Master of Fist

Chapter 301: rely

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At this moment, Jiang Heng only felt that his whole body was surrounded by an extremely strong force of qi and blood, as constant as the moon and rising like the sun. Every fascia was stretched to the limit like a bow, the joints creaked, every muscle cell swelled to the limit, and the body size reached five meters, like an angry lion roaring and roaring.

At this moment, both Lu Yixin and Jiang Heng broke out with all their strength and tried their best in an instant, just like gamblers who squeeze out all their chips in a casino.

Because they know that in this battle, either you die or I die. Ordinary attacks may not have any effect on the guy in front of him at all, but will consume his own blood and accumulated energy over and over again.

There is only one chance!

It's now!


Under the cover of the sea, the right fist has been shrouded in a mass of white light, which contains extremely high temperature, and the sky is like a scorching sun, shining like a fire, emitting terrifying light and heat.

At this moment, the line of sight was enveloped by an instant burst of light.


A sound of tinnitus came, and the surrounding seemed to be quiet, only an increasingly rapid sword sound and a dull explosion sound could be heard.

Jiang Heng couldn't see anything at this moment. After punching out, his whole body flew backwards and fell rapidly like a meteor.


The ensuing roaring sound began to sweep through the air, and immediately the terrifying shock wave spread downwards and spread rapidly around.

The top of Qiong Ding Peak was the first to accept this impact, the ground burst inch by inch, and countless pavilions began to be shrouded in white light, and finally crushed instantly by the terrifying air waves and pressure.

Both Lu Yixin and Jiang Heng flew upside down, and one of them grabbed a rock in embarrassment to hide his figure in it. And a figure slammed heavily on the ground, shaking up endless gravel.

At this time, the clouds and mist within a few hundred meters around Qiong Ding Peak had completely turned into a clear sky, blown away by a terrifying air wave.

But in the eyes of many people in Qiuye Town at the foot of the mountain, they looked up in horror at a new scorching sun appearing above Qiong Ding Peak. The light was clearly visible for hundreds of meters around, and many people stared wide-eyed, a little at a loss.

In their view, this is already as mighty as a fairy. This is not like a method that a master can use at all, it is more like a miracle!

Of course, some smart people have already ran back to their own houses again, and moved all the heavy objects of the house to the gate to block it tightly, and at the same time rolled up the bed and wrapped themselves tightly in it.

Above the Qiong Ding Peak, the light gradually faded, but the air still seemed a little distorted, and there were strange refraction changes under the sunlight, which couldn't be seen clearly.

"You two ants really surprised me!"

However, when the thick and majestic voice resounded from the distorted sky again, the expressions of Jiang Heng and Lu Yixin changed suddenly.

This is not dead? ! Jiang Heng's heart trembled, he knew how powerful the blow he had just exploded was. An absolute blow can directly kill the previous Huang family's ??-level ninth-rank level.

But right now, the other party's voice is still full of air, it seems that the attack just now didn't even affect the other party in the slightest.

There was a gray light in Jiang Heng's eyes, and he looked intently again.

Through the thick mist and the distorted space, the burly figure was still suspended, but at this time the clothes on his body had disappeared, replaced by brown scales covering his whole body, like The fish scales were densely packed, and there were no other injuries on his body.

It's just that there is a scorched black on the front of the chest, and there is a burnt wound on the palm of the palm. Even the scales on the palm are gone, but this wound is limited to the palm.

In addition, there is a bloodstain on the palm, which seems to be a sword mark, but it is not deep, only a little blood overflows. But soon the blood stopped,

Only the burnt **** mouth on the palm didn't heal quickly, but with the recovery speed of the other party, it will be a matter of time.

"how is this possible?!"

Jiang Heng's eyes widened, a little afraid to accept such a fact.

This is the strongest blow caused by pouring out all the energy and blood of the whole body?

The smoke above was slowly dissipating. At this time, Lu Yixin also noticed the other party's state, and his face was also dignified and ugly.

"You two ants are quite proud of being able to hurt this king at this level. But that's all..." Overlord shook his hand, the muscles in his upper hand were wriggling rapidly, and now even the burning wound was gone. Recovered in an instant.

In the end, not even the slightest scar was seen.

"Warriors hundreds of years ago? No wonder the vitality is so amazing. Not bad!" Overlord looked at Jiang Heng, with an undisguised greed on his face.

Jiang Heng only felt deeply powerless at this moment, and he had no countermeasures at all. It seems that all the means prepared before are very pale and powerless in the face of this powerful strength.


I still have black balls!

Jiang Heng thought of the black ball in his body, but after pondering for a moment, he couldn't help a wry smile in his heart. This thing doesn't seem to have the means to deal with the current desperate situation at all.

Although the blood crystal energy of three ??-level middle and low-grade monsters is stored at this time, what can this energy do? At most, two or three hundred drops of blood essence can be condensed. And just now, four or five hundred drops of blood essence have been exhausted at one time, and the effect is so little, what can be done about it?

"Okay, there are still people waiting for me at the palace, since I have played with you before, then die!"

Overlord's voice was flat, as if he was talking about a very trivial matter.

The next moment he flipped his right palm, then slowly slapped down, and pressed!

Immediately afterwards, there was a trembling and roaring sound from the sky, and then a huge phantom palm covered with scales, which was 100 meters long, appeared out of thin air and rushed downward quickly.

The phantom of the giant palm oppresses layers of air with a terrifying whining sound.

At this moment, Jiang Heng finally knew the difference in the power talent of the overlord that the Huang family said, and directly affected the power of the entire area with a palm and blasted away.

If you want to break this palm, you have to face the strength of this hundreds of meters area by yourself, and you have to fight against the palm strength of the Overlord himself!

It's over!

Jiang Heng's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of unwillingness, but he still drew the last trace of blood from his body and wanted to fight to the death.

Glancing at Lu Yixin from the corner of his eye, Jiang Heng was slightly taken aback.

However, Lu Yixin raised his head and looked at the phantom of the palm blocking his vision. He didn't panic or panic, let alone despair.

"this is......?"

Just when Jiang Heng was in doubt, another explosion suddenly came from his ear, and the torrential torrent came quickly like a mountain torrent.

However, the phantom of the palm pressing down in the sky suddenly stagnates, and the reason for this is that a vigorous blood-red fist shadow appears from above, and the fist shadow is also a hundred meters long, with a terrifying power that is not inferior to the palm shadow , which collide with each other.


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