Master of Fist

Chapter 304: catch

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Muttering softly, Liu Shizong walked out slowly.

"You want to run after beating someone? Don't you take me too seriously?" A deep voice sounded from behind, Liu Shizong was startled, and immediately turned around to look.

The young man from before was still sitting safely on the seat at this time, but there was a very obvious wound on his shoulder, and the blood continued to overflow. The wound was ten centimeters deep, and even severed bones could be seen.

Liu Shizong's pupils shrank suddenly, he stared blankly at Jiang Heng and muttered to himself: "How is it possible? How is it possible?"

"Yeah, it's a bit unbelievable!"

Jiang Heng touched the blood on his shoulder and nodded.

"You can cut me with one sword, there is something about your sword!"

He was already extremely surprised by this Jian Jiangheng, and the momentum was not even as shocking as the one from Mr. Fu back then. But in terms of breaking the defense, it is indeed extremely extraordinary.

Jiang Heng is naturally clear to what extent his physique has reached now. It is no exaggeration to say that although he is a little worse than a monster, he is definitely not that bad.

Although it is not clear how terrifying the monster's physique is now, judging from the situation in Hengjiang City that day, it is not much different from it.

Although the ultimate form is not activated right now, judging from the master who was good at boxing yesterday, the opponent can only hit a small internal injury. The stellar energy was even slightly higher than this person's, but the armored man's stellar energy was more scattered, far less concentrated than the sword master in front of him.

It can't even be described as concentrated, but condensed into silk threads and cut out almost to the extreme, a good method!

Jiang Heng couldn't help being a little interested in the master of swordsmanship in front of him. This person seems to have stepped into the realm of a master, but if he stepped into the realm of a great master, there is an existence with extremely strong aura. If the ultimate form is not activated, this sword will You can kill yourself, right?

"How is it possible? You are not the head of the Black Tiger Hall, Zhou Yan? Who are you?"

After regaining his senses, Liu Shizong had already tightly grasped the hilt of his sword with one hand, his spirit was highly concentrated, and he was able to resist his own long song. This is by no means an ordinary person.

No, even the great masters in the Jiange have to use their swords to counteract it, otherwise how can ordinary flesh and blood block the unique skill of the Jiange?

Liu Shizong groaned secretly in his heart. It is said that Yiqi Changge is the unique art of swordsmanship that the sword masters of the Jiange have painstakingly perfected. Jiange disciples are extremely bad at group battles, but one-on-one duels are definitely enough to leapfrog the ranks. Liu Shizong never understood why Jiange paid so much attention to the practice of long songs.

You must know that in the Jiange, all inner disciples must practice the basic skills of singing long songs in addition to the basic skills. First, start with the sword fingers, and practice hard to consolidate the strength, and then practice hard to consolidate the inner energy, gradually Get used to it and turn to solidify the energy.

It can be said that Jiange disciples have been preparing for a long song from the beginning. He didn't understand at first, but until he left Jiange to wander outside, his experience gradually increased.

Knowing that above the warriors in this world, there are Yin Sha and demons, and Yin Sha is nothing more than Yin Sha, even a martial arts master alone can do nothing.

From the moment he stepped into the Grandmaster, he knew that with this sword, if the qi became stronger and stronger, he might be able to try to deal with the demon.

But this sword missed today when he was beheading this martial artist who seemed to be only at the third rank.

Who is this person?

Could it be a demon in disguise?

Thinking of this, cold sweat flowed from Liu Shizong's forehead, and a gust of cold air rose from the soles of his feet and rushed straight to the sky.

"Who am I? Hehe, I want to ask who you are, who came to my territory for no reason and cut me with a sword. How do you think this matter will be settled?"

Jiang Heng slightly twisted his right shoulder, but saw that the visible wound on the shoulder quickly stopped bleeding, and countless granulation was rapidly intertwined and glued together.

Seeing this scene, Liu Shizong has no doubts in his heart, monster! It's really a monster! !

"Escape! Must escape!!"

He turned around quickly, but when he turned around, a flash of silver light cut out again.

Jiang Heng frowned, this inexplicable swordsman is really rude!

Blood-red dragons entangled rapidly around the left arm, and the entire left arm began to skyrocket. At this moment, Jiang Heng looked rather deformed. Zhou Yan's eyelids twitched as he watched.

A surge of energizing qi made his qi and blood stagnant, and even his inner qi was a little mired in a quagmire.

Six blood-red dragons wrapped around their left arms and directly blocked the attack with one hand, scoff!

A smear of blood flashed across, and the blood overflowed, Jiang Heng's eyes were slightly surprised, so he could still cut it open?

However, he saw that a bloodstain had already appeared on the palm of his hand. The bloodstain was not wide, but it also cut directly into the skin and cut through the dense texture. It was not until the palm bone prescription was barely stopped.

"Good guy!"

The next moment, Jiang Heng's figure quickly disappeared on the spot, and the galloping Liu Shizong hadn't run very far. He was born in Jiange and devoted all his hard work to this sword. He had never touched other martial arts at all, so that his speed can be said It is the existence at the bottom of the Grandmaster Realm.

Feeling the overwhelming pressure rapidly approaching behind him, Liu Shizong gritted his teeth and turned around.

"Death is death! The swordsman should face the opponent directly!"

A sword was pulled out The sword glow flickered, and the majestic sword power in the body began to pour into the sword at any cost at this moment. In the eyes of the master, it is also a rare first-class high-grade, but at this moment, it also let out a sigh of overwhelm.



Liu Shizong only felt a cramping pain in his abdomen, his eyes were about to split open, and his whole body was curled up like a small shrimp. The hand holding the sword was shaking constantly, while the other hand was tightly covering his abdomen, and he knelt on the ground with a plop, making no sound. howling.

"You have something." Jiang Heng grabbed Liu Shizong's hair with one hand and lifted it up.

Glancing at the deep bone wound on his chest, he became even more curious about this guy in his heart.

"You... you... what do you want to do?"

Liu Shizong grinned his teeth in pain, and looked at the young man in front of him with some horror, and looked at the sneer on the other side's face, Liu Shizong felt a little bitter in his heart. He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of some torture methods of demons.

He has never fought against demons, the only thing he wants to say is that he may have seen the demon-slaying sage from afar in Liuzhou, but he doesn't know if that is a demon, but it is very abnormal, if the other party did not pay attention to him, He can't even guarantee that he can escape alive in that guy's hands.

That monster-slaying sage is like a demon **** on the battlefield, and tens of thousands of troops look like chickens and dogs to that person, and there seems to be no difference between the man in front of him and that monster-slayer.

"I'll ask you an answer. If the answer satisfies me, I can spare your life! Otherwise..."

As soon as the words fell, Liu Shizong's complexion changed suddenly.

"You... what are you doing to me?! Why am I...."

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