity is not solved, this road can only be trapped in one place in the end.

Even the method of accumulating energy and raising the sword developed by Lu Yixin is the same.

But what he saw and heard in the Qinglan world opened Chen Wuji's eyes. He never thought that the martial arts at the bottom could be played by these natives.

A way that is not popular in the extraterrestrial starry sky has been developed here with various wonderful uses.

A master with an energy level of just over 200 can kill orcs with an energy level of 500 or even 600 or 700. It seems that warriors in Qinglan Realm generally recognize that the weak defeat the strong.

This greatly touched Chen Wuji. One must know that in the extraterrestrial starry sky, a difference of fifty points in energy level is a huge gap, let alone hundreds of points.

"Brother Lu's swordsmanship Zhang has seen it before. He is indeed amazingly talented, and he can think of such a magical effect. It's just that his way is a little different from mine, and I can only learn from him."

Zhang Qiuye sighed with emotion.

Chen Wuji at the side watched the other party's expression calmly, feeling quite complicated in his heart.

Both Lu Yixin and Zhang Qiuye, the head coach of the Jiange, are rare talents in the internal training line. One always thinks about saving and saving, and firmly believes that saving for hundreds of years will be able to beat the hegemony.

One of the minds is thinking about constantly consolidating the sword gang, seeing that the sword gang is constantly condensing and compressing, and feels that when the sword gang is compressed to the limit, even the space can be cut.

Chen Wuji felt that if the two people's thoughts were told to those former colleagues outside the region, they would definitely be considered as whimsical fools.

Indeed, even now Chen Wuji doesn't think what these two people think. It is impossible for these two people's ideas to be realized if they do not break through the limit of life span.

The former is okay to say, but the latter is completely a fantasy, cutting through space? This is something that even high-level warriors dare not even think about.

"Huh! Fortunately, there is still a normal person like Jiang boy!"

Chen Wuji felt that it might be that the extremely desperate environment of the Qinglan Realm gave birth to a lot of geniuses who were so obsessed and even neurotic.

But fortunately, Jiang Heng is considered a normal person in Chen Wuji's eyes.

"Well, indeed! Although Kid Jiang has a lot of secrets, he is a down-to-earth young man. He won't have any unrealistic ideas in his head like these two." Chen Wuji thought to himself.

But at this moment, suddenly the whole island seemed to tremble.

"what happened!"

"Did the earth dragon turn over?"

"This is the sea, where did the dragon come from? Could it be that the sea **** is angry?"

At this time, the crew who were unloading the cargo over there began to discuss, and almost everyone could feel this change.

"No! The sea is rising!"

"It's...really, Grandpa Sea God is angry!"

Many people began to panic. Most of them came with the ship this time, some old sailors from the coastal state capital. They have seen many storms and waves, but the scene in front of them is really scary.

It's like seeing the surface of the sea is constantly rising, and the sea water is pouring around.

"Senior Chen, this is it!"

Zhang Qiuye tightened his sword around his waist, and his expression suddenly became dignified.

He has come to this small island occasionally, but this is the first time he has seen it.

"You go to protect the goods, leave it to me here!"

Chen Wuji's complexion was also not very good-looking, and he had already expected the monster that was about to break out of the sea.

"I really don't have a long memory!"

Cursing inwardly, Chen Wuji has slowly lifted into the air, hovering above the sea surface, staring unblinkingly at the sea surface that seems to be accumulating strength.

Chen Wuji is very familiar with that war beast, but last time that guy saw the bad situation and escaped quite quickly.

Looking at Chen Wuji in the sky, Zhang Qiuye also breathed a sigh of relief. He was still a little troubled about the unknown existence in the sea.

For someone like him who grew up inland, the ocean has always been a place to be cautious.


At this time, the rising trend of the sea level began to accelerate, and the trend of sea water pouring around was increasing.

Zhang Qiuye quickly rushed to the ship's surroundings, and kept using his sword to resist and unload the waves of water that kept pouring and hitting.


Suddenly, there was a sudden explosion on the surface of the sea, like thunder in the clear sky. Then a huge black shadow quickly broke through the sea.

"How courageous! How dare you go out..."

Chen Wuji's face was full of anger, and when he was about to roll up his sleeves and punch him, his body froze slightly.

After the nearly 100-meter giant beast flew upwards, it actually passed by Chen and continued to rush upwards.

"this is......"

A look of confusion flashed across Chen Wuji's face.

At the same time, countless crew members and sailors watched the scene with their mouths wide open on the ship below.

The nearly 100-meter giant beast broke through the sea in an instant, and the huge shadow instantly enveloped everyone.

"What kind of monster is this!"

The headmaster of Jiange's eyes were inexplicably horrified. He thought that he had killed several ?? level monsters, and felt that monsters were already the most powerful monsters in the world.

But what is this in front of me? !

"Hey! Is there someone below?!"

Zhang Qiuye's eyes were wide open. He frowned and stared carefully, and even rubbed his eyes. There was indeed a person on the monster's abdomen.

A man wearing only a white vest with scales all over his body, his body is several times bigger than ordinary people and full of muscles!

Zhang Qiuye was not even sure that it was a human being, because the **** stream of light on this person's body was erratic, and blood dragon tattoos were coiled around his body.

But this outburst of qi and blood that made him feel terrified couldn't be fooled!

He is the human race! !


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