Master of Fist

Chapter 290: grasp

Just as Lu Yixin was in a daze, there was a sound of hurried footsteps outside the hall.

But I saw Gao He go and come back again.

"Leader! Outside the mountain gate, Gang Leader Jiang from that day came to visit!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Heng barged in, followed by a large group of Sword League disciples trying to stop him. Seeing this, Lu Yixin waved his hand to signal everyone to retreat, and at the same time looked at Jiang Heng and frowned slightly, not knowing why Jiang Heng was so reckless this time.

Jiang Heng looked at Lu Yixin, who was standing in front of him alive, and breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he looked left and right, and finally his eyes fell on the middle floor in the hall.

At this time, because a monster died, the blood on its body was splashed on the ground, causing the ground to be corroded and mottled. Because it happened suddenly, it hasn't been dealt with here yet.

"Already here?"

Jiang Heng opened his mouth with such inexplicable words.

Hearing this, Lu Yixin's eyebrows relaxed slightly, and he said with a light smile, "I've been here."



"You killed it?"

"I killed it!"

The two of them just had a conversation that sounded inexplicable to outsiders.

After a while, Jiang Heng raised his head and laughed loudly, and Lu Yixin who was opposite him also smiled knowingly.

"You came here in such a hurry, do you look down on me, an old man?"

Lu Yixin felt that Jiang Heng was not bad, and he seemed casual when talking with him.

"Haha, where is it! Senior Lu is not old. With your appearance, you look old even at thirty!"

It is true that Lu Yixin's appearance looks extremely young. It stands to reason that he should look older than ordinary masters in this way of raising his sword but not his body.

"Old! You're almost a hundred years old. You didn't listen to me, but you came here. It seems that your strength has improved again?"

Lu Yixin smiled and waved his hands, and said, looking at Jiang Heng, narrowing his eyes slightly, as if he was measuring Jiang Heng's current level.

Pay attention to the official account: the base camp of book friends, pay attention to get cash and coins!

"Your qi and blood are well restrained, but your breathing and pulse tell me that you have become stronger!"

Lu Yixin spoke slowly, but his tone changed slightly from before. This can cause people like Lu Yixin to change their mood, which is obviously a very surprising thing for him.

Jiang Heng was even more astonished. He didn't expect that Lu Yixin could still feel his own breathing and pulse from such a distance?

But this astonishment was fleeting, Jiang Heng pondered for a moment, and then stepped forward in silence.

Lu Yixin looked at Jiang Heng suspiciously, but the next moment, Jiang Heng's body suddenly increased and he came to Lu Yixin almost instantly.

Lu Yixin, who didn't have much vigilance at first, was terrified when he was suddenly attacked like this, and it was too late to stop him. A big hand was already on his shoulder.

At this time, Lu Yixin's movements were only a little bit, but soon his resisting movements stopped in place, his eyes widened and he looked at Jiang Heng in disbelief.

At this time, Jiang Heng had already retracted his hand with a smile, cupped his hands and said: "Senior Lu, how offended you were just now!"


Lu Yixin was a little dumb, and opened his mouth to say something, but the changes in his body made him start to work and transform involuntarily.

Just now, Jiang Heng sent some unabsorbed pure energy from the black ball to Lu Yixin.

Jiang Heng's idea is very simple, that is to reveal this secret to Lu Yixin. If you want to step into the Blood Sea Realm as soon as possible, you need the support of the entire Bazhou Jianghu.

He wants to use the entire Bazhou rivers and lakes forces to collect medicinal materials and elixir for himself for the final energy reserve.

"The actions at the palace are becoming more and more frequent, I really don't have much time!"

Jiang Heng was thinking secretly, his eyes were on Lu Yixin who was on the side.

After a while, Lu Yixin breathed a sigh of relief, and he looked at Jiang Heng with a strange look in his eyes.

"Master Jiang, your move really scared Lu!"

At this moment, Lu Yixin was very shocked. Just now, he absorbed and transformed that ray of energy, which was equivalent to his nearly one year of cultivation in the past.

"Senior Lu, these are just some chances for the junior. It's just that the junior told the senior about this, so I hope the senior will remember not to tell others!" Jiang Heng said helplessly.

"Well, but if you tell Lu about this, the troubles that Lu has encountered right now don't lack a year's worth of skill." Lu Yixin nodded, with a wry smile on his face.

"Senior Lu, do you think I can only give you one year's skill?" Jiang Heng looked at Lu Yixin with a smile.

Looking at the smiling Jiang Heng, Lu Yixin's expression was a little tense at this moment, he frowned and said solemnly: "Guangzhu Jiang, can't do this trick..."

Jiang Heng nodded with a smile, and immediately told Lu Yixin about his own ability, apart from other things, about absorption and feedback.

"You mean, as long as there are enough medicinal materials and elixirs, you can continuously improve your skills?"

Listening to Jiang Heng's description, Lu Yixin almost gasped.

He has been practicing martial arts for most of his life, and this is the first time he has heard that it is so easy to improve his strength.

"Not bad!" Jiang Heng nodded.

"It's really because of this, so senior Lu, you still have to think about this medicinal material and elixir."

Jiang Heng is now thinking about the treasury of the Twelve Swords League in the Sky, and Lu Yixin's reputation. With Lu Yixin's reputation, it is no problem to gather a wave of medicinal materials in a short time.

Hearing this, Lu Yixin nodded.

"Well, I'll talk to Gao He and the others later. It's just that my sword alliance has fallen apart. Originally, the treasure house of the sword alliance is the heritage of each family, and now nine families have left. And over the years, Lu has not cared much about these external assistants. Things, and I don't have much savings.

I don't know if it can meet the needs of Gang Leader Jiang. "

Immediately, Lu Yixin remembered what had happened in the Tianqiong Twelve Swords League recently, and his brows could not help but frown.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was also a little dumbfounded, he was still here to eat the big family this time, why tell him now that the big family is gone?

Jiang Heng frowned slightly, he now felt that things were too idealistic.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Heng looked at Lu Yixin and said, "Senior Lu, how many years of skill do you think you can kill the Overlord?"

Hearing Jiang Heng's question, Lu Yixin also frowned endlessly. He fumbled for his chin with one hand and got up and paced back and forth.

"I have fought against that But according to my estimation, there is only a 30% certainty in fifty years, and a 60% certainty in one hundred years, and he will be killed in two hundred years!" Lu Yixin pondered for a long time.

At this moment, neither of them knew how shocking the topic they were talking about would be. One dares to ask, the other dares to answer.

It's as if a superpower who dominates one side is just a fish on the chopping board.

"Two hundred years..." Jiang Heng's brows were furrowed instantly. Two hundred years of skill is equivalent to the energy absorbed by the entire medicinal material reserve of Yu's treasure house.


Jiang Heng looked at Lu Yixin, he remembered that Liu Shizong's conversion of energy into stellar energy was not accomplished overnight. This also involves the time of conversion.

This time may be half a month or even a month, but will Overlord really give them time?

But at this moment, there was a burst of dense footsteps outside, different from the chaos of ordinary people, the sounds outside were uniform, it seemed that nearly a hundred people were coming quickly with their neat footsteps.

"Fourth brother!"

"Fourth brother!"

A man's shout sounded outside, but after waiting for a while, it seemed that there was no response, and the man's shout disappeared.


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