Master of Fist

Chapter 243: go home

In the end, helpless, the time was almost up, Yan Qingqing had no choice but to take a group of people to the house where the Jiang family lived now under Jiang Heng's several hints.

In fact, the situation of the Jiang family can also be expected with the situation of the sub-rudder.

To the west of the city is Liu Lane. This is not a place where rich people live, but it's not too bad. It belongs to the residential area where relatively well-off families in Bazhou City can live.

The Canglang Gang also has some industries here, but most of them are small businesses. Of course, this is the case on the surface. Secretly, the Canglang Gang buys a large amount of materials here, and at the same time transports them to the Changgang Wharf, and then directly passes through the wharf. The Canglang River was transported to the main rudder of Cangzhou City.

However, since the main rudder is now destroyed, the acquisition business here has also stopped. In addition, there was also a problem at the pier, and a large number of gang members were injured and maimed. These pensions are also a large expense. It can be said that the Canglang Gang sub-helm is semi-paralyzed.

And in an unremarkable house in the middle of Xiangliu Lane, the door plaque of the originally idle house had been changed a few days ago, and it was changed into the current Jiangfu.

The yard is not big, with an area of ​​more than 20 mu, it would be enough for an ordinary wealthy family. But this time when the Jiang Manor came to visit this big family, it seemed very crowded.

Jiang Erhai looked at the family members who were crowded into the whole hall to eat, and sighed slightly, the rice and braised pork in the bowl also felt tasteless.

"Husband, is there any news about Heng'er today?"

Dou, who was sitting by the side, picked up another vegetable for Xianggong Jiang Erhai, and asked in a low voice.

This inquiry instantly attracted the attention of everyone present, including Jiang Yuyin, Jiang Sanhai, the grandfather's family, and Su Yu's family. Including a group of old people from the former **** agency waiting at the door, as well as Xiao Rou and Lai Fu, especially the two of them.


Jiang Erhai shook his head, and didn't bother to elaborate on the careless picking of rice in the bowl.

Of course, he has been in contact with the sub-helm of the Canglang Gang recently, and he naturally knows the current situation of the sub-helm. Yan Chongshan told him not to come over for the next few days, saying that a catastrophe was imminent and he was afraid it would harm them.

This made Jiang Erhai even more worried. On the one hand, he was worried about his son who was far away in Cangzhou City, and on the other hand, he was also worried about the situation of Yan Chongshan.

In this prefectural city of Bazhou, people are not familiar with the place of life, and I heard from Yan Chongshan that Bazhou is no better than Cangzhou. There are dragons and tigers here, and there are countless masters in the rivers and lakes. Even the Canglang Gang have to shrink their necks here be human.

Jiang Erhai didn't know anything else, he only knew that the Canglang Gang had to be careful here, and he also knew that the situation here might be even more complicated than in Cangzhou.

Especially when I heard that there are still Jianghu forces with master masters in the city, I am even more worried.

But he couldn't talk about it in detail with his family.

Jiang Yuyin drooped her little head, in a very bad mood. After pawing a few times, she put down the bowl and chopsticks, talked to her mother and father, and left the lobby.

The little girl looked around the small courtyard, the small courtyard was not big, and even because there were many people living in the courtyard, there were many places where clothes were hung to dry, not to mention the beautiful scenery of the courtyard, there was not even a place to take a walk, and it was only a few steps away. able to meet other people.

When I came to the front yard, I looked at the gate, hesitated for a moment, but still mustered up the courage to go out.

"Miss, Madam said, don't go out recently."

Xiaorou saw it at this time, and quickly stepped forward to persuade her in a low voice.

Jiang Yuyin shook her head, looked at Xiao Rou, and forced a smile: "I just stood at the door and couldn't go out."

As she said that, she came to the gate of the courtyard on her own, poked her head out of the courtyard, looked around, and squatted on the ground in disappointment for a while.

Supporting his little head with his hands, he looked very distressed.

"Miss misses the young master, right?" Seeing this, Xiaorou also felt a little strange, and she squatted beside Jiang Yuyin gently.

"Do you think my brother will come to me?"

Jiang Yuyin stared blankly at the ground with her small head propped up and said softly.

"Yes, of course!"

Xiaorou was also a little dazed, she nodded first, and then said very affirmatively.

"That's right..." Jiang Yuyin raised her head, staring at the blue sky and white clouds above in a daze, with a lingering sadness on her pretty face.

Just a head slowly poked out in front of her eyes, looking down at her.

Jiang Yuyin's pupils shrank slightly at first, and then recovered.

"It must be my eyesight."

The little girl closed her eyes, and opened her beautiful eyes again after a while, but the face of the man in front of her reappeared, with a smile on her face, a familiar face and even a familiar smile.

"elder brother?"

"I... am I not dreaming?" Jiang Yuyin murmured.

"You'll know if you touch it?" The face lowered and got a little closer, looking at her with an uncontrollable smile in his eyes.

"Brother! It's really brother!"

Jiang Yuyin yelled happily, and Xiaorou, who was dazed beside her, was in a daze.

"Brother? Master?"

Xiao Rou turned her head, and when she saw that familiar figure, she couldn't move her eyes away.

Jiang Heng just wanted to give these two little girls squatting outside a so he lowered his voice when he walked over.

As a result, the two little girls hung around his neck like two wombats one after the other.


After a while, until Fu Qingshui on the side coughed twice, the two little girls jumped down quickly after realizing it, their little faces flushed a little. After all, it is a bit shameful for the girl Jiajia to act like this in front of outsiders.

"Are parents okay?" Jiang Heng rubbed the little sister's hair, Jiang Yuyin was not annoyed, she nodded vigorously, her little face was filled with joy.

Jiang Heng also nodded, the outside is not a place to reminisce about the past, so he took the two little girls directly into the inner room.

But at this time, the Jiang family had already exploded, and the concierge had already rushed into the back room to report.

Although the Jiangfu in Bazhou is different from the Jiangfu in Cangzhou and Hengjiang City, the people inside are all old people from the past. The concierge was the former concierge, and Jiang Heng even remembered their names.

One is Wen Sheng and the other is Qiu Sheng. The two are outcasts who were abandoned at the gate of Jiangfu more than ten years ago. They can be said to be loyal to the Jiang family.

The people who were eating inside couldn't afford to eat at this time, they all put down their bowls and chopsticks and went out together.

Only Jiang's father was a little slower. He looked at the turbulent flow of people, with a smile on his face.

As the head of the family, he looked at it from a different angle. He was not happy as a father when he saw that the whole family was so convinced by his son.

This is especially true for those old masters in the Escort Bureau, each of them seemed to see the ray of dawn before dawn.

Jiang Heng also didn't expect that he would cause such a sensation when he returned home, but these years of tempering did not make him feel at a loss.


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