Master of Fist

Chapter 218: change skin

The voice is friendly, as if talking with a long-time friend.

"You...what do you want to do?!" Jiang Fuzun sat up a little bit, and his words also carried a hint of warning.

"do what?"

Zhang Jiangzhu grinned, and at this moment a figure slowly walked out of the shadow behind Zhang Jiangzhu.

The slightly bent back of the figure, the old man in gray clothes gradually revealed his figure.

"Master, everything is ready, let's start!"

The gray-clothed old man cupped his hands respectfully and said with a smile.

The sudden appearance of the old man made Jiang Fuzun even more aware that something was wrong with what happened tonight. With a flick of his sleeves, he stood up and said: "General Zhang is exhausted as an official, so I will go back to the room to rest. If the general has something to discuss, let's discuss it tomorrow. Tomorrow, the Japanese officer and the general will have a good chat in Zhenbaolou!"

But when Jiang Fuzun got up, he found that the other party was not moved, he shook his head slightly, waved his sleeves and turned to leave.

I'm not particularly worried in my heart, after all, they all belong to the court officials. And these days he also thinks that he has not offended this person, everything is careful and low-key.

Even if the gangsters under the opponent's command did evil, causing many gentry to come to the government office to cry and complain about him, they temporarily suppressed him.

Although military officers have a humble status in the capital and Gyeonggi area, in other state capitals, most of the literati in this world still have to rely on military officers.

Just like the relationship between him and Lu Zhen before, they check and balance each other, and they have to sell each other some face.

This can be regarded as the normal state of Dayan today. A military officer needs the words of a literati to deal with His Majesty and the aristocratic family. And literati also need the help of military officers to deal with some difficult things in the local area.

In the same way, Jiang Fuzun thought that the other party could be against him.

Glancing at General Master Zhang with a smile on his face, Jiang Fuzun cursed secretly, but even more so in his heart.

Isn't Liu Shizong, the military officer of Liuzhou, attached to me like a dog?

What's more, the military attache of Zhenfusi is different from the military attache of Yizhou garrison.

If you want to rank the military officer of Dayan. The frontier army has always been relatively cryptic, let's not mention it for the time being.

As for the other military officers, the Military Officer of Zhenfu Division has the highest status. They are equivalent to the eyeliner distributed by the imperial court to various places.

The second is the general who commands the troops of several states, and the third is the general of a state.

As for General Zhang, even if he has gathered troops from several states under his command, Jiang Fuzun is polite to him on the surface, but he is actually quite contemptuous in his heart.

If it weren't for the fact that the opponent had many soldiers and horses, the status of the ruler of his family would actually be slightly higher than that of the opponent.

To put it bluntly, this is the difference between someone and no one in the court.

"Brother Jiang, Mr. Zhang wants to borrow something from you tonight!"

Just as Jiang Fuzun was about to turn around and leave, General Zhang said leisurely.


Jiang Fuzun frowned, and then relaxed it. It's easy to talk about just borrowing things.

He sat down again, stroked his beard and said with a smile: "I don't know if the general wants to borrow food or silver taels? These officials can squeeze out some money if they raise a little money."

Hearing the words, General Zhang smiled, a little weirdly.

"Zhang borrowed Brother Jiang's human skin to use!"


Before Jiang Fuzun could react, a blood mist exploded in front of his eyes.

The dozen or so people in front of them exploded within one or two breaths before even screaming.

Zhang Jiangzhu disappeared in a flash, bringing out afterimages, and blood mist exploded wherever each afterimage passed.

As Zhang Jiangzhu's chest swelled slightly, countless blood mist was sucked into it, and a blush began to appear on his face.

A handsome face looked a little ferocious at this moment.

"you you you…"

A literati like Jiang Fuzun has never seen this before. He had seen warriors kill people before, but he could still see the trajectory of such killings, which belonged to traces to follow.

But the scene in front of him fell on ordinary people like him, as if the other party was still ten meters away one second, and the next second was close at hand.

And all the guards under his command turned into blood mist and were sucked away by the opponent.

"Demon... demon!"

" are not...not human! You are a demon!"

Jiang Fuzun was so frightened that Fat Rou kept trembling. As he was trembling, he felt his lower body heat up, and a hot current gushed out, and the air carried a faint smell of urine.

Zhang Jiangzhu's face began to distort at this time, and cracks began to appear on his handsome face, and pieces of flesh and flesh continued to fall off like rotten wallpaper.

It exposed the twisted and squeezed flesh and blood inside.

The next moment, Zhang Jiangzhu's head and flesh swelled like an inflated balloon, and it popped open.

Countless flesh and blood rushed out like a huge flesh-and-blood texture worm. Just when Jiang Fuzun was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, the **** muscle worm suddenly pushed his upper and lower jaws open, and immediately poured in one after another. in.

Jiang Fuzun's eyes widened. His fat belly began to bulge at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, his neck bulged. At this moment, his neck was like a python swallowing a prey that was far larger than himself, and his blood vessels were bulging. It was hideous and terrifying.

Jiang Fuzun could only whimper incessantly, the maidservants who were waiting on both sides had completely fainted from fright, and it lasted for more than ten breaths. Get back to nature.

And Zhang Jiangzhu's body began to collapse and flatten at a speed visible to the naked eye as the flesh and blood gushed out, and finally fell to the ground along with the clothes to form a wrinkled and damaged human skin.

At this time, Jiang Fuzun's body had fully doubled in size, and as the last bit of flesh and blood slid into his belly like a loach, his eyes began to turn white, his mouth began to foam, and his fat body kept trembling. , could clearly see something wriggling inside his epidermis.

With the peristalsis, Jiang Fuzun's figure, which more than doubled in size, began to slowly return to normal, and his eyes slowly returned to normal. It's just that the expression in his eyes has changed, becoming a little cold and unfamiliar, but after careful comparison, it can be found that his eyes at this time are almost the same as those of Zhang Jiangzhu just now.

However, the 'Jiang Fuzun' who had just changed his body just got used to it, and immediately bent down and vomited. He spit out dozens of catties of white fat and filth, exuding an extremely unpleasant smell.

"You humans are probably talking about this kind of stuff!"

After Fuzun' he let out a long sigh of relief, he twisted his neck and moved his hands and feet and nodded in satisfaction.

"This body allows me to stretch out a little bit. Much more comfortable than that body."

Indeed, just looking at the appearance, there is nothing to say about Zhang Jiangzhu's appearance. But in terms of body shape, it is far from Jiang Fuzun's thick and thick body.

"Congratulations, master, for changing your body. It will be more convenient to do things later." Seeing this, the old man in gray hurried forward, his old face was full of smiles, and the folds of his smile were like chrysanthemums.

"En!" 'Jiang Fuzun' nodded, quite satisfied with this body.

"Then you use your disguise technique to pretend to be what I was just now. Then you are in the light and I am in the dark."

Hearing this, the old man nodded and said with a smile: "I will definitely not miss the master's business. In this way, the whole Cangzhou has been completely under the master's control!"

'Jiang Fuzun' just nodded, not very interested in it.

He squeezed his five fingers slightly, with a ferocious expression on his face, and said with a sneer: "But before that, I have to clean up that mouse! At that moment just now, I have already located his position! He... ..

There is no escape! "

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