Master of Fist

Chapter 258: bad guest

In fact, the old man knew that his suzerain didn't even belong to any of the twelve families of the Twelve Swords League.

Lu Yixin looked at the sunset that was about to slowly set in the clouds.

He was calm and no one knew what he was thinking.

Many people in the Jianghu are guessing which family's swordsmanship he inherited in the world.

In fact, no one knows that he has not inherited any swordsmanship at all.

His swordsmanship is derived from the basic skills that are very common in the world.


right! hack…

It is one of the basic skills of sword practice, chop!

He has always been a person who can calm down and is an extremely dedicated person.

No matter what he was doing, when he was a child, his family was poor at chopping firewood, and he would figure out how to chop wood correctly little by little.

At first it was a clumsy chopping, and soon the hands were covered with blisters.

But slowly, he began to chop firewood easily. It's faster than my father's chopping, and even the latter is better than those mountain people who sell firewood all the year round.

Later, the family was in trouble, and bandits killed his parents.

When he returned to the village, the bandits hadn't left.

Relying on the ax he used to chop wood all the year round, he killed one bandit, two, and a hundred.

In the end, even the bandit leader of the entry-level warrior was hacked to death.

It was with that ordinary ax that he cut off the head of the bandit boss very precisely and skillfully.

Later, he started to practice martial arts and swordsmanship, and he couldn't pay a teacher without money, so he could only spend a few copper coins to buy a book of the most common basic sword moves.

In this way, he continued to practice the chopping in the sword strokes according to the sword strokes!

One year does not make two years! Two years does not make five years!

ten years!

In this way, he gradually became a master of pulse refining and became a master!

But slowly he discovered that the ingenious precision of the sword moves was almost perfect.

But the power of the sword move is not enough!

He found out that it was because of the lack of Jian Gang.

In order to solve this problem, he figured out a new method by himself. It should be said that it is another path that belongs to internal training.

He didn't know if this was the right path, but he was patient and dedicated enough.

It's just that this road is not a last resort, so you have to show your sword to others.

Just ask for a moment of brilliance!

In this way, he settled down and did not move his sword, one year, five years, ten years, thirty years!

He didn't come out with the sword until it was enough to kill the man with one sword.

"Come on! Come on!"

Looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, Lu Yixin put his hands behind his back and sighed leisurely.

In the next few days, the situation in Jiangfu was calm, and Jiang Heng was still adapting to the strength after stepping into the Grand Master. This kind of adaptation did not take as long as the previous breakthrough. Because the great master realm pays more attention to the outbreak, which is the kind of extremely terrifying outbreak.

It's just that there are only 20 drops in his body, and Jiang Heng doesn't dare to squander them easily. These 20 drops are produced by consuming nearly all the accumulation of medicinal materials and the energy of one blood crystal.

Only twenty drops of such majestic energy are condensed, which shows how terrifying the power contained in each drop is.

But today, a group of unexpected guests came from the Hengjiang gang.

"Who is in charge? Come out for me!"

At the gate of the Hengjiang Gang's resident, a group of men in dark red clothes with no knives on their waists shouted loudly.

This shout attracted everyone's attention. The Hengjiang Gang was first established, and many people were still stranded in the gang. At this moment, hundreds of pairs of eyes stationed in the gang all looked over.


It's just that this group of people didn't have the slightest timidity to meet the eyes of everyone, but instead stared back fiercely.

Jiang Erhai frowned and strode out, looked at a group of well-dressed men in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Is it inappropriate for a few of you to come to the door like this?"

Jiang Erhai now manages thousands of members of the Hengjiang Gang, knowing that at this time, he naturally cannot lose the breeze of his own gang, so his tone is a bit harsh.

"Badaomen is in charge! Are you in charge?"

The tall and strong man at the head glanced at Jiang Erhai and said proudly.

"Exactly! Badaomen? I don't know what you have to do?"

Jiang Erhai frowned, and muttered in his heart, he heard from his son a few days ago that Badaomen might send someone to come recently, and sure enough, they really came in a few days.

"What's the matter? Of course it's a good thing!"

After the leader knew that Jiang Erhai in front of him was the person in charge, he felt his energy and blood, and secretly despised him in his heart.

Since Jiang Heng developed the ability of the black ball, he has helped his father deliver energy, even including Jiang Heng's own immediate family members and his grandfather.

I don't think that I can help my family members, but I just help them take care of their bodies.

Now Father Jiang, Third Uncle, and Old Man Dou have stepped into the Pulse Refining Realm. Others don't have any foundation in martial arts, and they are much slower to adapt to the ultimate third-rank Qi and blood. It will take some time to step into the Pulse Refining Realm.

Therefore, Jiang Erhai's level is naturally looked down upon by the man Badaomen.

This person is just an elite disciple of Ba Dao Sect, he is at the fourth level of the Pulse Refining Realm, and he looks down on this second-rate gang in his heart. However, the reason for coming here is because I heard that the newly established Hengjiang Gang has a lot of people, not less than 5,000 people.

"Good thing?" Jiang Erhai frowned, knowing that the Badaomen's visit was probably not good.

"My Hengjiang Gang is just a small gang that has just been established. We don't want to do good things. We just need to guard the three-acre land steadily. Badaomen's kindness is appreciated. This is a little bit of filial piety, and I hope the brother A lot of Haihan."

As he said that, Jiang Erhai smiled and touched a handful of gold leaves from his bosom, and was about to stuff them into the hands of the man in front of him calmly.

Although he knew that his son might be very powerful, he still didn't want to cause trouble for his son, especially since this was Bazhou, where he was unfamiliar, and it was said that there was a grand master standing behind Badaomen.


Unexpectedly, this man directly slapped Jiang Erhai's hand away, and sprinkled a handful of gold leaves on the do you think labor and capital are? "

Before Jiang Erhai could do anything, this man grabbed Jiang Erhai's collar with his hands and directly lifted Jiang Erhai up.

The opponent has been fighting to reach the pulse refining state step by step, and the speed of his shots is not comparable to that of Jiang Erhai, who has been forcibly promoted to the pulse refining state.

But at this moment, the man only felt his heartbeat speeding up suddenly, he frowned, shook his head, let go of Jiang Erhai, and looked around, feeling a little surprised.

"What's going on? Why did you suddenly have a creepy feeling just now?"

The man muttered secretly in his heart.

Little did he know that just as he shot suddenly, a man holding a sword in the room inside had already clenched the hilt of the sword, and the blade had already been unsheathed by a third.

"The benefits I give you from Ba Dao Sect is to value you."

The man stabilized his flustered mind, grinned and sneered at Jiang Erhai.

But seeing Jiang Erhai wanted to argue again, he waved his hands impatiently and cursed: "Stop talking nonsense!"

"Five days later, I will open the Badao Sect, and your Hengjiang Sect will send a thousand members. At that time, our Sect Master will personally teach you unique skills. This is a great thing!"


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